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What's your favorite food when sick?

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Inactive Cam Model
May 13, 2017
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I woke up sick this morning and it got me thinking, what's your favorite food when you're sick? I like any kind of chicken pasta (ramen, knorr pasta sides, lipton, homemade with bouillon cubes... etc). I know soup is probably a popular choice so I'll list my runner up which is cucumbers! They hydrate me and also don't upset my stomach that much. So what's yours?
If I've got the energy (and ingredients), tortellini soup is my go-to sick food. If anyone in my family ever got sick, that was made, so it is my ultimate comfort food. But usually, I don't have all of those ingredients on hand. So a very, very close runner up is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Nom nom nom.

... Now I want soup.
For gastroenteritis (the barfelonis) I stick to a BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast). Sometimes I'll make green tea rice.

For colds I stick to spicy soups.
Clear soup. I freaking love it. Like...bring me a gallon. I'll inhale it.
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If I've got the energy (and ingredients), tortellini soup is my go-to sick food. If anyone in my family ever got sick, that was made, so it is my ultimate comfort food. But usually, I don't have all of those ingredients on hand. So a very, very close runner up is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Nom nom nom.

... Now I want soup.

Yes! I use this one as a base:

Add tons of onions, garlic and pepper :inlove: sometimes zucchini, it's heavenly. It's all I eat when I'm sick or sad.
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Grilled cheese and soup. Any soup. But definitely grilled cheese.
Mashed potatoes. I don't know why, there's no childhood memory or anything like that associated with it, I just really love potatoes.
I like toast, perfectly cooked eggs, and any alcoholic drink (pour me a smoky whisky perhaps). I never mind being ill, it is a chance to treat myself with zero guilt.
Colds/respiratory stuff: Who needs food, gimme hot toddies so I don't care about being sick.

Tummy issues: sprite and saltines. I don't want to think about real food right now.
Also how did I forget: pho! The first time I had it, I was sick with a cold and it was heavenly. Best for when you're either at the beginning of a cold or the end, and have a little bit of an appetite. It's filling and warm and soooo nourishing to the soul.
For the non pukey sicks, I'm all about Tom Kha Thai soup. It's a spicy coconut soup with lots of good things like Kaffir leaves and galanga root. It is SOOOOO good too boot!
Lipton Noodle Soup is my go to for any kind of sickies. The dry kind in the packet.

Sometimes when you're sick, your appetite works in weird ways and ONLY certain foods sound palatable. McDonalds Cheeseburgers (the tiny ones in the happy meal), chicken nuggets (bonus if Chicken Dinos!) or tenders, french fries are examples of some of those foods for me.
Vodka Tonic, it's vegan, and gluten free. :finger:
I'm always told not to drink when I'm sick since it weakens your body/system which is trying to repair (and can make a fever feel really weird/worse.) It's the anti-hydrator, and I get yelled at to "HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE" all the time.

Not the case for you I guess? :)
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I'm always told not to drink when I'm sick since it weakens your body/system which is trying to repair (and can make a fever feel really weird/worse.) It's the anti-hydrator, and I get yelled at to "HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE" all the time.

Not the case for you I guess? :)
I'm a part Romanian, part Ukrainian and part Moroccan, and a part Serbian, there's no politically correct way for me to survive this thread, because I was a bartender too...
When I was a kid and had the barfs my mom would make "jello water" which is jello made with all hot water. It stays liquid as it cools. Black cherry was my favorite. Tasted pretty good the second time...
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But there's one magic soup. You'll have to find a Kurdish restaurant though, it's the Kube Soup. Dumplings that will send you into a deep sleep and heal. Perks of growing up in the Middle East.

You can usually find kubbeh soup at the kosher spots around here. Along with Matzo ball and Kreblach soup.

However, sometimes its made with beats....which I can't get into.
Ever since I was a teen my hang over cure has always been chicken salad on a pita or croissant and a Sprite and over the years that has transitioned into my go to whenever I'm not feeling well.
Also, if you've ever had surgery and they start you off on a liquid diet, before moving you to the god awful soft food diet is disgusting and doesn't fill you up..... break the rules, get me a pizza, works every time, I'm up and ready to go home the next day
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