AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Old question with a modern pov

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Jun 28, 2019
Dating back to early in this forums history, the question of the parasocial relationships comes up every few years. Though never actually called out for what it is. The difference today is you have other internet celebrities taking the subject much more seriously. So I'm curious if the views have changed for cam models.

When you look at Youtubers and streamers today, you see that its pretty much universally accepted that they have a responsibility to draw their boundaries with their audience and consistently state and reinforce it. A huge reason for doing so is for the creators own protection. We're consistently seeing those who failed to do so being accused of some heinous things, even when they actively try to age-gate those they interact with. Even in cases where the creator seemed to start off with innocent intentions, there are many cases where they ended up crossing lines.

I think a big problem with this from the position of specifically female cam models is that it is considered socially acceptable for them to lie with the intention of further establishing a parasocial bond for the purposes of increasing the amount of money they make. Historically, the position of this forum has been that the models are selling a fantasy and its the customers responsibility to understand that. Ideally, this is true, but unlike those other content creators, a lot of models (at least historically) actively continue the manipulation on an individual level. Personally, I generally agree with the stance that each individual should be held responsible for their own actions. The thing I've realized is, I don't have people throwing ever growing piles of cash at me and buying me ever more expensive items and I'm not going out of my way to further incentivize such behavior. There has to be a line there where you go from creating a fantasy to actively manipulating a delusion you built. There are models today that have been doing this for more than a decade that should have a much greater insight into this subject than maybe anyone else in the world.

In the past, models said they feared that there may come a day where they could be sued for "tricking" their customers into giving them all of their money. I think today there should be more serious concerns, like being hit with wrongful death in cases like the one where the guy killed his entire family after they disowned him for spending all his money on a specific cam model. Or being charged w/ selling adult content to minors, or even viewing a minors cam when doing privates as governments conclude the protections in place aren't enough and the websites attempt to make it more clear on the daily that you are independent contractors. Does actively fostering these parasocial relationships give you some control over them that these other content creators lack? Do you still believe these concerns aren't an issue or that they aren't your responsibility? Is there something inherently different from what these more traditional content creators do that you feel makes you less culpable?

What is the view general of models that cross over onto platforms like Twitch and Youtube where they will inherently draw more attention from minors? Often times with their accounts having their linktree profiles with direct links to things like their patreon, onlyfans, fansly, manyvids, etc. Only Onlyfans is widely known for distributing adult content by the average person. The others, parents might believe is just an alternative platform where fans can support their favorite content creators, ala patreon, but don't realize that even patreon is widely used to sell adult content. At the very least I think it would be fair criticism that these creators are jumping into the pool where parents are falsely led to believe the content their kids are viewing is "safe." They might not actively be pursuing kids to sell their adult content to, but are they actually naive enough to believe clicking "yes" on a pop up that asks "Are you 18 or older?" protects them from selling content to minors? At the end of the day, any of these platforms are going to throw you guys under the bus while constantly reiterating that you are independent contractors and that you knew that and they took the legal steps to protect themselves and you took no further steps to verify anything for yourself. Do you believe that they might be actively marketing to minors, especially considering the number of models who do everything in their power not to be flagged as not kid friendly?

In the past I think it was pretty black and white and, in all honesty, there were no morality issues outside of those cases where models are forced to perform against their will. Today, the very nature of the type of relationship you foster with your customers is under heavy scrutiny. Your "employer" has spent the last few years separating themselves from their contractors in a clear attempt to remove legal liability. There's governments criticizing how easy it is for minors to make purchases on their parents cards in general and isn't even specific to adult content, yet. Governments becoming ever more critical of websites only demanding people click yes to allow access to adult content when apps like tiktok are getting blasted for doing nothing to stop underage people using and posting content on their platform. And finally, you have the issue where models are dressing up as the most popular cartoon, anime and video game characters and "indirectly" doing so to market their adult oriented content while streaming on mainstream platforms with nothing functionally preventing the content reaching minors.

