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How long do you allow someone to "hang" in your room?

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Nov 12, 2017
So this is for anyone and everyone in your room: Greys talking; greys not talking; coloureds talking; coloured not talking..

I see some people (greys or colours) seemingly stay in rooms for HOURS upon hours. I understand some may have left their PC on by mistake while they go off and do their life stuff. Some are multi-rooming (multiple tabs open and are active where the action is).

But at what point do you think "this guys has been in my room TOO long and doing nothing - something smells fishy" ? Is it someone you see multiple times doing it to you or what exactly gets you thinking you should be worried etc (because of maybe people recording)?

The greys especially go undetected with this, or at least mostly.. unless you only ever have a select few in your room.
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I don't kick anyone who's staying silently in my room. I'll do it if someone is getting annoying and/or disrespectful. Both on Chaturbate and Streamate.
On CB I use the bot preventing the greys from talking though, otherwise it becomes too much to handle for me.
I'm quite less patient with freeloaders on SM than I am on CB, I don't exactly know why.

But I'm not the kind of camgirl who will show much in freechat anyway, so I guess I don't mind as much. On CB I flash for tokens and might end up naked on rare occasions but that's it. Freeloaders won't ever get a free cumshow from me. Same on SM, I stay dressed up until I go pvt!
I'm quite less patient with freeloaders on SM than I am on CB, I don't exactly know why

Probably because the freeloaders on SM are more ridiculous. While the paying members are great, I've noticed the freeloaders are exceptionally pushy and rude. They know that they're on a pay-to-play site, and there's much less chance of them getting to see a flash that someone else tipped for, so they seem to be bolder about trying to get freebies.
I will pitch to everyone who speaks to me after a certain amount of time and if they make the conversation sexual. If they tell me they have no money, I make a note on their account and tell them to leave. Thi is a paysite, If you don't have $5 to spend, go elsewhere. There is an abundance of free porn, if they don't have the money, why are they wasting my time? Especially if my site requires billing and payment information when signing up.

Now if they are being platonic and nice, they cool. They can stay for as long as they want. I sometimes will make a note on their account if they make it a habit, and will invite them to do a show and mention when I plan starting up a gold show. If they don't, whatever, but if becomes a habit, I will eventually block them. Normally they move on. They just wanted someone to talk to.

Silent guys. I dont mind them. They arent doing anything bad. I prefer if you are gonna freeload, be quiet about it.
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So this is for anyone and everyone in your room: Greys talking; greys not talking; coloureds talking; coloured not talking..

I see some people (greys or colours) seemingly stay in rooms for HOURS upon hours. I understand some may have left their PC on by mistake while they go off and do their life stuff. Some are multi-rooming (multiple tabs open and are active where the action is).

But at what point do you think "this guys has been in my room TOO long and doing nothing - something smells fishy" ? Is it someone you see multiple times doing it to you or what exactly gets you thinking you should be worried etc (because of maybe people recording)?

The greys especially go undetected with this, or at least mostly.. unless you only ever have a select few in your room.
I don't think I've ever kicked anyone for just hanging out. Unless they get rude when they do talk, I let them stay. I have a handful of customers who hung out in my room for a week, never speaking, and then randomly tip me a lot for a vid package deal or something. HOWEVER, I do make notes on the guys who hang out and never tip or speak.
Probably because the freeloaders on SM are more ridiculous. While the paying members are great, I've noticed the freeloaders are exceptionally pushy and rude. They know that they're on a pay-to-play site, and there's much less chance of them getting to see a flash that someone else tipped for, so they seem to be bolder about trying to get freebies.

Makes sense! As an example, yesterday I was doing a Gold Show and it was countdown time. This DUDE who had not even pledged or tipped anything, said ''If you'd show a bit more skin, you'd get the bucks rolling in'' or something like that.

I think that freeloaders who dare ask for something under the excuse of giving an advice, are the worst kind of freeloaders. :vomit:
Makes sense! As an example, yesterday I was doing a Gold Show and it was countdown time. This DUDE who had not even pledged or tipped anything, said ''If you'd show a bit more skin, you'd get the bucks rolling in'' or something like that.

