AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

The new ACF is here!

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
Staff member
Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
Twitter Username
MFC Username
ManyVids URL
I’m so excited to welcome you to the new ACF!

Below I'm listing some features that are different on this new platform (XenForo, we were on phpBB previously). I think you will enjoy some of the new functionality here!

  • Thanks are now Likes and now include multiple variations (like, dislike, funny, hugs). Positive and negative ratings for these likes add to members’ Post Ratings. You'll find these options under each post, they'll brighten and tooltip when you mouseover them.
  • Trophy badges and trophy points for milestones and achievements! You can find the current Trophy list here and I may add more as time necessitates.
  • Quick reply box at the bottom of every page, multi quote via the ["+ quote] button at the bottom of a post you'd like to add to the reply, then click [insert quotes] button under the quick reply box to add them to your reply. SO much easier than before!
  • Member profiles now feature wall posts, as well as personalized cover photos. Want to wish someone a happy birthday? Post on their wall! Want to show off a great pic of yourself or appreciate something adorable? Make it your cover photo!
  • You may now create media folders and upload images and gifs to their own albums to show off. Upload multiple images at a time, add titles and descriptions in a batch. Add comments and likes to other peoples' media.
  • The SEARCH function is much more intuitive now.
  • You may advertise your cam and content site profiles easily on every post. Just fill out the personal details section of your profile page, and the icons will show on each post under your avatar.
  • Alert system will notify you in real time of new conversations and replies (and other stuff!)
  • Adding @username to a post will now be a “mention” and send an alert to that user that you've tagged them in the post.
  • Members may associate (and even log in with) their Twitter account.
  • Use #ACFWALL in a Twitter post, it will be displayed on our Tweet stream (below!) ACF also has its own Twitter account now: @AmberCutieForum
  • “Foes” are now ignored members. Simply click on a user, click "ignore" on their profile page or member card, and they will be much less obvious to you on the forum from there on out.
  • “Friends” are now followed members. Click on "follow" on their profile page or member card and you can set specific settings via your preferences to allow them special access to your media and receive updates on their posts in your news feed.
  • Viewing on mobile devices will be GLORIOUS now!
There are other tidbits you'll come across as you get re-acclimated with the forum. We will be working to update a few things that aren't working perfectly (some inline images and VIP media content) as soon as we can.

Please reply in this thread if you need help or have feedback if something isn't working as expected. I'll be updating the old version of the "forum: how to" thread as some point soon, but I think this forum software is a lot more user friendly and should help you find your way easily. :woot: Happy ACFing!
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To start it off, I noticed the Media section. Is it correct to say we can now each create our own media albums to upload pictures? I see Amber picture gallery already there from the testing, and a way to do Media Gallery Embed from here in the post if I were to create one. So can we do that for pictures we want to share or use regularly in posts?

Can I create a gallery specifically of models in costumes, recipes I've made, my little pony gif's? Basically it's our own gallery space to share here?

And, awesome new forum. Looks like quite a few more bells and whistles with this one.
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To start it off, I noticed the Media section. Is it correct to say we can now each create our own media albums to upload pictures? I noticed Amber picture gallery already there from the testing. I see a way to do Media Gallery Embed from here in the post if I were to create one. So can we do that for pictures we want to share or use regularly in posts?

Can I create a gallery specifically of models in costumes, recipes I've made, my little pony gif's? Basically it's our own gallery space to share here?

And, awesome new forum. Looks like quite a few more bells and whistles with this one.
Media galleries can be uploaded by anyone. Simply go to the media page and "add media", then create a new album. You can even set it so only people you follow can view it if you like. Members have a smaller upload limit than verified models, though. :)
This is way cool!!!!

Edit: No my nose is not brown. This is just the only community I have time for. 0.o
Amber this looks SO COOL! I'm stoked to fiddle around with it and figure out all the new things.

Thanks so much to you and Jawbs for doing this,. It's really excited!
Wow. Pretty impressive. I just hope there is no danger of this bastard becoming self-aware...
  • Funny!
Reactions: ACFFAN69
I keep getting an error when I try to put in my chaturbate name into the site lists...its the same as my MFC and that works AshleyNicole_

Mine only seemed to work when I used lowercase. I also had trouble with my C4S link, because I usually don't link it with the username on the end, so I had to search out what that version of my link actually was.

@AmberCutie (am I doing that right?) I wish there was also a place to put your own website/blog/member site under the avatar. I don't post on my blog a ton, but for those with member sites especially it'd be a nice addition, I think.
Mine only seemed to work when I used lowercase. I also had trouble with my C4S link, because I usually don't link it with the username on the end, so I had to search out what that version of my link actually was.

