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@jakeclemons My Account Was Banned & Chaturbate Support has not responded to any of my emails!

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Oct 29, 2024
Hey AmberCutieForum, I was told to visit here to get my help ticket an extra look.

I don’t have a ticket #…. I wasn’t provided one.

Hey Chaturbate Team, hope all is well. I’ve been sending a few emails about this & support hasn’t responded. If your seeing this, please, I just ask for you own honest interpretation by reading the email & deciding whether to respond or not. But please - read this.

This message comes to you from jakey, it’s a message from my heart. I truly didn’t think I would write this email as a college kid busy with school & such, but here I am. It’s not for me, it’s for them.

About 6 Months later, I come to you again - one last time, with the heaviest heart. I haven’t written the support team much about this (as you can tell by the logs) probably only 1 time - but It’s my 19th birthday soon — which reminded me of the account I once had on this amazing platform - chaturbate. Why? Because it was around my 18th birthday when I started this account & started my first stream, a stint of curiosity sparked & created a community I never thought I’d ever have or was even possible. I was blown for words.

I’m not here to beg, as you can see by the email logs, I let the universe decide the ultimate fate with this situation & let it be. Even though the suspension took so much away from me in the blink of an eye, at the end, I didn’t flood the support teams email.

But tonight, I just reminisced on what was — my time & community I built on this platform. I felt a second wind of hope - so here I am, writing this email.

I’m reaching out about my suspended account on here. My account was permanently suspended a few months ago because of “recorded account” & after months away, I truly want to say - the violation was true. The support team rightfully did their due diligence & verified it. Not like they wouldn’t be able to actually see it. I’ll tell you exactly what was going on: I had a premade onlyfans video that I was promoting with a few snippets of my account on there, truthfully - it didn’t really work but I would on insisting on doing it. Looking back on it now, I truly regret it. I was warned once & suspended for 7 days, but I didn’t listen. I did it again, suspended for 14 days. But, This time, it wasn’t a mistake. I just insisted on doing it because I felt like Chaturbate wouldn’t catch me. I did it again & was permanently suspended. In hindsight, putting myself in the support team’s shoes from the outsides, I seemed like an asshole & deserved it because I kept ignoring the warnings & suspension. Did I ever think I’d be suspended for it? No. Are these the consequences that come with violating the rules 2 times over? Probably, yes.

In a flood of concern & uncertainty & truly just scared of my account being gone forever: I emailed the support team:

To which they responded:

Recently, we were alerted you were broadcasting content in violation of the Chaturbate Terms, including recorded content. In reviewing this matter further, not only was the violation confirmed, it was found that you have received numerous warnings against this conduct. Due to this repeated and knowing violation, you have been permanently banned from the Chaturbate platform. This ban is not eligible for reconsideration. Any accounts accessed in violation of this permanent ban will be subject to termination without warning and all associated amounts deemed forfeit.
And there I was, I lost everything. My 12K followers that I built, the 100s of nightly viewers that came to my streams. But the real authenticity in this story lies within the truth: this was accidental. This was not supposed to happen. Not the suspension, the part where I got 12K Followers & ever made this account. That was never supposed to happen. I stumbled on this website out of curiosity & planted something amazing - I built one of the most fun loving communities ever. Nightly karaokes, most of my time on stream wasn’t even nudity.

So why didn’t I just go to another platform? Well… because if it wasn’t chaturbate, it was nothing. This is where I started on my streams. It’s where I ended. I was never a streamer. I was just, a chaturbate cammer through & through.

To this day, my nightly viewers whom we genuinely just spent time having fun together keep telling me - “jake, go to stripchat, Jake, go to JerkMate” and my answer is “sorry guys, I just don’t want too.” It’s because chaturbate was here for me at the start, it wasn’t another website. I don’t chaturbates users to go over to other websites, it was my fault, I have to deal with the consequence - so be it. That was my rationality & it’s the one I hold to this day.

It’s been a few months and they don’t think they’ll ever see me live ever again. What I told them would never happen - is now happening. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to chat with them how I once did on chaturbate. But the truth is, they don’t know I’m sending this email. The wind told me to do it, I’m doing this for them, not for me. I’m now super busy with college & frankly, I really can’t treat this how I did before. I just truly want to treat all those people for 1 more night of laughs & jokes.

However, At the end of the road, none of that matters. I still committed the actions, & I pay for the consequences. I’d like to let this one promise sit tho, to whomever is reading this from the support team: I truly promise I learned my lesson. If given the opportunity, I’d be super grateful & not produce recorded content in my streams ever again. If I can only have one more chance, I promise I’ll make the most of it. Not for me, it’s for them. It’s not supposed to be, my time & requirement to my college studies is definetely in the way, but it’s my heart telling me.
This will probably be my last time I ever email in regards to this case, I hope just maybe I can be given that final chance for such dumb mistakes that I made. I’ll wait for the response from the chaturbate team.

To whoever read this, if you read this to the end, I deeply thank you for listening. Whatever decision you make - I know it’s the right one. Thank you for hearing my story, & my desire to make it right for my viewers that used to be on this platform.
I hope you have a great rest of your day, for everything you guys did to me on this platform in all regards, you deserve it. You guys helped me throughout it all - from a teenager clueless of how this camming world worked, to regrettable mistakes. Thanks for showing it all to me.
Thank you chaturbate, one last thank you to you, whoever read this. I eagerly await your response.

Jakey Clemons
@JakeClemons I have confirmed that the support team has responded to your inquiry. Ticket #23637808
Hey Punker, thanks for the Reply.

Unfortunately they haven’t - the auto respond thing has but they have not manually reviewed the email.

Thank you for your email. This is an automated response to acknowledge receipt of your message. One of our customer service specialists will be in touch shortly. As emails are handled in the order that they are being received, sending multiple emails regarding your inquiry may result in a longer response time.

This is what they said. It’s been 3 weeks since any response. I haven’t emailed much since my suspension 4 months ago — not sure if I’m being ignored but I doubt it since my email frequency hasn’t been much. Maybe 3 emails and it’s all been in October.

I don’t know if you respond to replies but ya - this is about as far as I feel like I’ll be able to reach the support team. I’m not having any success so far.

Any update would be cool! Thanks
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