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Help with needed clients that are obsessed

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Sep 22, 2022
I mod and knight for a model from Russia I've been with her for two years 25 hours a week. She is totally dependent on her earnings and she does well but she always has the same issues with clients wanting her to go to Italy and Paris etc and she needs their gratuities and she does her best to fend them off but she doesn't know how to keep them from wanting her to get a visa, to wanting to telegram or whatsapp her for hours on her day off and she really doesn't know what to do. I told her I've come on here looking through the obsessed client posts and all i could really get from the other's experiences here was to just not ultimately worry about losing a client you need and there will be more, but that doesn't go over with her as easily as her just putting off the client and trying to find ways to ignore them. I told her to not give telegram and whatsapp to guys as she in the past has had nothing but bad endings. So Maybe I have the answer in what i have stated here, that she just needs the confidence to not worry about the big tippers that want her to go get a visa and meet them or waste her time on her day off talking on the phone or texting for hours and just find new clients and have the confidence in her past positive results to know she can do it without having to do too much for the clients or the feeling of being always obligated to do what her customers ask he,r to get their tips. So if anyone has any simple ideas i can pass on to her I would appreciate it. Thanks very much, Johnm
I mod and knight for a model from Russia I've been with her for two years 25 hours a week. She is totally dependent on her earnings and she does well but she always has the same issues with clients wanting her to go to Italy and Paris etc and she needs their gratuities and she does her best to fend them off but she doesn't know how to keep them from wanting her to get a visa, to wanting to telegram or whatsapp her for hours on her day off and she really doesn't know what to do. I told her I've come on here looking through the obsessed client posts and all i could really get from the other's experiences here was to just not ultimately worry about losing a client you need and there will be more, but that doesn't go over with her as easily as her just putting off the client and trying to find ways to ignore them. I told her to not give telegram and whatsapp to guys as she in the past has had nothing but bad endings. So Maybe I have the answer in what i have stated here, that she just needs the confidence to not worry about the big tippers that want her to go get a visa and meet them or waste her time on her day off talking on the phone or texting for hours and just find new clients and have the confidence in her past positive results to know she can do it without having to do too much for the clients or the feeling of being always obligated to do what her customers ask he,r to get their tips. So if anyone has any simple ideas i can pass on to her I would appreciate it. Thanks very much, Johnm
Boundaries, and taking control. Just because they are paying doesn't mean they are the one in 100% control of everything in her life. It's an exchange. She's giving these knob ends too much power, and they never handle it well.

She needs to only talk to them on sites like Loyal Fans where she can charge per message, or she needs to make each Mother Fucker up a GFE package rate, and make sure it compensates her fairly for all of her time. By the sounds of things the packages need to be hiked way tf up. Don't hand the power over to them. Take it back. That's my advice for her.

If she's not comfy directly laying down the law, she can go the indirect route and make up stories about why she can "no longer use" any platform that doesn't charge per message. But state different reasons than "not charging per message" like lack of privacy, her CPA or Lawyer advising against it blah, blah, blah. And she's "sooooooooooo' sorry about that, but they'll need to sign up with her affiliate link, to loyal fans or another similar site, and to be sure to let her know when it's done.

If any of them kick up shit, be sure to let them know that she doesn't like cheap ass men, who take advantage. They are a genuine turn off.
And she's sorry she's out of their league, but they should prob look somewhere else, for someone more on their level (lol).
That'll get 'eeeeeem lol (laughing but serious too).
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Boundaries, and taking control. Just because they are paying doesn't mean they are the one in 100% control of everything in her life. It's an exchange. She's giving these knob ends too much power, and they never handle it well.

She needs to only talk to them on sites like Loyal Fans where she can charge per message, or she needs to make each Mother Fucker up a GFE package rate, and make sure it compensates her fairly for all of her time. By the sounds of things the packages need to be hiked way tf up. Don't hand the power over to them. Take it back. That's my advice for her.

If she's not comfy directly laying down the law, she can go the indirect route and make up stories about why she can "no longer use" any platform that doesn't charge per message. But state different reasons than "not charging per message" like lack of privacy, her CPA or Lawyer advising against it blah, blah, blah. And she's "sooooooooooo' sorry about that, but they'll need to sign up with her affiliate link, to loyal fans or another similar site, and to be sure to let her know when it's done.

