AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Ignoring users and dealing with undesirables

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
Staff member
Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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In the expansive world of the Internet, there are bound to be quite a few folks who completely rub you the wrong way. It's inevitable! So what should you do when you encounter an undesirable user here at ACF?

Well, there's a handy dandy IGNORE feature that works pretty splendidly. If you put a person in your ignore list, they will no longer be able to contact you via Conversation (PM), nor will you see their posts within a thread. You will not be notified if they quote or rate/like your posts. If the ignored user is the most recent poster in a thread, that thread WILL show up in your "new posts" page, and if you click into it, you will see their avatar and a small message letting you know that the content of their post is hidden (you can click to display it if you choose.)

To ignore a user, simply click on their name and click Ignore on their member card OR on their profile page.
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You can keep track of the folks you ignore, and unignore or manually add users to "people you ignore" page at any time.

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Simple as that! Now if you don't want to completely ignore a user, but they are annoying the everliving batshit out of you in a PM Conversation, you can also fix that!
Click "leave conversation" at the top of the page.
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Then you'll have options! If you choose to ignore future messages, the user will still be able to send replies, but they'll never get to your inbox. :)

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So, as you can see, there are ways to pretend that these people you don't care for don't exist! You don't have to engage with them, or worse yet, antagonize them by giving them poo or facepalm and chill pill ratings on all their posts or arguing with every post they make even if it isn't involving you (because that's just silly, right? Why waste your time?) Trolls, jerks and asshats can simply be ignored!

So aside from reporting a post or a Conversation to the Admin if it is extremely hateful or full of spam (something simply offending or upsetting you is NOT a reason to report), just ignore and move on!

ACF life can really be that simple and enjoyable. Woo!
*Please note that if you put a person on IGNORE, but already have a pre-existing conversation started with them, they WILL be able to reply to that. So "leave conversation" and your problemo is solved!
OH and by the way, before you feel all sneaky: you cannot ignore administrators. :p
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