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Buying soiled panties: Question....

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Mar 30, 2011
Am I the only man who gets an OMGWTF ice cream headache at the idea of someone buying a woman's dirty panties?

I mean if you can sell em to someone, all the more power to you, money is money and if I could sell my soiled shorts for a few bucks.... I probably would.

But the idea that people actually buy them.... :shock: :think: :?

Am I alone in this personal horror? Models, or members?

As a commodity for making some cash, I say go for it if it doesn't bother you.... If I could, I would too.
But personally....the idea of handling a strangers dirty personal laundry just makes my brain go :angry-screaming:

Discuss; because I've had about as much politics and Zimmerman news I can stand for one week.
Paulie Walnuts said:
Am I the only man who gets an OMGWTF ice cream headache at the idea of someone buying a woman's dirty panties?

I mean if you can sell em to someone, all the more power to you, money is money and if I could sell my soiled shorts for a few bucks.... I probably would.

But the idea that people actually buy them.... :shock: :think: :?

Am I alone in this personal horror? Models, or members?

As a commodity for making some cash, I say go for it if it doesn't bother you.... If I could, I would too.
But personally....the idea of handling a strangers dirty personal laundry just makes my brain go :angry-screaming:

Discuss; because I've had about as much politics and Zimmerman news I can stand for one week.

It's something intimate. It's been against our bodies, on our most private parts. It has our scent. They may be wet.. with our pussy juices.. remants of an orgasm. For some men, this is an amazingly 'close' experience to being with us sexually... its tangible, touchable and very real. Panties can become an item to worship, a fetish, a 'trophy'. For submissive men it can be a worship related thing and they may even want to wear them.

I don't think its strange at all.
I wouldn't buy panties, but if I had been with a girl and she left her panties at my house, shit, I'd probably give 'em a sniff :lol: What can I say, I'm a perv!!

I can understand that it's not appealing to a lot of guys, but I do want to say that it really bothers me when someone asks me about selling panties in public chat, and a bunch of members start saying "eww that's so gross, why would anyone want to buy panties, what a freak", etc. First of all, I would like to sell panties to the gentleman who inquired and you guys are not helping when you make those comments...and second of all, I don't like anyone being shamed for their kink (unless it's something harmful). Not Cool. I mean, feel free to laugh about it to yourself, but it sucks when I lose out on sales because of members in my room running their mouths.

Anyway, Paulie, I am sure you're not that crass as to make disparaging comments in public chat, but I thought I would add my :twocents-02cents: for those who are reading this thread and need an etiquette reminder.
The first time I was asked, I was disgusted but hid it well.

The second time I was asked, I was weirded out, and simply replied "I think it's illegal to send such things through the mail."

I have since sold used underpants, but NEVER ones with piss or poop, since such things are indeed illegal to send through the us mail. And SOPA shows us all what happens when Luna does something illegal...

BuxomZoe said:
It's not for everyone, and I probably will never sell them because I'm just scared I'll ship them wrong and they'll show up not so, ahem, fresh.

That's why you let them sit out overnight. They will have dried, and the thing that makes stuff rank is when it's wet and sealed in a dark place. Just like how your laundry doesn't usually stink unless you put something wet in the hamper.
Yeah, aside from the hygienic question, "strange" is all relative I guess.

I'm pretty much a "vanilla" person as far as sex. Boring as hell. lol But maybe to some, THAT's a fetish. lol
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While soiled panties aren't quite my thing, if I had the cash to buy some clean undies from a model I liked, heck yes I'd do it!

It's not a sexual thing for me, but a fun thing. It makes the ladies over the computer more "real" and for a lot of members gives them a closer connection. Especially some really tippy-top models, who have kind of a celebrity status, having a personal item of theirs might be like having Angelina Jolie's underwear. Even if you're not a perv, that would be kind of awesome, no?

If I was a little more wealthy I would buy panties from my favorite models because I freakin' LOVE to get packages, it supports them, and I get camgirl celebrity memorabilia!
Personally I agree 100% with Paulie, therefore I won't rehash what he said. To each their own, more power to you models if you can make money from it.

They may be wet.. with our pussy juices.. remants of an orgasm.

But after being sent, unless precautions were taken to air-tight seal, we're talking crusty, not wet.

RogueWarrior said:
Personally I agree 100% with Paulie, therefore I won't rehash what he said. To each their own, more power to you models if you can make money from it.

