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The World's Biggest Hips

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VeronicaChaos said:
One thing that really bothers me is that she herself is shaming skinny girls, quote:

"Men don’t fancy skinny girls, they like an hourglass figure."

Hmmm, that's funny since it's WOMEN who always called me 'Skinny Minnie', 'anorexic-looking', asked if I throw up after I eat, and told me I "need to eat something." Men didn't make comments like that to me.
EdgarAllenWhoa said:
Now do I like those skinny bags of bones that "grace us" on those ridiculous Fashion magazines of course not! They aren't even real themselves with all the Photoshopping and airbrushing that occurs not to mention the rest of the nonsense of what the feminine form should look. I have nieces and I don't want them to have a tarnished body image of themselves from those Skeletors..and me personally I love women with curves!

Great. I'm a curvy girl myself, but wtf? I know a few "bags of bones" who eat their faces off, it's just how they are. No need to be rude about skinny, fat or inbetween sized people.

There are exceptions, like there are skinny people who eat loads, there are really fat people who eat very little or a normal amount.
In my experience though, some people do have better or worse metabolism's than others, but everyone I know who is over weight doesn't think they eat that much. They do, I've seen how much they eat, it is an insane amount to me. With no exercise there's not really much reason to eat more than 1500 kcal a day. For me to maintain a "healthy weight" I have to eat about 900-1000 kcal per day (without much exercise).
I remember I used to have an idea of what "fat" was. And then I went to uni. I met a few people who made what I used to think of as fat look small. I had a best friend who was very overweight, and ate so much shit that you could see why. He was pretty in denial about it. Actually we were a bit mean, my friend used to pour his two litre bottle of sprite down the sink when he brought it over and made him drink water. Thing is, it's hard to see someone you care about so obviously harming themselves. If someone's over weight as a genetic thing, then it's different, as a friend all you can be is supportive. Actually hanging out with this particular friend made me gain a stone and a half very quickly because I followed his eating patterns without realising.

I can't really call anyone lazy though, I am very lazy, and I eat loads.

Shaun__ said:
I was in a model's room once and she started explaining to us, for several minutes, how a certain body type is disliked by women in general and her in particular. It happened to be my body type. She had never seen me, so it was not being directed at me. Still it was unpleasant to say the least, and I would not want to do that to other people. I may slip up every so often, but I try not to say what I find unattractive. It just seems so unnecessary.

I have admitted before to members that I don't like overweight men (when they ask me my type). It's my only type, I always go for slim men. My reasons are that I have one weakness, and that is weight. I have been insecure about it since I turned about 10 and suddenly it was there! I don't like the idea that a man I'm with shares the same weakness. The other reason is in my family I'm curvy, so is my mother, and the men in my family are naturally all muscle. I don't think I can handle it the other way round now, just confusing. But... although because of these reasons I'd probably never date anyone very overweight I have found several very overweight men sexually attractive. There's something wonderfully safe about a big guy, and it makes me feel all small, which is awesome. Plus if they have some muscle underneath usually they can pick me up! Oh, and the best hugs!

I don't think it's always a bad thing to say what you find unattractive as long as you're not doing it in a cruel nasty manner or to deliberately hurt someone. There is obviously a majority decision with both women and men on what we find attractive, but really I think the most popular things come from personality. With mfc you don't really want to point it out if you don't find overweight people sexy as chances are a fair amount of people will be overweight.

This woman is unfortunate that she puts on weight all in one place. It must be very difficult for her. If she's happy, well, I'm glad she is happy and I love her positive attitude. She does seem to have a good life. I hope it lasts much longer :)

Over eating to the point you're struggling moving around... Well it's like with smokers, you can choose to continue chain smoking through your whole life, but chances are it will effect you and your family negatively, and probably kill you. Over eating is not much different.

There is a problem with obesity. My fat friend used to be like "well i'm not that big, look at these American's, they're massive!" I measured his waist once, all 3 of my friends could fit into the area with room to spare, and none of us are skinny. It's a scary thing. The scary thing is he really isn't "that big" compared to others. The worst thing for me was that he could lose it really easily if he just cut down on mcdonalds and fizzy drinks.
Sorry, that morbidly obese of a person is not attractive, and should not be enabled by anyone telling her she is attractive or has a "sexy hourglass figure".

This woman is not thick, curvy, chubby, Rubenesque, or any other word we use to describe a sexy full figured woman; This woman is morbidly obese to the point of being deformed.

