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Border babies

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Sometimes, we need to decide on what our priorities are and what we'e willing to give up to work on those priorities. I'm not saying to give up anything at this time, as I know there's legitimate reasons why things are as they are for you two. But, sometimes there's a higher priority than what we see at the moment. If you can make it happen, great! If not, there are better ways to help than just providing toys to the children. You can help your friend out, donating time and goods to help them out in doing what needs to be done there for the kids they foster. I'm fairly certain you already do this to some degree. :)
Says the man-child who said himself in a post above that he would call ICE if you had too many kids in your house to his liking.
Are they being held because of illegal immigration? Are they being granted asylum before their parents are being separated? Are they all refugees and there's simply no other place to put them? Are 100% of these kids actually upset they are separated from their parents?
Since they are kids, under 18, traveling with their parents they are innocent even if their parents have chose to break a law. My parents are both ridiculous people. I've never been jailed for their issues. This is irrelevant to me.

The biggest issue is you have to read the same situation from too many sources to even begin getting a non biased picture of the situation.
I find that not having a TV and seeking international news stories helps a little. It does suck that politics and media are so all over each other in this country that we can't even just get some news with the click of a button.

Giving kids toys is just virtue signaling and not solving anything. Expediting their way through the system to either get them moving it more helpful than handing them a plastic toy. But nobody agrees why they are even there.
I didn't say anything about toys, but if you have small children (or can remember back to when you had small children), you would know that a toy can do something. Kids live in the moment, and time passes slowly for them. Sending toys wouldn't be my first choice. I don't really know what I want to be able to do other than bust them out of there, but doing nothing feels bad. I definitely don't have political power or riches to offer. Sucks being a peasant when you want to change the world I guess. No real virtue to signal. I just can't handle children being mistreated.
I didn't say anything about toys, but if you have small children (or can remember back to when you had small children), you would know that a toy can do something. Kids live in the moment, and time passes slowly for them. Sending toys wouldn't be my first choice. I don't really know what I want to be able to do other than bust them out of there, but doing nothing feels bad. I definitely don't have political power or riches to offer. Sucks being a peasant when you want to change the world I guess. No real virtue to signal. I just can't handle children being mistreated.

Very true that a toy can help a child feel better at the moment, or give them some comfort to hold onto in troubled times. The best we can do is work within our means, and scale appropriately without putting ourselves in jeopardy as well. It's noble to help. But, it's foolish to try to assist when it puts themselves in a bad spot, since them the one wanting to help now needs to be rescued as well.

Work within your immediate community, and a closer circle. I think far too many get overly eager, and take on too much which typically results in more negative issues than solutions. Even if there aren't any "border babies" in your area, perhaps helping with other foster children will open a bed for one in another home elsewhere.
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The problem is as long a media is selective reporting on the situation as a whole you're not going to be able to fix anything. Media, elected officials and law enforcement can not even agree all the situations which they kids are there for in the first place the story and reasons change too much. Are they being held because of illegal immigration? Are they being granted asylum before their parents are being separated? Are they all refugees and there's simply no other place to put them? Are 100% of these kids actually upset they are separated from their parents?

The biggest issue is you have to read the same situation from too many sources to even begin getting a non biased picture of the situation.

Giving kids toys is just virtue signaling and not solving anything. Expediting their way through the system to either get them moving it more helpful than handing them a plastic toy. But nobody agrees why they are even there.

I just heard the President of the American Society of Pediatricians say those children under 5 are almost always traumatized. So that's a BS argument.

In some case they kids are being separated even though their parents went through the process of petitioning legally for asylum, although the administration claims this doesn't happen. But let's be clear what is happening the bulk of the time is past administration didn't criminally prosecute everybody who entered the US illegally. They let parents and kids stay together while there immigrations case went through the system.

This is the equivalent to the Federal government decided to adopt a zero-tolerance policy on marijuana, They could arrest Mr Jicky for smoking pot, in a club. Decide that gave them probable cause to search Jicky's house, finding marijuana there (I'm guessing) they would arrest her, and the jicklets would be sent off to child protective services. But since foster care was overwelmed, just send them off to closed Sears stores with cages and stuffed animals.
It wouldn't matter if you lived in Colorado, OR, CA, NV or any other state that legalize pot, you'd still be jailed. Cause it is Federal crime. Because the system was overwhelmed, you remain in jail for weeks maybe months awaiting a bail hearing, and the kids would separate from you the whole time.
For all, we know this could just be test run of Jeff Sessions master plan.
Why not?

