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Camscore relevancy vs Friendlist vs Blocking out Regions

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Aug 23, 2011
Hi all,

So I've been reading alot about camscores and the importance that most most models put into it and
the $$ prizes for being from #1 to #100... But I'm questonning the relevancy of it... Ie:

I personnaly block out All regions except NorthAmerica and sometimes UK and Australia... So with that
in mind... Has of now Thursday May 24th@1:42Pm 1208 models Online...

If you block out all regions except NorthAmerica that number drops to 146 models... I tend to think that
I'm not the only one that does this, so your not fighting for exposure over 1200 models put rather 146...

Then, put into consideration that people will add you to their friends list and that will be the first thing they
will check once they logged on. I'll find myself surfing the models when none of my Favs are online and that
i'm looking for lost gems :)

You know that as soon has there's some full nudity and some toy play, it brings all the boys to your yard lolll
And with most people using the " Most popular room " button if you ask hem to add you if they like what they see
your giving yourself automatic exposure to that guy/girl

Some guys told me that they didnt know that "Make friend" in your profile vs "Make friend" in room wasn't the same...
They were expecting the model to pop up but it wasn't because said model was only added from the profile friend option.

So yes Camscore is important.. well at least stay above your 1000 initial score but i think that at any given
time your only fencing for yourself over 100-125 models...

How many of you surf All models vs Specific regions?

Candy xxxx
I just find that beyond beauty, I like to exchange, converse, and play along with the models and
frankly All other regions beside NorthA,UK,Aussi lack the possibility...

The central/south america practically don't speak, and the quality of the image/sound is poor
The Europe/Russia have too many studios, Language is often a barrier and they seem fake
Asia and Africa has nothing to tickle my fancy

I rather " keep in in the family " when it comes to tipping and exchanging...

Candy xxx
Bocefish said:
I don't block any regions, too many beautiful women with sexy accents to discriminate regionally.

I can't handle blocking out regions either. The risk of missing something is too much for me. Do most people block places? Why cut down on the options? :lol:
Candygirl3x said:
I just find that beyond beauty, I like to exchange, converse, and play along with the models and
frankly All other regions beside NorthA,UK,Aussi lack the possibility...

The Europe/Russia have too many studios, Language is often a barrier and they seem fake
That's not true.
I can understand that you only want to communicate with North American models, since you have more in common with them.
But saying that that there are mostly studios in Europe and Russia and especially that EU models can't speak English well is just wrong.
Most models with a low camscore who are from Romania, Bulgaria or Russia look like they're in a studio, and yes their English is often limited. Yet there are several girls on MFC who are from Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, etc. who are obviously not in a studio, and whose English is good or very good. That's because all models from Central/Western Europe were taught English in school for 6 to 9 years, unless they dropped out of school early or something. One extremely successful model is originally from Austria AFAIK.

There was a long discussion about this topic in the models only section and the general consensus was that it's unfair that MFC puts all European countries and Russia into one filter, and that needs to change. A couple of girls from the forum, including myself, have sent them e-mails about this.

Members..... please think twice and check out some Western/Central European girls before deciding to make all European models disappear from your MFC homepage forever. :twocents-02cents:
The model I joined for was a Russian. She was sexy and spoke English with a cute Russian accent. I would never have joined if her dancing had not caught my attention. I would never block any regions, just in case I meet another person like her.
Splitting up the european group would be a good idea, Hell I'd separate North America into Canada And Usa...

I did the exercise before coming to this conclusion believe me, I often start from the lowest camscore and work my
way up, tipping along the way, Mostly to get things started or just to bring a smile ( guys don;t seems to like being outtipped by a girl ) lolll

I did find gems along the way, but there's also the fact that through my browsing I'm also looking for models to do g/g shows or meet/greet.
Connection, chemistry, and location is a big criteria...Second agenda? for sure.. lollll

Thinking from a model point of view, you do want a member to have all regions opened I guess, Tips are tips no matter the region and if everyone
would stick to their 1-2 regions, there's a good chance that some models would stand to lose in the long run.

We'll see how others respond to this thread I guess...

Candy xxx
I have always blocked out all regions except for North American, UK, and Australia as I have found in general I enjoy the models from these areas more. Am I missing out? Sure, but I never really visited a lot of models rooms to begin with. I have found a few models that I enjoy and I stick with them.

