AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Models Beware!! Account blocked this could happen to you!

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Feb 18, 2024
Hello All,
I want to share my story and warn all models out there so that this does not happen to you. After 4 years as a model on Stripchat, I tried to log into my account several days ago and found that it was blocked!!!
I have been emailing back and forth with support to no avail. I finally got a response that my account had been permanently suspended and I received the following response:

"Be kindly informed that our decision regarding your account is final since you entertained a user who sent pictures of a minor. That being said, our collaboration is over.
Thank you for understanding."

ENTERTAINING A USER......#*!? On my last broadcast I did have a user send me a picture in a PM that that she said was her own. I didn't think much of it. It was a youngish looking girl but nothing that stood out to me as being clearly underage. I am very careful to know and follow the rules. If it was a clear violation I would have reported the user. Now I have lost my account, my income and 4 years of hard work building my channel all becuase a user sent a picture. There was no discussion of underage topics or the age of the user. And of course Stripchat has seized all tokens in my account. If Stripchate was actually serious about blocking underage users and content they would age verify users like they do models instead of letting any 13 year old click the "I am 18 button."

MODELS BEWARE: Stripchat expects YOU to be resoponsible for the behavior and activity of customers in your room or what they say in PMs. Customer breaks the rule, you get banned!!! All your hard work and money gone!!

Models please be very careful out there. If you see ANY picture from a customer that could be anywhere close to being underage, report the user immediately. The only think I can think I did wrong here was not report and ban.
If you don't know the rules by heart you can find them in the help section for models. Don't assume that because becuase some Zero Tolerance rules are not enforced that others won't be.
If anybody out there has any experince that might be helpful, please reply!! Thanks
I would like to provide an update to this thread as I have now investigated this matter.

As I cannot discuss the exact details of any particular case, I do feel that I have to provide some response here as the info in the initial post is not entirely accurate, therefore, this post is very misleading to other models.

What I can advise is that we do not suspend models lightly and only do so once we undertake a thorough investigation and have evidence at hand.
Our moderators banned both the model and the user accounts during their discussion, and in this case, both suspensions were warranted.

Suggestions/advice for models
If a user advises you that they are a minor or tells you their (under 18) age bluntly, we advise you to ban the minor and report them immediately.​
Do not continue communicating with the minor/user in a private discussion and just pretend that they didn't tell you.​
If a user sends you a picture of a minor (whether they say it's a picture of themselves or pictures of other minors), we advise you to ban the user and report them immediately.​
Do not continue your discussion with the user and proceed to entertain them whilst receiving more and more pictures of minors.​
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Hello All,
I want to share my story and warn all models out there so that this does not happen to you. After 4 years as a model on Stripchat, I tried to log into my account several days ago and found that it was blocked!!!
I have been emailing back and forth with support to no avail. I finally got a response that my account had been permanently suspended and I received the following response:

"Be kindly informed that our decision regarding your account is final since you entertained a user who sent pictures of a minor. That being said, our collaboration is over.
Thank you for understanding."

ENTERTAINING A USER......#*!? On my last broadcast I did have a user send me a picture in a PM that that she said was her own. I didn't think much of it. It was a youngish looking girl but nothing that stood out to me as being clearly underage. I am very careful to know and follow the rules. If it was a clear violation I would have reported the user. Now I have lost my account, my income and 4 years of hard work building my channel all becuase a user sent a picture. There was no discussion of underage topics or the age of the user. And of course Stripchat has seized all tokens in my account. If Stripchate was actually serious about blocking underage users and content they would age verify users like they do models instead of letting any 13 year old click the "I am 18 button."

MODELS BEWARE: Stripchat expects YOU to be resoponsible for the behavior and activity of customers in your room or what they say in PMs. Customer breaks the rule, you get banned!!! All your hard work and money gone!!