Illegal aliens managed to waltz their way in somehow.
They are seeking asylum from war torn countries. Just because you have a laptop with Wi-Fi access 24/7 doesn't mean they do. They are coming to this country for safety for their children, not to exploit our shitty system.

It's very telling that you would rather talk about it as if it doesn't exist, talk about the parents seeking asylum and comparing them to criminals for it, and saying refugees are exploiting the situation instead of Trump.

I've noticed it's primarily older white men who live in the land of "what if" and "but why".
Glad to see you're all sticking together and I wish I'd have had the patience to see this thread bogged down with the dead weight of your useless circle politics.

I posted because I'm from a family of migrants and I'm going to make a change and I know there are potentially people here with ideas to help that.

Your blatant disregard for humanity is showing.
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Just this morning I heard that there were @ 12,000 children waiting to be processed, of those some 12,000 10,000 were brought here to the US WITHOUT a parental unit. The vast majority are here sans a parent; where is the outrage and moral indignation for those who send their children here illegally yet will not accompany them? Guess what? This country has a problem re: immigration, illegal immigration especially and this problem(s) existed long before President Trump took office. Blame the man for orange skin if you want, blame him for a bad comb-over; don't blame him for immigration problems when its on congress to pass laws that can remedy those problems.

Secure the border. Period. For those who espouse open border policies then please go all in and remove the locks from the doors and windows of your homes. Hell better yet just take the doors and windows off altogether; you don't want security, right?
I can't really understand why Trump issued the directive that led to this situation. It is like he wants to be perceived as the bad guy by doing mean spirited stuff like this that has little or no benefits and will just hurt innocent people.

He knows his base would let him eat a baby live and still vote for them and as long as the electoral college math remains the same for him he'll remain re-electable. Democrats seem unable to choose a viable candidate to go against in and it's been over a year. To me it's clear he wants congress to put things that have previously been handled by executive order into law but congress continually does nothing. However he also doesn't see how his tweet storms poison the well to getting any action in his favor from congress.

I can see how the dreamer issue required congressional rules for a long time but still congress pushing is about to push past a 6 month deadline to done anything to set the dreamer's fate into law.
He knows his base would let him eat a baby live and still vote for them and as long as the electoral college math remains the same for him he'll remain re-electable. Democrats seem unable to choose a viable candidate to go against in and it's been over a year. To me it's clear he wants congress to put things that have previously been handled by executive order into law but congress continually does nothing. However he also doesn't see how his tweet storms poison the well to getting any action in his favor from congress.

I can see how the dreamer issue required congressional rules for a long time but still congress pushing is about to push past a 6 month deadline to done anything to set the dreamer's fate into law.

This flip-flops between parties. For the longest time, the Repubs couldn't find a candidate that worked for them either. This past election cycle, it truly was a choice between eating shit sandwhich "A" and shit sandwhich "B". No good options, even in the third party ranks.

Executive order needs to go away. Each President uses it more than their predecessors, as seen by the last three presidents. I have no issues with Trump pushing things back to Congress to enact laws. But, those laws also need to correct laws and not just laws because they feel like they need more laws. As it is, there's already too many laws on the books.
This flip-flops between parties. For the longest time, the Repubs couldn't find a candidate that worked for them either. This past election cycle, it truly was a choice between eating shit sandwhich "A" and shit sandwhich "B". No good options, even in the third party ranks.

Executive order needs to go away. Each President uses it more than their predecessors, as seen by the last three presidents. I have no issues with Trump pushing things back to Congress to enact laws. But, those laws also need to correct laws and not just laws because they feel like they need more laws. As it is, there's already too many laws on the books.

Unfortunately it's not his job to produce the 'correct' laws and he knows that much. He in the position where NOT using executive powers is actually in his best interest and playing to his base. That's why he does the 'blame Obama' game so much and pretty much just dismantles anything Obama created. He doesn't care if Congress hangs themselves because he's manage to successfully separate himself from them through the tweet ranting.

He's forcing Congress inaction to reach it's breaking point and succeeding. The only issue is he has no plan in case of a congressional collapse. The media continuing to report more and more biased though is causing so much misinformation and distrust that the it going to be harder to elect congressional officials that are willing to make hard decisions since the media is putting more focus on the social politics of candidates and to an extend ignoring voting history or job histories.