At the very least, I think people should be asking themselves some uncomfortable questions. Could a DA argue that dressing up as Yuffie from ff7 on Twitch with the intent to later go onto Chaturbate, MFC, or OF later and get railed while portraying the teenage character is abusing a character which is designed to target kids with the intent to sell your adult content? That the concept itself is marketing it to kids? Should you have some measure of legal responsibility if you continue to actively market to a person who has told you that they have financially destroyed their family and may be facing legal punishment for their actions all so they can pay for your content? In the past, these things didn't seem like an issue bc nobody was crossing those lines. Today, you can point to examples of that behavior and the cosplay example is extremely common. At the very least you need to understand a company like Nintendo is widely known to send cease and desists and file charges for using their characters to create content they don't approve of, including parody, which should otherwise be protected. Can you even argue parody for dressing up as a character to sell the idea of said character getting or fucking themselves stupid? I think the adult industry as a whole needs to be asking these questions, but think its incredibly important for the individual models who don't have the same protections a company does. And I also wonder what sort of percentage of models don't understand that if things go sideways, MFC, OF, etc are likely going to cut their potential losses, shove you guys into the path of the legal systems as they run off into the sunset having collected a fairly solid share of all of your guys' revenue while providing you with very little.
When you look at Youtubers and streamers today, you see that its pretty much universally accepted that they have a responsibility to draw their boundaries with their audience and consistently state and reinforce it.
the difference between sexwork world and the vanilla world is that we have been having these conversations about boundaries with our members/viewers forever.

when sex is involved consent and creating boundaries are needed to protect yourself. sexworkers are usually more hyperaware of this. us vet models probably sound like a broken record telling newbies to figure out all their boundaries. you also will not last in the industry without them.

There's governments criticizing how easy it is for minors to make purchases on their parents cards in general and isn't even specific to adult content, yet. Governments becoming ever more critical of websites only demanding people click yes to allow access to adult content when apps like tiktok are getting blasted for doing nothing to stop underage people using and posting content on their platform.

it's called parents need to parent their children. parents can easily monitor their child's spending online if they are using card transactions. why isn't the parent held with more responsibility? let's be real, teenagers are going to consume porn because they are hormonal af. it's the parents job to create boundaries and to monitor their child's online activieties. if a minor child is making illegal purchases, why aren't the parents being held responsible? why isn't that treated the same say if some crappy porn stores did business with a bunch or minors? imo sounds like those government laws need to be updated to hold parents more accountable for their minor's online illegal purchases instead of going authoritarian mode.
I think as long as it’s not full on scam such as taking money and not delivering content/service, advertising false content etc it’s perfectly okay for model to lie to their customers.

People lie at any other job to customers and colleagues all the time. People don’t spill all their family secrets at casual lunch with colleagues, people lie that they’re happy to see this person they run into etc etc

Models playing a character and behavior that’s not natural. Always put together, horny, happy, ready to masturbate/have sex none stop including anal, and of course she just adores and connects to every rando on the internet??? does this kind of woman even exists??? I don’t think so.

And do you think dudes on internet wishing models well??? Leaks, nasty DMs, all that forums where they gossip about, judging for every plastic surgeries etc, doxxing. How they “invite” models to their cities, to do what you think with them???

If anyone is in danger here is the models, not customers who can’t distinguish reality from a fantasy.
It’s like you’re coming to Starbucks and they’re telling you to fuck right off? Lmao
No, they are nice and asking your name to stand out and have more business.

Unpopular opinion but I think these people who got “tricked” and love conned are at fault themselves. It’s like when googling “headache and stuffed nose remedy” and google says it’s might be a tumor, it’s up to me if I believe it and will go running to doctor to get MRI. I live with opinion that anything I’d read on internet might not be true and further investigation and common sense needed.

As for the minors… Minors will have lots of other problems besides easy access to porn. Over consumerism, desire to be Tik Tok influencer rather than study many years for profession, girls seeing exceptionally polished girls online having insecurities in their bodies, boys seeing exceptionally polished girls online and not wanting real girls, “fast success” & “5 am club”, crypto, how easy it is now to have affairs online etc etc can go indefinitely. This is the reality and dangers of social media and internet.

