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Free Auto Key Presser?

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Nov 12, 2017
Does anyone know of a free auto key presser?
This is just to send tokens on any site that has commands faster, or without having to constantly be clicking.

I found 1 that works perfectly on CB and Stripchat (I have an extension for CB so don't need it for there).
I tested it on SC and it works fantastic. The problem is that it is a 30 day trial and then costs $5 for the full version. Don't get me wrong, I am willing to pay that $5 cos it will save me so much hassle in the long run, but obviously, if there is a free one available that anyone knows of, then I would prefer that. I still have 28 days to find one before needing to buy this full version, so if anyone knows of one then I'd appreciate it.

The one I have right now which works how I need is: Autosofted Auto Keyboard Presser
(It simply allows me to record the "up" and then "enter" command and I can repeat it continuously or a specific amount of times. Which means tipping faster or hands-free.

@xChloe I hope something like this is allowed on the site without getting me/us in trouble? It's only an auto tipper, basically, so I don't see why or how it should.
I tested it on SC and it works fantastic. The problem is that it is a 30 day trial and then costs $5 for the full version. Don't get me wrong, I am willing to pay that $5 cos it will save me so much hassle in the long run, but obviously, if there is a free one available that anyone knows of, then I would prefer that. I still have 28 days to find one before needing to buy this full version, so if anyone knows of one then I'd appreciate it.

This is the kind of thing you see a grey say but you're doing this because you want to rapidly tip. Developers deserve a little love too you know.
james franco wtf GIF
According to reddit, AHK is the best, while this one is more user friendly.

Thanks much appreciated.

This is the kind of thing you see a grey say but you're doing this because you want to rapidly tip. Developers deserve a little love too you know.
james franco wtf GIF

Personally, I don't feel there is anything wrong with me asking for a freeware program if there is one.

There are many freeware programs and then premium ones of the same or similar products. I am not asking for a crack or keygen to try to get a premium product for free (I am not asking for a pirated copy of a premium), so I really see nothing wrong here at all, and don't think it's bad of me, especially since all I am needing it for is a tiny thing and nothing complex, which these programs are capable of doing to save time for people in jobs etc.
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