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Any of you that purchase other "adult" entertainment?

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Ever partake in anything other then camgirls?

  • Escorts

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Strippers

    Votes: 17 56.7%
  • Dominatrix

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Phone Sex

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 40.0%

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Inactive Cam Model
Oct 31, 2010
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This is kinda a rebuttal thread to Any of you that have worked in other "adult" occupations?
Just call me a curious camgirl. :think:
So how about it cam site "members"... Do you ever or have ever paid for services from women in "other" sex worker trades?
What works the best for your life style and why? What are your opinions on other forms of sex work?

[Edit] And I don't mean buying porn movies and magazines. I'm talking about interactive entertainment here.
I have never purchased any other "adult" entertainment. Not because I am better than that, but because it would not give me what I want.
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Nah. Never had the opportunity to, really. Nor the desire. I could see me at one point in the future getting some escort on and taking a hot bitch out on a fine date, but that's when I can afford it.

Hot bitches be hot, yo.
I originally checked No, but I just remembered back when I was 17, I did manage to get into a strip club. And I did tip some dancers.
LOL.. I was in my first strip club Looooong before the interwebs were so ripe with "entertainment". Actually, I know very few men that haven't been in one at some point, be it in college or a bachelor party. I will also say, titty bars need to have a bit of clarification. I've seen many "boys" in there getting shit faced and watching for free. Not tipping the girls or interacting with them for whatever reason, but pounding down the $6 drinks while there.
I tip a few girls but nothing much, no lap dances or "trips to the VIP rooms". The last several times I went, maybe 2 years ago, was for lunch. This particular club has a hella good FREE lunch buffet on Thursdays, for the measly fee of purchase of a drink [ no cover chg.]. I and my coworkers would each get out $6 pitcher of Iced tea and fill up on prime rib, baked ham, delicious roast beef, chicken or turkey, and all sorts of other great offerings to fill up the rest of the 40' of buffet. Most of the time, a few girls will stop by to also have a break and chat while we're eating... Nice dining company actually. :-D
Hit plenty of strip clubs while in the military and went to a brothel once. It was more out of drunken boredom and curiosity than anything else. After hitting the strip clubs, my buddy asked the cab driver if there were any whorehouses in the area. The cabby knew of one and asked if we wanted to go. We said "wtf, why not, let's check it out," so off we went. The madame went over the price list while the girls did the whole line-up thing. My buddy and I looked at each other with that 'uh, not in this lifetime' look and politely declined before getting the hell out of there posthaste. All the girls looked strung out, unhealthy and unclean in more ways than one. The next day we called the police anonymously about the place because the girls looked like they could have been there against their will.
I've been to a strip club once. No lap dances or VIP but I did sit at the stage, in a mini dress and tip the shit out of any girl that smiled at me. A few of the girls refused to pay attention to my side of the stage of give me the time of day, instead they danced for the 5 douchbags that tipped her ten dollars instead of the minimum 20 I was laying out for each girl. I even had one ignore me even though I had put money on the stage, she actually walked off without it! I had to tap her shoulder when she left and kind of rudely said "here, I tipped you this, thanks for noticing!"
BTW, I totes coulda brought home like three of those girls. ;)
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even though it happened in Vegas, i guess it is now, not staying in vegas :p

I'll come out.. i was on vacation in Vegas last year and yeah, I visited one of the nearby brothels
also spent a few hours in one of the strip clubs in Vegas... but that wasn't the first time I was in a stripper bar.
l love the strip club! I haven't gone as much this year, but my friends and I used to go all the time. It was mandatory that I get a lapdance on my birthday!

I've always wanted to go to a brothel with my significant other, I think it would be fun, provided that it was a classy establishment.
Back in the day my circle of friends followed the "birthday and bachelor party" rule for going to strip clubs with the very infrequent exception like "It's Tuesday and work sucked; let's go see some naked ladies." I haven't gone in years. Recently even bachelor parties are more about a round of golf and bbqs instead of clubbing.