And I agree, being mean about it is very bad taste. But agreeing with her "attitude" is delusional. I'm sure from what her man said he is either delighted that his fetish is married to him or, he's scared shitless to tell her "damn baby... you need to get some help".

I'm sure she's a lovely woman. But she has a physical disability, not a sexually alluring gift of nature.

Before any of you large/BBW/Rubenesque ladies reading this freaks out over my opinion, keep in mind that your size is no comparison to this woman's out of proportion physical deformity. There is a difference between a pleasantly plump BBW and a woman with an 8 FOOT hip line.

Her positive attitude just make it more sad that she somehow thinks this is normal or attractive. It simply isn't.

One should NEVER be rude to people with weight issues. Ever. However one should not run off the end of the earth with that.... there is a line where BBW ends and morbidly obese/deformed begins, and we shouldn't be afraid to acknowledge the line.
I knew Paulie would blow in here like the sassy voice of reason he is! Hehehe.

What she's doing is an eating disorder. It's a shame what she's doing to herself. It's not sexy to lose your mobility and independence to food. It's not a turn on to hear her kids worry for her or about being like her. She threw out the old standby "real women have curves" to slam girls who have less girth in her video asking for acceptance. :? No one here is sitting across from her on the bus laughing and pointing as she goes on about her day. She put herself in a video addressing her size. Comments are going to follow.

If her husband cared for her, he'd stop making jokes about "heavy machinery" and ask her to get help. I assure you she knows on the inside that she needs help. His dressing up the invisible elephant in the room isn't helping. I had an eating disorder from age 15 to 24. I was 93 pounds and 5ft5. I fainted regularly at school and at work. None of my family or friends said anything to me about it. The first person to call me on it was a dude I dated briefly when I was 20. Hearing someone say "You have a problem." was terrifying but also an incredible relief. It's been a decade, and he still holds a special place in my life and memories. Just having someone notice that I was suffering was amazing. Later, after getting on top of the issues, a friend told me that everyone knew I'd been anorexic but didn't know how to mention it or didn't want to hurt my feelings. Her husband is at best cowardly and at worst enjoying her body too much to see it change with good health.
It's a tough call, really. Calling someone's attention to a life problem might stir them into doing something different, but it could also make it worse, depending on the individual. Some people eat to relieve stress and that stress includes being berated for their problem.

Ignore it? Bad. Bringing it up without knowing how to? Bad.

Tough call.
Nordling said:
Ignore it? Bad. Bringing it up without knowing how to? Bad.

Tough call.
You're right, it is a tough call. But if I say that giving her reassuring, positive attention and telling her she's beautiful the way she is is bad, then I get jumped on for being insensitive, probably.

I don't think it's a good thing to tell people who are ignoring a health issue that they're beautiful like that and to embrace it. People can be body-positive all they like, but I think that's ignoring the fact that it might actually be hurting the overall cause. I'm totally pro-body-positive if a person is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or at least trying to make a difference if they are morbidly obese, but not necessarily for those who embrace the 3000+ calorie a day, lazy, hate-on-other-bodytypes lifestyle.

Trying to get someone to change their eating habits when they don't want to is very difficult. Stealing their soft drinks: does not work (he started dying sprite red and calling it ribena!). Offering a 4some with his 3 female best friends he fancies the fuck out of if he loses a load of weight in a year: does not work. Sneaking vegetables onto his plate: does not work. Accidentally missing the bus so we have to walk: does not work. Stealing his bacon so he has to chase you to get it: Also doesn't work (But fucking scary! Seriously, the image of my dear friend chasing me down the hallway like a rhino with a look that might kill haunts me). Searching his fridge/checking shopping: Doesn't work, he hid food in his bin. We tried getting him to go to a personal trainer/get help, never happened.
Thing is, my friend said he wanted to lose weight, he was very unhealthy, and me and my two friends took it upon ourselves to help him. His work mate then told me the amount of mcdonalds he ate. Then he admitted that he was eating a mcdonalds 5 days a week on top of his every day meals. We calorie counted. About 5000-6000 kcal per day. With very little exercise. I have to say, at points we were almost mean to him, it was horrible. But what was worse was hearing the way he breathed, and the way he walked and knowing that he's putting on weight rather than losing it. He's one of my best friends, when I lived with him I just couldn't ignore it, now we live far apart I don't mind so much, but it's so different actually watching someone you know and love kill themselves with food.
Lol our phrase used to be "you can be like Ryan Reynolds!" (from "just friends", where he's really fat and then goes away gets really slim and sexy and then returns).
It's one of those things, if he were naturally overweight then he could be perfectly healthy that way, and it'd be ok, but he wasn't, it was more of a mental issue, an over eating thing. It hurts to see this happening and there being nothing you can do about it.