Models please be very careful out there. If you see ANY picture from a customer that could be anywhere close to being underage, report the user immediately. The only think I can think I did wrong here was not report and ban.
If you don't know the rules by heart you can find them in the help section for models. Don't assume that because becuase some Zero Tolerance rules are not enforced that others won't be.
If anybody out there has any experince that might be helpful, please reply!! Thanks
UPDATE: Stripchat customer service did review the case and give me a different punishment. Not happy but I understand and accept their decision. I do not speak English well and need to use Google Translate. The lesson here is make sure you translate everything in the PMs and report or ban any content that you suspect could be a violation. Charlie_SC post above says better than me. Thank you customer service and Charlie_SC. LEarning experience.
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UPDATE: Stripchat customer service did review the case and give me a different punishment. Not happy but I understand and accept their decision. I do not speak English well and need to use Google Translate. The lesson here is make sure you translate everything in the PMs and report or ban any content that you suspect could be a violation. Charlie_SC post above says better than me. Thank you customer service and Charlie_SC. LEarning experience.
I don't speak English fluent so I could be in this situation too. I don't understand why they cant warn before they ban
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On another note, I have seen models get banned for guys asking to send them money via e-wallet or cashapp as well.... The model said nothing about it but they banned the model because the member asked if they could send money. It is not fair nor right for models to have to police the site for stripchat.
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I have seen models get banned for guys asking to send them money via e-wallet or cashapp as well.... The model said nothing about it but they banned the model because the member asked if they could send money.

This info is 100% not true

If a model has advised you that they were banned for this reason but they said/done absolutely nothing, I can assure you that the info you are being given the model is not entirely accurate.

We do not suspend models lightly and only do so once we undertake a thorough investigation and have evidence at hand.
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Because of the actions in my previous post now when I knight for a model I tell them these things:
1) if anyone asks you at anytime in public or private to do anything against the rules ban them immediately without a reply
2) If you are in a private or exclusive show and someone asks you to do something against the rules immediately end the private and ban without a reply
3) Be careful what you talk about in PM or in private shows because models have been banned for "talking" about things that violate the rules.
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Because of the actions in my previous post now when I knight for a model I tell them these things:
1) if anyone asks you at anytime in public or private to do anything against the rules ban them immediately without a reply
2) If you are in a private or exclusive show and someone asks you to do something against the rules immediately end the private and ban without a reply
3) Be careful what you talk about in PM or in private shows because models have been banned for "talking" about things that violate the rules.
This is good advice.

But really..... why does anyone need to be told to do this? To me it is common sense.

Anything that is related to breaking rules.. do not engage in conversation, ban and report. Certainly do not have a happy casual chat with them!
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This is good advice.

But really..... why does anyone need to be told to do this? To me it is common sense.

Anything that is related to breaking rules.. do not engage in conversation, ban and report. Certainly do not have a happy casual chat with them!
One would think it is so but unfortunately it is not always. Just as models get their rooms over run by manipulative members, some of these same members use these situations as blackmail to get models to do things they would not and know they should not do. A user gets a model to do something against the rules in an exclusive private that he now has a recording of or worse screen records it and sends it to her thru whatsapp or telegram and threatens to report her now having "evidence" to submit to support. I am not talking about the experienced models that obviously know this, I am talking about models that are new to this business.

Most of this crap would go away if they actually banned members for "asking" a model to break the rules and they policed the site themselves and not relied on model and members reporting models so heavily
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This is good advice.

But really..... why does anyone need to be told to do this? To me it is common sense.

Anything that is related to breaking rules.. do not engage in conversation, ban and report. Certainly do not have a happy casual chat with them!
This!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't have to engage. It's no model's job to educate the public they are breaking rules.
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One would think it is so but unfortunately it is not always. Just as models get their rooms over run by manipulative members, some of these same members use these situations as blackmail to get models to do things they would not and know they should not do. A user gets a model to do something against the rules in an exclusive private that he now has a recording of or worse screen records it and sends it to her thru whatsapp or telegram and threatens to report her now having "evidence" to submit to support. I am not talking about the experienced models that obviously know this, I am talking about models that are new to this business.