I only marked strippers. Over the years a few dancers at bachelor parties let it be known they were up for "extras", but that never really appealed to me. No judgement, but it's not my thing.
JoleneJolene said:
I've been to a strip club once. No lap dances or VIP but I did sit at the stage, in a mini dress and tip the shit out of any girl that smiled at me. A few of the girls refused to pay attention to my side of the stage of give me the time of day, instead they danced for the 5 douchbags that tipped her ten dollars instead of the minimum 20 I was laying out for each girl. I even had one ignore me even though I had put money on the stage, she actually walked off without it! I had to tap her shoulder when she left and kind of rudely said "here, I tipped you this, thanks for noticing!"
BTW, I totes coulda brought home like three of those girls. ;)
They have no idea the money they missed out on. Wife had a similar experience at a club, she and a friend sat at the stage and a few girls just REFUSED to acknowledge them. The girls that went to them and put on a show? They raked in the money. I don't get the girls who don't understand this. Maybe they think they'll be perceived as lesbian or whatever, but let's be honest here, they're fucking strippers; most of society thinks little of them anyway.

I went to one club without the wife, for my bachelor party, and my buddy realized I looked lost without her. It just isn't the same once you've had hot chicks rubbing all over your hot woman, right beside you.
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JoleneJolene said:
I've been to a strip club once. No lap dances or VIP but I did sit at the stage, in a mini dress and tip the shit out of any girl that smiled at me. A few of the girls refused to pay attention to my side of the stage of give me the time of day, instead they danced for the 5 douchbags that tipped her ten dollars instead of the minimum 20 I was laying out for each girl. I even had one ignore me even though I had put money on the stage, she actually walked off without it! I had to tap her shoulder when she left and kind of rudely said "here, I tipped you this, thanks for noticing!"
BTW, I totes coulda brought home like three of those girls. ;)

Every time I have ever gone to a strip club, the girls are always all over me. I tip them, my friends tip them, and they get a lot of money and attention from everyone else because the whole club enjoys the show. It's to their advantage to pay attention to the girls who come in rather than snub them, IMO. I can't believe they would ignore you.

Luckily, I have never had to deal with catty dancers.
I LOVE strippers! BJ and I save up so we can go about once a year or so and we bring a few guy friends with. They always control the money but let me do all the tipping. It's so much fun and I love the looks on the ladies' faces when they see me tossing big bills on the stage or when I get to stick them in between their boobies.

So far I haven't had any bad experiences visiting a strip club, but I've only ever been to the same one and am familiar with most of the girls there. I'm hoping sometime this summer we can visit one of the newer ones in town and branch out though.
I haven't done any of these really. If I lived in the UK or Australia, I'd definitely see escorts. Not worth the risk in the US. Besides, cam girls are hotter, even if they are just on my screen. ;)
I have called a phone sex line before. However, I'm too shy so it usually ends up being a very one sided call. I realize this made the girls uncomfortable (at least some of them) so I stopped calling. I'm very awkward individual in real life (and online too I suppose) so it's difficult for me to keep up a conversation.

Any cam girls here who I have visited before can probably attest to my awkwardness. ;)
I was in New York on my 29th birthday last August, and when a male friend asked "Where do you wanna go tonight?" I told him Red Lobster and a strip club. I had never been to a strip club, but I really wanted to see some pole-dancing because I'm amazed by it.

We went to a good one in Queens, and when they asked for ID this tough-looking chick at the door was like "OMG, you look like a baby!" LOL.

I thought it was so cool to see one of the dancers doing that 'pop your booty one cheek at a time' thing. :thumbleft: I thought to myself "OMG, I wish I could do that!" I just realized last night that I know how to do it too. :)

My friend is such a nice guy that when we were tipping, he didn't want to stick the bills into the dancers' tops. He said "Here you go" and handed them the I told him to watch me, and when the next dancer walked over I stuck the bill right between the boobs. He got comfortable with it then.
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