Executive orders have a place and a value the problem was they slowly replaced congress for pushing any positive action. I don't blame any president that is literally being told all the countries problems and some have simple solutions but being forced to sit on his hands while congress won't even table something without shopping for votes first.
Unfortunately it's not his job to produce the 'correct' laws and he knows that much. He in the position where NOT using executive powers is actually in his best interest and playing to his base. That's why he does the 'blame Obama' game so much and pretty much just dismantles anything Obama created. He doesn't care if Congress hangs themselves because he's manage to successfully separate himself from them through the tweet ranting.

He's forcing Congress inaction to reach it's breaking point and succeeding. The only issue is he has no plan in case of a congressional collapse. The media continuing to report more and more biased though is causing so much misinformation and distrust that the it going to be harder to elect congressional officials that are willing to make hard decisions since the media is putting more focus on the social politics of candidates and to an extend ignoring voting history or job histories.

Executive orders have a place and a value the problem was they slowly replaced congress for pushing any positive action. I don't blame any president that is literally being told all the countries problems and some have simple solutions but being forced to sit on his hands while congress won't even table something without shopping for votes first.
I wasn't saying it's his job alone, as they all should desire a fair and just law. A President can suggest laws. However, it is Congress that should write the bills, vote on them, and then it is President's job to sign into law if he agrees. He can veto and send back if he thinks it can be done better.

To me, executive order should be an absolute last resort. However, far too many Presidents would rather write an executive order than work with Congress. This isn't how our system is supposed to work, as we have the three branches of Gov't which are supposed to work with one another. There are times where a Congress that does nothing is better than rash, or partisan politics. However, for far too long, they have done nothing but move things to an Omnibus bill because they don't want to address issues individually such as it should be done. They want to wheel and deal, and slide unrelated issues into bills they either know will get passed or only in order to meet their own agenda.

It time that Washington be wholesale cleaned out and replaced with others who value our legal system and legitimately want to do something instead of create more segregation and place themselves above the law. Term limits for all elected officials, as well as appointed seats.
He knows his base would let him eat a baby live and still vote for them and as long as the electoral college math remains the same for him he'll remain re-electable. Democrats seem unable to choose a viable candidate to go against in and it's been over a year. To me it's clear he wants congress to put things that have previously been handled by executive order into law but congress continually does nothing. However he also doesn't see how his tweet storms poison the well to getting any action in his favor from congress.

I can see how the dreamer issue required congressional rules for a long time but still congress pushing is about to push past a 6 month deadline to done anything to set the dreamer's fate into law.
The people that still supports him after this must be a truly cold-hearted evil bunch, because the people most affected by this are young children, innocents in the truest meaning of the word.
The people that still supports him after this must be a truly cold-hearted evil bunch, because the people most affected by this are young children, innocents in the truest meaning of the word.

How's migration in Sweden? Care to comment on anything in this article or any other news out there about some cultures coming in and taking over parts of your country and declaring Sharia law and stating they will not follow your country's laws?

Also in September, the National Board of Forensic Medicine (Rättsmedicinalverket) published a report showing that in 83% of the cases where it had stated an opinion about the age of the asylum applicant, the asylum applicant had not been a minor. Many asylum applicants had lied about their age simply because there is greater probability of getting a residence permit -- and more benefits -- if you are a minor. It is also easier, if you are a minor, to bring your relatives to Sweden through family immigration.

That such a large proportion of the migrants had lied about their age, and that one had attacked a police officer, should have been enough for political support for the demonstrations to end. Sweden has, moreover, a transparent migration process whereby migrants can have their asylum application adjudicated by several different bodies. Those who have had their asylum application rejected, therefore, probably have no real reason to get a residence permit in Sweden.

Also in October, Uppdrag Granskning, a Swedish news program, produced a report about what actually happens to young Afghans who return to Afghanistan. This second report was notable because the Afghan demonstrators had been saying that Afghans who returned home would die. The report showed that the problem for Afghans returning home was not security. The problem was the economy.

Based on some of the information above, I'm curious about the stats of the "unaccompanied youth" that are being detained here in America. What are their claimed ages? What are there REAL ages? It's like a year or two ago when there was a big hype over all the Syrian refugees coming to America. There was talk of "families" and "women and children". But, it was shown that a large portion of those "Syrian refugees" weren't in fact from Syria and most were males between the ages of 18-35.

Edit to add the following:

Sweden has been famously known for its welcoming attitude toward refugees and its commitment to family reunification. Until recently, it had the most generous immigration laws in Europe.