For this reason parents need to put a lot of effort into teaching children about what’s real and how to handle internet. This is parents responsibility. But I think even a lot of adult people can’t handle internet properly. It’s not going anywhere tho. And porn is with us till the end of times.
I think as long as it’s not full on scam such as taking money and not delivering content/service, advertising false content etc it’s perfectly okay for model to lie to their customers.
I've read lots of those "I'm in love with cam model" posts here, along with stories about "love scams" here and in media. My conclusion, as a member who has read a lot of these stories (and going on what a few models have confided about the business), is that 80-90 percent of the guys who make those posts were outright delusional or maybe just desperate, stupid, and believing what they wanted to believe (and ignoring everything else). But I also think there's 10-20 percent of situations where some model was going far to "con" the dude. Such as insisting that they love member and is looking for actual relationship with the guy in real life, lying about her circumstances, and so on. Then eventually it blows up and member learns it was a scam to extract as much money, for as long as possible.

Of course, this isn't only something that happens on a cam site. I saw a documentary about an entire industry in Moscow based on going after men who are dumb enough to fall for personal dating ads for Eastern European and Russian "ladies looking for partners." And they showed how they train the girls in all the tricks to manipulate these dumb men (usually older, but not always - sometimes young and with money, but ugly as sin) to think some good looking, younger woman is seeking a relationship with them. The women are just doing it as a job, and apparently nobody involved in it (either the women in the ads or the people who run the business) care about any type of ethics about it (no surprise). Love scamming is a big business and yeah, I think you do have to be kind of stupid (or at least naive and lonely) to fall for it.

So I'm curious, based on what you said: You think even models on sites lying to that extreme about being in love with members or trying to lead them on by expressing romantic interest, making promises, or whatever other tactics, is "perfectly okay"? Even if the dudes who fall for it should have been more skeptical, this is kind of an extreme view. :) It kind of gets to one point the OP made - that this is not a good thing for the industry.
Dating back to early in this forums history, the question of the parasocial relationships comes up every few years. Though never actually called out for what it is.

Sorry to nitpick, but this is incorrect. I’ve seen parasocial relationships discussed numerous times on this forum, over the past 4 years or so.

Usually in an attempt to explain to a confused/stubborn member why their “relationship” isn’t what they think it is.

Unless you’re saying nobody that brings up parasocial relationships gets the definition exactly right?
I'm glad Smoothie brought that up. I just skim read OPs post (a day or two ago) but kinda dismissed it, because I saw a lot of over generalizing, and opinion type stuff. It actually went against everything I've been reading on this forum the past 3 years, and was pretty incorrect, so I was curious where they were pulling it from. But simultaneously, kind of not.

I'm not apologizing for skim reading it. It was too long and rambling, and opiniony.

Anyway- I was kind of like "whatever dude". I guess we really all do live in our own little thought bubbles 🤷‍♀️

I mean; I'm all for people putting their thoughts out there and practicing their writing skills though, it is fun, and can be therapeutic.
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I've read lots of those "I'm in love with cam model" posts here, along with stories about "love scams" here and in media. My conclusion, as a member who has read a lot of these stories (and going on what a few models have confided about the business), is that 80-90 percent of the guys who make those posts were outright delusional or maybe just desperate, stupid, and believing what they wanted to believe (and ignoring everything else). But I also think there's 10-20 percent of situations where some model was going far to "con" the dude. Such as insisting that they love member and is looking for actual relationship with the guy in real life, lying about her circumstances, and so on. Then eventually it blows up and member learns it was a scam to extract as much money, for as long as possible.

Of course, this isn't only something that happens on a cam site. I saw a documentary about an entire industry in Moscow based on going after men who are dumb enough to fall for personal dating ads for Eastern European and Russian "ladies looking for partners." And they showed how they train the girls in all the tricks to manipulate these dumb men (usually older, but not always - sometimes young and with money, but ugly as sin) to think some good looking, younger woman is seeking a relationship with them. The women are just doing it as a job, and apparently nobody involved in it (either the women in the ads or the people who run the business) care about any type of ethics about it (no surprise). Love scamming is a big business and yeah, I think you do have to be kind of stupid (or at least naive and lonely) to fall for it.

