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How to hide rating/reviews/score on model Stripchat?

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Sep 11, 2023
I don't see the option in my settings to hide rating scoring via Stripchat on my settings page because I don't feel comfortable that review readers would read my reviews.
As other sites like Chaturbate and MFC you can hide the rating and score, unlike Stripchat it does not have the option to hide rating/reviews or score.

I would appreciate Stripchat if in the future can add new feature for safety to give them the right to hide the rating/scoring/reviews.

In addition, there are very a lot of members rude on Stripchat and they leave a negative review unfairly even if for a model did a lot of work to respect his requests done.

Please think of this suggestion a feature to hide rating/reviews/scoring.

Thank you.
Hello @AmbraEnm

You are correct, we currently do not offer the option for models to hide their private reviews. Thank you for the suggestion on this, your feedback is important to us. I will be sure to pass it along to the relevant team.

May I also ask if there are other reasons (in addition to unjust negative reviews) as to why you may be uncomfortable with others seeing the reviews that users have left? This information will help us better understand how to further develop this feature for the future.
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I am only a user not a model, but I think that is reason enough to allow models to hide (opt out of) the reviews or at least be able to select which reviews they show. Many guys are dicks; surely SC knows this? I do not think that models should be able to exclude ratings from the aggregate rating that is shown (that is just a number after all), but showing actual reviews where users could get nasty (and lie) should be controlled by the models themselves.

A case in point: my friend some time ago had a guy take her for a private show and then when in the show started asking for / demanding anal play. She does not, never has, and as far as I know, never will do anal play. He got shitty (no pun intended ;) ) about it and I think even threatened to report her (what for I do not know!) But I can easily see this type of guy voting a model down and even posting a pack of lies in a review. Surely in such a case the model should be able to exclude that written review from visibility?

These days she has plastered all over her profile, and her "what I do in private and exclusive private": "No Anal!" just for the remedial readers who might visit.
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I am only a user not a model, but I think that is reason enough to allow models to hide (opt out of) the reviews or at least be able to select which reviews they show. Many guys are dicks; surely SC knows this? I do not think that models should be able to exclude ratings from the aggregate rating that is shown (that is just a number after all), but showing actual reviews where users could get nasty (and lie) should be controlled by the models themselves.

A case in point: my friend some time ago had a guy take her for a private show and then when in the show started asking for / demanding anal play. She does not, never has, and as far as I know, never will do anal play. He got shitty (no pun intended ;) ) about it and I think even threatened to report her (what for I do not know!) But I can easily see this type of guy voting a model down and even posting a pack of lies in a review. Surely in such a case the model should be able to exclude that written review from visibility?

These days she has plastered all over her profile, and her "what I do in private and exclusive private": "No Anal!" just for the remedial readers who might visit.
I'm a big fan of the reviews.
It is true that individual users leave bad reviews out of revenge. But overall, in my experience, the reviews give good feedback on what you can expect from a model.

As already posted earlier (unfortunately there was no comment from the SC representatives)), I would find it useful if a model could make an explanatory comment on any review.
She could use this to give her perspective on what exactly happened.

I think you should always hear both sides of a story.
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On streamate the way they deal with that is to have the model contact support if an unfair review is left. Support can review what was communicated and agreed to, and what happened, and decide if its fair or unfair.

Mostly the guys over there who actually buy shows are super fair, and the ones who want to be dicks never buy and just leave these cheap-ass revenge tags. If you have your rates set high enough, anyways. But I'm learning that SC is very much different from SM. I think the major plus side of seeing reviews is when a model is repeatedly scamming and lying, it helps users avoid them. Some guys save up all week or month and are super excited for their live show, so it is disappointing to them if they get a bad apple model for it. It wasn't just throw away money for them. Which I can totally respect.

Once in a while the waters become polluted, but when you actually have to spend money to try to sabotage or bully someone, all of a sudden a majority of those pathetic types fall off. Which I like. Leaves the serious masturbators, and fetish appreciators, and cuts out the parasocial weirdos, and no-life trolls, who have literally nothing else going on their lives other than tripping online.

Having the option to respond or explain is great idea too though!