This is going to sound awful, but it was the funniest thing at the time so I'll share, me and my friend were trying to work out how two people his size could have sex, so we stuffed pillows under our tops and performed various positions seeing if we could see how a penis could reach. We weren't really doing it as a serious thing, obviously fat is easier to get around than a pillow, but it was really funny at the time. Like sumo sex!

Edit to add: Well said Amber! :) I agree, there's no need to openly put people down, but encouraging people/saying there's nothing wrong is just lying. If someone's trying to fix it then being supportive is great. But personally I won't support that kind of lifestyle if it's by choice.
EdgarAllenWhoa said:
Now do I like those skinny bags of bones that "grace us" on those ridiculous Fashion magazines of course not! They aren't even real themselves with all the Photoshopping and airbrushing that occurs not to mention the rest of the nonsense of what the feminine form should look. I have nieces and I don't want them to have a tarnished body image of themselves from those Skeletors..and me personally I love women with curves!
I really dislike physically fit men. I honestly do. I prefer plump, chubby fellows with maybe a bit of beard. When I look at sports magazines and see men with huge biceps or washbord abs, I am disgusted at the "nonsense" they go through to conform to masculine standards.

It doesn't matter to me if the man works out three hours a day in a gym to get a specific look, or if he is naturally athletic and gets his body through his lifestyle, or if he is just really prone to easy muscle growth and he likes sports. I do not like it and it makes me feel badly every day that my chubbier male friends feel pressured to match up to male models and athletes.

I am not being sarcastic in any way. Just as you prefer curvy women, I prefer curvy men.

But I have the fucking presence of mind to keep my hateful body-shaming ways to my damn self in a room full of men, and I have the fucking presence of mind not to spout shitty hurtful rants in A GODDAMN DISCUSSION ABOUT BODY ACCEPTANCE.

Thanks for letting me know that myself and millions of other naturally thin women are demons who are out to ruin the lives of good, "real" women who wear their weight 'naturally'. I'm sorry my genetics are so offensive to you, I'm sorry you think my body is a warped image of femininity, and I'm sorry that you think my body is not 'real' because I am thin. I feel so badly for some women who are thin, or even unhealthily skinny, because of genetics, and they get treated like the scum of the earth.
Isabella_deL said:
This is going to sound awful, but it was the funniest thing at the time so I'll share, me and my friend were trying to work out how two people his size could have sex, so we stuffed pillows under our tops and performed various positions seeing if we could see how a penis could reach. We weren't really doing it as a serious thing, obviously fat is easier to get around than a pillow, but it was really funny at the time. Like sumo sex!

I hope your friend wasn't in the room at the time :?
As a bigger girl who loves other bigger girls, I personally think that there is such a thing as "too big". When looked at from the health standpoint, yes she may be in grave danger if she does not change her lifestyle. Her daughter said something about her not being able to stand in one place for too long without having excruciating pain. Not only is it causing her pain, but also in a few years, like some others said, she will be confined to a bed. The body can tolerate only so much weight before it fights back. Meaning that her hips and knees will have so much weight on them that she won't be able to do anything for herself. I think it's way more than genetics and she uses genetics as a cop-out response to anyone that does not agree with her bigger than average morbid obesity. What she needs is a healthier diet, more exercise, and a new attitude. It's great to be body positive, but it isn't a good thing to be in denial about your health. It can have dangerous consequences. While I am a bigger girl, and don't get me wrong(we all overindulge or eat unhealthy at some point)I really think some lifestyle changes would truly benefit her. If not for her sake, her kid's and husband's sake.

P.S. My weight issues stem from lack of exercise, drinking too much soda and not eating right. I don't blame my issues on genetics. Well, except for my massive boobs. My mom definitely was not flat chested.

I attached a pic so you can see how I look. I am around a size 14- 18 usually. I am on the lower big girl scale.
AmberCutie said:
Nordling said:
Ignore it? Bad. Bringing it up without knowing how to? Bad.

Tough call.
You're right, it is a tough call. But if I say that giving her reassuring, positive attention and telling her she's beautiful the way she is is bad, then I get jumped on for being insensitive, probably.

