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Big Toys......Whats the allure?

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The Insider said:
My feeling (and i reiterate, it is simply my feeling) is that if I had a vagina and was young and anticipated I wanted children in the future I would feel that it wouldn't be a good idea to keep putting larger and larger things inside me. You run the risk of perforating the vaginal wall, scarification of the cervix & uterus.
I Just wanted to know how does it all come about?
Are you sure you know how a vagina works? It REALLY sounds like you don't......
The Insider said:
My feeling (and i reiterate, it is simply my feeling) is that if I had a vagina and was young and anticipated I wanted children in the future I would feel that it wouldn't be a good idea to keep putting larger and larger things inside me. You run the risk of perforating the vaginal wall, scarification of the cervix & uterus.
I Just wanted to know how does it all come about?

Usually you aren't going to even hit your cervix OR uterus during penetration. This of course depends on the placement of the uterus in any particular woman and also where she's at in her menstrual cycle. Angle of insertion is also another factor.
The vagina expands PAST the cervix and uterus during penetration, it's not like you're banging away at it constantly. It kind of goes off to the side.
And as everyone else has already clarified prolapse does not occur from large toy use. Prolapse occurs from the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles which is usually the result of pregnancy, obesity, chronic constipation, etc. The vagina "loosening" is really only a superficial problem and if you give it a break it should go back to relatively "normal".
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AllisonWilder said:
I have a question that's aimed at the fellas. What types of toys are visually appealing to watch a girl on cam using on herself? I know the answers will vary, but I'd still like to hear (read) what you think is nice to see.
Not hitachi. Realize ladies love it, but it does zippo for me.
Insider - the reason you're not getitng your question 'how does it come about' answered... is cos it just doesn't come about.

A small portion of woman may be training their muscles because they make more money.

they are not, on the whole, ruining their vaginas.

a small protion of women are not having medical issues corrected. These are NOT due to having large toys.
I've actually had the opportunity to scrub in and help the vet fix a horrific vaginal prolapse in a large pitbull. It was one of the more exciting, and facinating things i ever got to do.

The chance of PERFORATING a vaginal wall??? with a toy? Zero?
Scarrification happens when there is an open wound......
I've never opened a wound in my vagina with a dildo.
southsamurai said:
just a note on genitals in general
guys have different sized peni. this is a fact. everyone knows it and everyone accepts it (unless they have a tiny one in which case they pretend its ginormous)

apparently most guys dont realize that the vaginal vault of women varies a good bit as well. the height of the woman makes a difference as far as depth goes to be sure, but less than you would think. women with most forms of drawfism still have a 4 -8 inch depth to cervix, same as average height women.
also, the minimum diameter (if you can call a muscle shaft circular enough to have one) varies a good bit. since as far as i've ever read it is inside of half an inch at the biggest we can assume that the really tiny ones are very god damn tiny. i personally know 3 different women who are only able to use the infant size speculums at their gyno. to generalize for those not familiar with the instruments thats about the size of a pinkie finger. and we have all seen pics, film or (omfg, please not me) live performances where things as large as a football or traffic cone are successfully inserted.

if you come at one of those ladies with very very tiny vaginas with a toy that is the thickness of two fingers and 4 inches long they would probably slap you. but (and i know only through anecdotal evidence) even one that small can become used to penetration and relax enough to enjoy peni in the 6-7 inch range with conversant thickness.

also, just a pet peeve of mine. no childbirth does not "ruin" a vagina. even after multiple births most women return to their normal size and shape. of course there are exceptions, but heck there is no such thing as a 100% when dealing with medical issues.
nor does a lot of vigorous sex change the labia, the vagina or the clitoris permanently (barring injury or infection) labia have almost infinite variety of color, size, texture and shape. so educate yourself before you make comment on one.

now as to why big toys are liked? personal preference, pure and simple. everyone likes what they like, and most of the time can't even say exactly why. not a direct answer, but its the truest one

I had a natural childbirth - no meds. That was 7 years ago but I have even tighter kegal muscles than I did before birth. I am the only chick I know that has a 'self fucking pussy'. My kegals are so tight I can push a toy in and out of me with out hands (or a suction dildo/wall etc)!

