AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Forum editing.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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Just figured I'd make an official announcement about a change (that we made about a month+ ago, actually) to the forums. You only have 15 minutes to edit a post once you've submitted it. There is a preview function that you can use before submitting to verify that it looks the way you expect it to, and spell check.

Previously, there were people who would go back after hours/days/weeks and edit a post that had already been commented on or even quoted. They were editing or deleting entire posts and titles of threads which is extremely confusing and just downright irritating.

As with anything on the Internet, think before you post. Once it's on the net, it stays there. So now that's true for this forum as well.
that explains why i cant find the edit button on my post. shame, cos i have thought of a funnier title
There goes my plan to have Amber say "Yes, please go ahead" in response to my posts, and then have me change the original post. Of course, it shows the time it was edited so it probably wouldn't have been a plausible plan anyway.
pyrite1965 said:
I'm pretty sure that was discussed in some other thread too.

I do think I mentioned it at least once before, but nonetheless, people still PM me asking where the edit button is all the time. :)
Especially when it comes to model status. :mrgreen:
This is one way to go, and it's your board, so obviously your rules. It's definitely better this way than the way it was before when we had phantom edits.

In most other forums where I'm active, howevah, you can edit your post whenever, but there is a note inserted by the forum software indicating that the person posting (or a moderator, as the case may be) made changes, along with the date and time of the most recent edit. In some cases there is also a possibility to enter a comment indicating the reason for the edit. That way people have a chance to rethink their posts, but it's also obvious that the post you are currently seeing is not necessarily what was there before the post edit was edited, or what other people may have seen and reacted to.
Sevrin said:
This is one way to go, and it's your board, so obviously your rules. It's definitely better this way than the way it was before when we had phantom edits.

In most other forums where I'm active, howevah, you can edit your post whenever, but there is a note inserted by the forum software indicating that the person posting (or a moderator, as the case may be) made changes, along with the date and time of the most recent edit. In some cases there is also a possibility to enter a comment indicating the reason for the edit. That way people have a chance to rethink their posts, but it's also obvious that the post you are currently seeing is not necessarily what was there before the post edit was edited, or what other people may have seen and reacted to.
That's how it was here too.
I've seen some new additions to the forum and wasn't sure when to post my question! (as well I was kind of worried that they were always there and I hadn't noticed them lol, kind of like when Amber had to explain she was CutieNoodle to me directly in my room, despite EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD knowing this was the case lol) (*so blond sometimes*)

When I look at "active forums/newtopics/ etc..." there are these cute little bells next to everything. Now, I've deduced that the bells with the little black dots are topics I've already posted on, but if the little bell in ringing what does it mean? and if the little bell is stationary what does it mean?

apologies in advance if these are totally silly questions :)

and by "silly" i mean a question that could be answered with,"jesus Amy just *search* "ringy bell emoticon, what does it mean?", it's a whole forum post, seriously, it's like RIGHT THERE"
You got the black dot right. If the "bell" (as we're calling it... I think it's actually like a sheet of paper or something... dunno) is yellow, there's new posts. If it's white, no new posts. If it's "ringing" regardless of color, it means it's a popular topic (more than x amount of replies). If it looks like a blop of glue, then it's a sticky and will always be at the top due to be important or needing to be noticed.

My favorite function of the forum is "view unread posts" on the top right. It lets me see each thread that's had new posts in it since I last read that thread. I make sure this is cleared every day, reading pretty much each post on the whole forum daily.
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