I don't think it's a good thing to tell people who are ignoring a health issue that they're beautiful like that and to embrace it. People can be body-positive all they like, but I think that's ignoring the fact that it might actually be hurting the overall cause. I'm totally pro-body-positive if a person is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or at least trying to make a difference if they are morbidly obese, but not necessarily for those who embrace the 3000+ calorie a day, lazy, hate-on-other-bodytypes lifestyle.

Totally agree. I know I'd suck as a counselor; I lack the bedside manner, so I'd say unless someone has those skills that the best we can do is give her reassuring positive attention for her as a person, and yes, not say or imply that her health problem itself is a good thing. I don't know how to do that, so I think it'd be best if I really limited anything I said to her (if she were a friend) about her weight, unless she asked...then give her the truth but be sensitive if possible.
mynameisbob84 said:
I hope your friend wasn't in the room at the time

No he wasn't... it was one of the things we decided to not inform him of... Our other female best friend was the judge... well, actually, she really was just like "wtf are you two doing on my bed?" I will say, sex with pillows between you=not easy.
Miss_Lollipop said:
And if you would say that to her face, well... I hope she'd punch you in the nose.

TOTALLY agree with all you've said, except with the "punch in the nose" part.......You say smth "wrong" to somebody, that person punches you in the nose, you bring a baseball bat, he/she brings a gun and shut some bullets, and so on......

Let's be fair with the kind of violence that we offer and receive...and never miss the opportunity to stop the spiral of violence... ;)
VeronicaChaos said:
Here's the full article:

One thing that really bothers me is that she herself is shaming skinny girls, quote:

"Men don’t fancy skinny girls, they like an hourglass figure."

She also admits to eating 3,000 calories a day.

Feel free to disagree with me, I don't really care what people do to themselves. But at this point she has four kids that have to help her off the couch and are worried about her. I really don't think that's fair to them. Nor is it a good role model. She has to have specialized chairs and beds and refuses to lose weight. IMO, regardless of what anyone (including her husband) thinks about her body, there's something kind of fucked up about that. I'm all for embracing your body and variety is what makes the world go round, but this really goes beyond that. And it's ridiculous for her to talk shit on skinny woman.

I feel like she's taking this idea of positive body image and trying to use it to justify her own body, but she's completely missing the point.

Exactly. I don't find her level of self delusion attractive, whatever i might think of her body shape. said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
And if you would say that to her face, well... I hope she'd punch you in the nose.

TOTALLY agree with all you've said, except with the "punch in the nose" part.......You say smth "wrong" to somebody, that person punches you in the nose, you bring a baseball bat, he/she brings a gun and shut some bullets, and so on......

Let's be fair with the kind of violence that we offer and receive...and never miss the opportunity to stop the spiral of violence... ;)

The only women I've ever hit were hand cuffed and naked at the time - and they liked it.
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I'm the bad guy who brought this all to a head...fine I'm the bad guy then

(fangs out)

I apologized and had my post removed for being crude and insensitive.For that I'll take the heat.
The second post after reading it over 3-4 times...I don't apologize for a single word of it.

When you have simple facts staring you in the face. That we, as a whole, are facing a medical crisis and you choose to tell me to go and Fuck myself and that you hope I get punched out for it...fine .
You want to know the truth I HOPE she does read it in fact , I am going to string this all together and try and find a contact for her and email it to her with my email address so she can see all of it...including my initial comment. Any response I get, I'll post. (If I don't get banned first which is really not my concern)

As per the other people who my comments have damaged them for their lifetime or completely ruined their opinion of men then so be it. I mean if on a innocuous forum page a comment from a nobody shattered you may want to think about your priorities and who really matters in your world.

You think that making things easier and being all soft and cuddling works? Okay try this, she is 39 years old and when you get to that age things in your body change, I know it happened to me and happens to A LOT of people. Your metabolism slows, you may need reading glasses and you have to be conscious of your body.
At age 39 and weighing 400 pounds let me tell you what happens in 5-6 years. And this is just medical information.
By the age of 45...if she survives that long.
She will be in a wheelchair/scooter , she will be on full array of medications, unable to support her own weight. For several reason, one her knee joints will be blown out and require surgery for replacement which the surgeons will not do because the replacement will only last a couple of years under that weight and psi due to her weight. She will be on insulin for type 1 diabetes and will probably have had "neuropathy" of the feet which means her nerves/veins/arteries have dissolved and her feet have gone gangrenous and have had to be amputated. She will be on the watch for diabetic stroke, heart attack and pulmonary edemas. That's if she survives that long which I doubt. So there, some great positive body image for you.