So I'm curious, based on what you said: You think even models on sites lying to that extreme about being in love with members or trying to lead them on by expressing romantic interest, making promises, or whatever other tactics, is "perfectly okay"? Even if the dudes who fall for it should have been more skeptical, this is kind of an extreme view. :) It kind of gets to one point the OP made - that this is not a good thing for the industry.
So dudes are looking for a shortcut - to get a hot, way younger woman who will be obedient and hard working and home making and want to live on farm in Wyoming and tolerate 3 ex baby mammas?
It is very common to get scammed if deal looks too good to be true.
What on earth 50-60s man has to do with 20 y.o woman from very different culture and background, sometimes they even barely speak common language? Why does anyone think it’s a great ground for a long term relationships, marriage? They looking for short cut - they get ripped. Because young-hot-educated-hard working-great cooking-sporty-good in bed etc woman will want to be with a man who’s just as good as her. Why are this creepy old dudes who preying on young foreigner woman keep asking about pure love? Where is their pure love? Pure love to a tight ass, perky tits and blue eyes?
How about they find a great woman of their age in their area and build a wonderful partnership, full of love and commitment and with much less hassle and expenses? Noooooo that women are just saggy tits and asses!

Why is it a reason to give someone all your money if they told you they love you?
I’m being told that someone’s in love/loves me/wants to marry me all the time, like 300 times a day all over my social media. Why for some reason person should give all their shit to someone on the internet who said they love them? It doesn’t make sense to me and why on earth would I think they even really mean it.

For the lying part:
I actually observe that members themselves asking things they shouldn’t be asking imo.
I should not be lying about anything related to my business. I should clearly let them know what I do and don’t do, turn around time of my content, what I have in locked messages, what I do and don’t do in PVTs. I am however do not have to respond honestly about if I’m single. And oh boy this question is like #1 thing members ask. How does it matter? It really doesn’t. I try to anticipate what they’re looking for and yeah I’m either single or shhhh my husband is sleeping. Whatever is good for my business. Members generally tend to try to “dig into souls” of the models and they just suck and suck and suck if your let them. They want to know all unnecessary things, they asking way too many questions and at that stage is up to model how to respond and if to lie. I’d look at you, when every day 200 dudes keep asking you 100 personal questions.

What promises and situations models lie about?
Promises for content delivery that member paid and she didn’t deliver? Awful, need to speak to site about refund.
Being in trouble? You under no obligation to help but I promise you, tons of members just LOVE girls in trouble or difficult situations to make them feel like knights in shiny armor.

What are tactics that models using? Why do members even let it become something more than an entertainment? IMO it’s due to their own personality traits such as being easy obsessed or addicted to things.

AND members constantly keep asking to go into this lovey-dovey talks! Like for real, I am too lazy and fed to even love con anyone but I have so many fans who tell me they love me and would do everything for me every day! They asking me to respond in similar ways, call them sweet names etc. I even have married men who enjoy homewrecking kink and at the same do this GFE talks. There IS expectation for models to act as pocket GF. Because if she doesn’t… “it feels too transactional” fml.

I have someone who’s one day wants to know which engagement ring I’d like and in the same conversation he’s asking when is new Boy/Girl video and that I need a cumshot on my face.

Like seriously get over this idea that if someone told you on internet they love you it means anything!!!
I think today there should be more serious concerns, like being hit with wrongful death in cases like the one where the guy killed his entire family after they disowned him for spending all his money on a specific cam model.
That case isn't the best example. It was covered non-stop in news in my area for awhile, and there are lots of court transcripts, chats and other stuff about it. The dude had a few screws loose, not to mention that he looks like stereotype of incel living in his mother's basement. Actually, he was living in his parents' house in his mid/late 30s, after he lost a good job and was trying to make a living as a gamer. He said in court transcripts that he basically fell in love with the model after only a few conversations. The fact that he did what he did was his craziness.

