AmberCutie's Forum
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What kind of positive life changes/choices have you inspired members to make?

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Cam Model
Jun 22, 2015
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I used to be heavily into lifting and fell off the bandwagon in late summer. I recently got back into daily squats, deadlifts, and benching, and have two of my top regulars who have never expressed interest or attendance in the gym before making lifestyle changes. One goes to the gym every day that I do and has been (confirmed via snapchat) and the other is going to begin to use old equipment that was just sitting in his basement he was otherwise ignoring.

How have you inspired members to change?
Great topic! I've helped many guys come to terms with their kink, and one in particular I remember who was so lonely and felt like he was a freak, I introduced him to fetish clubs and groups in his area. He now regularly comes in to tell me about the fun he's having. He met his partner at one of the groups I introduced him to. I just did the research and found the links for him then we chatted for a few weeks (in private chat obviously) beforehand to get his confidence up, then off he went :)

I've had many guys break up or make up with their spouses after in depth discussion with me about their love lives and where they needed to go with it.

A few have even turned to plant based eating/Veganism!

I always say this work allows me to use my psychology education far more than any other ever has lol. I love being able to help and influence l people, and it always happens so unexpectedly x
I've inspired a couple regulars to adopt animals or foster animals from their local shelters. :h:
I've helped regulars fill out dating profiles which have then led to them being more confident and going on more dates!
When I did "Octobutt" (month of squats), I had a bunch of regulars doing it with me. This caused a few of them to continue working out even after the month was over!
I've inspired them to save money by not spending it on other models, jk jk

It would always perk me up when a regular member of mine would catch up with me and talk about their new adoptive way of grocery shopping and making food choices. It doesn't happen often, but it's always nice to receive a message about how they made a dish I had recommended for them or their family. A regular of mine used to never cook and now our conversations will start with him explaining the last meal he prepared.

I think I had some help in helping a regular who I would call a friend now, get back into the dating world. He hadn't been on a date since his divorce of a couple years and his marriage was 10+ years. He signed up for online dating services and would keep me up to date and ask for advice for his upcoming arranged dates. I sort of have the feeling that my member doesn't seek advice from anyone in his personal life or anyone online but me, so that does make me feel special!
OFf the top of my head

- Neutering his dog. Finally.
-adopting animals
-Trying being vegetarian
-Adding NZ to a trip that was previously only going to include Australia (its my home country). Where's my comission from the NZ tourism board?
-I've helped inspire a member to lose weight and maintain it.
-Getting on fetlife and getting involved in the local kink community
-Asking a girl out :) It was a big step for him.
-30 day squat challenge
-Donations to my fav charities.

And some of the heavier ones..
-Seek help for addiction
-Begin therapy
-Leave mfc and work on shit with his wife.
I am sort of off topic, since I was inspired instead of being inspiring. As a child I only ever went on one vacation, we normally just stayed home and never did anything. Then for my first several working years as an adult I could never afford to do anything, and then later in my life when I could afford to go on vacations I honestly never realized that I could.

It just never occurred to me that going on vacations was something that I could do being all middle class and stuff. Then a model started talking about EDC, and how awesome it was. This was the nudge I needed to fly to the other side of the country to try something new.

Now days I try to take one or two vacations a year, and not just stay in my normal routine to avoid social situations that are difficult for me to deal with.
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