They may be wet.. with our pussy juices.. remants of an orgasm.

But after being sent, unless precautions were taken to air-tight seal, we're talking crusty, not wet.


I've heard that shipping moist and air-locked undies leads to mold problems.

But maybe you can re-hydrate at home? xD
I have personally bought over a dozen pairs of models panties. Not for masturbatory purposes, not to sniff, not to look at, and certainly not for this connection <whatever that can possibly be> that previous posters have mentioned. In fact I never took them out of the professionally packaged vacuum seal that the models used.

I bought them for one reason. To look down on <or up at> the faces of the people executing my burial wishes after that have read from my will: "I would like to be buried with the contents of my lower right dresser drawer for all eternity"
I can understand the woman's panties and pussy scent thing but it cracks me up to see guys go gaga over used socks and gym shoes (the smellier the better), chewed bubble gum, used tampons, and items like cookies or olives... that have been squished by a woman's toes or feet. Sweaty Stinky White Cable Knit Socks OH MY! :lol: Check out for some of the more, ahem, colorful fetishes and sale options.
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MadisonLeigh said:
Anyway, Paulie, I am sure you're not that crass as to make disparaging comments in public chat, but I thought I would add my :twocents-02cents: for those who are reading this thread and need an etiquette reminder.

No I would never be that rude in anyone's room, that's a "place of business" and not the proper venue to comment negatively on something the model is selling.

I don't think badly about anyone's fetish, but I freely admit I don't "get it".
I don't grasp why some people like to be choked while fucking.
I don't grasp why some people like to wear latex body suits.
I don't grasp a lot of things people are into.

But I'm not gonna insult them for it. Please don't mistake my puzzlement for condescension.
I think Lolli stated it best. :)
I've sold panties before, but only clean ones. I spritzed them with my perfume and included a 'kissed' note in my favorite flavored lipstick. I'm too paranoid to sell dirty panties. :lol:
Paulie Walnuts said:
MadisonLeigh said:
Anyway, Paulie, I am sure you're not that crass as to make disparaging comments in public chat, but I thought I would add my :twocents-02cents: for those who are reading this thread and need an etiquette reminder.

No I would never be that rude in anyone's room, that's a "place of business" and not the proper venue to comment negatively on something the model is selling.

I don't think badly about anyone's fetish, but I freely admit I don't "get it".
I don't grasp why some people like to be choked while fucking.
I don't grasp why some people like to wear latex body suits.
I don't grasp a lot of things people are into.

But I'm not gonna insult them for it. Please don't mistake my puzzlement for condescension.

Nah, I didn't think you were doing that, you have always conducted yourself as a gentleman on this forum. I just wanted to point that out because it has been an issue in my room before, and I think some members might not understand why it's inappropriate to say that kind of thing. I understand why it skeeves people out but respect is important! I sensed no condescension from your post.
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Not super into such things so I'd never asked but I didn't assume "soiled" to mean "had an accident in" so much as "had an orgasm in". Now that I think about it thought "soiled" does sound like something else :think:

If a girl I was in lust with gave me her panties she just came in I think that'd be hot, not sure about mail, might be hot too if they still smelled like her.
I entered a candy/panties raffle once for foreign candy. I won and told her she did not need to send me the panties, because I only wanted the candy. :crybaby: I could not make myself eat candy that had been shipped with some strangers underwear. They were clean, but still I did not know her well enough for that. It just seemed wrong.

I had another model send me dirty socks, they looked like she had been walking outside in them, and I do not even have a foot fetish. She got mad when I did not like them, and said she was going to perform spot checks to make sure I never got rid of them. So I washed them until they looked clean on the soles, bought a sock monkey, put the socks on him, a book on knitting socks in his hand, filled a knit hat with cute socks, made it look a nest for the monkey, and mailed it all back to the model.
Personally I'm kind of a "vanilla" person as well. I'd b far happier snuggling up to a hoodie a guy/gal had been wearing than their undies.

But I "get" the attraction - like Miss_Lollipop said it's the intimacy, the scent, the idea of physically holding something belonging to that person. And similar to other fetishes, like feet, which dont do much for me if there is a market for it (and its not *nasty*) I'll give it a go - hence the fact that I sell panties.