I simply don't have a lot of free time on my hands these days so I stick to models that are on my friends list.
What is it aboot Canadians you don't like, eh? :)[/quote]

Nothing At all, But since I'm a Canuck Myself, It's easier to find local models to work with....
That being said... It's mostly cheaper to fly to the Us ( or drive if withing 1000km ) that to fly
inside of Canada....

Candy xxx

Ps: We're Sorry about NickelBack and Brian Adams Btw... lollll
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Candygirl3x said:
What is it aboot Canadians you don't like, eh? :)

Nothing At all, But since I'm a Canuck Myself, It's easier to find local models to work with....
That being said... It's mostly cheaper to fly to the Us ( or drive if withing 1000km ) that to fly
inside of Canada....

Candy xxx

Ps: We're Sorry about NickelBack and Brian Adams Btw... lollll[/quote]

Ha. Adams I think we can forgive. Nickelback though... :?
Candygirl3x said:
But since I'm a Canuck Myself, It's easier to find local models to work with....
That being said... It's mostly cheaper to fly to the Us ( or drive if withing 1000km ) that to fly
inside of Canada....

Candy xxx

Ps: We're Sorry about NickelBack and Brian Adams Btw... lollll

We wish you'd have kept that Beiber kid north of the border too. What a hoser, eh.

BTW, it wasn't all that long ago that MFC finally divided Canada into provinces too. Canuck models had to ban Canada entirely instead of just their province for anonymity protection.
One thing I love about MFC is the international flavor of the site. I would never block a particular continent, because then I would be limiting my exposure to other cultures (as well as some nice boobies!)
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Yeah they divided it into province, but only for model...
I'd like to see the same with the members regions...

As a Model I would never block a region, except my own state/province but as a Member I keep it
at UK / Australia / North America ...

Candy xx

Ps: Yeah..Bieber... euhhh Sorry is sooo weak lolll
Candygirl3x said:
Yeah they divided it into province, but only for model...
I'd like to see the same with the members regions...

NO WAY! I'm sorry, but I don't want members knowing that much about where I live. Besides, most models from their state will have them blocked, so they'll only see a precious few.

I would, however, like it if the continents were split up a little more. Especially Eastern vs Western Europe. Maybe put it British Isles, Scandinavia, Europe, and Eastern Europe. And Northern vs Southern Africa. And China have it's own filter from the rest of Asia, along with East of China as another segment.

I'd put Russia under Eastern European, even though it's technically Asian, and give the Middle East it's own section as well.
LadyLuna said:
Candygirl3x said:
Yeah they divided it into province, but only for model...
I'd like to see the same with the members regions...

NO WAY! I'm sorry, but I don't want members knowing that much about where I live. Besides, most models from their state will have them blocked, so they'll only see a precious few.

I would, however, like it if the continents were split up a little more. Especially Eastern vs Western Europe. Maybe put it British Isles, Scandinavia, Europe, and Eastern Europe. And Northern vs Southern Africa. And China have it's own filter from the rest of Asia, along with East of China as another segment.

I'd put Russia under Eastern European, even though it's technically Asian, and give the Middle East it's own section as well.
I like those divisions except maybe I'd divide Europe by linguistics instead of region alone. Germanic, Latin (includes Romania and Moldova) and Slavic. Possibly put the Finnic languages together: Finland, Hungary, Estonia.

Possibly break off N. Africa and lump it into "Middle East" and make sub-saharan Africa, "Africa."
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Candygirl3x said:
Yeah they divided it into province, but only for model...
I'd like to see the same with the members regions...

As a Model I would never block a region, except my own state/province but as a Member I keep it
at UK / Australia / North America ...

Candy xx

Ps: Yeah..Bieber... euhhh Sorry is sooo weak lolll

Speaking of nice boobies! :drool:
The filter function is massively flawed at the moment,

As LilyMarie said a while ago you cant distinguish any other European country from all the former Soviet states which absolutely dominate the "European" filter

I'd like to see it broke down a little more, Theres many countries bigger than the UK under-represented ATM, in fact I dont think ive ever seen a French model that has lasted due to being drowned out
LadyLuna said:
I would, however, like it if the continents were split up a little more. Especially Eastern vs Western Europe. Maybe put it British Isles, Scandinavia, Europe, and Eastern Europe. And Northern vs Southern Africa. And China have it's own filter from the rest of Asia, along with East of China as another segment.

