AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
If the TARDIS travels through time, and the Doctor can travel to anywhere at any time, then why is the Doctor always running and in a hurry.
Keithy said:
If the TARDIS travels through time, and the Doctor can travel to anywhere at any time, then why is the Doctor always running and in a hurry.
And in Star Trek, every time someone is transported, you actually see them die, only to be cloned and reformed at the other end of the transport. By transporting someone you can remove any foreign bacteria and viruses from the transport. A Memory pattern of the person is kept in storage when the person is transported. So if you had someone die (say, spock) whether from injury, disease or whatever, you should theoretically be able to put the body in the transport, overwrite the information with a pattern from memory and you would remove any disease, injury or whatever killed them, only to reform them in their prior state, perfectly fine.
No one should be able to die in Star Trek, ever. With all the technobabble that goes on, this is a very logical function of the parameters set onto transporters.
In the new Star Trek movie, why is Chekov on the ship? He was specifically a young character and wasn't on the USS Enterprise until season 2. This would mean the age of Chekov would be much too young to have served on the ship at the time of this movie.

Also, in what world is "fencing" equivalent to "I have ninja moves with a sword and flipping and super kick powers"? Advanced Combat Training in fencing generally speaking would mean swords, if he could use ninjitsu, karate, etc it would be an additional ACT.
And while I'm at it, why is the Enterprise a brand new vessel when it was supposed to be commanded by Captain (later Commodore) April (played by Roddenberry himself in TOS according to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, never credited in the series).

This whole not editing post things is kinda pissing me off. But it's making my post count inflate, so I'll deal.
I'm starting to think that the powers of this world are putting me through all this to make me more patient. Seems each week I am waiting on something new. I've never been a patient girl, so this is very trying for me.

Keithy said:
And while I'm at it, why is the Enterprise a brand new vessel when it was supposed to be commanded by Captain (later Commodore) April (played by Roddenberry himself in TOS according to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, never credited in the series).

This whole not editing post things is kinda pissing me off. But it's making my post count inflate, so I'll deal.

Teehee, I didn't realize how often you were editing your posts! I like seeing all your posts.
Could you set the limit to... say... one hour? Or is there no way to set a time limit with the edit button?

Thought for the day: now that I have a twitter account... What the hell do I do with it!?!
LadyLuna said:
Thought for the day: now that I have a twitter account... What the hell do I do with it!?!

sorry, sometimes I like to pretend I'm in an action movie. Brb, time to dive away from an explosion.
My thoughts of the day:

Why must mental issues be taboo if SOOO many of us "regular" people suffer from it.

Why do all the "amazing video" shows have the same videos yet the shows are supposed to be *new*

and my saying of the day: If if was a 5th, we'd ALL be drunk!
LadyLuna said:
Could you set the limit to... say... one hour? Or is there no way to set a time limit with the edit button?

It's 15 minutes now.

Bocefish said:
Wondering why I sometimes get sent to the middle of the page, then have to scroll down when I click on the last post arrow? :think:

Drives me crazy too, it happens on pages with linked images instead of uploaded ones.
Oh no you don't. It's super early on Saturday morning, so you won't be getting a daily thought from me.

(And then I realize I'm going to get a "so who cares" or "meh" from people)
Must remember that whenever I feel strongly about any subject at all it will lead to problems, and that showing signs of caring is not the way to live my life.
Why is it possible to care too much? Isn't caring about things the way to make things happen, and caring about people the way we're supposed to be making the world better?
That's juvenile nonsense. If you don't care about anything or anyone, there's no reason to live.
Sevrin said:
That's juvenile nonsense. If you don't care about anything or anyone, there's no reason to live.
Call me whatever you'd like, I've seen what works and what doesn't work.