But a little bit to your point: His "girlfriend" from the Bulgarian studio was telling him the whole way that yeah, she's his girlfriend and yeah, she can't wait until they can be together. lol Was that a "girlfriend experience"? Did he know it was fake? Should there have been a point when she realized the guy was nuts or that maybe it wasn't a good idea to keep encouraging him, even for the money? I don't know.

When stuff really got crazy, the dude's parents even called her and talked to her, explained what was going on and pleaded for her to stop communicating with their addict son. But when he started calling again, and sending money again, she resumed talking to him same as before, even saying same stuff about their "love." To me that says something. Yes, the dude was responsible for his actions and he got sentenced to life. But she's kind of repulsive herself. I mean, come on.
I’m being told that someone’s in love/loves me/wants to marry me all the time, like 300 times a day all over my social media.
Yes, but the key question is: Do you say back to them that you love and want to marry any of them, and persist to carry on long interactions over months or years where you continue on that theme, and talk about plans with them? I'm not disagreeing at all with what you are saying about the desperate, deluded, or obsessive men, but I think point OP might have been making was, the model could set some limits and make things clear if the guy is really starting to think it's real. Or at least not cross over to actual "love scam" tactics.
Like seriously get over this idea that if someone told you on internet they love you it means anything!!!

Lol I think as far as love cons, which is a real thing, it's usually a lot more than situation where some member says, "love you" and model says, "love you" back, where it's just understood to be friendly. Usually the ones doing love cons are carrying things on for a long time and basically preying on the fact that the dude thinks it's real. To me, that's not a "girlfriend experience." That's just kind of sick, honestly... It's really no different than love scammers on the fake "Find Russian bride" websites. Yeah, there's a sucker born every minute, but does it make it right?
This is a forum of pretty much mostly Indie cam models, and we've all already spoken out on our stance against love cons, in about a few hundred other threads here on this forum (?)

Just like we've all already discussed the issue for consent when doing girl friend experience too (?). Many, many, many times.


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His "girlfriend" from the Bulgarian studio was telling him the whole way that yeah, she's his girlfriend and yeah, she can't wait until they can be together. lol Was that a "girlfriend experience"? Did he know it was fake? Should there have been a point when she realized the guy was nuts or that maybe it wasn't a good idea to keep encouraging him, even for the money? I don't know.
Hmmm. Do they see each other regularly, go on dates, kiss and have sex? Did they meet each other friends, families, maybe moved in and adopted a pet? I don’t think so. So she’s not his girlfriend that’s how he knows it’s not for real lmao.

At times a lot members can seem kinda nutty. 😁 it’s porn sites and members often using it as an outlet for their hidden sexual kinks or just emotions etc. Also often times at late nights quite a few guys are on drugs and PVTs/skypes could be pretty nutty. Someone I know had member pointing gun at himself on c2c. You as a member don’t realize how much crazy shit models see and read, sometime it might all just blur and you can’t tell it’s just regular crazy or extra.
Hmmm. Do they see each other regularly, go on dates, kiss and have sex? Did they meet each other friends, families, maybe moved in and adopted a pet? I don’t think so. So she’s not his girlfriend that’s how he knows it’s not for real lmao.
No, not if it's a love scam, or course. :) Again - I'm not disagreeing with most of what you're saying. But with the models who scam (and I really doubt it's that common), the whole idea of the scam is that they are carrying it on for a long time, leading the guy on, promising to eventually meet or whatever. That's at least the way a lot of those stories go. Yeah, most dudes know better but there's a lot of lonely, crazy, desperate, or who knows what other kind of people among the customers.
You as a member don’t realize how much crazy shit models see and read, sometime it might all just blur and you can’t tell it’s just regular crazy or extra.
You're right, I don't. I have a couple of models I'm actually friends with, including one who's not in the industry anymore but we talk a lot still. Even only from this, I've heard a lot of stories about crazy shit they dealt with. Honestly, it made me have a lot of respect but also wonder how the hell you deal with it!
No, not if it's a love scam, or course. :) Again - I'm not disagreeing with most of what you're saying. But with the models who scam (and I really doubt it's that common), the whole idea of the scam is that they are carrying it on for a long time, leading the guy on, promising to eventually meet or whatever. That's at least the way a lot of those stories go. Yeah, most dudes know better but there's a lot of lonely, crazy, desperate, or who knows what other kind of people among the customers.
I think most of people +- know how dating goes and what are cues of the things that going well and in the right direction. It’s just add to the point that obsessed members are pretty anti social weirdos if they do not understand this things.