I am free to demonstrate this to any one who should not believe me! ;)
I have been fingerbanged with acrylic nails and the worst I ever got was a scratch. I like HARD gspot stimulation, I'll use fingers or a narrow, angled toy and go nuts on the front wall of my pussy. No holes in me :lol:

You'd have to put something SHARP up there to perforate the layers of tissue and muscle. When you hear about girls in the third world getting a fistula, its usually between the anus and vagina and its from very young girls having babies before their bodies have finished developing properly for that task.

there's quite a bit of tissue there :thumbleft:
AllisonWilder said:
I have a question that's aimed at the fellas. What types of toys are visually appealing to watch a girl on cam using on herself? I know the answers will vary, but I'd still like to hear (read) what you think is nice to see.

Good question.

I'm really not that bothered what toy a girl uses or, indeed, whether she uses a toy at all. If she is going to use toys then I want her to choose the one(s) that will suit her mood best and help her climax. I get off watching her reaction in all its manifestations - chest flush, facial expressions, vaginal contractions, breathing changes etc.

Then again, maybe I'm just weird :)
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The Insider said:
My feeling (and i reiterate, it is simply my feeling) is that if I had a vagina and was young and anticipated I wanted children in the future I would feel that it wouldn't be a good idea to keep putting larger and larger things inside me. You run the risk of perforating the vaginal wall, scarification of the cervix & uterus.
I Just wanted to know how does it all come about?

I'm glad you're mentioning all of this, because the vagina can be a little mysterious, and it's good to know how some people perceive it. And there are so many great responses here.

Just remember that it's built to handle a baby but spends most of its lifetime in a neatly compact state. It's surprisingly adaptable.

So, how does it come about, someone's use of big toys? I'm assuming we're not talking about a tip-for-bedpost situation, and since I can't generalize how other women feel, I'll use myself as an example. For me, it's pleasure.

When I'm turned on, sensation shifts throughout my body. If I rub my clit while I'm doing my taxes, it will hurt, but if I'm close to orgasm, that same pressure and intensity will make me come. And since the clit is one tiny part of a large, deep, complex system, a similar thing happens inside of my body. When I insert a tampon, I have to angle my body just to get it in, and even then, that one-inch nub of cotton will be uncomfortable. When I'm in the throes of passionate fornication, I'll wrap my legs around his hips to pull him deeper.

I'm very into penetration (not everyone is), and there are several areas of sensation. My gspot feels great pretty quickly, but deeper areas don't wake up until I'm clawing at the bed sheets. And, like my clit, some of those areas feel uncomfortable if that penetration is too deep too soon. But over time, what felt too deep before can suddenly feel like everything I've ever needed and wanted.

And that depth is relative. Vaginas adapt, so for me, a 4-inch dildo can feel way too big if I push it in before I'm fully aroused, but that same 4-inch dildo will feel absolutely perfect when I want to come. If I start with something larger, the same thing will happen. If I move up to something even larger, again, the same thing. It might take more time to be able to handle it, and it might be more intense since I'm testing the limits of my body for the pleasure-pain of just-too-much, but how much pleasure I feel and how much I can take depends on my arousal and what my vagina has already adapted to accommodate. Once I'm done, and that arousal fades, everything goes back to where it was. I can use a large toy and still go out of my mind with lust when someone slides their hand between my legs and uses just the tip of their finger.

It's kind of amazing if you think about it.
Well I guess I should talk to you all about my vagina :?

I train it with kegals every day. I can tightly grip a chopstick, or take a fist, no problem. I can bring a man to orgasm by rhythmically doing kegals while they are inside me, no one who has felt me would dare refer to it as loose.
The vagina is a muscle, it can be trained to do amazing things and then be tight again. When you see a vagina gaping after a large penetration that doesn't mean it's staying that way forever , but it's not about to snap back into place instantly either, muscles don't work like that. My legs are super flexible after I've been stretching, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to do the splits at any moment.

