Synergy 1/4/25 update
+ reworked /notice command (complete rewrite and optimization)
+ added option support (IG: /notice [ #000000 user01 ] Hello User01!!\nI've Missed You!)
+ *current* option set = bold, #6digit, username(s), m, f, g
> valid 6 digit hex (#xxxxxx) only. 1st foreground/2nd background. forced app-wide transparancy style.
> usernames comma delimited or separate (IE: user01,user02 user03 fanclub01)
> use m for all mods, f for all fan club, and g for all grey users
^ option set w/o username affects the public notice
^ empty option set [ ] affects the public notice by removing forced bold (default behavior) font
+ added /notice? command help window
+ updated arg/argument to opt/options throughout
+ updated related command/help window output
+ updated translations
- removed old /notice username msg support
I have re-worked my all-in-1-apps ability to send notices to chat. The command now supports many options for fine-tuning the results. Use this command to customize a public notice or a private notice to specific user(s).
Previous command: /notice msg or /notice username msg (with \n support for new line and '@' removal)
Re-worked command: /notice [ bold #FF0000 #000000 user01,user02 user03 m f g ] msg (with \n support for new line and '@' removal)
Default output remains the same as previous command behavior; If only a message is included (/notice msg), the app will display that public notice using bold font and the app-wide color theme.
Re-worked command behavior is option dependent. Options can be included/discluded, typed in any order, but must be separated by spaces from the option [ ] set brackets and each other. Anything typed outside the option [ ] set will be considered part of the message.
Options *currently* supported: bold #hex username m/f/g
bold - forces bold font in output
#hex - only 6 character hex codes are supported (#xxxxxx). 1st valid hex code is always the fg color. 2nd valid hex code is always the bg color. bg transparancy type is the app-wide theme. invalid/missing #hex codes are replaced by default app-wide theme.
username - comma delimited or separate. usernames must pass validation (only a-z/0-9 and 3-30 characters). usernames are checked for online status at the point of execution (mitigates undeliverable notices significantly).
EG: /notice [ user01,user02 fanclub01 user03,user04 user05 ] Hello to my favorite tippers\n:favtipanimation
m - sends private notice to all mods
f - sends private notice to all fan club
g - sends private notice to all greys
As the model, you can be alerted (private confirmation notice) for all privately sent notices. This allows you to know everything your mods are saying outside of CB PMs.
Usernames and message is included in the sent receipt.
M/F/G names are included in sent receipt when the total number is less than 6. Otherwise "Mod/Grey/Fan Club" is included.
An option [ ] set without a username will affect the public notice output.
An option [ ] set with at least 1 valid username will affect the private notice output.

The idea behind this update came whlie moderating for a friend. I desired a way to target specific user(s) with specific advertisements. I can now send a reminder to vote for the model to a user who is just tipped 25 tokens or I can send the high-tippers an advertisements related to PVT or specific menu items. This way the whole chat is not disrupted by advertisments popping up in an already busy room!
Synergy is a v1 CB all-in-1-app unlike anything else available. It has been in development for 6+ years. It contains more than 38 unique bots and is supported by an easy to use command system that requires 0 memorization. With Synergy, certain advertisements may only display to your Mods, while a private tip menu only displays to your Fan club members, while special colors are only available to tippers, while a unique advertisement panel is only displayed to your grey users, while a customized leaderboard (including goals information) is actively displayed to users with tokens, as you consider starting a ticket show that has discounts only for your virtual club members, while a private alarm clock awaits to provide an important reminder! Many more unique scenarios are possible, limited only by your imagination of available functionality!
SynergyChaturbate @ gmail for ?
✖ Cexmental for DMs
+ reworked /notice command (complete rewrite and optimization)
+ added option support (IG: /notice [ #000000 user01 ] Hello User01!!\nI've Missed You!)
+ *current* option set = bold, #6digit, username(s), m, f, g
> valid 6 digit hex (#xxxxxx) only. 1st foreground/2nd background. forced app-wide transparancy style.
> usernames comma delimited or separate (IE: user01,user02 user03 fanclub01)
> use m for all mods, f for all fan club, and g for all grey users
^ option set w/o username affects the public notice
^ empty option set [ ] affects the public notice by removing forced bold (default behavior) font
+ added /notice? command help window
+ updated arg/argument to opt/options throughout
+ updated related command/help window output
+ updated translations
- removed old /notice username msg support
I have re-worked my all-in-1-apps ability to send notices to chat. The command now supports many options for fine-tuning the results. Use this command to customize a public notice or a private notice to specific user(s).
Previous command: /notice msg or /notice username msg (with \n support for new line and '@' removal)
Re-worked command: /notice [ bold #FF0000 #000000 user01,user02 user03 m f g ] msg (with \n support for new line and '@' removal)
Default output remains the same as previous command behavior; If only a message is included (/notice msg), the app will display that public notice using bold font and the app-wide color theme.
Re-worked command behavior is option dependent. Options can be included/discluded, typed in any order, but must be separated by spaces from the option [ ] set brackets and each other. Anything typed outside the option [ ] set will be considered part of the message.
Options *currently* supported: bold #hex username m/f/g
bold - forces bold font in output
#hex - only 6 character hex codes are supported (#xxxxxx). 1st valid hex code is always the fg color. 2nd valid hex code is always the bg color. bg transparancy type is the app-wide theme. invalid/missing #hex codes are replaced by default app-wide theme.
username - comma delimited or separate. usernames must pass validation (only a-z/0-9 and 3-30 characters). usernames are checked for online status at the point of execution (mitigates undeliverable notices significantly).
EG: /notice [ user01,user02 fanclub01 user03,user04 user05 ] Hello to my favorite tippers\n:favtipanimation
m - sends private notice to all mods
f - sends private notice to all fan club
g - sends private notice to all greys
As the model, you can be alerted (private confirmation notice) for all privately sent notices. This allows you to know everything your mods are saying outside of CB PMs.
Usernames and message is included in the sent receipt.
M/F/G names are included in sent receipt when the total number is less than 6. Otherwise "Mod/Grey/Fan Club" is included.
An option [ ] set without a username will affect the public notice output.
An option [ ] set with at least 1 valid username will affect the private notice output.

The idea behind this update came whlie moderating for a friend. I desired a way to target specific user(s) with specific advertisements. I can now send a reminder to vote for the model to a user who is just tipped 25 tokens or I can send the high-tippers an advertisements related to PVT or specific menu items. This way the whole chat is not disrupted by advertisments popping up in an already busy room!
Synergy is a v1 CB all-in-1-app unlike anything else available. It has been in development for 6+ years. It contains more than 38 unique bots and is supported by an easy to use command system that requires 0 memorization. With Synergy, certain advertisements may only display to your Mods, while a private tip menu only displays to your Fan club members, while special colors are only available to tippers, while a unique advertisement panel is only displayed to your grey users, while a customized leaderboard (including goals information) is actively displayed to users with tokens, as you consider starting a ticket show that has discounts only for your virtual club members, while a private alarm clock awaits to provide an important reminder! Many more unique scenarios are possible, limited only by your imagination of available functionality!

✖ Cexmental for DMs