AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Misunderstanding Caused Permanent Ban

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Apr 3, 2021
Hello guys I need your help. I have been a Male Model on Chaturbate since 2020 and it became my full time job in 2021. I love this job so much and love interacting with my fan base of over 40k followers every day. Unfortunately for the last couple months I have been harassed by a user claiming that I had started streaming when I was underage, which is not true. Obviously. This account would get banned by me or my mods and automatically would make another 3 accounts back to back and spam the same thing. I finally got tired of it last week after months of blocking him and replied saying "yes 16 whatever" and then proceeded to ban him immediately. I know that was wrong but i just wanted him to leave me alone. I then made it clear to the chat that I was not underage and that Chaturbate did not allow you into the site without being verified and being 18. I got replies saying there was no need to explain myself that they understood and I should ignore the grey accounts. Well the day after, My account was permanently banned. I am so sad because i always try to be kind even to the rude grey users that beg for you to show with no pay and the one time I make a mistake My whole job is now gone :( I have bills and apartment to pay like everyone else and that is no ones problem but myself i know, all i ask is if someone has some type of connection to the chaturbate team or higher ups to please help me pass this message along , Please give me one last chance, or a month to work before I can find another job :( This was not intentional, it was just being tired of being harassed and I dont believe its right to get my model account banned by accounts that have never purchased tokens and the ones that do tip daily and come to my room to have a good time suddenly dont matter :( Thanks for hearing me out guys, not sure what to do ...
Hello guys I need your help. I have been a Male Model on Chaturbate since 2020 and it became my full time job in 2021. I love this job so much and love interacting with my fan base of over 40k followers every day. Unfortunately for the last couple months I have been harassed by a user claiming that I had started streaming when I was underage, which is not true. Obviously. This account would get banned by me or my mods and automatically would make another 3 accounts back to back and spam the same thing. I finally got tired of it last week after months of blocking him and replied saying "yes 16 whatever" and then proceeded to ban him immediately. I know that was wrong but i just wanted him to leave me alone. I then made it clear to the chat that I was not underage and that Chaturbate did not allow you into the site without being verified and being 18. I got replies saying there was no need to explain myself that they understood and I should ignore the grey accounts. Well the day after, My account was permanently banned. I am so sad because i always try to be kind even to the rude grey users that beg for you to show with no pay and the one time I make a mistake My whole job is now gone :( I have bills and apartment to pay like everyone else and that is no ones problem but myself i know, all i ask is if someone has some type of connection to the chaturbate team or higher ups to please help me pass this message along , Please give me one last chance, or a month to work before I can find another job :( This was not intentional, it was just being tired of being harassed and I dont believe its right to get my model account banned by accounts that have never purchased tokens and the ones that do tip daily and come to my room to have a good time suddenly dont matter :( Thanks for hearing me out guys, not sure what to do ...
Account name is - JasonMarello
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If you are able to recover your account, consider using one of the apps with a timer on it for grey chat. They have to wait [x] amount of minutes before they can chat when entering a room. It'll stop a lot of your grief.
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If you are able to recover your account, consider using one of the apps with a timer on it for grey chat. They have to wait [x] amount of minutes before they can chat when entering a room. It'll stop a lot of your grief.
ooh do you know the name of app? i dont have for now hard situations with greys but anything can happen and this sounds like super helpful
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ooh do you know the name of app? i dont have for now hard situations with greys but anything can happen and this sounds like super helpful
This V2 app changes text for all greys to silly things (be careful, cannot guarantee it is TOS compliant in the chose of replacement text):

This V2 app allows you to set the number of messages a user can send with warnings:

This V2 app allows you to enter a list or words and phrases and block emotes from greys:

You can run all of them together or on their own. If you want to search for other apps use keywords like spam or grey silence or all in one apps and open them to see if the features are something you can use. Most apps don't require you to use every function/feature for you to run them.

Edit: This app makes grey accounts use a captcha test to even get into the chat, will also stop bots.
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If you are able to recover your account, consider using one of the apps with a timer on it for grey chat. They have to wait [x] amount of minutes before they can chat when entering a room. It'll stop a lot of your grief.
Definitely will do that If I can recover my Account. I wanted to include everyone and thats why I always let the grey users talk but that might have just costed me my apartment. Thanks for the tip
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Definitely will do that If I can recover my Account. I wanted to include everyone and thats why I always let the grey users talk but that might have just costed me my apartment. Thanks for the tip
Greys can never be trusted and are sometimes models trying to get people banned. I don't allow them to chat at all, but that's my personal preference.
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Greys can never be trusted and are sometimes models trying to get people banned. I don't allow them to chat at all, but that's my personal preference.
I think i will go also for it. So many not nice situations with them especially when they wont get attention. I multistream and sometimes i just wont see they HI on time and its starting :D Hi, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NICKIII, u pretty, ShOW PUSSY xD hhahahaha
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I think i will go also for it. So many not nice situations with them especially when they wont get attention. I multistream and sometimes i just wont see they HI on time and its starting :D Hi, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NICKIII, u pretty, ShOW PUSSY xD hhahahaha
Yeah if you're multi streaming definitely turn the greys off. Conversion from grey to tipper is low and they annoy people with tokens. You're probably losing more by letting them chat.
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this i know but i still want to let colors chat, even those withut tokens at the moment, just greus not
Blues/Purples can chat if they don't have tokens. They changed the rule about needing one token in your account to chat with that setting enabled in a model's room. 1) Because it was deceptive to models and 2) It made tippers feel like prior contributions were for nothing.

Try it. Purples and blues with no tokens talk to me all the damn time. LOL ;)
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HA well that worked out

I was able to snag proof.

He has no tokens. He hasn't tipped me, but he's chatting with me. [The zero means he has tipped zero.]


  • Blue Talk.png
    Blue Talk.png
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  • Blues.png
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I think i will go also for it. So many not nice situations with them especially when they wont get attention. I multistream and sometimes i just wont see they HI on time and its starting :D Hi, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NICKIII, u pretty, ShOW PUSSY xD hhahahaha
I agree with this. If you are new you can just as easy buy a few tokens first to start chatting. Greys usually are not saying positive things and not worth it to tolerate them.
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