In 2014, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt made a famous speech urging Swedes to “open their hearts” to refugees seeking shelter. A year later, the population of just 10 million welcomed 165,000 asylum seekers to Sweden — more per capita than any other European nation.

The unprecedented number of newcomers has challenged the Swedish economy and has contributed to instability in the country's historically stable government. Now, immigrants like Hadi and Mahdi, must wait and see what happens in the 2018 election; a shift in political leadership would likely affect their opportunities in Sweden.

In, 2016, Sweden enacted a temporary law, valid for three years, that makes family reunification far more difficult. The law was retroactive to November 2015 and stopped recent immigrants who have received a residency permit from bringing their immediate family members to Sweden.

According to Daniel Hedlund, a post-doctoral researcher in the department of child and youth studies at Stockholm University, immigration policy is being tightened, though not entirely rewritten. Swedish migration law has long limited family reunification to nuclear family members. “Last link” immigration, for example, which permitted an adult sibling to come if he or she was the only relative left in the country of origin, was ended in 1997.

“To sum it up, these tendencies started much earlier, but have now played out to a fuller extent due to the current political climate in the country,” Hedlund says.

One of the measures in Sweden’s 2016 law is restricting family reunification to only those granted refugee status. According to the Swedish Migration Agency, “a person is considered a refugee when they have well-founded reasons to fear persecution due to race, nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender, sexual orientation or affiliation to a particular social group.”
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Just this morning I heard that there were @ 12,000 children waiting to be processed, of those some 12,000 10,000 were brought here to the US WITHOUT a parental unit. The vast majority are here sans a parent; where is the outrage and moral indignation for those who send their children here illegally yet will not accompany them? Guess what? This country has a problem re: immigration, illegal immigration especially and this problem(s) existed long before President Trump took office. Blame the man for orange skin if you want, blame him for a bad comb-over; don't blame him for immigration problems when its on congress to pass laws that can remedy those problems.

Secure the border. Period. For those who espouse open border policies then please go all in and remove the locks from the doors and windows of your homes. Hell better yet just take the doors and windows off altogether; you don't want security, right?

Again, there is a difference between sending your child away from a country that is at war, when you have very limited information, and you think you are doing the right thing by sending them to America.

Your ancestors did the same thing.
How's migration in Sweden? Care to comment on anything in this article or any other news out there about some cultures coming in and taking over parts of your country and declaring Sharia law and stating they will not follow your country's laws?
I think the migration here has been going pretty well, the task at hand is to integrate the migrants into Swedish society. There have been projects enacted by the current Social Democratic government in the last year to help with integration that are showing better results than expected. When you say that there are parts of the country that has been taken over you make it sound more dramatic then it really is. There is some trouble with honor culture in mainly a few suburbs to the major cites, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. There was an issue with two of the Centre Party lay judges in one of the district courts making a controversial ruling based on honor culture instead of the law, but they where suspended and expelled from their party because of that. In 2017 we had 1.9 million people that were born abroad living in Sweden and the vast majority of them has integrated successfully into Swedish society.

Based on some of the information above, I'm curious about the stats of the "unaccompanied youth" that are being detained here in America. What are their claimed ages? What are there REAL ages?
I have no idea what their ages are, but based on what they look and sound like in the video in that you can see at the top of this article I would dare say that they haven't hit puberty yet.
Just this morning I heard that there were @ 12,000 children waiting to be processed, of those some 12,000 10,000 were brought here to the US WITHOUT a parental unit. The vast majority are here sans a parent; where is the outrage and moral indignation for those who send their children here illegally yet will not accompany them? Guess what? This country has a problem re: immigration, illegal immigration especially and this problem(s) existed long before President Trump took office. Blame the man for orange skin if you want, blame him for a bad comb-over; don't blame him for immigration problems when its on congress to pass laws that can remedy those problems.

Secure the border. Period. For those who espouse open border policies then please go all in and remove the locks from the doors and windows of your homes. Hell better yet just take the doors and windows off altogether; you don't want security, right?
If this is true, you would really want to deny children who came here without parents, basically orphan refugees, access to a safe country and send them back possibly to their death? Yes! I am outraged for them! They are children. We have plenty of resources to accommodate 12,000 children in our country.

The top 1% alone could fix this problem and all of the others you keep throwing on those who care so much in this thread but are not wealthy enough to do so.

I hope my generation has far more outrage than yours does. That is what it's going to take. Not all of this garbage rhetoric and finger pointing while the people in power get away with keeping us down.

