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Someone else in a model's (physical) room during a true private

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Mar 27, 2016
I am always polite and respectful in a model's room, and I am (I think) a generous tipper. Recently, I joined a new chat room on MFC, became a 'friend', and was invited by the model to go private fairly quickly. I didn't think about that too much, as I was pretty keen to go private, and just thought it was because I was being polite. I had a couple of reasonably long (30 mins plus) true private sessions with her on different days, but on the second one it was pretty obvious that there was someone else in the (physical) room. I could hear someone moving around in the background, clinking coffee cups or similar, and later actually flushing a toilet! A couple of times the model even looked away from the camera and whispered to this other person. I mentioned this to her in a light-hearted fashion, but she denied it and said her walls were so thin it must be noises from a neighbour! I don't think she realised how much bg sound the mike was picking up. Now I'm not stupid enough to think that models never have other people around, but I thought that interacting with them while in a so-called 'true private' with me was a bit of a turn off (and against MFC rules if that person was male) and I'm now hesitant to visit her again. Am I being too sensitive/naive? PS The model is now spamming me via MFC mail asking me to log in and be with her (i.e spend 1000s more tokens :) ) which is also turning me off!
Just place her on ignore if you want to stop the MFC mails and move on. It is completely acceptable for you to be uninterested in a model for whatever reason you want.
Yes, thanks Jolene, I probably will just ignore. I suppose I was trying to figure out whether my expectations of the true privacy of a 'true private' were too optimistic and/or foolish. Probably a bit of both. :)
Yes, thanks Jolene, I probably will just ignore. I suppose I was trying to figure out whether my expectations of the true privacy of a 'true private' were too optimistic and/or foolish. Probably a bit of both. :)
I would say that people secretly being in the background flushing toilets is not the norm and not too be expected.
Yes, thanks Jolene, I probably will just ignore. I suppose I was trying to figure out whether my expectations of the true privacy of a 'true private' were too optimistic and/or foolish. Probably a bit of both. :)

I don't think your expectations were off; I'd find that off-putting too, especially if she's talking to them. She could've just said "sorry my roommate is in the next room" or whatever but either way if it's bothering you, like Jolene said, ignoring her is your best bet. Find someone who can give you their full attention!
True privates are supposed to be special. It is okay to be off put by a model if she doesn't meet your needs/make you feel special. I have room mates and sometimes when I cam, they make a lot of noise. I also use a very sensitive mic that picks up my neighbors upstairs walking around and making noise. However, I usually apologize during my shows if they are making noise and everyone in my room knows, but they never come in my room or bother me, sometimes it makes for an interesting show when my room mates have friends over and you can hear them talking in the living room. If I make a lot of noise, they can hear me from the living room as well lol.
Seems this model uses a very aggressive approach that would be off putting for most guys. She hasn't show you much respect both lying to you and spamming you because you have been generous towards her. Best thing is to move on and find a model that appreciates a respectful and generous guy ( Without saying it I'm sure a lot of the models reading this tread are saying to themselves, wish you were coming to their room :rofl:)
I used to live in a reaaalllly old shitty apartment. My cam room could hear the neighbors movies when they watched them. They could hear the cars honking and sitens that were twenty floors below me. I would swear under my breath without thinking during my shows out of habitual frustration. I talk to my cats off cam if they come in the room (usually something regarding them needing to leave because sooo inappropriate). Not saying that's the deal with this chick, but it could be. I know if I didn't drive to my cam space and cammed from home in my studioish style apt. It would be impossible for members to not hear my gf wash her hands or walk around because I wouldn't expect her life to stop while in cam- but if this were the case I wouldn't have her inframe but sometimes we can't help the noise of life.

Just adding a diff perspective. Not saying this is what's going on with this chick, but to keep in mind some of us have less than ideal living situations for camming.

As for the repetitive messages. I agree with what has been said. Don't like it then defs don't stick around.
My cam room is right next to the pipes from my and my neighbors bathroom. So when the neighbor takes a shower or flushes the toilet it's crazy loud. So toilet flushing isn't really avoidable. I feel like some situations are just life, and if something is going on a model should inform her paying member so she doesn't come off like she's not taking it serious.
Thanks for your replies everyone, appreciate them all. Some very good points and fresh perspective. I must admit I hadn't thought about the possibility of very cramped apartments and intrusive shared plumbing. She did say that she was camming from home - even sent me a pic of the apartment block (not proof, I know) - and also said the noise was caused by her dog (which she then brought and showed on cam), but a few minutes later the flush happened and I asked if she'd trained the dog to use the toilet (trying to keep it light-hearted). It was then she interacted with 'someone/thing' off camera, but it was what i'd expect if she was talking/making eye contact with someone standing up (she was laying down on cushions on the floor) so it didn't really tally that she was telling the dog to behave.

