AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Asking Questions and Participating on ACF

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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This post was made by a veteran Cam Girl in our handy dandy Models Only section, but I wanted to share it publicly so newcomers might have some insight on our expectations at ACF. (Snipped and edited a bit to be generic instead of personal.)

This forum is a give and take. We SHARE information on here. You cannot come here and expect this forum to answer all your questions, like some kind of encyclopedia.

We are all busy people. Research does take time. But it is a very real part of this job.

Let me repeat, RESEARCH is part of your job as a camgirl.

I'm NOT saying you can't ask questions here, but I see lately barrages of very simplistic questions from new ladies in models only, and these models are contributing very little actual input to this forum. This forum, and the models on it are not a free encyclopedia or a how-to manual for models. We are a community of ladies that help each other and lift each other up. If you are ONLY posting questions, and never ANYTHING else, its not good give and take.

I feel really mean posting this. I don't want anyone to be afraid of posting questions.

I just want people to STOP before they post a new thread and think "is this a simple question?" "With a little effort could I search for this myself?" or ... "I'm asking a lot of help from this forum, can I contribute something also? What can I give back?"

For those of you that don't fully understand how to research, asking for help doing the research might be good.

For example "hey ladies, I'm trying my best to figure out wishlist buttons but my search is failing me? Are there any threads you can direct me to or terms I should be using in my serarches" might be better recieved...

I try my best to be helpful on these forums because these forums help me all the time.


Even if you don't think you can be helpful with camming stuff if you're brand new, maybe you can help out in other ways. We have threads on weight loss encouragement, sex worker advice, parenting, make up and hair tips, photography, what to watch on netflix and simply participating a bit in the DMP (Daily Model Pondering, a very active chatty thread in the MO section) and making ladies having bad days feel like they have someone that is reading their posts... can all be ways to contribute.

She said it so eloquently that I had to quote her. She made some very good points!

The models section here at ACF is special because of the interaction and personal investment many of the girls make. The more girls we have participating, the more awesome it feels to be a part of it. It's a supportive and caring community of girls, not just a resource for advice on being a great cam girl. I know many would agree with me that participating in a supportive and caring community like ACF is a step in the right direction, and even in itself may help you thrive. ;)
I'd also like to add that it feels a LOT better to help and answer questions to girls whom have at least introduced themselves somewhere on the forum. Jumping right into an active forum and immediately requiring assistance is off-putting and won't get you as great of results as you'd get if you get to know us a little bit first. I understand sometimes there's an urgent question, but in general, please try to make a good first impression.

We would like to create lasting bonds between everyone here, especially the ladies who post nearly every day and make this such a fun chatty place to be. :)
Just commenting to note that even though we're welcoming everyone and are beyond just "cam girls" at this point, the original post still rings very true. Do your research, spend time learning the basics, get comfortable with all aspects of the camming world and you will be much more successful than the next person who comes along and just wings it hoping to roll in the dough! :)
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