Using offensive terms to describe vaginas is offensive by the way. :roll: Would you rather we called it a flaccid penis, or that hideous naked mole rat in your pants?
The Insider said:
So whats the allure and once you know it's never gonna shrink and you can only keep going up in size where/what does that lead to ?

I'd love to hear the opinioons on the pro & con side
This example does not involve toys but could be more pertinent to your ultimate concern.

I don't know if you have ever slept with a rather well endowed male but I have, and so has my vagina.
So I'll use a particular old flame as an example. I'm an average sized lady...
One day he was being nice and ultra sexy and I had sex with him, and his large penis fit in me, and it was delightful.
Another day he was being kind of a all day... and I put up with it as women can be very guilty of... and then we went to have sex and I was like, ok... I guess... went with it but I wasn't super into it.
And his penis did not fit in my vagina. :shock:
How can this be? Did his dick grow bigger? My vagina must have shrank? But that can't be possible! Especially based on what you're suggesting. It must be bigger now!
And especially after having sex before with him and his big one... so WHAT GIVES?
I wasn't that horny.. and he was being a jerk... so vagina's are sooo smart that mine said "no, thanks just yet...APOLOGIZE! bow down to me!!!" So then he was nice to me.
And the penis and vagina made up and lived happily another day. :-D

Point being... when you're turned on things fit, when you're not, they don't. And what you do one day, doesn't typically "ruin" you for the next.
Rose said:
Are you sure you know how a vagina works? It REALLY sounds like you don't......
I have the feeling if i showed up with a million dollar check from the publishers clearing house you'd still find something wrong with that

You have this chip on your shoulder 24hrs now, i asked nicely previously, if you have some agenda or just feel like taking the piss please pm me.

Thanks to everyone else for allowing this thread not to be hijacked and letting it settle into genuine adult conversation
The Insider said:
Rose said:
Are you sure you know how a vagina works? It REALLY sounds like you don't......
I have the feeling if i showed up with a million dollar check from the publishers clearing house you'd still find something wrong with that

You have this chip on your shoulder 24hrs now, i asked nicely previously, if you have some agenda or just feel like taking the piss please pm me.

Thanks to everyone else for allowing this thread not to be hijacked and letting it settle into genuine adult conversation
Nope, like others have suggested, I just think offensive terms for the vagina are offensive.
Replying to so many posts that I don't want to quote them all... but I've numbered to keep things slightly more separated than just as paragraphs. These aren't part of the same story, they're different stories entirely!

1. Right after I've cum, my pussy actually tightens again, making it hard to do a second round if my dildo came out, and making the dildo hurt for the first little bit if it didn't and I try to pump it more without re-wetting my pussy.

2. I *hate* bumpy toys! I tried them, but I'm almost always in one of two states: uber-sensistive so that the slightest texture will HURT or unable to feel much of anything that's not vibration or pain. Every once in a great while I find that magic time of my cycle where I can actually enjoy something like that, but it's so rare there's no point in getting toys that play to that.

3. Sometimes, I like being filled up, but that's not about cumming from penetration. I want to be filled up completely and then have a vibe on my clit to make me cum after I get used to being that full.

4. looking at a limp dick just makes me want to suck it till it gets hard, then fuck it.

5. southsamurai- I like your essays!

6. I say "I can't fist because I'm too tight for that". Though sometimes, I'll joking say "because I'm tight like that", but it's a joke. I'm not seriously saying that people who can are worse than me, and get very uncomfortable when guys respond with comments which insult the other girls. But, well, convincing myself that it's a good thing I'm that tight is because I have this fear. I'm actually afraid that if I ever get pregnant, I won't be able to stretch enough for the birth. Stupid? I don't know. It started when I tried to use a flashlight and couldn't get past the handle (don't worry, the button was this tiny round thing that didn't stick out of the side). I tried to slip some fingers in beside the handle and met what felt like bone on either side... so I'm scared that my body really can't take it. So yeah, I do joke about being "tight like that", because it's an insecurity I have.

But then again, the incidence with the flashlight happened because I was curious, not horny. So I don't know...