I'd put Russia under Eastern European, even though it's technically Asian, and give the Middle East it's own section as well.

I LOVE you for putting Scandinavia separate! To me that makes sense because if we're going to sort by geographical location then ethnicity is a big factor, many people like the Scandinavian look and those who do then could simply stick to Scandinavian models easily (as well as all other ethnicities).

I do understand that some people will block locations because they want models that speak English. But to give filters based on language we should really be given a language test and be sorted in regards to our actual language skills!
If our different languages were actually mentioned on the site then we could also avoid the random dudes that come into rooms speaking their own language (I get this a lot and it pisses me off - if I am speaking English in my room and I live in Sweden, I am most likely not going to be able to speak Arabic or Portuguese!!).

Best would be to incorporate both. Maybe a member could register which languages he/she speaks, and then only be shown models that have at least one language in common with him/her. Then there would be the option of filtering further by location, with more specific categories. I can imagine Europe being divided into UK&Ireland/Scandinavia/Baltic(could be combined with Scandinavia)/Eastern/Western/Mediterranean

And honestly, Russia spans two continents and is larger than Europe and USA combined - they should have their own category! :mrgreen:
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I think they key "battleground" is Europe and how it is divided, I think there should be a filter for "Scandinavian" (i.e Northern Europe), Western (UK France, Spain Germany, Italia etc) and East (Russia, former Soviet states etc) It would sort the disparity in the models in Europe IMO
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AliceDoe said:
I LOVE you for putting Scandinavia separate! To me that makes sense because if we're going to sort by geographical location then ethnicity is a big factor, many people like the Scandinavian look (...)
The question is, is there such a thing?... I'm wondering if the majority of Scandinavian models on MFC are actually blond, blue-eyed, tall and slender (which is what I and most people I know associate with Scandinavian women). I have no idea is this is just a cliché, like so many other nationality-based aspects, or if it's true. What if a member thinks, "I'll check out some Scandinavian models, I've heard most of them are naturally blond and tall, I like that!" and then he gets 80% brunettes because his preconceptions were wrong.
Damn, everything would be so much easier if MFC just let members filter models by hair colour, body type etc.

(...)to give filters based on language we should really be given a language test and be sorted in regards to our actual language skills!
I think that's a good idea. It would keep the girls who barely speak any English from applying in the first place, and the other ones would be sorted according to their skills.... yeah that would be good :) Of course there would be the problem that studios would cheat by simply filling out the tests for their models. :think:
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Scandanavian, or "Nordic" spread right over Northern Europe so the title is a misnomer, I'm from Northern England so my heritage is probably Nordic, light hair blue eyes etc, I can trace my family back to about the 1710's but before its conjecture

Its an intriguing debate, although MFC adds an interesting element!
Well, I grew up in Sweden so I guess you could say that I'm blind to it.. But when I travel (something I do a lot of) I always meet people that tell me that they think Scandinavian people are just naturally beautiful. I am a light brunette and have brown eyes, but that's not what they talk about - they mention bone structure and skin/hair quality (typical nordic hair is very fine but still thick - many small strands) and things like that.

Being native, though, I am not really genetically related to those who are considered Swedish today. My people have inhabited the land in northern Sweden for 10 000 years, and we entered from the north instead of the south as the later "immigrants" did. This means that my heritage is probably more Asian than European, thus my colouring. We've lived here for so long though that other than the colour I'm pretty much Nordic looking. High cheek bones and all that :)

Basically, I don't really expect people to be able to tell the difference between a Scandinavian girl and an English or American girl, but it would be great for directing some much needed traffic our way. I get very little people in my room, and I could really use that extra "marketing". Also, I never get people telling me they thought Swedish people were blonde and blue-eyed (Though I have gotten the response "Ah, of course, the blonde hair" when I tell people I'm swedish, weird since I'm not blonde :p) and the most common response is pretty much "oh, so then it's true that you guys are pretty!"
I would like to point out that the language test was not for determining who could join the site, just for who could claim they actually speak the language.

To be fair, it shouldn't be graded on spelling or grammar, and should mostly be about common slang. That would also, though, require further division into "UK, American, Australian" English.

