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Houston we have a problem

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Dec 10, 2010
Y'all have a space center, but I definitely get what you're sayin'. Lots of folks are bummed. Chicago wanted one too but would have cost approx. $28 million to get it there. Sounds like way too much politics to me.
It's not rocket surgery. They want to allow the people who paid for them to get to have a look at them. NYC attracts many more tourists than Houston, and more people will get to see it there. Las Vegas would be a better location than Houston.
Sure but the other thing is the people who actually worked on it and grew up next to it won't have it either. Space Center Houston does get a lot of tourism. Putting something that belongs to the NASA program at a NASA site, makes sense too.

They're also taking things out of Houston to be shipped to other cities. So like it or not Houston is the 4th largest city in the country, they get "enough" tourism including to the space center. Houston will always hold a memorable and historic part in the history of the country with our involvement in the space program. It just makes more sense to me that one of the shuttles should have ended up there.

In my opinion something like Canaveral, Houston, LA and DC would have made a lot more sense. One on each coast, one in the middle of the country and one at the Smithsonian.
Can understand the idea of it being seen by lots (NYC) but often things are placed to attract tourists too. No one is going to go to NYC because a shuttle is there. They're going to NYC anyway, and whilst there (amongst the dozens of things to see) they can also see a shuttle. Question is then whether they'd go to Houston to see it either.

However, having a space centre without a shuttle? Seems strange :think:
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