ETA; With SC being kind of a token site/ hybrid token site, I put my show minimum times on. Guaranteeing that only serious buyers get shows with me. Usually they are more fair, and less apt for the childish bullshit. It might help to set those maybe? Perhaps?
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Hello @AmbraEnm

You are correct, we currently do not offer the option for models to hide their private reviews. Thank you for the suggestion on this, your feedback is important to us. I will be sure to pass it along to the relevant team.

May I also ask if there are other reasons (in addition to unjust negative reviews) as to why you may be uncomfortable with others seeing the reviews that users have left? This information will help us better understand how to further develop this feature for the future.
My opinion is that for me reviews should be personal only for me, I don't care about the Best Private category or anything like that. Also, I had a very bad experience with a user with a very immature attitude and he also left me an unfair negative review who lied a lot,, obviously out of revenge.

He didn't even read my conditions in bio about my private show rules(of course most users don't read the bio of each model out of laziness) even though out of politeness I respected his requests what he wanted for my work done.

With all due respect, my suggestion to hide the rating is something that will be a wise in which it would help a positive audience and make anyone model more focused for only stream online.
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I don't have a dog in this fight because I'm not on SC, but I can see where it looks a little too "Pornhub-y". Guys can use reviews to out models personal information if they choose to on Pornhub, I don't know if that's possible on SC (can a model get a review taken down?).

On Chaturbate, we can choose to show our thumb up/down ratings or hide them but no one can read the reasons/comments they left for those votes except for the model and sometimes those can be pretty inaccurate/rude.
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As a user I do not think models should be able to hide reviews. When I look at a models reviews and I see a majority of positive reviews and one guy leaves a one star review and a shitty comment I usually write that off as the guy is an asshole. On CB when a model hides reviews I will not do a private show with that model. To me that is a sure sign of "buyer beware".

A system where they can leave a comment as well for each review would be enough. Anyone that has been on sites for awhile knows there are some guys that will be shitty and leave a poor review no matter what the model does. I think the names of the users leaving the reviews should be shown and not hidden. If these guys are "outed" and everyone can see who is leaving poor reviews, it might slow this bad behavior of a few down a bit.
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Everyone makes very valid and interesting points.
As you can see from this discussion, a lot has to be considered with each and every new feature we release as we have to consider all sides, models and users.

Like always, all your opinions help us grow, update and improve, so we appreciate all perspectives on this topic.

Models adding a comment to each review is something we are already looking into, so keep the ideas rollin :)
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I agree with the comment idea - either as a rebuttal to an unfair score or a “thanks for the five stars - I had fun too!”.

Otherwise, perhaps a rating review feature where a model could ask for the poor rating to reviewed by Admins if they believed it to be unfair and then taken down after a short investigation? Obvs more work for the investigations teams but seems only fair since it may be unfairly affecting a model’s chance of acquiring further pvts 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Hiding bad reviews doesn’t always mean the model is garbage though. As stated, there are members who will abuse the feature simply because a model told them “no” about something. If you’re going to allow people to leave reviews for everyone to see, then at least allow the model the option of responding underneath that comment.

Out of curiosity…can Stripchat members see a Stripchat model’s stripscore? Or is the stripscore just for the model’s eyes only?

I know this thread is mostly about reviews, but I was just curious. On MFC I enabled the option to hide my camscore, because imo I was a damn good model with an undeserved very low camscore…and I was tired of seeing it. And having other members point out to me that my cam score was low (or dropping) was embarrassing.
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there are some serious unhinge people who obsess over you and if you SLIGHT them at all, you will be a target in their warpath. sometimes they get their little sick buddies in on it too.

i had a user spend hundreds of dollars to leave me terrible ratings and defaming comments. he would stay for like 4 minutes exclusively with new accounts. tell me i did so great, then leave me a shitty comment i wouldn't see until two days later after they finally came through. did this for like a couple months. my exclusive rates are high. so this man was committed to sabotage me and had the funds to do so. thankfully streamate was willing to remove the comments from my profile. since Streamate was willing to remove the comments, i didnt have to deal with the stress of this troll negatively affecting my income with slander. i really feel for ya OP.

i shouldn't have to argue with internet strangers why my pussy may have been dry that day and "dont do anything" means i refused to do their request that i have the power to say no to. sure being able to reply to comments is great, but the option to remove slanderous comments is a lifesaver to not only your bank account, but your MENTAL HEALTH.

