AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

I'm tired of people using there kids, Animals and stuff like that...

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Oct 7, 2015
Twitter Username
i'm sick and tired of people using their kids, and animals as "leverage" to why people should tip them, i get that there are cammodels that have those kinds of expenses, and that they have to take care of them. but it really grinds my gears the wrong way when people are like.
"ohh you should tip me because i had a kid and i have to make sure he/she has food and stuff"
like for me, camming is a very versatile job that has an income that can change from month to month. and im not saying cammodels with kids should not be models, but simply that using them as a reason to tip is a low way of getting people to tip them.
if you can't make enough money from camming to have a kid then for gods sakes try and get another job. so your kid can have the nessesery things, food, clothes, etc.
i don't think the person's children should suffer because there mother or dad wants to be a cam model.
i'm not trying to bash on cam girls/guys with kids but simply make a statement, that using kids and other obligations as a means to getting tips is morally wrong in my eyes.
i just see it over and over again from some cam girls (not mentioning any names) and it just really pisses me off.

i would love to hear you guy's and girl's opinion on the matter.
I think it is totally unfair that models do not just give me everything for free. It is like they are trying to earn a living or something off the sweat of my brow. Seriously though I did have a model who harassed me nonstop after I made the foolish decision to tip her to see her smile once as her topic requested, I had to put a block on her. If you cannot tell people no then you do not belong on camsites, unless you are into being bled dry as some people are. If you think someone is trying to take advantage of you then go to another room.
I think it is totally unfair that models do not just give me everything for free.
totally not what i where trying to say, my point just being that using other stuff outside camming such as kids, as a means to why you should tip some one is in my eyes wrong. i dont have a problem with tipping cam girls/guys, i spend a large amounght of money on cam sites every month. so i dont have a problem with that.
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I'm going to jump in and say, although I'm not entirely clear on your exact meaning as far as how its being "used" I will say that any form of dishonesty isn't something I feel is right but to each their own. I do what I do and others do what they do. If simply mentioning one has a child is what you consider "using" it then that's silly, although I don't think that's what meant. At least I hope it isn't. Because again, so silly. I highly doubt children are suffering because a parent wants to cam more than they care about providing for a child...I'm not saying that doesn't ever happen...but there are many jobs that are likely put before someone's children too, as shitty as it is if someone is going to not put their child first the reason for it or job they are doing it with isn't going to matter as they will do it anyway.
I will say, from my perspective as a single mom, the job (albeit fluctuating with income at times) allows me to put her first. It allows me to be present with her not only physically but mentally. In not worrying about making ends meet or being anxious about how to find a sitter when I am away working I can actually be there for and with her. The flexibility allows me to be there when she gets sick, or has an event and so on. If I did hit a point where I absolutely could not provide for us then I would seek employment elsewhere, but I'm the type who does put her needs first. But, as previously stated, anyone who is going to be selfish over a job is going to do so regardless of the job. Haha hope that was explained well enough, as I said I can only offer my own perspective
totally not what i where trying to say, my point just being that using other stuff outside camming such as kids, as a means to why you should tip some one is in my eyes wrong. i dont have a problem with tipping cam girls/guys, i spend a large amounght of money on cam sites every month. so i dont have a problem with that.

The model who smiled told me she wanted to buy her child dress shoes to go to his Christening or something like that. I told her that the only thing her child probably wanted was to spend time with her, and he did run into her cam room once proving me correct. Just tell them no and go to someone else if you are being bothered by what they are doing.

There is no harm in them asking for extra help, sometimes it works. I have bought books for peoples kids before or other things when the mood struck me.

I am a bigger sucker for pets though. I bought a cat tank once for one model, and a cat unicorn horn for another.
I'm going to jump in and say, although I'm not entirely clear on your exact meaning as far as how its being "used" I will say that any form of dishonesty isn't something I feel is right but to each their own. I do what I do and others do what they do. If simply mentioning one has a child is what you consider "using" it then that's silly, although I don't think that's what meant. At least I hope it isn't. Because again, so silly. I highly doubt children are suffering because a parent wants to cam more than they care about providing for a child...I'm not saying that doesn't ever happen...but there are many jobs that are likely put before someone's children too, as shitty as it is if someone is going to not put their child first the reason for it or job they are doing it with isn't going to matter as they will do it anyway.
I will say, from my perspective as a single mom, the job (albeit fluctuating with income at times) allows me to put her first. It allows me to be present with her not only physically but mentally. In not worrying about making ends meet or being anxious about how to find a sitter when I am away working I can actually be there for and with her. The flexibility allows me to be there when she gets sick, or has an event and so on. If I did hit a point where I absolutely could not provide for us then I would seek employment elsewhere, but I'm the type who does put her needs first. But, as previously stated, anyone who is going to be selfish over a job is going to do so regardless of the job. Haha hope that was explained well enough, as I said I can only offer my own perspective
exactly i totally agree with you! :D so what i mean when i say "using" is not mentioning that they have kids, that is fine and dont change my perspektive on them, but resently i have started to see multiple cam girls write on twitter and other places, that they cant pay there bills and have kids to take care off, so people should tip them because of that.
Ok yeah, now I see why CB keeps banning you. You really are 15 years old.
uhhm okay? that's going to creat a interesting debate? all im doing is simpely asking of peoples oppinion on the matter......
The model who smiled told me she wanted to buy her child dress shoes to go to his Christening or something like that. I told her that the only thing her child probably wanted was to spend time with her, and he did run into her cam room once proving me correct. Just tell them no and go to someone else if you are being bothered by what they are doing.