7. Holy crap that's an awesome post Alexandra Cole!

8. Thank you Lucky Smiles!

Lucky Smiles said:
Point being... when you're turned on things fit, when you're not, they don't. And what you do one day, doesn't typically "ruin" you for the next.

So very fucking true.
lordmagellan said:
Not judging, Luna, but I think I see the problem. :lol:


To be accurate, the handle was about 1.5 inches diameter, and it flared to the base being a little over 2 inches diameter. I used to have a dildo that was 2 in wide which would fit if I was very horny and relaxed.
LadyLuna said:
6. I say "I can't fist because I'm too tight for that". Though sometimes, I'll joking say "because I'm tight like that", but it's a joke. I'm not seriously saying that people who can are worse than me, and get very uncomfortable when guys respond with comments which insult the other girls. But, well, convincing myself that it's a good thing I'm that tight is because I have this fear. I'm actually afraid that if I ever get pregnant, I won't be able to stretch enough for the birth. Stupid? I don't know. It started when I tried to use a flashlight and couldn't get past the handle (don't worry, the button was this tiny round thing that didn't stick out of the side). I tried to slip some fingers in beside the handle and met what felt like bone on either side... so I'm scared that my body really can't take it. So yeah, I do joke about being "tight like that", because it's an insecurity I have.
This is a legit fear and you're definitely not the only one.

According to my OB, if baby is too big and mommy's hips don't separate properly then a vaginal birth would be impossible as it could harm baby and leave mommy in need of surgery and physical therapy. :? Yea, if that's not begging for nightmares.... I don't want to even know what would happen if your hips started to separate to accommodate big baby and they rotated in the process. :crybaby: Oww!
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Rose said:
LadyLuna said:
6. I say "I can't fist because I'm too tight for that". Though sometimes, I'll joking say "because I'm tight like that", but it's a joke. I'm not seriously saying that people who can are worse than me, and get very uncomfortable when guys respond with comments which insult the other girls. But, well, convincing myself that it's a good thing I'm that tight is because I have this fear. I'm actually afraid that if I ever get pregnant, I won't be able to stretch enough for the birth. Stupid? I don't know. It started when I tried to use a flashlight and couldn't get past the handle (don't worry, the button was this tiny round thing that didn't stick out of the side). I tried to slip some fingers in beside the handle and met what felt like bone on either side... so I'm scared that my body really can't take it. So yeah, I do joke about being "tight like that", because it's an insecurity I have.
This is a legit fear and you're definitely not the only one.

According to my OB, if baby is too big and mommy's hips don't separate properly then a vaginal birth would be impossible as it could harm baby and leave mommy in need of surgery and physical therapy. :? Yea, if that's not begging for nightmares.... I don't want to even know what would happen if your hips started to separate to accommodate big baby and they rotated in the process. :crybaby: Oww!

One of the many reasons dying during childbirth prior to modern medicine was so much more common.
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The Insider said:
Rose said:
Nope, like others have suggested, I just think offensive terms for the vagina are offensive.

understood. so can we be friends now..... preeeetty pleaseeee ?
I've never had any beef with you. Your choice of words was just....not exactly the best choice for the questions you were asking, that's all.

Like south suggested, when asking questions of this nature, in order to get the response (that I'm assuming) you're looking for, it's probably best to use clinical terms to make it seem like you're looking for serious answers (which I assume you are). :twocents-02cents:

I'm totally down with answering questions and discussing human sexuality. It's a topic of great interest to me and I think everyone should access to the correct information. Just make sure your wording is appropriate if you're wanting to be taken seriously. :)
I have something to add:
I agree that it's all about personal preference for the ladies that use bigger toys.
I also agree that sometimes models will conform and use bigger toys to suit their audiences.
I also know that the vagina is very muscular and can tighten back up with kegels. I do them daily. I do them even when I am not thinking about doing them.
A vagina is not permanently deformed from childbirth or the use of bigger toys. That is, unless as I believe Rose said, there are other factors such as health that come into play.

