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Steam to Gog Connect. Free copies of games on Gog.

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jul 6, 2011
Gog just introduced the ability to connect your Steam account to them. They give you a DRM free copy of your Steam games on Gog if they have them.

Not all games are set up to do that yet though. It depends on the maker and other things. But they are working on adding more as time goes on. I just had 4 games added to my Gog account for free by doing this.

Just go to Gog and sign in with your Steam account so they can link them to add any available games. You can only link ONE Steam account ever though. So make sure it's your main one if you have more than one.

Screenshot - 6_2_2016 , 5_44_18 PM.png
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On the one hand, I think it's pretty cool. On the other hand, do I really want all my accounts connected?
Hmm. I tried linking, but no games showed as available, even though I own about half of the eligible games on Steam. My privacy settings are all set to public, so I'm not sure what's up. I'll try again in a day or two, I guess.
I finally got it to work. Eight more DRM-free games in my GOG account. Neat!
I finally got it to work. Eight more DRM-free games in my GOG account. Neat!
It took me a day to get them. I think they were so overloaded with people doing it. I got 5 added to mine. So it was worth it. Hope they add a lot more.
Chalk another one up for GoG being dope, they could have stopped at just adding a reference to it in your library but actually providing a separate DRM-free copy of the game gets applause in my book.
I only wish that GOG Galaxy worked on Linux. I have to keep switching to my Windows install to use it even though they sell a few of the games for Linux.
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