Anyway, the 'spamming' has since got worse: even more mails, 2-3 per day asking me to log in, and today a PM while I was in another model's room, saying that I'd ruined her birthday as I hadn't logged in to see her as promised (I don't recall doing that)! I feel bad about doing it, 'cause I'm just a big softie at heart and I do genuinely like her, but I think I'll be reaching for the 'ignore' button anytime soon. Thanks again for the responses.
The placement of the bathrooms in my apartment means that it could easily sound like someone in the same room as me was flushing the toilet, without that being the case. The doors are very thin, while the walls are pretty damn thick, so people in other rooms aren't very hearable, but anyone in the hallway will be crystal clear.

Is it naive to think a model won't have a way for a significant other to watch the show, either live or recorded, if he/she wanted to? Yes.
Is it unreasonable to think a model shouldn't have someone else in the physical room with her while she cams? No.
Is it unreasonable to expect a model to not interact with anyone else during your private with her, regardless of truprivate or regular? No.

Anecdote time!

For awhile I had another girl living with me. She knew I cammed, and understood that when I was on camera I wasn't to be bothered. She often failed to remember it though. One day, she was going to be walking home from work, and would be arriving while I was on camera (Streamate). She said she would send me a text from the entrance of the apartment complex. I said that wasn't enough warning, could she please send it from the gas station down the street.

During one of my breaks, we had a conversation.

She sent the warning from the entrance right as a private started. I didn't respond, since I was in private. When she got home, the private was still going. She knocked on the door to my camroom. I was surprised she was back so quickly after the text, since I hadn't gotten to check it. I was mad that she knocked, but I figured, increase the level of the sex noises so maybe she'd go away. She opened the door. I straight up glared at her over the dildo I was sucking, then apologized to the room. Five people had been in when she got home, one person left at the knock, two others left when I glared at her.

I recovered enough to finish the private, and logged out when it was over. Her excuse was that since I'd texted her earlier, I must not have been working.

We can try to do everything in our power to keep our roommates from interfering with your show, but some things are out of our control.
I've not been much of a private-seeking member for a long time, but I'd recommend getting to know a model's room enough that this kind of interruption will have a known source. If there's someone skulking around and making noise during a true private, they probably do the same type of thing while the model is in public, as well. That way, you can decide in advance if it's something you won't mind putting up with, rather than spending a hundred-plus bucks on a boner just to have it flushed down the drain by a model's room-mate.

I, too, am curious about whether this was a studio model, though. They have little control about what noises are made around them, and really young studio models, in particular, pop in and out of each other's rooms all the time.
Anyway, the 'spamming' has since got worse: even more mails, 2-3 per day asking me to log in, and today a PM while I was in another model's room, saying that I'd ruined her birthday as I hadn't logged in to see her as promised (I don't recall doing that)! I feel bad about doing it, 'cause I'm just a big softie at heart and I do genuinely like her, but I think I'll be reaching for the 'ignore' button anytime soon. Thanks again for the responses.

Dude, that's next-level guilt trip and manipulation on her part. You dodged a boner-bullet, man. If she's resorting to these tactics, you're likely not the first that had a bad show/experience with her. Be glad you got out when you did.
Dude, that's next-level guilt trip and manipulation on her part. You dodged a boner-bullet, man. If she's resorting to these tactics, you're likely not the first that had a bad show/experience with her. Be glad you got out when you did.
Seconded! Just because your a nice person doesn't mean you have to let people treat you with such complete disrespect.
After more thought, I think she is almost certainly in a studio (despite the apartment pic), and it's likely that another model or S.O. was making a brew etc in the background or at least in an adjoining room. I now remember that there was, initially, no audio in the room until I asked, so perhaps she was trying to hide that fact. The irony is, after reading all your viewpoints and anecdotes, that I may have been able to accept that situation and visit her again, but the deal-breaker I'm afraid has been the mail spamming, intrusive PMs, and attempts to manipulate my feelings, so the ignore button has been pressed. Again, thanks everyone for your advice and insight - this is a great community.
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It's completely reasonable to be off put be this, to ignore the model, and not tip her anymore.

That being said, I think it's naive to expect that every (even most) camgirls to be alone in real life while they're working. I don't think most of us live by ourselves. We have roommates and significant others, and work in studios. Living situations often make it impossible to be truly alone. If I think you want to be alone with me, that's the illusion Im going to try and give. People ask if I'm alone all the time and I say I am even though my boyfriend is in the next room. Now if you see through my illusion and it turns you off? I respect and accept that. I think it would be silly to be upset with me for trying to play into your fantasy though.
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