Most of this crap would go away if they actually banned members for "asking" a model to break the rules and they policed the site themselves and not relied on model and members reporting models so heavily
yes this industry has a high turnover. estimated 80% of new models quit within the first three months. it's because its fucking hard. you deal with every type of asshole. and i do mean every type. it's also an industry that sadly has people joining it for maybe the wrong reasons or maybe in a critical situation where they need to make money fast. also people who are easily manipulated into breaking the rules shouldnt be a cammodel.

also this is pretty cringe you do this. got that "why dont sit there little lady and let me tell you everything you need to know" mansplainy misogyny. i understand it comes from a place of wanting to be helpful and looking out for them. also, new models got members constantly giving out advice. i betchu most of the new models you send your helpful thing to roll their eyes spiritually because it's been happening for the past week.

i will also argue that experiencing members being manipulative and the negative consequences of being naive of the industry is important. it fucking sucks to get scammed or duped into breaking tos because you may have been desperate to earn money or ignorant, or manipulation. it happens to everyone and when it does, try to learn from it. and when i say everyone, i do mean everyone. veteran models can still be manipulated by members.

if you wanna help new models, direct them to this forum so they can get better guidance from industry professionals. no offense
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I’m crap at guessing people’s ages from photos. Guess I’ll just go heavy on the ban/report button? Def don’t want to get in trouble. Can be tough sometimes to pause during a busy show to do this. A one-click ban and report button could be useful
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also this is pretty cringe you do this. got that "why dont sit there little lady and let me tell you everything you need to know" mansplainy misogyny. i understand it comes from a place of wanting to be helpful and looking out for them. also, new models got members constantly giving out advice. i betchu most of the new models you send your helpful thing to roll their eyes spiritually because it's been happening for the past week.
The attack is unwarranted. Misogynistic mansplainer? You have no idea what I do but your only guess is this?
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The attack is unwarranted. Misogynistic mansplainer? You have no idea what I do but your only guess is this?
wasn't trying to attack you. sharing my opinion of the vibe you are giving off. you know the type of man who goes out of their way to explain to women things they more than likely already know because the dude assumed to know best? i understand you want to be helpful, what you described comes across as condescending. apologes if my words were harsh.
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wasn't trying to attack you. sharing my opinion of the vibe you are giving off. you know the type of man who goes out of their way to explain to women things they more than likely already know because the dude assumed to know best? i understand you want to be helpful, what you described comes across as condescending. apologes if my words were harsh.
Thank you for your reply. I have referred models to these forums. I have also been sent PM's from models on this forum asking for help. I spend some time room hopping African model's rooms that work for studios. I check their tip menu and on many I find pee, poo, whatsapp show, things clearly in violation of the rules. I am told by a majority of these girls the "boss" ie the studio owner, set up the tip menu for them. I give them a link to the rules in PM and tell them they should remove those items from the tip menu because doing any of these things would get them banned permanently. I have made custom pages for models on CB that I moderated for, for free. Not everyone is tech savvy as well and on CB even setting up an app or a bot is challenging so I show them how... that is all... they do their own thing...
I have helped models set up streammaster and OBS even though it has a set up guide, but again this is a challenge to some. I guess I see it as my way of giving back to the community.
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Had a guy last night tell me that I described my body perfectly in my bio. It's one word. He asked me if I had heard the guys discussing my body and I asked him if he really thought a woman wasn't aware of her own body type. It's inescapable.
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On another note, I have seen models get banned for guys asking to send them money via e-wallet or cashapp as well.... The model said nothing about it but they banned the model because the member asked if they could send money. It is not fair nor right for models to have to police the site for stripchat.
This looks unfair to me. I'm streaming on other camsites and I can get warn but not ban.
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