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All Time Fave TV Shows

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Hmm, currently I end up watching US TV shows via internet - as UK ones tend to suck, but for all time favourites?

Red Dwarf (when I was young, not sure it'd still appeal now).
Ed (I often feel like I'm the only person who ever watched this show :D )
Yes, Minister
Quantum Leap (again, from when I was a nipper)
How I Met your Mother

Does Band of Brothers count? Mini-series...
Right now, I would have to say, Archer and Californication are my favorite TV show. Pretty damned funny stuff.
Zoomer said:
Hmm, currently I end up watching US TV shows via internet - as UK ones tend to suck, but for all time favourites?

Red Dwarf (when I was young, not sure it'd still appeal now).
Ed (I often feel like I'm the only person who ever watched this show :D )
Yes, Minister
Quantum Leap (again, from when I was a nipper)
How I Met your Mother

Does Band of Brothers count? Mini-series...

Oh yeah, Band of Brothers count. It's amazing!!! I can't believe I forgot to add that one to my list. :dance:
I'm a huge Lost fan.
South Park
Jersey Shore

Right now I'm watching 2nd season of Eastbound and Down. Love it.
Totally hooked on The Secret Life of An American Teenager.. Just started 3rd season.

Stared Jericho but couldn't get into it.
All time... hmmm

Sapphire and Steel
Blakes Seven
Babylon 5
Magnum P.I.
Boston Legal

i think that Torchwood will be in this group but i have not seen enough of it.
A lot of good ones mentioned so far...

I WFH, so I have the TV on as background noise during the day. When I need to , I mute it and follow along with the subtitles... :)

I watch a ton of HGTV and Food Network (I liked both networks better when they fixed things and cooked stuff):
Iron Chef America - Morimoto is a badass!
Good Eats - I've actually tried some of Alton's contraptions
anything else with actual cooking
Renovation Realities -prevents me from taking on too much...sometimes!
Design on a Dime
Disaster DIY - Brian cracks me up!
Freestyle - all re-runs now
Junk Brothers was pretty new episodes
Real Estate Intervention - where the Realtor tells the homeowners that their $600k house is only worth $200k
House Hunters - but got burned out
anything else that involves fixing things

Other than that, anything on Discovery, TLC, NGTV, and History channels are worth a look.

Current "Regular" TV shows:
The Middle
Modern Family
Burn Notice
In Plain Sight

At the risk of being a snob, I do watch a lot of PBS...I prefer to call it "enhancing my poor educational background"
Antiques Roadshow
Masterpiece Theater / Masterpiece Mystery - makes me read more
American Experience
Front Line
Any show with the "This Old House" gang
many more...

Sex in the City - "Frasier" with chicks and lots more
The Shield - Vic Mackey is badass!
Lost - 1st few seasons only
Alias - same as Lost
60's-70's Westerns - Encore Westerns is part of my cable pkg.

I Love Lucy (Vita-Meata-Vegimen) and Dick Van Dyke still make me lol
Andy Griffith show as well, but only the ones with Barney Fife... :-D

There are more, but I've already outed myself as TV nut!
Im really a tv series fanatic but everything I seem to enjoy get cancelled..

Arrested Development
Pushing Daisies
Twin Peaks
Fresh Prince
Beavis and Butt-Head
South Park
Family Guy
Kamelott (french series)
Its always sunny in philadelphia
and soooo much more i cant remember

And I have to say I got caught in all that cheezy reality tv with Rock of love and Flavor of Love hahaha this was so bad but i looove stuff like that
I'm thinking this will be quite a list, decided to go in the order I found and loved them, or at least as close to that as I can remember...

Dr Who (until the last few years of the run, at least)
The Goodies (best British comedy you won't ever find on dvd - at least, not uncut)
Happy Days (before it jumped the shark when the Fonz, er, jumped a shark on water- skis. This is where the phrase "jumped the shark" came from, dear god that was an awful episode)
Fawlty Towers
Blakes 7
Seeing Things (cool Canadian show about a precog journalist, just started rewatching it and it's held up nicely)
The Young Ones (there's still hardly a day goes by I think of a gag from this and laugh)
Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Danger Mouse
Degrassi Junior High/Degrassi High
Black Adder
Max Headroom (both the music video show and the later US sci-fi show - it was so far ahead of its time, it's still ahead of its time today, great cyberpunk from before the word existed)
The Prisoner (the single greatest mindfuck show ever- not the recent shitty remake, there are things you can't un-see)
The Avengers (the '60s incarnation, nothing to do with the comic)
Shelley (great UK comedy, like Waiting for Godot if it was one guy who was always unemployed)
Red Dwarf (first few series)
Frontline (great Aussie media satire)
The Games (even greater Aussie satire)
Quantum Leap
Picket Fences
Babylon 5
Malcolm In The Middle
Invader Zim
Alias (must get around to that last season lol)
The League of Gentlemen (awesome UK comedy where 3 guys play about 40 characters,twisted and brilliant)
Dollhouse (the best of the Whedon shows,imho also one of the best science fiction shows ever)
Scrubs (although I fell behind before it apparently derailed)
Pushing Daisies (although I never saw season 2 since I heard it ended up in the air)

Current stuff:
Dr Who (especially the last couple of seasons since Steven Moffat took over)
Being Erica
Community (bit scared that they can't possibly top season 2,we'll see)
The Big Bang Theory
Chuck (bit behind, going to wait for the next and final season to catch up, I think)
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
Psychoville (2 of the guys from League of Gentlemen)
The Walking Dead (nowhere near as good as the comic but still really good, except that last episode)

In spite of all that, I know I've forgotten quite a few - TV is a pretty big part of my life, apparently. Now I look at that list, I find it kind of amazing that I've ever left the house :p
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Six Feet Under
The Venture Bros.
Breaking Bad
Sons of Anarchy
Band of Brothers
True Blood (Love-hate relationship)
uhohtrouble said:
Omg I forgot about six feet under I love that show!
Also I love Skins :woops: the UK version

Yeah, I love it too. A really good show with a beautiful ending.