Maybe pictures and you have to pick the description that fits the picture (and not just a picture of a dog, but a picture of a dog in a kitchen eating a bowl of kibble). I think five pictures would be enough to tell if they can at least feel their way through a conversation enough to put it on their profile. And have it for every language they want to claim, not just English. you know how the fly-by's like to lie.
of all the models I have visited during my time on mfc, ALL but one (that one was Chinese), understood english.
they all might not speak very good English but they do understand (albeit jokes and slang are lost on them, but that's besides the point)
this language test idea is just discriminatory
Crumb said:
of all the models I have visited during my time on mfc, ALL but one (that one was Chinese), understood english.
they all might not speak very good English but they do understand (albeit jokes and slang are lost on them, but that's besides the point)
this language test idea is just discriminatory
Agree, it is discriminatory, but isn't that the idea? Myself, I rarely use the existing filters because I like to meet people from all over the planet, but some people will ONLY visit English speaking models' rooms. I may not approve or think they're missing a lot, but it is their right, right?
Sometimes I block regions, sometimes I don't. And I don't always block the same regions.

Let me elaborate. For the most part, models in the US, UK & Australia talk to respond to members. If I'm in the mood where I definitely want talk over type, I'll block everything but those regions. Just makes browsing more efficient.

If I'm in a mood to listen to my music, I'll block the English speaking countries to find a model that is typing responses. Again, efficiency.

Mostly I just leave it unfiltered.
I agree that Europe needs to be split up for the filter. But, maybe go beyond region to actual countries. There's more than a few members that say they hate seeing Romanian girls on the site (wrong site for hating them, I say :lol: ). I'm sure for those members, being able to just block Romania and maybe Moldova (let's face it, most people wouldn't know the difference between a Moldavian or a Romanian girl) would be good.

As to the comment about studios, yes many EASTERN european girls are in studios. Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, etc. But many Western European girls are not. At the same time, there are girls from both parts of Europe that don't fall into these categories, either. Hell, there are studios in the US, too. SO saying you don't particularly like studio girls means you might not like some girls from all over the world, including North America.

Granted, studios aren't as common in North America as they are in Eastern Europe, but they do exist. We just don't see them as often on MFC... but go to some other sites and you will find a lot of North American girls in studios.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with studio girls. They're people, too. But in some cases they fear the laws of their region if they try to cam without a studio backing them. I hear the Ukraine can be especially harsh on girls who cam without a studio, if they are caught. I also remember Mary AKA CrzySyZy saying she had to work for a studio because she thought the law in Romania said that being a cam girl without a studio was considered prostitution in Romania. I don't know how true that is or not. She eventually did leave her studio, though.
LadyLuna said:
I would like to point out that the language test was not for determining who could join the site, just for who could claim they actually speak the language.

To be fair, it shouldn't be graded on spelling or grammar, and should mostly be about common slang. That would also, though, require further division into "UK, American, Australian" English.

Maybe pictures and you have to pick the description that fits the picture (and not just a picture of a dog, but a picture of a dog in a kitchen eating a bowl of kibble). I think five pictures would be enough to tell if they can at least feel their way through a conversation enough to put it on their profile. And have it for every language they want to claim, not just English. you know how the fly-by's like to lie.

I agree that the language test would not be to stop anyone from joining the site, that would be crazy!

I just understand that most members want a model they can have a conversation with, and that is not going to happen if you don't speak the same language. I wouldn't be just putting up images and descriptions though, that is way too easy!

In my mind, we wouldn't just be marked "Speaks English" and "Speaks Swedish" and so on. I think it would be good to filter by that, but then also be graded "Good English", "Intermediate English", "Fluent English" and so on. Some people, like me, think that grammar is important and find it bothersome to read or listen to someone that doesn't speak a language well enough to form proper sentences. It's not that I think those people are any less interesting or nice, I just get uncomfortable.

Also, a lot of girls would be able to do well on the kinds of tests you described, without actually knowing how to speak the language at all. If you wrote the description ourself, and was graded depending on the detail of your description ("Dog" Vs. "A dog sitting in a country style kitchen eating kibble out of a stainless steel bowl") that might work.

But, as I said, I'm a language perfectionist. And I can speak near perfect English thanks to that...
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