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Accidentally sharing your cam site activities

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Apr 21, 2020
For models or members:

Have you ever accidentally shared (Or almost shared) your cam site activity with someone you didn’t intend to, by hitting the wrong button, leaving a tab open, cut and paste error while multi-tasking, selfie with the wrong things visible in the background, etc?

I had a close call yesterday, which is funny to me in retrospect. It turns out that on the mobile version of CB, the field where you type chat messages is very close to the browser’s “Share” icon.

Half paying attention, I tapped on the chat field but hit the share icon instead. Had I tapped one more time, I’d have shared that model’s page with the first recommendation my phone listed. A relative. I was one errant tap away from a really awkward conversation.

Anyone have stories to share?
Closest thing for me was a model had sent me a picture just before I was getting out of my car. I opened it, looked and then started gathering my stuff together to go in for an event. About 45 minutes later, someone asks me a question, so I did out my phone and unlock it only to have her picture right there. Oops! I quickly closed it and went on. He didn't say anything about it, though I know he saw it. Now I have a privacy screen on my phone and make sure I close everything out once I'm done looking.
Did a near cockup in the vein of @ForceTen last year. I was dumb enough to visit one of my regular models with my work laptop, and it ran out of battery while stuff went on. I simply switched to my private laptop and forgot about it. The next day I dropped the work laptop into the docking station at work, only to have her room pop up on my 27" monitor in the open plan office. Aaaand ... she was online! o_O

Nobody noticed though ...
Half paying attention, I tapped on the chat field but hit the share icon instead. Had I tapped one more time, I’d have shared that model’s page with the first recommendation my phone listed. A relative. I was one errant tap away from a really awkward conversation.

Those buttons track your online activity. You can get browser extensions to block them.
Did a near cockup in the vein of @ForceTen last year. I was dumb enough to visit one of my regular models with my work laptop, and it ran out of battery while stuff went on. I simply switched to my private laptop and forgot about it. The next day I dropped the work laptop into the docking station at work, only to have her room pop up on my 27" monitor in the open plan office. Aaaand ... she was online! o_O

Nobody noticed though ...

I can't believe you use a work computer to access a porn site. Ever company I've been at, they track usage and can be terminated for it. I don't even like hitting porn sites when my work computer is plugged into the network. Part of me thinks they're tracking the traffic from my router as well.
I can't believe you use a work computer to access a porn site. Ever company I've been at, they track usage and can be terminated for it. I don't even like hitting porn sites when my work computer is plugged into the network. Part of me thinks they're tracking the traffic from my router as well.
I don't live in the USA. Tracking employees is illegal here. Besides, if my employer was stupid enough to track laptop traffic, implementing it would be my responsibility.
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I can't believe you use a work computer to access a porn site. Ever company I've been at, they track usage and can be terminated for it. I don't even like hitting porn sites when my work computer is plugged into the network. Part of me thinks they're tracking the traffic from my router as well.

Everywhere I've worked, it's not even an option, because adult sites are blocked. I can't even visit ACF from my work computer, or the Clips4sale backend site we use to upload/manage our content. Social media is also blocked, and YouTube is available on Restricted Mode only.
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Everywhere I've worked, it's not even an option, because adult sites are blocked. I can't even visit ACF from my work computer, or the Clips4sale backend site we use to upload/manage our content. Social media is also blocked, and YouTube is available on Restricted Mode only.

Similar. I haven't even attempted to hit an adult site from work location or computer in almost twenty years. I learned early on that things are being tracked and who the reports go to. I've always worked for larger companies, and smaller ones may be easier to get away with things. But, I don't want to risk it. In my previous reply, I should have said that I don't even like hitting porn sites from home when my work laptop is connected. I know some employers actually monitor the network traffic of their employees home router on the public side.

I don't hit porn sites on my phone anymore, used to hit MFC quite often a couple of years ago. But, stopped doing it because didn't care for the lag as well as I now remember almost getting caught in a situation with it on. At most I'll hit ACF on my phone. But, I never connect my phone to work WiFI, I use my cellular bandwidth to keep it separate.
Have you ever accidentally shared (Or almost shared) your cam site activity with someone you didn’t intend to, by hitting the wrong button, leaving a tab open, cut and paste error while multi-tasking, selfie with the wrong things visible in the background, etc?

I had a close call yesterday, which is funny to me in retrospect. It turns out that on the mobile version of CB, the field where you type chat messages is very close to the browser’s “Share” icon.

Put your adult related activities into a different identity. Use a separate email. Create a separate Google account. Create a separate Google Chrome user instance tied to that separate Google account. And buy a separate tablet tied to that Google account. The way that you prevent such accidents is by creating a structured environment in which it is impossible to send something to real-world friends because those people exist on different devices than the ones you use for adult related activity. Using CB on your personal phone is not a good idea, and your example is just one of the reasons.
Put your adult related activities into a different identity. Use a separate email. Create a separate Google account. Create a separate Google Chrome user instance tied to that separate Google account. And buy a separate tablet tied to that Google account. The way that you prevent such accidents is by creating a structured environment in which it is impossible to send something to real-world friends because those people exist on different devices than the ones you use for adult related activity. Using CB on your personal phone is not a good idea, and your example is just one of the reasons.

Yeah, I have completely separated the identities, email, social etc. from the ones I use in my “non-porn” activities. I even use different names within my separate identity (for example, my CB name is not even remotely similar to my ACF name, and the social media I use for these things is yet another name).

I stopped short of using separate devices, which I know is also a good idea. On mobile, I only access those sites when I’m home & on my own wifi connection. Even so, I realize a lot could go wrong. My own human error being the most likely thing.

In the office, I take the extra step of turning my phone’s WiFi completely off, even though I would never be accessing porn from there, just to stay off my employer’s network & avoid a surprise. And I obviously never pull up cb on the work laptop, from any location... that’s begging for trouble.
I have no idea how it happened, but a few years ago, I accidentally pasted a Streamate exclusive window into a Facebook chat to a friend. I have NO IDEA WHY fucking Streamate was copied to my clipboard. It was fucking scary. I told my friend not to look at it and she pretended she didn't, but told me it's ok if I was a prostitute (lol)
A situation with a model happened in jan this year where she was kind of out of it, tired and what not and she meant to post that she was online to instagram story by posting a picture of the broadcast window. Instead of posting to instagram she accidentally posted it to her personal facebook and didn't notice for hours but by then it was reposted all over by her fellow students so basically everyone knows now but shes strong and continues to broadcast on CB.
Yeah, I have completely separated the identities, email, social etc. from the ones I use in my “non-porn” activities. I even use different names within my separate identity (for example, my CB name is not even remotely similar to my ACF name, and the social media I use for these things is yet another name).

I stopped short of using separate devices, which I know is also a good idea. On mobile, I only access those sites when I’m home & on my own wifi connection. Even so, I realize a lot could go wrong. My own human error being the most likely thing.

For mobile devices, getting a separate tablet these days is not expensive. It's an easy fix to the problem you described. On the desktop, invest in setting up a separate Google account and separate Chrome identity.
I don't know if it applies here, but last year I was in a live chat with several co-workers and accidentally sent one of my recorded webcam transmissions to the group. From there everyone found out about my clandestine activities and that day I was a bit ashamed
I don't know if it applies here, but last year I was in a live chat with several co-workers and accidentally sent one of my recorded webcam transmissions to the group. From there everyone found out about my clandestine activities and that day I was a bit ashamed

Sadly, this is one of my greatest fears with my phone. If I accidentally send a message to a family member or coworker...
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