You asked her for a phone number and she said “no”. Done. You had asked her for a date and she said “no”. Bye.

This is just legit stupid when chick telling you for 2 years she will meet you and dodges every opportunity to do so yet you keep jerking to her every night online.

What would you think if you matched on a Tinder and woman refuses to go out with you for a month? You’d keep swiping on the other ones and drop the shady one.

On top of that camming sites just generally being not a good place to meet a partner who’s far away etc, then this members also develop lots of jealousy to girls job and other members even tho they keep consuming her content and shows…
On top of that camming sites just generally being not a good place to meet a partner who’s far away etc, then this members also develop lots of jealousy to girls job and other members even tho they keep consuming her content and shows…
Its such a common occurrence with people coming back into the industry or sex work in general. Was in a relationship with customer/member/reg and thought they could handle it. Later the SO pressured them into quitting.

Idk maybe they cant disconnect that they initially fell for a persona/fantasy and having to face that is being replicated over and over again to others. Thus sharing something that they didnt realize was meaningful to thousands of others. Seems like that would create a lot of resentment, insecurity, and jealousy.
Its such a common occurrence with people coming back into the industry or sex work in general. Was in a relationship with customer/member/reg and thought they could handle it. Later the SO pressured them into quitting.

Idk maybe they cant disconnect that they initially fell for a persona/fantasy and having to face that is being replicated over and over again to others. Thus sharing something that they didnt realize was meaningful to thousands of others. Seems like that would create a lot of resentment, insecurity, and jealousy.
I also think a lot of members put their “favorite” model on a pedestal of some perfect woman. And then when they get together and man realizes she’s just “like any other woman” - grumpy, not in the mood sometimes, in sweat pants all the time etc - they feel tricked and that she gives her “best self” to “other men” online and he gets the regular her.
I also think a lot of members put their “favorite” model on a pedestal of some perfect woman. And then when they get together and man realizes she’s just “like any other woman” - grumpy, not in the mood sometimes, in sweat pants all the time etc - they feel tricked and that she gives her “best self” to “other men” online and he gets the regular her.

i feel so bad for those models. it's okay if men are attracted to women who do indeed style themselves like that every day and there are plenty who do. we all have those friends relatives or acquaintances you have never seen without any makeup or their hair done. if its to dress up like that for them on special occassions, wish they'd communicate so. i know personally, that getting glammed out for intimacy with my partner is something im more eager to do because i wanna excite him. fuck im gonna pull out the good stuff that is uncomfortable to stream in. the ones i wear only in videos or if requested for a show.
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I think most of people +- know how dating goes and what are cues of the things that going well and in the right direction. It’s just add to the point that obsessed members are pretty anti social weirdos if they do not understand this things.

You asked her for a phone number and she said “no”. Done. You had asked her for a date and she said “no”. Bye.

This is just legit stupid when chick telling you for 2 years she will meet you and dodges every opportunity to do so yet you keep jerking to her every night online.

What would you think if you matched on a Tinder and woman refuses to go out with you for a month? You’d keep swiping on the other ones and drop the shady one.