I tried lower case only but it still didn't work...I wonder if its the _ at the end even though it worked for the MFC one.
I think the thread navigator thing-a-ma-bob* is pretty neat, it took me longer than it probably should have to realize what it was though.

*technical term for it I'm sure.
I can't seem to figure this one thing out... Is there no longer a "your posts" section? On the old one it was right beside new posts and it would show which of the threads you posted in and if they had responses.
I is searching but can not finds :bag:
I can't seem to figure this one thing out... Is there no longer a "your posts" section? On the old one it was right beside new posts and it would show which of the threads you posted in and if they had responses.
I is searching but can not finds :bag:

Click your username uptop, then Your Content I b'lieve
Don't show it as a thread though, just individual posts within the thread.
Click your username uptop, then Your Content I b'lieve

Oooooh! Thank you, that pulls up all the old threads I've posted in. It doesn't seem to update like it used to but this will help me "watch" those threads... Which I think is supposed to be the new equivalent?
Thank you!
  • Like
Reactions: justjoinedtopost
Amber/Jawbs/anyone... How do we get to the last post viewed now? u,u I'm not sure how that works now.

Do you mean if you're in a specific thread and you want to find the latest post you saw? If so... I noticed that the posts I haven't yest viewed actually have a little *new* sticker next to them. I am not sure if that is what you wanted though! :p
This looks pretty sweet! I am wondering what friending/following someone does? I understand the foe/ignore function. But, if friending just means I like you all, I am going to have to go through and click a lot of people. :clap:
Do you mean if you're in a specific thread and you want to find the latest post you saw? If so... I noticed that the posts I haven't yest viewed actually have a little *new* sticker next to them. I am not sure if that is what you wanted though! :p

I really liked the button on the forums where you could jump to the first new post in a thread. It looked like an arrow pointing to a piece of paper.


Edit: I just noticed there's a link up by the page numbers with the same thing! :D

And clicking the forum title in the "new posts" just brings you to the new post it's talking about, not the first unread like I'd thought. So I guess the thing by the page numbers is the one I'm looking for.
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I really liked the button on the forums where you could jump to the first new post in a thread. It looked like an arrow pointing to a piece of paper.


Edit: I just noticed there's a link up by the page numbers with the same thing! :D

And clicking the forum title in the "new posts" just brings you to the new post it's talking about, not the first unread like I'd thought. So I guess the thing by the page numbers is the one I'm looking for.

Its the little blue circle by the thread name. Took me a minute to find it.
Another question.

The number in the URL for viewing new posts goes up by one every time I click it... If I bookmark the current new posts URL, will it work? Or does it only update if I let it count like that? LOL! I feel like a kid who just got their very first computer in the house or something. "If I click this, will I break it?"
  • Funny!
Reactions: Lexi Emerson
@AmberCutie (am I doing that right?) I wish there was also a place to put your own website/blog/member site under the avatar. I don't post on my blog a ton, but for those with member sites especially it'd be a nice addition, I think.
You're still free to put whatever links in your signature that you'd like (if you'd like to use an affiliate link or a link, for example) or in your "home page" text box on your profile. It won't display on your posts like the icons do (to keep things clean and simple.)

I can't seem to figure this one thing out... Is there no longer a "your posts" section? On the old one it was right beside new posts and it would show which of the threads you posted in and if they had responses.
I is searching but can not finds :bag:
I think the "watched threads" may work that way, and you can set your default to mark every thread you post in as watched. I haven't experimented with this yet, though. I miss the "your posts" link, too.
I am curious about which buttons are positive/neutral/negative. Some are obvious but like the facepalm button, is that a neutral or a negative? What about chill pill?
Well firstly, remember not to take the likes/etc seriously, they're just here to allow people to express themselves and acknowledge posts in a fun way. That said, the only negatives are "dislike" and "bad troll attempt". All others are either positive or neutral. :cool:
Amber/Jawbs/anyone... How do we get to the last post viewed now? u,u I'm not sure how that works now.
I think someone else already noted this, but the tiny blue dot next to the thread title takes you to your newest unread post in the thread. We tried to make that icon different or bigger but it just wasn't possible.
This looks pretty sweet! I am wondering what friending/following someone does? I understand the foe/ignore function. But, if friending just means I like you all, I am going to have to go through and click a lot of people. :clap:
If someone is a friend/followed by you, they'll have access to your media when you mark it as viewed only by followed people, and you'll also see a news feed update when they post or perform other actions.
omg, a zillion ways to rate a posting, so many ego's will be hurt, this will be fun.

Btw, what has Jillybean done?
Hmmm, making fun of a fellow acf member because she has a lot of negative ratings, that behavior will be getting negative ratings too, pffff, I must behave now, soo difficult ...
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