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question to experienced mfc models

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Jul 27, 2015
I am not a model yet but really wanted to start camming very soon (never did so far on any site) am currently saving for own place and ability to commit to this full time (every day almost) and make a living.
I love mfc and been studying it , observing models for a while now...would love to find own apartment and move now and just start camming there!
But... I have completely no idea how much money( for how much time ) do I need to have saved in order to be safe so decided to post this topic and ask and maybe get some answers even though I know that it all depends...but still...
currently have 3 months worth of cushion savings -enough for rent and food- but do you think three months is enough to establish self on mfc and enough to survive afterwards? How much time do you think an average person would need?
My fear is I will make a move too soon but really would love to do it now. The place am at now is stressful and cannot do any camming here...I could try but am not sure how that would work out and then maybe would not work out at all so better to move first.
I am pretty however I know success mfc is all about ideas and personality and looks are just part of the whole picture so wondering how much time do I need to have to be safe...What time frame would you recommend I save for before I move?
thanks for any feedback!
currently have 3 months worth of cushion savings -enough for rent and food- but do you think three months is enough to establish self on mfc and enough to survive afterwards?

Short answer: Maybe.
Long answer: Maayyyyybe? ;) Okay, seriously though, nobody can know for sure. A big part of me wants to say "Yes, 3 months is plenty! You're fine!" but that's not how it works. You've studied models, but there's a big difference between watching models and being one. In fact, 3 months is the estimated turnover time for new models. Meaning, most models quit before their 3 month mark. It's underestimated how much a toll camming will take on you, mentally and physically, and there's no way to know that until you press "broadcast" for the first time. For all you know, you might hate it. If you invest in a new house and a new expense and then discover camming's not for you, you're royally fucked.
how much time do I need to have to be safe

There is no "safe" here. Never ever ever. And there's no consistency to members' spending habits. No guarantee that, even if they all had huge bank accounts, that they'd want to spend it on you. That's a truth that applies to all models, newb or veteran. Established models know to save their money, but there's plenty of people who end up just scraping by because they have a bad month or their regulars seemingly forget about them or whatnot. You'd be self-employed, without medical benefits, sick days, 401k, etc. Walking a tightrope without a net.

I know you feel you've researched, but don't look just at MFC. Look at Streamate, Chaturbate, Clips4Sale, etc. to see if you can have multiple backup sites. Though, that won't help if you end up disliking the job.

Best advice: Even if it's harder, really try camming now in your current location to see how you like it and if it's a feasible job for you. Test it out and see what you can do to establish a fan base before you decide to move. You really don't want to dive into an icy lake before you learn how to swim.
I agree with Charlottesville for the most part. The catch 22 here is that if you find you like it and do well the first day not having your own place and a consistent schedule...especially while having your new model tag will kill your MFC future ...or make it 10 times harder.

As far as safe...I don't know that there ever really is a safe. You never know. You just never know. Unfortunately for us we are a non necessity when it comes to our tippers bills. So...income around here fluctuates a lot.

Do you have any back up at all? Any skills, field, job you could do if camming doesnt work? I think one thing you may not be considering is that you are going to have a very hard time getting approved for an apartment with no job/income. Very hard time.
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Reactions: CharlotteLace
Hahahaha, I don't know if that was autocorrect or not, but I love it. @CharlotteLace, you're totally Charlottesville from now on.
Bwahah my phone auto corrects Charlottesville to Charlottesville. Fuck fuck . CHARLOTTE. It won't stop with the Charlottesville what the hell.
Bwahah my phone auto corrects Charlottesville to Charlottesville. Fuck fuck . CHARLOTTE. It won't stop with the Charlottesville what the hell.

This whole thing made my day. I'm going to move to Charlottesville, become mayor, and then rule with an iron fist.

Fear me, peasants.
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