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Major WoW talent tree changes

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Mar 5, 2010

Long story short;
trees will only be 31 talent points deep
starting at lvl 10, you will get one talent point every 2 levels instead of every level as it has always been
at lvl 10 you choose which tree you will spec into and cant cherry pick talents from other trees until you have 31 points in your chosen tree.

keystone talents which used to be deep in trees will be given "for free" at lvl 10! Mortal Strike for Arms warriors, Mutilate for assassination rogues , dual wield for enhancement shammies!

I, for one, think this was a smart move by Blizz.
Yeah I've been reading slowly through that whole post since I got home. I do like the concept, but it will take some getting used to to not be able to select a few helpful talents from other trees. Like my arcane spec with extra talents to lower my necessary hit. But then again, so many attributes are changing that everything about my toon will take some getting used to anyway.

My mage is the only toon, though, that I've got a textbook spec for. All others I've just picked and chosen from all the trees to help me level according to how I play. They will be impacted the most. Guess I should hurry up and level them to 80. :)
I think this will help make leveling toons more interesting. Getting cooler talents earlier on will be nice, because when you're leveling, you have 2 options: one of your options is "Increase x by y%" or some useless PvP talent... Yeah, I don't want to do this anymore.
Dual specs also are more valuable now I think with this. I have dual spec for my druid and also my newly 80 DK, and now - I'm real happy about it.
I know they mentioned increasing soloability for healers and tanks, but I still worry what this will do for dungeons while leveling. Who wants to level heal or OMG tank spec? I guess we will see what they cook up.
KeiiSweet said:
I know they mentioned increasing soloability for healers and tanks, but I still worry what this will do for dungeons while leveling. Who wants to level heal or OMG tank spec? I guess we will see what they cook up.
I leveled a tank... It's actually pretty nice because you don't die as easily. You don't kill things as quickly, but hey, you take what you can get.
I leveled my Paladin 1-70 holy. It made for fast leveling because I just healed dungeons that were for that level and moved on. This was before dual spec so when I hit 70 doing the dailies completely sucked, 15 second holy shocks 10 second judgements and watching porn during the auto attacks.

Im very curious about the talent trees. I'll probably pick up cataclysm when it comes out to give it a looksy, to at least get my goblin mage out into the world...of warcraft.
I am pretty apathetic towards the new trees. Obviously they aren't done. Ret Paladin was the only tree I was able to piece together a build I was content with on though so I am looking forward to seeing how they tweak them to make them flow better. I am also apathetic towards this because as far as Alts go, I have Priest, Mage, Paladin, Warrior, Rogue, and Hunter at 80, DK at 75, Warlock at 61, Shaman at 60, and Druid at 52... so I am pretty close to done with leveling alts to 80... and going from 80 to 85 won't be too big a deal. ><
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