I had 2 vaginal births and I am still tight. I can grip a toy and make it move hands-free. I even broke a toy once from clenching too tightly. I have tried inserting the head of my Hitachi when I was turned on and it would not fit(crazy, I know). I am able to pull golf balls deep into my vagina and push them back out. It's a neat little party trick. ;) Anyway, the vagina is a very resilient muscle and it was designed to deal with bigger than pencil width objects. If it wasn't, women would not be able to use tampons because they'd just fall right out.

Sometimes I get curious and want to be fisted, or I think about getting one of those abnormally large inflatable dildos, but then I think meh... Maybe next time or whatevs.
I actually have an 18 inch long ac/dc double ended dildo and it is difficult to fit inside of me. It is just normal girth.

As to why women use bigger toys and the allure of using bigger toys, only the woman truly knows. Maybe she enjoys the fullness and girth of a bigger toy.
Maybe bigger toys make her orgasm harder.
Many things can contribute to a lady's liking of bigger than normal toys.

In all honesty, there are plenty of models out there and if you dislike the fact that one uses big toys, there's always another that you will be happy with if you just hit that dag blasted NEXT MODEL button.
just a quick jot of fisting humor. about 7 years ago or so i was dating a really tiny lady. 4 and a half feet tall and proportionately small everywhere if you get my meaning. we were messing around on the internet together and ran across some fisting footage and she had never even heard of it before. now her hands in a fist were maybe a little bigger than a clementine (around 2 inches in diameter, but i prefer colorful descriptives when narrating, thank you)

well she looks down at her hand then back at the screen, then back and forth a few times. she was a bit white and shaky. i asked her if she wanted to try it to try and get a chuckle and get rid of her nervous reaction. she said "even my hand would never ever fit!". my twisted sense of humor kicked in. so i retorted. "your's? i was going to lube up, take a running start and jump at it from across the room like superman. want me to get the cape?" for some reason i said it so deadpan she didn't catch the obvious humor in a guy my size naked, in a cape even attempting it. the imagery alone still makes me laugh. she instead proceeded to scream a little and dump her wine on my head.

that broke me. i laughed so hard i almost passed out. after that she figured out i was joking and proceeded to call me every name she could think of and throw cheese and fruit at me. (yeah i know how damn lame... wine, cheese,fruit and fisting for an evening in). wonderful little lady. a shame it didnt work out lol.
I talked to my friend last night, over drinks, who is a midwife of 20 + yrs, and a nurse.

She was saying that the way that a womans body will respond to large items (fists, bedposts, toys) will depend on their bodies, and varies widely. some women have very elastic stretchy vagina's and some will lose muscle tone. kegels help.

maybe this explains some of the confusion?
Miss_Lollipop said:
I talked to my friend last night, over drinks, who is a midwife of 20 + yrs, and a nurse.

She was saying that the way that a womans body will respond to large items (fists, bedposts, toys) will depend on their bodies, and varies widely. some women have very elastic stretchy vagina's and some will lose muscle tone. kegels help.

maybe this explains some of the confusion?

That's more like it, because I've seen some vaginas that look like they've been thru several world wars, so I wasn't buying all the posts that said they go right back to their original shape and tightness. Maybe some (or most) do, but definitely not all.
mfctourist said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
I talked to my friend last night, over drinks, who is a midwife of 20 + yrs, and a nurse.

She was saying that the way that a womans body will respond to large items (fists, bedposts, toys) will depend on their bodies, and varies widely. some women have very elastic stretchy vagina's and some will lose muscle tone. kegels help.

maybe this explains some of the confusion?

That's more like it, because I've seen some vaginas that look like they've been thru several world wars, so I wasn't buying all the posts that said they go right back to their original shape and tightness. Maybe some (or most) do, but definitely not all.

I hear lots of guys say this because they don't realize that women's labia differ in size/color/shape.
I always get a little inwardly angry when guys say how hot my pussy is because my lips don't hang and it makes me look "tight".
I may be tight, but I'm sure lots of women with larger labias are just as tight if not tighter than me.

edit:not saying that's what you're saying, I've just heard it and wanted to debunk it
Chellelovesu said:
mfctourist said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
I talked to my friend last night, over drinks, who is a midwife of 20 + yrs, and a nurse.