On a side note a guy I was "shagging" one time confessed to stealing my panties from my house one time. When he showed them to me I had to stifle my laugher - they were my flatmate's undies not mine! He was so convinced that he could tell my panties from the other girls by the style and "smell" (they'd just been washed!?!) that I hadnt the heart to tell him they werent mine. He still "enjoyed" them so it's all in the mind anyway ;)
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I totally get why some guys would like to have something that used to belong to their fav cam girl, be it panties or a soda can she once drank from! Panties are small and fit in an envelope, don't weight much so the shipping is cheap, and they're sexy.

One thing I wonder though: What on earth do you charge for panties?? Any model who sells her panties, please do share your method of pricing! I was actually asked for the first time the other day what the panties I was wearing would cost, and I had no idea! It was one of my regulars asking, so I just told him I'd check it up and get back to him :p
Paulie Walnuts said:
Am I the only man who gets an OMGWTF ice cream headache at the idea of someone buying a woman's dirty panties?

I mean if you can sell em to someone, all the more power to you, money is money and if I could sell my soiled shorts for a few bucks.... I probably would.

But the idea that people actually buy them.... :shock: :think: :?

Am I alone in this personal horror? Models, or members?

As a commodity for making some cash, I say go for it if it doesn't bother you.... If I could, I would too.
But personally....the idea of handling a strangers dirty personal laundry just makes my brain go :angry-screaming:

Discuss; because I've had about as much politics and Zimmerman news I can stand for one week.

If you think THAT is crazy, I had a guy on MFC ask if he could buy my used toys so he can use them on himself. :lol:

I agree that the worn panty thing is, uh, different, but I would do it (send them) fact, I HAVE done it a couple of times. I'm surprised I don't hear more guys asking for a woman's t-shirt though. I hear a lot about worn panties, but I hardly ever hear about guys wanting a worn t-shirt/tank top.
MadisonLeigh said:
I wouldn't buy panties, but if I had been with a girl and she left her panties at my house, shit, I'd probably give 'em a sniff :lol: What can I say, I'm a perv!!

I can understand that it's not appealing to a lot of guys, but I do want to say that it really bothers me when someone asks me about selling panties in public chat, and a bunch of members start saying "eww that's so gross, why would anyone want to buy panties, what a freak", etc. First of all, I would like to sell panties to the gentleman who inquired and you guys are not helping when you make those comments...and second of all, I don't like anyone being shamed for their kink (unless it's something harmful). Not Cool. I mean, feel free to laugh about it to yourself, but it sucks when I lose out on sales because of members in my room running their mouths.

Anyway, Paulie, I am sure you're not that crass as to make disparaging comments in public chat, but I thought I would add my :twocents-02cents: for those who are reading this thread and need an etiquette reminder.

SoOo this. I get this in my room about panties, feet, etc. It's ridiculously annoying and my one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. If you don't like it, then you don't like it. But jesus, are we really back in high school where we have to have a whole feed of "Ewwwww" from the peanut gallery. I've even had this happen when a member tipped to see my feet, I showed him, & there was a good solid feed worth of "ewww, why would you like feet"? Like... that's just rude & I actually ended up going off on a LOT of the people in my room, including some of my regulars. That behavior is not cool or accepted in my room.

As for whether or not I get it- I don't get a lot of fetishes, but I'm not against it either. What do I really care if you want to have a pair of my dirty undies? I guess I'm just personally meh about it all- i don't think about it to get skeeved out.
Ive been selling panties for awhile now. Its not personally my fetish but to each their own i guess!

I sell them worn or clean out of the dryer. I dont ask what they do with them.. one guy hung them all on his ceiling fan and sent me a pic! I like when they do creative things with my panties lol
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I also say "not my thing" but I do understand why a girl would do it...

New thong/panties to wear on cam- $7
worn panties sold to a guy that begs you for your cummie undies -- 2500 tokies...

No brainer.... :lol:

And yes, I have seen that.
The guy was relentless and kept increasing the offer every time she said no. after 1000 he went to 2500 and she said "I dont believe you even have it to send but if you do, then ok."
BAM! 2500 tokies.
As to what to charge -

Figure out your cost of goods - this includes panties, shipping (i know you're going to have to pay more to ship to a lot of places since you're from sweden?) and then the amount of time you're spending on getting them ready and mailing (work out the $ You'd like to make per hour for this service)

Then add profit.

