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Dan Epstein
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  • Hi Dan,

    I hope you can help. I've just signed up to MFC and am trying to figure out the most cost effective payment method for Bank Transfer. I am based in the UK and can you please explain to me the fees for First Choice Pay and if I need to get a card or if I can just do direct bank transfers?

    Thank you,
    Lilly x
    Dan Epstein
    Dan Epstein
    Hi Lily, the main factor is the time frame. A bank transfer takes around 4 business days, a card load takes minutes to hours. Ping me directly so we can use more fonts please:)
    Australian, cam SM, Started Feb 17. cheques delivered to my address, 2-3 weeks to arrive, takes bank 4 weeks to clear,
    2 months to access my money.
    Signed up for a first choice card today. Please explain to me how it would work for me as I am living in another country & will need the money converted to my currency. Please let me know - funds it would charge me for the account/card & the conversion.
    Thank you x
    Dan Epstein
    Dan Epstein
    Hi, loads on the card take minutes to hours in each SM payment period, even weekends. Feel free to email me: :)
    I have sign up with first choice pay for weeks now I am a born Jamaican liveing in a other country on vacation,first choice pay is asking me to verified my adresss with on ID card from a country am not from
    Dan Epstein
    Dan Epstein
    Hi, let's sort it out by establishing your home address for approval, email me at your earliest convenience:)
    Hi Dan how can I send you a email thank for replying I really need help to verified my card my home address is Jamaica but am staying in Suriname on vacation how can I verified this My customer ID # 21881694 and my reference # 170521005998 and my email is daughtergaza3star@gmail please help me thank in advance
    Hi dan, i have a question :) i recently ordered a card to australia and it never arrived so i ordered a new one, i was kinda dumb and loaded the money i already had recieved online into the card that did not arrive... is there any way to move it from one card to the other when it arrives?
    Hi, I will be on a work related travel form Tuesday till Friday June the 2nd, so my replies maybe a little late.
    Happy birthday for yesterday :) Quick question... What's your current exchange rate for USD to EUR? And where do you guys get your exchange rates from? Whenever I take money out of an ATM I seem to get quite a bit less than I should if I was going by the global exchange rate, as quoted on XE.COM.
    Dan Epstein
    Dan Epstein
    Hi Alex, please PM me when you can, thanks!
    Thank you so much for the wishes, I usually have a smartass ace up my sleeve, but there's no need for one, I'm touched :)
    Hi, I wish all performers happy holidays, and a happy new year ,full of sales, online traffic and fun. Dan@Payoneer
    Hey Dan, Thanks for reply. How can we handle this? I called last night to payoneer spoke to George he was verry helpful, i send them a mesage with screeshots of what error i recive and they told me to wait 24 hours maybe it will work after if not to call again.
    If you wanna help id be verry happy ! :)
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