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Enjoy Rap Much?

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Do you enjoy rap at all?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jul 17, 2012
I was in Amber's room tonight, and she played a few rap songs. I noticed that quite a few people in the room weren't into it at all to the point that some very vocal about their dislike of it. I grew up in a VERY Christian household, and we started listening to Christian Rap from about 1999 onward. I enjoyed it very much, and I still listen to it to this day. I figured these beats are tight. Everybody has to love beats like these even if you're not down with the lyrical content.

When I got to college, I found out that A LOT of people didn't like rap as a whole. Needless to say, I was a quite shocked, because I also like Rock, which is what most of my college friends listen too. I was surprised they weren't more open to rap as a genre itself. That leads to my question(s).

Do you enjoy rap at all? If so, what style of rap do you like? If not, what don't you like about it? Nothing will really come of this in the long run as far as data collecting is concerned, but I'm very curious about this nonetheless.
DuoShi said:
I was in Amber's room tonight, and she played a few rap songs. I noticed that quite a few people in the room weren't into it at all to the point that some very vocal about their dislike of it. I grew up in a VERY Christian household, and we started listening to Christian Rap from about 1999 onward. I enjoyed it very much, and I still listen to it to this day. I figured these beats are tight. Everybody has to love beats like these even if you're not down with the lyrical content.

When I got to college, I found out that A LOT of people didn't like rap as a whole. Needless to say, I was a quite shocked, because I also like Rock, which is what most of my college friends listen too. I was surprised they weren't more open to rap as a genre itself. That leads to my question(s).

Do you enjoy rap at all? If so, what style of rap do you like? If not, what don't you like about it? Nothing will really come of this in the long run as far as data collecting is concerned, but I'm very curious about this nonetheless.

I also grew up VERY Christian. In our Church even the term 'Christian Rap' would throw half the parishioners into fits of laughter and the other half would just stare at you in disbelief while they reached for their Bibles to pray for your soul. To them that was nothing but the Devil trying sneak in his music to the youth in a deceptive package. There was also NO rock of any kind, no going to movie theaters, no dancing... The only music that was acceptable was good old hymns.

Since then I have come to like most types of music and have a rather large collection on the computer. As a whole, however, I have to say I'm not a fan of rap. Having said that, I do like a song or two from a few different singers. Pretty much a case by case basis. But usually if a model is playing a lot of rap, or the more hardcore rap with swearing all the time in it, then I tend to mute her or just leave.
This is an interesting question. I actually voted 'Yes' because I still enjoy rap/hip-hop that I listened to in High School. That being said, I don't listen to current stuff, except maybe a song or two here or there. My musical tastes changed dramatically when I entered college and it's been pretty much set ever since. I'm not sure what changed my taste, it just did. It could have been who I was hanging out with or just the way rap evolved just didn't suit me. I also started playing guitar in a band (ah, the college days) and that may have had something to do with it.
There is rap I HATE and rap I absolutely love, too! I definitely voted yes. I actually used to really, really dislike pretty much all rap but I was shown some things that made me enjoy some of it quite a bit of it.

Girl Talk is completely wonderful and incredible. He is a mash-up/sampling artists and it kind of gave me my own way to enjoy rap much more. I am a huge fan and suggest people check him out! I played him once in my room and the response was sadly not too enthusiastic, but I really enjoy it and it makes me want to dance so much! (Seriously we put Girl Talk on in the kitchen while we cook, or clean, when we're driving, or anything and it just turns into dancin' all over the place.) So I'll probably play it again in my shows because it makes me happy. :)
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deciding to hate an entire genre just because a few popular artists in that genre annoy you is totally.......................................................... ludacris
AprilPhantom said:
deciding to hate an entire genre just because a few popular artists in that genre annoy you is totally.......................................................... ludacris


ludacris a.k.a Christopher Brian Bridges looks lame to me.

What exactly is the appeal?
I'm really not a fan of it at all and wouldn't play it for fun, but I won't get in a tizzy if it's on. I don't see the point in getting worked up over music.
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It's just music. There's the good people like, and the bad people don't like.
Rap seems to be more easily subjected to the idea that as a whole, the music is sexist/violent/unrelatable, despite the fact that there are PLENTY of sexy and violent songs from other bands (to say music hasn't been largely about sex for decades if not longer is laughable). Plenty of rap music is about "regular" things too (and no, not just the rap by white people--that stuff's usually just overwhelmingly pretentious). I've never been picky about music. I like beats, I like flow, I like sweet little love songs and I like screaming love songs. I like raw, acoustic only performances and beats & electronic music so piled up on top of each other it doesn't sound like anything anymore.

So I guess I've just never understood not liking rap/hip hop as a whole. Gangster rap is certainly hard for a lot of (especially white) people to get into. Fair, because it's not made for white people (generally)! But I really find the idea of being unable to branch out into different music genres really strange and stubborn. There's knowing what you like, and there's being so concerned about liking what you like that you are missing a whole world of cool things out there! Music is cool! I promise you haven't listened to all the good music there is, no matter who you are :twocents-02cents:
Bocefish said:
AprilPhantom said:
deciding to hate an entire genre just because a few popular artists in that genre annoy you is totally.......................................................... ludacris


ludacris a.k.a Christopher Brian Bridges looks lame to me.

What exactly is the appeal?

I think it's important to remember that just like with anything else, music is super subjective and what's cool to one person might make ZERO sense to you and vice versa :thumbleft:

AprilPhantom I am still laughing over that though haha
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mynameisbob84 said:
AprilPhantom said:
deciding to hate an entire genre just because a few popular artists in that genre annoy you is totally.......................................................... ludacris

Eh. To me, it's no... Biggie :shifty:

I think this problem is not that...Common. :dance:
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