Anger is good, it inspires people to get off their ass and fight for change. People like you, and the others who hide behind the poo and chill pill rating in this thread, that's all you have. Maybe that's why you're outraged with people who hate trump. You're scared of the kids these days.
June 30th, Nationwide protest: Families Belong Together



Who would have thought we would have such emotionally charged outbursts with the midterms right around the corner? I mean, what were the odds?

I hope my generation has far more outrage than yours does. That is what it's going to take. Not all of this garbage rhetoric and finger pointing while the people in power get away with keeping us down.

Anger is good, it inspires people to get off their ass and fight for change. People like you, and the others who hide behind the poo and chill pill rating in this thread, that's all you have. Maybe that's why you're outraged with people who hate trump. You're scared of the kids these days.



Who would have thought we would have such emotionally charged outbursts with the midterms right around the corner? I mean, what were the odds?

I turned 28 in May. I've never voted in any election. I don't plan on voting in the future. I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a liberal, I have no clue what I am honestly. I want to help people not politicians.
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I turned 28 in May. I've never voted in any election. I don't plan on voting in the future. I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a liberal, I have no clue what I am honestly. I want to help people not politicians.
People not voting is a huge problem in any democracy and is kind of irresponsible, you should really reconsider and start to vote.
Where is the outrage and moral indignation for those who send their children here illegally yet will not accompany them?
When you say outrage do you mean at the parents or at the situation? For a parent to send an unaccompanied child to another country, what they're sending them away from would have to be fantastically bad. Or maybe they could only scrape up enough money to send their child? It's outrageous that people have to try to parent in such devastating conditions, but I can't imagine feeling angry at the parents. For me to send my child away, it would have to be the situational equivalent of throwing them out of the window of a burning house before I die. We save our kids if we can. We're wired by nature to do so. How does anyone judge that? Either way, unaccompanied children aren't the ones everyone is riled up over. Unaccompanied children were part of the reason that Hillary could not secure the liberal vote.
I turned 28 in May. I've never voted in any election. I don't plan on voting in the future. I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a liberal, I have no clue what I am honestly. I want to help people not politicians.
You are being emotionally manipulated.

You need to grow up, stop being so damned gullible, and stop thinking getting in a snit entitles you to being a racist name-calling child.
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You are being emotionally manipulated.

You need to grow up, stop being so damned gullible, and stop thinking getting in a snit entitles you to being a racist name-calling child.
I get that you're upset. It must be hard being a priveledged white male.

I've noticed you don't respect voters on either side though. You would rather troll a thread that is about finding ways to take action with boring politicians ads.
People not voting is a huge problem in any democracy and is kind of irresponsible, you should really reconsider and start to vote.
I'm confused by this. Everyone says to not trust the media. To not trust politicians. I'm being "emotionally manipulated" if I do vote?
I get that you're upset. It must be hard being a priveledged white male.

I've noticed you don't respect voters on either side though. You would rather troll a thread that is about finding ways to take action with boring politicians ads.
Whatever you say EmptyHead.

Been watching this shit for a long time Miss Never-been-a-voter. What is the 'action' you are proposing that doesn't lead right back to or other shady ass political groups?
What do you have other than "T-REEEEEEE-UMP!!!!"?

And why you calling a poor motherfucker like me, a dude who worked alongside illegals on the loading docks for less than minimum wage for 12-14 hour stretches, "priveledged"??? What I got to do to get promoted to "Colonizer"?
Whatever you say EmptyHead.

Been watching this shit for a long time Miss Never-been-a-voter. What is the 'action' you are proposing that doesn't lead right back to or other shady ass political groups?
What do you have other than "T-REEEEEEE-UMP!!!!"?

And why you calling a poor motherfucker like me, a dude who worked alongside illegals on the loading docks for less than minimum wage for 12-14 hour stretches, "priveledged"??? What I got to do to get promoted to "Colonizer"?
How could you work side by side with people for 12-14hrs and still have no empathy?
How could you work side by side with people for 12-14hrs and still have no empathy?
Who said I don't have any empathy white girl?
I'm confused by this. Everyone says to not trust the media. To not trust politicians. I'm being "emotionally manipulated" if I do vote?
The right to vote is something people have fought for all across the world. The best thing to do for us who are citizens in a democracy is to stay informed and vote for the person that we believe will do the best job of representing us. If we don't vote and the wrong people gets elected we will most likely end up living in a dictatorship of some kind.
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