hello everyone, I would really need your advice in this weird situation. So I have this member who started to visit my room like 1 year ago, and in our first discution he asked me why I dont replay him ( somewhere, I dont know where ) , being mad for me not reconize him.. then he told me he was talked with me FOR 2 YEARS! he told me I sent him videos and pics with me, evenuatlly I asumed someone catfish him using my OF content but after a while he told me about a video I sent to him with me riding a bike ( I never ever had a bike ).. I explained to him it was not me, he seems to understood and leave. He come back after few days saying again same things, beg me to not lie that I dont know him, he seems to be very hurt when I say I dont know him and leave my room. Another day he come and told me why I didnt replay him in weekend because he was in my city LosAngeles... ( I m living in Europe ). I was even thinking he's making fun of me and all its a joke but he seems really genuine, sad when I told him I don't know him and also tipping pretty good every single time when he visit my room. What do you think about this situation,? I really feel bad for him and somehow guilty with no reason.. Few screenshots are conversations in diferent days all.
P.S. : the name that he used to talk with is "Ella Mayer" so only 4 leters at final diferent by my name on site, that make me be even more suspicious.
P.S. : the name that he used to talk with is "Ella Mayer" so only 4 leters at final diferent by my name on site, that make me be even more suspicious.
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