Movies or television...
Dark City - a small neo noir sci-fi dealing with a trippy story about altering people's memories
Minority Report - i really don't care for Tom Cruise but the idea of preventing future crime was quite original and the entire movie was well executed
Aliens (1986)
Star Trek TNG - I've retroactively watched TNG recently. Never was a die hard fan during it's run in the 80s/90s but now i'm digging it mainly for nostalgia... and Patrick Stewart.
Dark City - a small neo noir sci-fi dealing with a trippy story about altering people's memories
Minority Report - i really don't care for Tom Cruise but the idea of preventing future crime was quite original and the entire movie was well executed
Aliens (1986)
Star Trek TNG - I've retroactively watched TNG recently. Never was a die hard fan during it's run in the 80s/90s but now i'm digging it mainly for nostalgia... and Patrick Stewart.