I've only been on MFC for about 3 months but from what I've seen they do have their models they let "bend" the rules. I was chatting with a model who got a warning about her public show because she inserted a dildo n her Vagina and I was chatting in her room at the time she was doing this, but at the same time 9 of the top 20 rooms(she's only on for around 2-3 hours a day so she usually isnt a top room) had models who were double double penetration shows in free chat and 6 of them do it everyday they are online. Yes, I have been to MFC wiki site and read their so called rules but I guess there reasoning is why fine a model that has 3000 viewers(even though we all know of those 3000 only 10-15 are actually tipping). I understand the legal ramifications but I just wanted to voice my opinion that it creates an unfair work environment. Everyone one of you is unique and awesome in their own way and I just wish they would make it fair on all