Positive body image is a great catch phrase these days I think a lot of people throw it around with out really understanding what it means.
You know what maybe we should be striving for... how about "Positive lifestyle choices"?
Learning how to cook for our selves...trying different home made cuisine ...Asian dishes, Southern European cuisines this sort of thing...and don't tell me "well that's all unaffordable" because that bullshit as well. A lot of dishes can be made for next to nothing and you will probably save a ton of money in the long run from not eating fast food all day.
On top of it if you eat your food you will find you will enjoy WAY more than something someone else deep fries for you and splatters on a paper plate. Plus you are going to feel physically better when you make that positive lifestyle choice.

If this comes across as harsh it is....WAKE the FUCK UP...she is in danger! REAL physical danger of killing herself. Sometimes you have to drop the carrot and hit with the stick. So sorry If I didn't sugar coat this for you.
You can be all soft sensitive and nothing happens and she dies...what kind of person will you be like when you know there was something you could have done to save a person but decided to be all namby-pamby about it. And maybe its a mental issue in that case FUCK! get off your ass and get that person to a therapist, a counselor,WHATEVER don't be IDLE! Step the fuck up and fight for the the people you LOVE!
and that includes your self!!!! because trust me if you got no love for yourself and hate yourself then you need to change! and if the people around you don't want to help you or don't care enough about you as a person then you better leave their asses in the rear view mirror and help yourself. Because in the end we all die in our own arms alone.

If your partner really loves you don't you think that he/she wishes the best for you? And if your doctor tells you your partner is going to die because of the weight problem don't you have an obligation to step up and tell that person you love them want to grow old with them, you want them in your life and to be in theirs for as long as possible? and that they Have to lose the weight instead of being a youtube sensation? and that you will be right there to help them? And that means loving and holding and it also means kicking some ass to make it happen. Oh and for the sensitive lot of readers I don't mean literally assaulting I mean looking right in the eyes and saying "You can not eat is a fruit/veggie platter...I love you...tough beans if you don't think I do". If they end up hating you and leaving you then maybe that's all better, but, if love someone without hesitation you have an obligation to save them when they won't save themselves.

As per the people that are underweight you know what GOOD for you..maybe that's the way you are suppose to live.But if you think I am referring to thin people then you better re-read what I said. I am talking about the anorectic, bulimic people that are on the verge of death themselves. Karen Carpenter to fashion models who have exposed every bone in their body ...u think that's a healthy choice? ...then you just ain't getting it either.
And do you really think I am pointing this at anyone that has genetic issues??? Really??? well then I guess I better make it clear ..I get it if you can't fix it!
But you can not tell me that she has a disorder on a genetic level for being 400 pounds when she is in taking 3000 Cals/plus a day.

And to the trolls who jumped in just because they wanted to give a troll, fine great for you, you got your 2 cents in and hope you feel better. Please step on to the ice floe and lets give you a little shove out to sea...assholes.

Nothing but love...kiss you, miss you!
EdgarAllenWhoa said:
I'm the bad guy who brought this all to a head...fine I'm the bad guy then

(fangs out)

I apologized and had my post removed for being crude and insensitive.For that I'll take the heat.
The second post after reading it over 3-4 times...I don't apologize for a single word of it.

When you have simple facts staring you in the face. That we, as a whole, are facing a medical crisis and you choose to tell me to go and Fuck myself and that you hope I get punched out for it...fine .
You want to know the truth I HOPE she does read it in fact , I am going to string this all together and try and find a contact for her and email it to her with my email address so she can see all of it...including my initial comment. Any response I get, I'll post. (If I don't get banned first which is really not my concern)

As per the other people who my comments have damaged them for their lifetime or completely ruined their opinion of men then so be it. I mean if on a innocuous forum page a comment from a nobody shattered you may want to think about your priorities and who really matters in your world.

You think that making things easier and being all soft and cuddling works? Okay try this, she is 39 years old and when you get to that age things in your body change, I know it happened to me and happens to A LOT of people. Your metabolism slows, you may need reading glasses and you have to be conscious of your body.
At age 39 and weighing 400 pounds let me tell you what happens in 5-6 years. And this is just medical information.
By the age of 45...if she survives that long.
She will be in a wheelchair/scooter , she will be on full array of medications, unable to support her own weight. For several reason, one her knee joints will be blown out and require surgery for replacement which the surgeons will not do because the replacement will only last a couple of years under that weight and psi due to her weight. She will be on insulin for type 1 diabetes and will probably have had "neuropathy" of the feet which means her nerves/veins/arteries have dissolved and her feet have gone gangrenous and have had to be amputated. She will be on the watch for diabetic stroke, heart attack and pulmonary edemas. That's if she survives that long which I doubt. So there, some great positive body image for you.

