AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. Molly_Rockit

    MFC Disconnect and Reconnect

    I finally set it up (after trying unsuccessfully a few times and giving up) and I think its solved my issues. phew. Thanks!
  2. Molly_Rockit

    MFC Disconnect and Reconnect

    I'm having this same issue and its so frustrating and seriously affecting my cam hours/income. Please post back if you find a resolution!
  3. Molly_Rockit

    I fucked up new model status. Camscore is low af. Is there even a way out or should I start over?

    My camscore went as low as 3-400s - I was there for awhile but I've built back up to stay between 900-1300. Its possible but it takes some strategy. Consistency and authenticity have been my most important tools. Do what you enjoy, be yourself (as much as you're comfortable) and make a schedule...
  4. Molly_Rockit

    MFC Tech issues - Help!

    @Sweet_Olivia_ @Giveuptome are you ladies still having these issues? Things had seemed to get mostly better, at least fewer hiccups, so I never got around to setting up OBS. and now I'm getting disconnected every few minutes. 🙄
  5. Molly_Rockit

    MFC Tech issues - Help!

    I've been camming on MFC since 2012 with no issues. Recently, my room is malfunctioning and I don't know what to do. I can only get my cam to broadcast with webRTC beta. Any other option my cam never loads, just refreshes.... (I haven't had time to try OBS but that is next step). Since this...
  6. Molly_Rockit

    booty rockin' all night

    booty rockin' all night
  7. Molly_Rockit

    Great Shift - Fun & Essential Supplies?

    Apart from the bare essentials for camming (cam, lights, toys etc) what helps you have a great shift? I live in a rural area and share a vehicle and try not to make a trip to town everyday and sometimes just can't hop out to the store if I want/need something. I get minor anxiety about being...
  8. Molly_Rockit

    Choosing a model name

    In retrospect sticking with Polly would have been appropriate since I am poly but I like Molly.
  9. Molly_Rockit

    How do you like your coffee?

    I set the coffeemaker at night so code is ready when I stumble out of bed in the morning. I rarely but a coffee anywhere. It's a home thing. I used to do half a Splenda and lots of cream but since I did a Whole30 I drink it black, maybe with a splash of almond milk or a half packet of stevia.
  10. Molly_Rockit

    Models Faking verses Not Cumming

    I've never faked in real life. I don't like faking on cam, but occasionally it's necessary. If you want me to cum in a private, plan on at LEAST 15 minutes. If it's public or group, I'm doing it for real whether it takes 5 minutes or 30. If you are into quickies and tell me to "cum now" I'm...
  11. Molly_Rockit

    Best/worst camming months?

    I bartend part-time and the cam world totally coincides. Summer is slow, holidays through tax time are great. However, I don't think about it in regards to my hours. I'm going to work. Some days are slow and some days they rock. I don't plan my Camming or bartending schedule around when I think...
  12. Molly_Rockit

    Daily Thoughts

    I bartend 3 days a week. When it's slow, I should be cleaning. It's slow and ACF is so user friendly on mobile...looks like the thursday girl can pick up my slack. Not sorry.
  13. Molly_Rockit


  14. Molly_Rockit


  15. Molly_Rockit

    A couple of questions from a confused Newbie

    Part of being a cam model is dealing with these two scenarios. One needs to look at it as a "when", rather than an "if" when it comes to being recognized in your hometown, family finding out, or a future employer passing you over. If you can come to terms with the fact that these two things...
  16. Molly_Rockit

    What are you reading?

    Neil Gaiman - Trigger Warning Amanda Palmer - The Art of Asking -Bought both of these signed when I saw their show on Valentine's Day Tom Robbins - Jitterbug Perfume -my new drummer just gifted me this one I've been super busy and I'm only a few chapters into each. Looking forward to finishing...
  17. Molly_Rockit

    What did YOU do when all motivation was lost?

    I know its been said before, and it sounds too simple, but for me, I just sign on. I just have to sign on. I've been camming almost 3 years, so its not even a question anymore. If I'm scheduled to cam, I'm getting on cam no matter what. I stay for at least an hour and just try to put my all into...
  18. Molly_Rockit

    How Did You Come Up With Your Cam/User Name?

    I wanted something playful. I started thinking Polly, then Polly Pocket, Pocket rhymes with Rocket and I'm in a rock band, so Rockit. I've been a bartender on and off for years and I think Molly just sounds like a good barwench name.