us cammodels have to have thick skins with all the bullshit that gets spewed at us, and we should have some power in being able to show negative comments on our camrooms. its also not like users cant report models they believe are scamming them or comment about them other places on the internet.
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there are some serious unhinge people who obsess over you and if you SLIGHT them at all, you will be a target in their warpath. sometimes they get their little sick buddies in on it too.

i had a user spend hundreds of dollars to leave me terrible ratings and defaming comments. he would stay for like 4 minutes exclusively with new accounts. tell me i did so great, then leave me a shitty comment i wouldn't see until two days later after they finally came through. did this for like a couple months. my exclusive rates are high. so this man was committed to sabotage me and had the funds to do so. thankfully streamate was willing to remove the comments from my profile. since Streamate was willing to remove the comments, i didnt have to deal with the stress of this troll negatively affecting my income with slander. i really feel for ya OP.

i shouldn't have to argue with internet strangers why my pussy may have been dry that day and "dont do anything" means i refused to do their request that i have the power to say no to. sure being able to reply to comments is great, but the option to remove slanderous comments is a lifesaver to not only your bank account, but your MENTAL HEALTH.

us cammodels have to have thick skins with all the bullshit that gets spewed at us, and we should have some power in being able to show negative comments on our camrooms. its also not like users cant report models they believe are scamming them or comment about them other places on the internet.
I wish SM would block the IPs of guys like that. I have one like that who won’t spend money but is delusional ragefully obsessed. Making account after account. All because of a ten second conversation and a block. I wish people like that could be blocked from the whole site. Sorry you experienced what sounds to be an even worse rageful narcissist.

Some people really do go nuts with the imagined slights and reading way, way too much into basic stuff. It is unhinged.

It’s amazing how many soulless people believe that if they are willing to pay for something sexual, we have to say yes. Disgusting. It’s disturbing to be dehumanized at that level, when really they’re the inhuman ones who clearly can’t feel empathy.

Admins 100 percent need to offer the model strong support in these situations and take it very seriously.
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I wish SM would block the IPs of guys like that. I have one like that who won’t spend money but is delusional ragefully obsessed. Making account after account. All because of a ten second conversation and a block. I wish people like that could be blocked from the whole site. Sorry you experienced what sounds to be an even worse rageful narcissist.

Some people really do go nuts with the imagined slights and reading way, way too much into basic stuff. It is unhinged.

It’s amazing how many soulless people believe that if they are willing to pay for something sexual, we have to say yes. Disgusting. It’s disturbing to be dehumanized at that level, when really they’re the inhuman ones who clearly can’t feel empathy.

Admins 100 percent need to offer the model strong support in these situations and take it very seriously.

i wish sm would do a lot of things different.

when i noticed a blocked account was resubbed to my onlyfans, i reported the user for not respecting the ban. they told me they went ahead and blocked his IP range from my page. i didnt have to ask or be mansplained how to block. since sm removed the comments no problem, i didnt care because each time he did that I earned $20 for just showing my ass for a few minutes. i think i would have more of an issue if i couldn't remove them.
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i wish sm would do a lot of things different
1000 million percent agreed !
when i noticed a blocked account was resubbed to my onlyfans, i reported the user for not respecting the ban. they told me they went ahead and blocked his IP range from my page. i didnt have to ask or be mansplained how to block.
Sends a better message and motivates models to work more/ harder for a platform that respects them and takes them seriously.

I'm sorry overall, that both you and OP have had these experiences, just like myself 💚
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there is a lot strip needs to add like the option to mute tip sounds and all...
out of curiousity, can you mute the tab that you have stripchat open in for this currently? because I believe you can so it doesn't ping for PMs and tips?

it's different how you mute a tab on each browser but I believe it's possible on all of them.
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I have 50 written reviews on mine and they are all good and it doesn’t bother me that it shows because when people read it gives them a good vibe to take me to private.
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I do not think hiding them is a good idea. I recently had a very bad experience with a girl where I described in dm what I'd like her to do and in what time frame and she was happy to do so. But when we started she simply stood there fully clothed and slowly swayed her hips...for 15 minutes... needless to say I'd had enough and left. I had forgotten that new models don't have the user scores visible under private if it's less than 10 reviews. If I'd remembered to check her profile before going private I would have noticed the 4 one star reviews of people warning to avoid at all costs!
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