I think that freeloaders who dare ask for something under the excuse of giving an advice, are the worst kind of freeloaders. :vomit:

hahahahahahaha well if he wants to see some skin, he has to tip in. this dude.
Makes sense! As an example, yesterday I was doing a Gold Show and it was countdown time. This DUDE who had not even pledged or tipped anything, said ''If you'd show a bit more skin, you'd get the bucks rolling in'' or something like that.

I think that freeloaders who dare ask for something under the excuse of giving an advice, are the worst kind of freeloaders. :vomit:

This is very typical of the freeloaders.
They constantly do the whole "if you're naked you will get more tips" - which in itself is BS anyway. How many naked women do you see on the site and they still have no one in their room.
Like an Italian grandmother I don’t let anything go to waste, they will use the whole chicken for their pasta, feet and entrails included and I do the same with my room.

Silent members = members that I can get talking so they keep my room chatty

You call them “freeloaders” I call them “Ghost army” cause when I mute them they are invisible but they fight battles for me by bumping my position in the homepage. Therefore I run a grey friendly room and try to let them talk as long as possible until it becomes too hectic.

Color users who freeload = members who don’t love me yet but I can win over. My challenge is to turn them into tippers before my stream is over.

Grey users = users who I can convince to buy tokens to spend on me

Anonymous users = people I can convince to sign up with my link

Trolls = source of cheap entertainment when the room is quiet and I ran out of ideas.

The only people I will outright ban is “Fapwads” a term I invented to describe those who spoil the fun in all seriousness, people you can’t even use to entertain the room with.
I don't typically ban or get rid of anyone in my room, unless they're rude or have comments that aren't necessary. The worst is when they come in and say "I got here just in time" Uh, no. Bye.

If there's a day I'm particularly annoyed that people are sitting without talking after I've said MULTIPLE times that it's too quiet, then I ban, and never a lifetime ban. I might have given three of those out in two years of camming.

One of my members recently told me he had watched me for almost a year before getting the courage to come in my room and say hi. In two months he's become my top tipper ever. Run your room how you want! What works for someone else might not work for you, depends on your personality and what you're willing to put up with!
''If you'd show a bit more skin, you'd get the bucks rolling in''

I think this dude just trolls every gold show countdown hoping to talk a model into giving him free tits :haha:. I've been told that during a countdown to a smoking show, of all things. I'm not even getting naked in this shows, but good luck with that quest bro.
I’m happy to have as many people in my room as possible even if they aren’t tipping or talking. I just assume they’re shy or are masturbating. It truly doesn’t bother me at all.
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But at what point do you think "this guys has been in my room TOO long and doing nothing - something smells fishy" ? Is it someone you see multiple times doing it to you or what exactly gets you thinking you should be worried etc (because of maybe people recording)?

Chiming in as an SM model, so the room culture from CB is different, but I'll share my views and actions for handling non interactive, non paying members in my room.

Interaction is important to me, whether it's a greeting, a compliment, a feedback in my room. I just want a message from the username. If they are rather quiet for (guessing here) 15-30 mins I will privately send them a message with a hello and ask if they have an questions about shows. Most of the time they will leave the room, some will respond, some will say nothing. For the ones that don't say anything, I wait a couple more minutes before asking again. Pretty much a 3 strike rule at this point. If by the 3rd time there is still no response I will use the kick feature and remove them from my room, not a ban. I also make profile notes with each member that I reach out to first about this. I'll ban if it's been continuing for a few days and there has been no progress.
I've seen MFC models handle things a few different ways. But, they usually look at the history of the account in terms of how long they've been a member, tokens spent in room, tokens/points currently have, I also want to say they keep track of how long the person has been coming to the room, etc. Most I've seen do what @Mila_ does in terms of trying to convert them into tippers. However, I've also seen some have no patience and ban pretty quickly. But, usually that's only when said person is being rude.
I've had this one silent member in my room for days straight that never says a word no matter what and will just camp out even if he's the only one. (I have a very quiet room sometimes - pls don't judge me, I swear I'm still awesome lol) He was gone for like a day and came back! The entire time I'm broadcasting. It gets awkward sometimes, but I just try to ignore seeing the name keep popping up and lingering. I kicked someone one time because for some reason I just got a really creeped out feeling about it. I did warn the guy before I did it, though.
So this is for anyone and everyone in your room: Greys talking; greys not talking; coloureds talking; coloured not talking..

