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How many hours of sleep do you get??

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I have noticed that since I have become a cam model, I have had oober amounts of time to get good sleep. I guess if you have a second or full time job,this isn't the case,, but still I am curious. I know its a funny question! Sorry! But i feel guilty now that I get 9 to 10 hrs sometimes!
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Here's my nightly schedule:

11:30 or 12 - Get in bed
1:00am - fall asleep
between 3:00 - 4:30am - get up and go pee, lay in bed awake for an hour trying to get back to sleep
8:00am - wake up because Jawbs is up making some sort of noise
9:00am - wake up again to say goodbye to Jawbs as he goes to work
9:20am - actually get out of bed

So the amount of hours varies depending on actual sleep within those loose guidelines. :lol:
I sleep....a lot....all the time, SOMETIMES even 12 hours.....I feel very guilty but you know what, I'm a lady who loves to snooze and being in bed is my favorite thing EVER!
If I have chore to do or gotta work at my "real" job, I get MAYBE 3-6 hours if I'm lucky. On days off, it depends on if the hubby is being nice, anywhere from 0-8...also a sufferer of severe insomnia, so sleep is treasured. If I sleep more than 6 hours 2 days in a row then I KNOW I'm getting sick
(not a model obviously) I can only sleep at night if I drug myself to sleep, but I can sleep all day with the opportunity. On days that I can I usually sleep from 5am - 1pm.
I haven't had a "normal" sleep pattern for a long, long time. I think I got 3 hours of sleep last night, not counting however long I spent dozing in my desk chair.
well i definitely don't feel so bad anymore! I now have a true appreciation of my sleep, as I come to find out more and more that people have trouble sleeping. I don't have trouble sleeping ,or staying asleep. I just don't ever feel rested in the morning! I alway feel like i'm dragging myself out of bed hating life, if i don't get 9 or 10 hrs. I hate it! I want to jump out of bed and love my wonderful life! but i guess others have it worse cause they can't even GET any sleep:-( thanks for your answers guys:)
AmberCutie said:
Here's my nightly schedule:

11:30 or 12 - Get in bed
1:00am - fall asleep
between 3:00 - 4:30am - get up and go pee, lay in bed awake for an hour trying to get back to sleep
8:00am - wake up because Jawbs is up making some sort of noise
9:00am - wake up again to say goodbye to Jawbs as he goes to work
9:20am - actually get out of bed

So the amount of hours varies depending on actual sleep within those loose guidelines. :lol: are so funny...


i am a huge lover of my bed

i went to sleep at 5:00 for some reason i cannot go to sleep early....
and i woke up some times at 1, 2 3, even 5 oclock one time... but i dont stay that long any more... i was weasting all the day
ok i'm dutch so dont hold it against me its a medical Recommendation over here... haha 8 to 9 hours...
i sleep 10 hours when i have a good night
but i'm a terrible insomnia so i rarely really sleep that long
its soo different with me... one night 3,4 hours...
others 5 to 7 hours...
but a good night is 10 to 12 hours.. and damn do i love to sleep
On average I think I get about 6 hours of sleep. I have zero problems falling asleep but wake up at all hours and often. Probably due to the large amounts of coffee I drink tho. Haha.
I need at least 8 or 9 hours, the more the better. I used to function on 6 or 7 hours just fine, but not anymore. I think it's because I've been having trouble sleeping... it takes a while to fall asleep, then I wake up a few hours later and just lay there.

I've gotten a lot lazier since I became a camgirl too. Some days I literally do NOTHING but lay on the couch, surf the web, watch tv and beg my boyfriend for sex. It's kind of pathetic.
I closely watch my diet and sleeping patterns. But I'm nocternal, so I fall asleep around 2-8am and wake up from 10am-4pm depending on what's going on. Thankfully I've never had sleep issues other than overly common nightmares.

I sleep pretty damn well, although if there's a bump in the night or anything I wake up enough to be conscious of everything around me although I don't move - and yet, if it's nothing, I fall right back asleep as if by will.

Woot for 7-9 hours whenever I want :h:
I think I get enough hours of sleep but the hours vary so much and are at such random times. That really hurts me sometimes so I just have to be careful and take off certain nights dedicated to just getting a good night sleep.