She was saying that the way that a womans body will respond to large items (fists, bedposts, toys) will depend on their bodies, and varies widely. some women have very elastic stretchy vagina's and some will lose muscle tone. kegels help.

maybe this explains some of the confusion?

That's more like it, because I've seen some vaginas that look like they've been thru several world wars, so I wasn't buying all the posts that said they go right back to their original shape and tightness. Maybe some (or most) do, but definitely not all.

I hear lots of guys say this because they don't realize that women's labia differ in size/color/shape.
I always get a little inwardly angry when guys say how hot my pussy is because my lips don't hang and it makes me look "tight".
I may be tight, but I'm sure lots of women with larger labias are just as tight if not tighter than me.
^^ The appearance of the vulva have NO effect on the size/tightness/shape of the vagina!

People who do not know that, memorize it, learn it, love it, it's fact.
Chellelovesu said:
mfctourist said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
I talked to my friend last night, over drinks, who is a midwife of 20 + yrs, and a nurse.

She was saying that the way that a womans body will respond to large items (fists, bedposts, toys) will depend on their bodies, and varies widely. some women have very elastic stretchy vagina's and some will lose muscle tone. kegels help.

maybe this explains some of the confusion?

That's more like it, because I've seen some vaginas that look like they've been thru several world wars, so I wasn't buying all the posts that said they go right back to their original shape and tightness. Maybe some (or most) do, but definitely not all.

I hear lots of guys say this because they don't realize that women's labia differ in size/color/shape.
I always get a little inwardly angry when guys say how hot my pussy is because my lips don't hang and it makes me look "tight".
I may be tight, but I'm sure lots of women with larger labias are just as tight if not tighter than me.

edit:not saying that's what you're saying, I've just heard it and wanted to debunk it
My lips are on the larger side when my legs are spread and I've had a guy refer to my pussy as gaping because of it :shock:
But to be fair, I get what he's saying. I've watched enough porn to have seen some of the pussies he's probably referring to, but I think it's rare and could tighten back up eventually. Now buttholes, that's another story completely.
southsamurai said:
i now officially have a pet peeve!, no, not going into it here because thats for another thread, but it happens to be the subject being discussed and i just realized how damn mad it makes me
You wouldn't be the only one.
The Insider said:
I have wondered for some time what is the allure of big toys from the woman's/models point of view.

I know some will say "it stretches, a baby comes out of there" that's true but a baby doesn't come out of there 5 times a day 7 days a week with a Wednesday matinee and 2x on Sunday.
My feeling is (sry, can't think of an elegant way to say this is) organ meat is not as resilient as muscle meat. Once it's stretched and torn it doesn't heal tighter and doesn't have the same capacities as muscles.

"Big" is certainly relative. I know in porn movies they seek out the smallest women possible (usually like 4'11 to 5'2) because compared to a small woman even an average sized cock looks big.
But I figure if you are 18 you gotta be pretty tight, what compels someone to sit on bedposts, inflatable spade shaped butt plugs, those horse cock-ish dildos the length of a mans arm and fist sized in circumference.

I remember my ex-wife being pregnant and us going to all the classes etc. We both felt a natural birth best, not a now common c-section by appointment, feeling why cut open parts of the body just for ease when natural way has be it for millennia.
The day she gave birth I recall seeing the doc pick up the scissors to cut the perineum for an episiotomy and hearing the sound it made, i had a chill up my back. But it healed.

I've never seen a model who used huge toys, double fist (front & back), bed post etc take a break & return and be so tight that tooth pick sized dildos felt huge.
If you are in your mid 20's and you are taking those horse cock dildos balls first now with ease isn't there a point that comes when it's felt maybe it's time to take a break?
I'm sure plenty of guys would be overjoyed to hear their gf/wife/etc say "put it in my ass baby" but not because "put it in my ass baby cause i can't feel anything in my pussy anymore"

So whats the allure and once you know it's never gonna shrink and you can only keep going up in size where/what does that lead to ?

I'd love to hear the opinioons on the pro & con side

I have a similar question for the guys. What's the allure about watching a girl with big toys? Much of the time, all you can see is the big toy. I'd much rather see the girl than a toy.
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