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Why is Avatar making all the money in the world?

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jan 21, 2013
Anyone here seen it? Anyone here a fan of the growing franchise? Obviously, James Cameron has some secret spice that puts butts in seats, but I can't wrap my head around it. By all accounts, this sequel is just fine, as was the first movie, but how does "just fine" equate to billions and billions of dollars? Have there been hundreds of millions of people just quietly being super hype over Avatar the same way people are hype for Star Wars or MCU or Titanic this whole time? You don't hear people talking about it that way. Even now, as it has made more money in six weeks than all of us combined could make in six hundred lifetimes, people aren't really talking about why it's so popular and worth seeing.

Not throwing shade, just honestly perplexed, and willing to acknowledge I may be completely out of touch on this. I'd just love to understand why.
idk, marketing. 😂 A decent product with good/excessive marketing will perform. To be clear, I think the Avatar franchise goes beyond being a decent product. I think it's pretty undeniably unique and that certainly helps. I think it's well done (I only saw the first), good art and tech implementation. I feel like I remember so much buzz about the first one too, people loved it.
idk, marketing. 😂 A decent product with good/excessive marketing will perform. To be clear, I think the Avatar franchise goes beyond being a decent product. I think it's pretty undeniably unique and that certainly helps. I think it's well done (I only saw the first), good art and tech implementation. I feel like I remember so much buzz about the first one too, people loved it.
That makes sense. I work pretty hard to insulate myself from advertisement, so I guess I missed the marketing. Even so, it didn't feel inescapable the way other big movies are marketed. I didn't even know it was released before Christmas, lol.
I didn't watch the new one but one of my regs did. He said same shit I thought after watching the first one... People watch for the amazing CGI. Story sucks.
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