If any of them kick up shit, be sure to let them know that she doesn't like cheap ass men, who take advantage. They are a genuine turn off.
And she's sorry she's out of their league, but they should prob look somewhere else, for someone more on their level (lol).
That'll get 'eeeeeem lol (laughing but serious too).
cool yeah she upped her per minute and stuck to her guns on that and it is working so yeah i get the angle it sounds like some really good info for her Thank a lot
Did anyone else hold their breath all the way through that mega-sentence?
haha thanks, I knew it was a run on and on vibe, i appreciate your gentleness , I was in a hurry, haha!
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See I'm a real hardass about this stuff.

"You are breaking TOS by asking me to meet you in real life."

That's it. They'll either comply or tuck tail and slink away. Tippers come and go and holding onto the bad people for the sake of money drives away new money.
See I'm a real hardass about this stuff.

"You are breaking TOS by asking me to meet you in real life."

That's it. They'll either comply or tuck tail and slink away. Tippers come and go and holding onto the bad people for the sake of money drives away new money.
perfect and simple! she will love this! Thank You!
If she wants to be snarky and sarcastic, she can also reply with "how does my head not end up in a freezer in this scenario?" It's usually met with "but I'm a nice guy" and rebutted with "that's what all serial killers say."
I didn't know Russians need a visa for Italy and France, that's mind blowing to me because even countries like Colombia and Mexico that are almost never allowed to travel without a visa can enter Italy and France without one.
You know I thought she did need a visa for Paris and Italy. I'll ask her again she goes to Dubai for her vacations and I'm not sure if she only needs a passport for that. Oh Happy Birthday! I had mine on the 20th still eating cake and Ice cream I hope you are getting your wishes!
You know I thought she did need a visa for Paris and Italy. I'll ask her again she goes to Dubai for her vacations and I'm not sure if she only needs a passport for that. Oh Happy Birthday! I had mine on the 20th still eating cake and Ice cream I hope you are getting your wishes!
She does I confirmed it before I posted
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If she wants to be snarky and sarcastic, she can also reply with "how does my head not end up in a freezer in this scenario?" It's usually met with "but I'm a nice guy" and rebutted with "that's what all serial killers say."
I shared a lot of the things that were posted here and she I guess wants to string these money maker guys as long as she can and keep getting paid, so I'm sure you understand her predicament, so I told her that she needs to get it while she can and use her best judgement to tell the guy she can't leave her family and she has school. I don't think she has any idea what to do except try to keep the money flowing any way she can.
I shared a lot of the things that were posted here and she I guess wants to string these money maker guys as long as she can and keep getting paid, so I'm sure you understand her predicament, so I told her that she needs to get it while she can and use her best judgement to tell the guy she can't leave her family and she has school. I don't think she has any idea what to do except try to keep the money flowing any way she can.
My original reply was going to be that she could be polite but firm about the policies of the sites (and her own interests). Also, I've noticed that some models put statements on their profile page about "rules of my room," such as "Do not ask me for personal information, do not ask about in person meetings." I've seen this a fair amount in StripChat. Maybe it could help a little to discourage them?

But I also thought about friends who lean into these situations instead of discouraging them. (Coincidentally, they are also Russian). They take an approach of leading the client on as long as possible with inuendo that meetings may eventually be possible - but they don't ever do it. They just drag it on as long as possible. I don't think it's too uncommon.

One in particular carries it much further, though, in that she'll create an entire fiction around the situation. But that's only something she does when the "obsessed" client signals being lonely and looking for a relationship, not just a "meetup." Looking from outside, it feels like a lot of effort, not to mention getting into shady ethical territory, to string those types on in such an especially devious way. I don't think it's a good thing.

The model you know seems like she wants to find a balance of keeping them as customers without going all in on misleading them. But is she so sure all those good money clients will leave if she's direct? Certainly there are many good clients, willing to pay generously, who don't make everything contingent on meeting?
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i simply say "i dont meet with people from the internet. your interaction with me is strictly virtual. also what you are asking goes against TOS"