One thing I got to keep in mind is to not mention Molotov Cocktease (from Venture Bros.) in the public chat of my favs.
The Paper Chase
Lou Grant

I love shows that make you think. But I also loved Monty Python's Flying Circus. :)
Nordling said:
The Paper Chase
Lou Grant

I love shows that make you think. But I also loved Monty Python's Flying Circus. :)
oh yes - to lou grant and all from monty phyton....

the old nero wolf with joseph conrad comes to my mind.... great stuff...
My #1:

Boston Legal
My Little Ponies (both old and new)
Ren and Stimpy
Scrubs (as I gangsta leaned down the hallway...)
Spartacus: Blood and Sand
Spartacus: Gods of the Arena
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate Universe (FFFFF Y U END!?)
Trailer Park Boys
Tru Blood

I also watch tons of animal documentaries.
I am secretly hoping for a HP tv show, but I think I'm a loner in my fandom on here as far as I can tell, lol!
The Wire. Best damn writing on television.
The Shield.
Battlestar Galactica. The recent one.
Scrubs. Before the move to ABC; I didn't see any those episodes, so I can't say.
Whedon's shows. While I didn't think Dollhouse was great, it certainly had great potential- for many many different stories.
Wonderfalls. Like Firefly it was cancelled by Fox for actually being good after just one season.
Spartacus. Fuck yea!
Carnivale. Damn shame about that one.
Xena. I love every kooky tongue in cheek moment.
I grew up with the Fresh Prince.
He-Man, Thundercats, G.I. Joe were my childhood cartoons, then came Batman and Animaniacs and Tiny Tunes.
Always a Loony Tunes fan.
Oh and Twilight Zone. The original. Rod Serling was a genius.
Newer/Still on shows
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Breaking Bad
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Boardwalk Empire
Penn and Teller:Bullshit
Bored To Death

Boy Meets World
Saved By The Bell
Cheap Seats
Da Ali G Show
Reno 911
Married With Children
The animated Batman and X-Men cartoons
Tales From The Crypt
That 70's Show
Beavis and Butthead(preview for the new episodes look hilarious)
In alphabetical order... and some of these date back to late 1960's... :-D

Babylon 5
Band Of Brothers
Blackadder [UK comedy series]
Chewin’ The Fat [UK comedy series]
CSI (all three versions)
Doctor Who
Hill Street Blues
Larry Sanders
Later… with Jools Holland [UK music show]
Law and Order (original)
Miami Vice
Monty Python
Not The Nine O’Clock News [UK comedy series]
NYPD Blues (an awesome show!)
Old Grey Whistle Test [UK music show]
Red Dwarf [UK sci-fi comedy series]
St. Elsewhere
Star Trek TNG
Starsky and Hutch
Still Game [UK comedy series]
The High Chapparal
The Simpsons
The Tube [UK music show]
The Virginian
The Walking Dead
Top Of The Pops [UK music show]
Twin Peaks
X Files

Not too much current TV in the list as I only get around to watch the CSI's and a few other shows just now. The HD recorder takes the strain most of the time these days. I also seem to have a big gap of TV from the late 1970's to about 1983... working too hard and not yet got a VCR at the time... hehe! Shift work sucks sometimes...
after this weekend with tremendous do-nothing-but-watch-tv-shows i have to add "Chuck" to my list - what a great show!!
And it doesn't hurt that the main actress look like a wet dream for me... ;)
Bloody hell where to start...This is a short list 'cause of my memory not being too good...

Porridge (The BEST British comedy ever. Great characters & equally great acting (with Ronnie Barker at his best)

Twin Peaks ( David Lynch is a legend)

Er...Hold on...

Rome (So much sex, violence, intrigue & Togas)

The Young Ones (the second BEST British comedy ever. Great anarchic characters & equally anarchic scripts (with musical interludes from the likes of Madness )

Taxi (A brilliant US comedy full of likeable (excluding Danny DeVito's) characters)

Cheers (Probably the best US TV comedy ever)

Boardwalk Empire (Steve Buscemi stars as Enoch "Nucky" Thompson. The best thing on TV recently after Rome)

Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson features as the titular Blackadder in this excellent BBC comedy)

The Fall & Rise of Reginald Perrin (Leonard Rossiter plays Reggie Perrin in this comedy-drama as man driven to bizarre behaviour)

The Beiderbecke Trilogy ( A wonderful 1980's comedy-drama shown on ITV)

A Very Peculiar Practice (A BBC comedy-drama series, first shown in 1986)

The Inbetweeners (Laugh-out-loud comedy)

Alan Partridge (Earlier laugh-out-loud comedy with Steve Coogan)

And Finally The Moomins (The Soviet & Polish-Austrian puppet animations from the 1980's)
Recently, I got the whole "Greatest American Hero" series on DVD from Half Price Books. It isn't my all time favorite (i'm a whore for Dexter and I have a hardon for Olivia Dunham from Fringe), but it is awesome! The theme song is constantly stuck in my head and I have a blonde curly wig with a red cape to run around in anytime I get the urge.

For those of you who do not know the show this is the plot synopsis from IMDB: A teacher is asked to be a superhero using a special alien suit with powers he can barely understand or control.Um yes please.

But wait! It gets better! He is accompanied by his hardass, FBI agent friend, Maxwell, who just can't get a grip on all this new age suit stuff. We get to watch them fight crime together. Amazing.

The later seasons got a little weird, but by then I loved it too much to care.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
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