I see some people (greys or colours) seemingly stay in rooms for HOURS upon hours. I understand some may have left their PC on by mistake while they go off and do their life stuff. Some are multi-rooming (multiple tabs open and are active where the action is).

But at what point do you think "this guys has been in my room TOO long and doing nothing - something smells fishy" ? Is it someone you see multiple times doing it to you or what exactly gets you thinking you should be worried etc (because of maybe people recording)?

The greys especially go undetected with this, or at least mostly.. unless you only ever have a select few in your room.

The way I see it, you're gonna get bot-recorded no matter what you do. I don't cam anymore, but IIRC, sometimes you don't even see the bot user-account in your room log. I could be wrong, though.

I always found that certain greys were great "hype men" and encouraged my audience to tip, helped me by sharing my links/content, etc. As long as they weren't making requests (which is offensive and offputting to those who actually pay for stuff), or talking a TON, I'd leave them be. Besides, a lot of these greys can sometimes go buy a shitton of tokens and suddenly drop $500 on you, or go to your c4s, fansite, etc. and spend money there.

But yeah, recording happens and it's almost impossible to prevent it. There are DMCA take-down services for cam-models out there and it wouldn't hurt to watermark your feed (if you can still do that) to make DMCA filings easier.
I've had this one silent member in my room for days straight that never says a word no matter what and will just camp out even if he's the only one. (I have a very quiet room sometimes - pls don't judge me, I swear I'm still awesome lol) He was gone for like a day and came back! The entire time I'm broadcasting. It gets awkward sometimes, but I just try to ignore seeing the name keep popping up and lingering. I kicked someone one time because for some reason I just got a really creeped out feeling about it. I did warn the guy before I did it, though.

Make it a habit to ALWAYS say "hello *username* good to see you!" whenever you see him in the room. Eventually he will reply back and that little push might just be what he needed to start tipping. It could take months, it was 2 months for talking and 6 months for tipping with my serial freeloader, but that was 5 years ago and the member is still tipping me today and being a positive presence in my room, he is a cool dude, just shy. Or he could take it as a hint that you realise how much freeloading he does and just leave, either way you get a positive outcome.
I've had this one silent member in my room for days straight that never says a word no matter what and will just camp out even if he's the only one. (I have a very quiet room sometimes - pls don't judge me, I swear I'm still awesome lol) He was gone for like a day and came back! The entire time I'm broadcasting. It gets awkward sometimes, but I just try to ignore seeing the name keep popping up and lingering. I kicked someone one time because for some reason I just got a really creeped out feeling about it. I did warn the guy before I did it, though.

I have had members in my room every day for the last 3 years and have never said a word, some might drop 10 tokens every 6 months but other than that pretty much nothing. If im on for long periods of time then they usually pop in and out, if they arnt asking for things without tipping then I leave them be for the most part. When I first started it frustrated me so much I would literally say "if your not gonna say anything im gonna kick you from the room", I would then pm everyone and anyone that didn't respond got booted, now im selling content on other sites, so if they arnt buying where im camming I have pop ups with links to where they can purchase various things, so doing that now could have a negative impact on other areas of my business. The last few weeks it's been more like 50 people doing this though, and Im left to sing to myself because no one wants to chat, sometimes I feel more like I am running a radio station than a cam room.
Some times I'll change it up, like if I have a room full of people I'll throw on an audio book, sometimes it gets people talking asking about the book, who it's by and stuff.
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I talk to everyone that comes in my room, and base whether I ban them on how positive/negative their reaction is. And if they say they have no money it's a definite ban because this is your place of business and they have no right to solicit. If I like talking with them in public and they add to the conversation then by all means stay for a while but eventually I need them to tip or move on because I'm not free, otherwise I wouldn't be on cam.
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