AmberCutie's Forum
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An update on me.

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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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Since it's been a whole month with no blog posts, I'll take this time to catch anyone who cares up on happenings of my life.

Well, ok, not a whole lot is new. I'm still a homebody cam girl who spends most of her time on the Internet, either browsing my forum or Reddit, or playing WoW. But I do get to have frequent board game nights with my husband and our friend (I shall make a more detailed blog on these games in the near future). We even recently went to a Dodgers game. For most people that's a common weekend, but for us to actually get out of the house for more than a meal or a quick shopping trip is pretty noteworthy.


I've been getting into a great routine of jogging and walking a couple times a week. Not only do I really love the way my legs are shaping up, but the mental clarity I have after a nice long jog out in the fresh (well as fresh as it can be in LA with the smog and the summertime fires) air with some great music in my headphones. I've never been much of a runner, but I can jog for a few minutes here and there for about an hour, and it feels great!

Jawbs and I have been busy doing a lot of behind the scenes work and preparation for August, when I will be doing a "mega month" on MFC and hoping for top 20 placement. August marks my 4 years of being a cam girl on MFC and I hope to celebrate with an extraordinary month of fun and lots of hours (and hopefully tokens, if you'll forgive me for being so frank about it) throughout the month. I am actually going to be trying my damnedest to make it a record breaking month in terms of tokens earned in my history of being on MFC. I'll be putting in more hours on cam than I have in a VERY long while in order to give it a good shot.

We'll see how that goes. Clearly it depends on more than just me. We don't have to break records for me to feel thoroughly rewarded from August, but it will be fun to try. And I am super excited to party on cam with you on August 28th, which marks my exact 4 year cammiversary. :eek:ccasion7:

Most previous "mega months" have had similar prizes and games and tip competitions. Awesome August 2013 will have a bit of a new flair to it. A change up in the way that prizes are won and how tokens are accumulated for daily high tipper. Lots of new content to be had for those who shine. New masses of Cooties that need to be killed... That sort of thing. I am really looking forward to August, and even though I may mutter frustrations or whines here and there in the current months about getting all this work done ahead of time, I am super happy with the plans and can't wait to see how it all pans out.

MFC overall seems to have shifted vibes for me in the past few months. Mostly because of me, but a little because of the environment as a whole. MFC is constantly growing by huge numbers, and we cam girls can feel it when there's a sudden influx of "noobs" who can't figure out how to be polite or simply just quiet instead of plaguing us with their stupidity. It's hard to find a balance between being entertained by them and annoyed by them. We'll continue to work on that. And also, when 2013 hit, I had made a goal of "top 100 every month this year!" and started off on the right foot in January, but other than "Mega March" haven't really pulled through since then. It has been a little discouraging, but has made me reflect on it and see where I can improve.

It's mainly my fault. I've been letting off-cam work tire me out more than it used to, and a handful of super-slow days on cam discourage me, and thus and haven't put as many hours in for ON cam time as I would like. I want to rectify that. I keep saying that August will re-light the fire under me, and I'm mostly convincing myself of that rather than those who I tell. I have faith that it'll shake things up a bit and get me pumped up again. I also tried to start a pretty ambitious and time consuming project earlier this year that I need to complete (with the help of some other fabulous people) and have put the wheels in motion to get that up and going hopefully by July.

Please don't get me wrong. I still LOVE my job on MFC. I sincerely adore and appreciate everyone who visits me daily/weekly when I am on cam and can't thank them enough for being supremely awesome. They're the ones who keep me afloat during the ups and downs. I am by no means saying anything is going to change (except for the better, as far as me getting my ass on cam more often) but just acknowledging that, as all cam girls do at some point, I've been stuck in a little down swing for a bit. It helps to actually say it out loud and accept it. Ya know? Now that I've gotten that out, it's time to step up and try to get in the up swing!

So my immediate goals for the summer months are as follows:

June - complete (or close to it) my project, be on MFC consistent and fun hours, make as close to my token goal as possible.
July - complete the content for Awesome August, make as close to my token goal as possible, enjoy a weekend trip at some point to unwind.
August - rock the mega month and have a shit-ton of fun, party like a rock star on my cammiversary, possible record breaking.

More information on Awesome August will be blogged close to the end of July. And don't forget to check back soon for a board game blog! Thanks for reading this far, if you actually made it. :thumbleft:
We've got ya back, Amba!!!!
bawksy said:
Are you wearing a fedora? Because I very much look down upon people who wear fedoras.
Yep it is!

I'll go and pretend that your opinion matters now.
AmberCutie said:
bawksy said:
Are you wearing a fedora? Because I very much look down upon people who wear fedoras.
Yep it is!

I'll go and pretend that your opinion matters now.

The fedora is HAWT!
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