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Five UNTHINKABLE options!

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
May 14, 2013
Who here has seen the Simpsons movie? The goal of this game is simple. Present a problem to the president/governor/mayor/other leader who is the poster below you. They present five unthinkable options and a problem for the next player.


Poster one: Dear GOD! The town of Smalloaks is overrun with BEES!

Poster two: Oh goodness! Here are five UNTHINKABLE OPTIONS.

1. Slather town in honey, rename bee sanctuary.
2. Call Monsanto for roundup.
3. Capitulate to the queen. Start work on Project Bee-America.
4. Bomb the city and surrounding tri-city area. We will not negotiate with beeeees.
5. Deny presence of bees. Learn to live with horrible stinging.

Oh lawdy. The scientists in scienceville have uncovered a growing black hole!

Poster three:

Ermahgurd. Black hole! Here are five unthinkable options!

1. Let black hole take the town, it will stop growing!
2. Lead an exploration into the black hole to see if there's a way out!
3. Shoot that part of the world and the black hole into the sun.
4. Shoot that part of the world and the black hole AWAY from the sun.
5. Put the black hole into the Large Hadron Collider. See if we can make a Megablackhole.

...... Sound fun?

Good GOD~ A giant squid has taken up residence in Seattle Harbour! What do we do?!
SeraTonix said:
Good GOD~ A giant squid has taken up residence in Seattle Harbour! What do we do?!

1. Call in master sushi chefs to take care of the problem and also the local food shortage issue.
2. Get him to sign a contract as a rising star in the porn industry.
3. Shoot with shrink ray to have a cute, teeny, lovable, town mascot.
4. Summon Cthulhu convince him that the squid is his long lost cousin and get him to take the squid to his dimension.
5. Live and let live. And let him have all the feeshys he desires. He went through all that trouble to get there. Who are you to evict such a fine and noble creature?

Oh, my stars and garters!A local scientist has brought dinosaurs back,! They have escaped and are pretending to be Godzilla in the streets of Tokyo! Whatever shall we do?
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Oh, my stars and garters!A local scientist has brought dinosaurs back,! They have escaped and are pretending to be Godzilla in the streets of Tokyo! Whatever shall we do?

1. Relocate Tokyo to Fukashima, allow nature to take its course.
2. Japanese scientists build huge dinosaur-shaped robots, send them into the streets of Tokyo as well.
3. Beam creepy Japanese porn onto the sides of all buildings. Demoralized, grossed-out dinosaurs get back in their cages.
4. Let the Ninjas take care of it.
5. Rename them 'Land-Whales', harvest them for meat.

Oh my throbbing goodness! There is a gigantic meteor heading for the Earth! It will hit in 60 days unless something is done to deflect or destroy it! What to do? What to do?
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bakersman said:
Oh my throbbing goodness! There is a gigantic meteor heading for the Earth! It will hit in 60 days unless something is done to deflect or destroy it! What to do? What to do?

1.Shoot Bruce Willus into space hoping he retained his meteor killing powers
2.Start a petition stating the meteor is a jerk face
3.Steal Stephen Hawking's space lazer and blast meteor into a more amusing shape
4.Incite looting
5.Go out in style with armageddon themed orgy

Ye gods, Google has become self aware! How to defeat the unholy legions of Google technologies, how?!!
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