Positive body image is a great catch phrase these days I think a lot of people throw it around with out really understanding what it means.
You know what maybe we should be striving for... how about "Positive lifestyle choices"?
Learning how to cook for our selves...trying different home made cuisine ...Asian dishes, Southern European cuisines this sort of thing...and don't tell me "well that's all unaffordable" because that bullshit as well. A lot of dishes can be made for next to nothing and you will probably save a ton of money in the long run from not eating fast food all day.
On top of it if you eat your food you will find you will enjoy WAY more than something someone else deep fries for you and splatters on a paper plate. Plus you are going to feel physically better when you make that positive lifestyle choice.

If this comes across as harsh it is....WAKE the FUCK UP...she is in danger! REAL physical danger of killing herself. Sometimes you have to drop the carrot and hit with the stick. So sorry If I didn't sugar coat this for you.
You can be all soft sensitive and nothing happens and she dies...what kind of person will you be like when you know there was something you could have done to save a person but decided to be all namby-pamby about it. And maybe its a mental issue in that case FUCK! get off your ass and get that person to a therapist, a counselor,WHATEVER don't be IDLE! Step the fuck up and fight for the the people you LOVE!
and that includes your self!!!! because trust me if you got no love for yourself and hate yourself then you need to change! and if the people around you don't want to help you or don't care enough about you as a person then you better leave their asses in the rear view mirror and help yourself. Because in the end we all die in our own arms alone.

If your partner really loves you don't you think that he/she wishes the best for you? And if your doctor tells you your partner is going to die because of the weight problem don't you have an obligation to step up and tell that person you love them want to grow old with them, you want them in your life and to be in theirs for as long as possible? and that they Have to lose the weight instead of being a youtube sensation? and that you will be right there to help them? And that means loving and holding and it also means kicking some ass to make it happen. Oh and for the sensitive lot of readers I don't mean literally assaulting I mean looking right in the eyes and saying "You can not eat is a fruit/veggie platter...I love you...tough beans if you don't think I do". If they end up hating you and leaving you then maybe that's all better, but, if love someone without hesitation you have an obligation to save them when they won't save themselves.

As per the people that are underweight you know what GOOD for you..maybe that's the way you are suppose to live.But if you think I am referring to thin people then you better re-read what I said. I am talking about the anorectic, bulimic people that are on the verge of death themselves. Karen Carpenter to fashion models who have exposed every bone in their body ...u think that's a healthy choice? ...then you just ain't getting it either.
And do you really think I am pointing this at anyone that has genetic issues??? Really??? well then I guess I better make it clear ..I get it if you can't fix it!
But you can not tell me that she has a disorder on a genetic level for being 400 pounds when she is in taking 3000 Cals/plus a day.

And to the trolls who jumped in just because they wanted to give a troll, fine great for you, you got your 2 cents in and hope you feel better. Please step on to the ice floe and lets give you a little shove out to sea...assholes.

Nothing but love...kiss you, miss you!
tl;dr: it's okay to be an asshole if you're a medical doctor. said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
And if you would say that to her face, well... I hope she'd punch you in the nose.

TOTALLY agree with all you've said, except with the "punch in the nose" part.......You say smth "wrong" to somebody, that person punches you in the nose, you bring a baseball bat, he/she brings a gun and shut some bullets, and so on......

Let's be fair with the kind of violence that we offer and receive...and never miss the opportunity to stop the spiral of violence... ;)

Lol it was kind of a joke. I do not wish anyone gets punched in the nose...
(except for you know..self defence related things)

Not really going to respond to Edgar's post... I will just repeat myself, and obviously we don't agree. I am glad that EVERYONE seems to care about this woman's well being, and that of her children, so perhaps that's a positive thing to take away from this whole discussion?
Miss_Lollipop said:
Not really going to respond to Edgar's post... I will just repeat myself, and obviously we don't agree. I am glad that EVERYONE seems to care about this woman's well being, and that of her children, so perhaps that's a positive thing to take away from this whole discussion?

I think your 100% right, maybe my argument is too abrasive, that's the way I deal with things. Your pattern takes another way, maybe it's better then mine? But really in the end, we get to the same point. This is about a persons physical well being and the people and family that surrounds them and loves them.
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