AmberCutie's Forum
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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. LittlePikachu

    What has been your favorite job in your life? (non-camming)

    Re: What has been your favorite job in your life? (non-cammi I tried working as an ice cream truck driver, once. I idled down the street in a van, occasionally ate ice cream, and got little kids in trailer parks to hustle for me in exchange for free popsicles. You know those're the kids who...
  2. LittlePikachu

    Suggest a good movie!

    Lots of really good stuff in here! :] My taste in movies could best be described as "incredibly eclectic" so here you go Make-you-think movies: Wisconsin Death Trip - Morbid as FUCK, absolutely fascinating. Pressure Cooker - Feel-good documentary about high schoolers in a culinary arts program...
  3. LittlePikachu

    ACF 2012 Presidential Election Poll

    I could give some cop-out hooey about separation of church and state, but I've got two additional reasons for this besides the "part is not the whole" argument. 1: It shuts up the irritating fundies. 2: Not the most popular view, but I think that civil unions shouldn't be limited to those in...
  4. LittlePikachu

    ACF 2012 Presidential Election Poll

    I find it difficult to support either of the two main parties given the fact that with current campaign finance laws, their job is primarily fundraising and secondarily governing, and they've embraced the money with open arms. I hate the gay marriage issue, by the way. We're asking the wrong...
  5. LittlePikachu

    Car Repair and Maintenance

    $60 to replace my brake pads and rotors myself? Sure! (3 hours later) I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER CAR WITH DRUM BRAKES AGAIN (hyperventilating) ...on the up side disc brakes are pretty easy. This thread has reminded me that I need to stop being lazy and figure out which fuse needs replacing...
  6. LittlePikachu

    "The # of People I've Slept With..."

    I'm pretty thoroughly entrenched in slut territory. I should have realized that when my 'welcome home to the east coast' present was a hot, nerdy, willing woman LOL
  7. LittlePikachu

    Lollipop Chainsaw

    When you put it that way...gotta try it. Besides, Tara Strong does the lead character's voice, and she's awesome. <3
  8. LittlePikachu

    Guild Wars 2

    So since you admit to being a fanboy maybe you can tell me.... how's someone who's used to being main tank/raid leader gonna feel about the combat system and dungeoning? I like the idea that every job is equally good in combat, but a quick glance over the marketing propaganda on their website...
  9. LittlePikachu

    Why we need sex education (AKA Todd Akin)

    This guy makes me fantastically angry... and then I encountered a total fuckwit saying similarly misinformed things, implying that this godforsaken bastard is right SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE ... how did he put it? "even in cases of rape or incest? that doesn't make abortion right. besides, if you...
  10. LittlePikachu

    Guild Wars 2

    Oooh.. I am going to have to check this out, I need something to regulate my workaholic tendencies now that I'm self employed. (wow... when's the last time you heard someone say something like THAT about MMOs lol) Sadly this means reinstalling the OS on my gaming laptop because whenever I let...
  11. LittlePikachu

    Make Your Own Graphics (Without special programs!)

    What Allison said. The kind of graphics this mfc-css-pro dude is posting are the kind that I see "too much" as is when I accidentally click on one of those porn sites that market exclusively to people who want to be on Jersey Shore. When I see that graphical style, I think of girls who resemble...
  12. LittlePikachu

    A "normal" job

    YES. I can build my business slowly and do it right, rather than having to constantly hustle to keep afloat. This year, I was promoted from lead technician for my company to tri-state regional tech director. I also created the entire business model for a new tech-focused store, including...
  13. LittlePikachu

    don't know where else to post this

    Sending all my best to you. I know how hard it can be.
  14. LittlePikachu

    WTF World of Warcraft Moments

    My favorite: I co-GMed and main tanked for a guild for quite some time, and when we were working on twins in ToC for the first time, our (very white) main GM calls out this gem: "KILL THE BLACK GUY, KILL THE BLACK GUY!!!" Everyone was laughing way too hard and we wiped. Then we came back and...
  15. LittlePikachu

    Who here wears glasses?[PIC]

    I <3 my newest pair of glasses. :D Umm.. even if I get Lasik I'll probably still wear glasses.. it'd just feel wrong to go without after 20 years with them.
  16. LittlePikachu

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Hello! :D I'm Ellie, or LittlePikachu on MFC. I haven't played Pokémon since the original 151... I got too caught up in MMOs. ;) I spent about 8+ years on this crappy old Korean MMO called Nexus (I will crap myself if I meet anyone from there here, haha!) & then moved on to WoW, where I was...