On top of that camming sites just generally being not a good place to meet a partner who’s far away etc, then this members also develop lots of jealousy to girls job and other members even tho they keep consuming her content and shows…
I totally agree with everything you said in this post. I think the only area where there's possibly a difference of opinion is in what's the right thing to do if dealing with obsessed weirdos or even a member that is beginning to develop a distorted view of the situation. Should the model encourage it, and keep it going for as long as possible, until guy either comes to his senses or runs out of money, or has a breakdown or who knows what? Or should model try to discourage it, since the model has dealt with many customers and probably can see the signs? I say the second option, but I'm not a model and not earning my living as such, so it's easy for me to oversimplify. :happy: I think I would feel guilty and stressed if I had some obsessed weirdos thinking that I "loved" them while I know I'm just playing them. But, I don't work in a studio in Bulgaria or Romania with boss pressuring me and life in general maybe more ruthless than where I'm from.
I totally agree with everything you said in this post. I think the only area where there's possibly a difference of opinion is in what's the right thing to do if dealing with obsessed weirdos or even a member that is beginning to develop a distorted view of the situation. Should the model encourage it, and keep it going for as long as possible, until guy either comes to his senses or runs out of money, or has a breakdown or who knows what? Or should model try to discourage it, since the model has dealt with many customers and probably can see the signs? I say the second option, but I'm not a model and not earning my living as such, so it's easy for me to oversimplify. :happy: I think I would feel guilty and stressed if I had some obsessed weirdos thinking that I "loved" them while I know I'm just playing them. But, I don't work in a studio in Bulgaria or Romania with boss pressuring me and life in general maybe more ruthless than where I'm from.
Most of members have perma distorted view of the situation in various ways, if chase away every delusional member, there will be crickets in the chat rooms lol

As I already explained - the whole situation of camming is fully unnatural. Because it allows men to access as many women as they’d like and the type of the women they’d like without dealing with rejection that would occur IRL. 3/10 guy gets access to 12/10 women without fearing rejection and even if they’re extra nasty and got banned it’s anonymous, “not for real” and they can continue in another room. That’s it, biggest selling point of this industry.

Going forward with that in mind, typically “love conned” dudes ain’t the “show feet bb” dudes. These usually dudes who chat a lot, coming to chat and spend evenings with models, not only to play and leave. Model will not just go “love con” every single member because it’s extremely dreadful and time consuming. Meaning is, money that this members spending very significant to the model to be worth the wasted time on the boring, dreadful chats during the day and typically this members demand lots of time! For example someone I knew had clingy “bf” member like that and he made a habit to call on Skype to model after her shift is done to chat for 2 hours and sometimes he’d get horny of course. And all that was supposedly “free”, where he compensated her indirectly but imagine how annoying it is. So meaning is girls doing this type of thing and amount that they’re receiving is pretty motivating. Depending on country they live, how much they’re making otherwise etc it might not be easy to just drop such significant income… so he’d go cling to another model and spend there?

Because this is how this people are, I literally know someone who’s in the course of the last 10 years 1) fell in love with model #1 but she didn’t meet him 2) kinda fell in love with model #2, met her but they only acted as friends irl 3) fell in love with model #3 and “dated” her taking her on vacations for ~ 2 years while still visiting her on the site every night 4) fell in love with model #4 was “courting” her for ~ 1,5 years and she then retired.

Also this dudes often faking who they are to the model too. Lying about their age and income, children, wives etc. They only go crying on forums that they went into debt for a model or spent 401K savings. Foreign models don’t even know what’s 401K or that one can get a loan for just spending money on random shit.
I think this can really be summed up as men make up a bunch of shit about women they want to believe and act accordingly to their kinks, twists, perversions, fetishes, and we're just here to either facilitate it or tell you to step off. It's up to us where we draw the line and we are not any more responsible for your decisions than you are for mine. End stop.

if chase away every delusional member, there will be crickets in the chat rooms lol

3/10 guy gets access to 12/10 women

The way you describe members in general makes me think virtually all of the members you’ve encountered are detestable, unstable, gullible and insufferable pieces of shit.

I’m not saying they’re not. I’m just saying, that’s pretty unfortunate. Sorry to hear it.
The way you describe members in general makes me think virtually all of the members you’ve encountered are detestable, unstable, gullible and insufferable pieces of shit.