Ahhh one day I'll have a normal schedule. I think next September I will be able to work mostly days but this year that's just not possible. I just have to come online when I can and sleep when I can. I make it work! :)
I sleep, a LOT. Most of the time I get 8 - 10 hours. Otherwise my body just hates me. My eyes burn. My eyelids are heavy. And, it's just not a fun time for me. I'm up early cause Mr. Teagz has work at six and wakes me up around 5:15 when he does for work. So, I'm at around 6 hours of sleep right now and I fully intending on going back to sleep after I have breakfast. :)
You can get two free NightFood bars. These will help naturally put you to sleep and get a better nights sleep. They retail for 11.99 for 6. But free samples are good too. They worked so well for me I'm actually thinking about buying a pile of these.
I have a 25-28 hour schedule so my sleep times are constantly getting 'later' everyday, but I get an average of about 7 hours, sometimes up to 11 these days.

My number of hours haven't changed since being a cam girl, but my non-24-hour schedule has gotten WAY out of control.
pyrite1965 said:
Keithy said:
You can get two free NightFood bars. These will help naturally put you to sleep and get a better nights sleep. They retail for 11.99 for 6. But free samples are good too. They worked so well for me I'm actually thinking about buying a pile of these.

No more free samples :(

L:eek:oks like they had a huge demand for them. But you can put in your info and they'll tell you when they're doing them again (November they think). So that's at least something. Probably waiting for the orders to roll in since this stuff made me sleep great, and I never say that.
In the fall and winter, I sleep as much as I like. That usually means 8-10hrs. But in the spring/summer, when I"m juggling my wedding photography business AND camming, it averages about 2-4hrs a nite. I'd be up at 9am to meet clients or edit or shoot portraits through the week, and that would go all day and into the evening until I hopped on cam, where I'd stay until around 3-5 am...then go to sleep and wake up and do it all over again. Last spring/summer was brutal because I was overworking myself. But now that its fall and I'm almost done shooting weddings (only have two more for the rest of the year, and just a few portrait sessions for xmas) I have the luxury of being a lazy asshole all winter! :lol:
:shock: Sleep what's that LOL - I have been a chronic insomniac for half of my life - I sleep when my brain decides either I am tired or it is. Oh how I wish that I could sleep for a straight 7 hours - I sleep in shifts - So not a morning person - I tend to have the most energy in the evening after having worked many jobs that were 3rd shift - Some days I am full of energy and can sleep for 6-8 hours but that only happens a few times a year - At least with MFC I have things to keep me busy when I am wired awake and ironically there are a lot of night owls out there also so it helps somewhat thank god!! hahaha
While I get shit on Twitter for either not sleeping enough or sleeping too much due to my random posts I sleep about 10 hours a day. That naps basically of 2 hours each. It fails.
It's completely random, one night I'll sleep from midnight to 8 am the next it's 5 am to noon. I hate it, and at one point I even tried taking Ambien for it, but it didn't help. In fact it made it worse because I fought the pill.
I've had mild insomnia issues for... well... uh... as long as I can remember. I almost said since I was 15, but then I remembered being 7 and playing with my stuffies half the night because I couldn't sleep... so...

It's not all night. i do need my bed-time. Even if I lie awake until 4am, the fact that I'm not really trying to use my brain lets it get it's rest. If I let myself sleep, I usually wake up around 7.5, 8 hours after I went to bed. whenever I fell asleep.

Unless I stay up forever. then I can't sleep past 11. and end up exhausted. Hence last Friday (up till 4am with Ubuntu updates, then couldn't sleep for an hour or more, slept brokenly until 11, then again in cat naps all afternoon x.x)

When I was younger, I couldn't sleep past 6:30am, which happens to be the time I was born. :p
I sleep *wayyy* too much. Most of the time I don't mean to sleep 12 hours, it just kinda happens. I joke that I'm still catching up on sleep that I didn't get a year ago; during that time I only got 3-5 hours a night. I worked from 5am- 11am, then school from noon-4, then work again from 7PM- 2AM. That was a hellish year. I was also taking 20 units in school - but some how I managed the best GPA of my scholastic career.

An average night, I sleep around 9-10 hours. The most I have ever slept was when I slept through the fourth of July- a complete 24 hours. I wasn't under the influence of anything, just really exhausted from working 6 days straight, pulling double shifts. I also didn't intend to sleep through the 4th of July, it was supposed to be my day off, and my apartment had around 20 people staying there for that party- how the heck could I sleep through all that noise I will never know. I was told that it was one hell of a party.
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