I sell mine for 500 tks. I deliberately only post panties that I have been able to get cheaply for sale - usually between 1-$5 a pair. You can also price expensive lingerie higher.
GemmaMarie said:
SoOo this. I get this in my room about panties, feet, etc. It's ridiculously annoying and my one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. If you don't like it, then you don't like it. But jesus, are we really back in high school where we have to have a whole feed of "Ewwwww" from the peanut gallery. I've even had this happen when a member tipped to see my feet, I showed him, & there was a good solid feed worth of "ewww, why would you like feet"? Like... that's just rude & I actually ended up going off on a LOT of the people in my room, including some of my regulars. That behavior is not cool or accepted in my room.

As for whether or not I get it- I don't get a lot of fetishes, but I'm not against it either. What do I really care if you want to have a pair of my dirty undies? I guess I'm just personally meh about it all- i don't think about it to get skeeved out.

Well I try not to be one of those negative guys (though sometimes it's hard to avoid your immediate natural reaction), but I suppose a fair question is this: girls have commented that a 150 token private that could clear out your room is a bad gamble, so at what point is a 50 token tip to see feet that puts the rest of the room off a bad gamble?
Miss_Lollipop said:
As to what to charge -

Figure out your cost of goods - this includes panties, shipping (i know you're going to have to pay more to ship to a lot of places since you're from sweden?) and then the amount of time you're spending on getting them ready and mailing (work out the $ You'd like to make per hour for this service)

Then add profit.

I sell mine for 500 tks. I deliberately only post panties that I have been able to get cheaply for sale - usually between 1-$5 a pair. You can also price expensive lingerie higher.

I don't know how much a pair of panties weight, but from what I can see shipping outside of EU would only cost me 2-4 USD (assuming they don't weight over 100 grams - that would have to be some kind of jewelled stuff or possibly sporting metal accessories - and I don't have any panties like that).

Buying panties is rather expensive here though, a simple H&M pair will easily be anything between 10-20 USD, sometimes more.

500 tks sounds like a good price (especially since the panties that he expressed interest in are from my shoplifting days - thus didn't cost me a thing :p)

Haha, thanks for the help :)
Jupiter551 said:
GemmaMarie said:
SoOo this. I get this in my room about panties, feet, etc. It's ridiculously annoying and my one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. If you don't like it, then you don't like it. But jesus, are we really back in high school where we have to have a whole feed of "Ewwwww" from the peanut gallery. I've even had this happen when a member tipped to see my feet, I showed him, & there was a good solid feed worth of "ewww, why would you like feet"? Like... that's just rude & I actually ended up going off on a LOT of the people in my room, including some of my regulars. That behavior is not cool or accepted in my room.

As for whether or not I get it- I don't get a lot of fetishes, but I'm not against it either. What do I really care if you want to have a pair of my dirty undies? I guess I'm just personally meh about it all- i don't think about it to get skeeved out.

Well I try not to be one of those negative guys (though sometimes it's hard to avoid your immediate natural reaction), but I suppose a fair question is this: girls have commented that a 150 token private that could clear out your room is a bad gamble, so at what point is a 50 token tip to see feet that puts the rest of the room off a bad gamble?

I don't think seeing a girls feet is actually going to disgust anyone to the point of leaving the room. It's probably just the idea that someone is getting sexually aroused by watching it that makes these guys go "eeew" - not the feet themselves.
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It's not for me but I wouldn't look down on anyone who did it. It's not that the idea of owning some gorgeous chick's worn panties (or even a pair of socks, I guess - feet are hawt bb) isn't kind of appealing. It's more that I don't know what I'd do with them if I did own them. I'd feel kind of weird using them as a wanking aid (not saying it IS weird, just that I'd FEEL weird doing it, and therefore it wouldn't be worth ME doing); they're not the kind of things that have much practical use (outside of maybe tying them to a stick to form a makeshift flag and leaving them outside my house in the hopes that beautiful women will walk by, subconsciously note the pair of women's panties flying at half mast in my front garden and subconsciously conclude that some freaky deaky sex god lives there); women's panties are sadly not a good look for me so I wouldn't get any mileage out of wearing them; panties have limited ornamental functionality...
They'd likely just wind up in the bottom of a drawer somewhere, forgotten and lonely like some outgrown sweater. I think they'd enjoy a much happier existence gently cradling some chick's sex-peach than being hidden away in my bedroom drawers forever more. And who am I to deprive your panties of the existence they crave? :twocents-02cents:
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