I’m not saying they’re not. I’m just saying, that’s pretty unfortunate. Sorry to hear it.
I have been on CB for ten years. There is only one guy I have never banned. He is a long time fan, tipper, and my app developer.

This is not unique, most guys turn into assholes. Except those three guys who want to keep it going. You're very naive if you think wealth sunk into a cam girl doesn't create vitriol.

I have been on CB for ten years. There is only one guy I have never banned. He is a long time fan, tipper, and my app developer.

This is not unique, most guys turn into assholes. Except those three guys who want to keep it going. You're very naive if you think wealth sunk into a cam girl doesn't create vitriol.

No doubt. I’m not disputing any of that.
No doubt. I’m not disputing any of that.
You said it was unfortunate as if it isn't the norm. It's very rare to find a truly altruistic person who thinks of you as a human being in this industry. They all say they do and then come to forums like this and are all I'm sooooo nice and turn out to be a P4ntops where he eggs models on who have links listed then is like nah, I buy my shit on a budget and I listened to all your ACF woes and I'm here being sympathetic when actually they're just a giant pain the fucking ass.

Once again the adage is true. Men are afraid women will reject them, women are afraid men will kill them. Take that literally, metaphorically or spiritually.
The way you describe members in general makes me think virtually all of the members you’ve encountered are detestable, unstable, gullible and insufferable pieces of shit.

I’m not saying they’re not. I’m just saying, that’s pretty unfortunate. Sorry to hear it.
I think it’s also depends on turn over of people and how long I was camming/creating content which since 2013 and it’s long time to collect various experiences + from talking to other models. There is good members or “normal”, “easy” members for sure and especially nowadays I actually don’t get much hate even on social media and my subscribers all are a good boys, but I think it’s thanks to my established boundaries, and I’m as exposed as I’ve ever been with highest turnover of ppl.
Any delusional? Yeah. Mean or disrespectful - not really or don’t dare to say anything lmao.

I think depending where model financially, sometimes she has to accept a crappy jobs or have to deal with shitty high tippers. It is awesome if model has a plan in place how to get away from this situations and to not depend on one person.

All in all this industry is pretty much one of the most shallow and customers just go loose and do whatever they want if they’re paying. They then turn into a good boys IRL because their wives will not tolerate this kinds of crap.

I also mostly comment on this threads about “love conned” dudes, we actually never get to hear the models story….
You said it was unfortunate as if it isn't the norm.

I meant that it’s unfortunate that anyone (in any industry, really) has to deal with a clientele that’s virtually all detestable human beings. I’m not in a position to argue whether it is or is not the norm. If you’re telling me we’re all assholes, I believe you.
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I meant that it’s unfortunate that anyone (in any industry, really) has to deal with a clientele that’s virtually all detestable human beings. I’m not in a position to argue whether it is or is not the norm. If you’re telling me we’re all assholes, I believe you.
There is many videos around in TikTok etc about how hot women get to see the worst behavior from men, I agree with it very much. 💯
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I meant that it’s unfortunate that anyone (in any industry, really) has to deal with a clientele that’s virtually all detestable human beings. I’m not in a position to argue whether it is or is not the norm. If you’re telling me we’re all assholes, I believe you.
I'm reminded of a Vanderpump Rules reunion episode. Where Ariana Madix exclaims "we're all assholes, if we weren't we wouldn't be here." We're the misfits on Toy Island, and I think it should be appreciated what we all go through to be here, on both sides. No one has to tip me. I can fail into oblivion. However, no one gets to judge me because they are consuming my product.

Edit: I'm a cam model not the president of the United States or a world leader, stop giving so many girls this insane agency in your lives. Jerk off and pay for it and move on.
I'm reminded of a Vanderpump Rules reunion episode. Where Ariana Madix exclaims "we're all assholes, if we weren't we wouldn't be here." We're the misfits on Toy Island, and I think it should be appreciated what we all go through to be here, on both sides. No one has to tip me. I can fail into oblivion. However, no one gets to judge me because they are consuming my product.

I’m of the opinion that pretty much everyone can be an asshole under certain conditions. Human nature, and all that.
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