There is no harm in them asking for extra help, sometimes it works. I have bought books for peoples kids before or other things when the mood struck me.

I am a bigger sucker for pets though. I bought a cat tank once for one model, and a cat unicorn horn for another.
asking for help is totally okay, i have helpede a lot of people i know that cam out with money and stuff like that :) but if you say people should tip you because you have a kid, and not because of what you do, that's when it start to fall apart for me.
I am a bigger sucker for pets though. I bought a cat tank once for one model, and a cat unicorn horn for another.
aww thats cute though :D yeah im also a big sucks for pets :p i once bought a girl a new bird cage and a lot of toys and stuff because she wantede a bird, but could not affort the stuff needede to have a bird :)
I don't mind if girls ask for things for pets since there aren't resources in communities usually if their pets needs something or become sick. I throw my paypal money at sick camgirl pets sometimes (not that I have much anyway). The only time I can think of anyone using a child the way you're talking about, it was a successful MFC girl talking about her kid being hungry and needing tokens. I unfollowed her immediately, but some dudes like a sob story. It's hard to gauge what a camgirl's situation really is and I would absolutely help a hungry person in need, but if their kid is hungry something swifter than tokens and Twitter seems necessary.
asking for help is totally okay, i have helpede a lot of people i know that cam out with money and stuff like that :) but if you say people should tip you because you have a kid, and not because of what you do, that's when it start to fall apart for me.

Just tip what you were already going to tip, and don't worry about it. If you really cannot say no, then find a nice person with no kids to hang out with.
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Just tip what you were already going to tip, and don't worry about it. If you really cannot say no, then find a nice person with no kids to hang out with.
exactly what i have done :) i just want to know what other people thinks of the matter at hand.
as i can see there is different oppinions which is also okay. :)
I don't mind if girls ask for things for pets since there aren't resources in communities usually if their pets needs something or become sick. I throw my paypal money at sick camgirl pets sometimes (not that I have much anyway). The only time I can think of anyone using a child the way you're talking about, it was a successful MFC girl talking about her kid being hungry and needing tokens. I unfollowed her immediately, but some dudes like a sob story. It's hard to gauge what a camgirl's situation really is and I would absolutely help a hungry person in need, but if their kid is hungry something swifter than tokens and Twitter seems necessary.
yeah its case's like that although i have seen it more then once. on cam and off cam. i have even gotten messagde by a cam girl i usede to visit that askede me give her tokens because her kid where hungry and she had spend her last money. i dont have a problem with helping other people out, and i try when ever i can. but it just goes against everything i stand for if they start bringing other factors in to it, and not what they do on a professional level.
totally agree we cant know what the camgirl is going through, and there for it can be the only solution to do it. but in those cases then i would personaly first try and seek money from family, bank and such. before going to my fans. but at the same time try and seek other imployment. so i would be able to provide.
but in those cases then i would personaly first try and seek money from family, bank and such. before going to my fans. but at the same time try and seek other imployment. so i would be able to provide.

They're probably already trying those methods and not getting anywhere, which is why they're asking their fans for help. Their family is likely as broke as they are, getting a loan from a bank is NOT easy, and the job market is still shitty in a lot of places, which is why a lot of single mothers cam in the first place.

If it bothers you so much, stop visiting those people and block or unfollow them on social media. Problem solved.
I have mentioned before that this is my job and I have a child to support, because it's true. When There are a million people a day feeling entitled to see my body or me perform for free then yeah, it becomes an issue. Porn, performance art, any kind of performing is a job (for those who choose it as a job, some people don't use it as a primary source of income) and it's just not free. I've never told someone they had to tip me cause I have a kid, because I'm not entitled to anyones money, just like they are not entitled to any part of me.
I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to remind people now and then that you are a person with a life and a family and you are doing this to support them, because a lot of members DO need a reality check (especially those entitled ones).

And I just want to point out that about 99.9% of jobs outside of camming require you to be there a certain number of hours a day and a certain number of days a week and things like child care are extremely expensive, and parents can cam without having to add those extra expenses in. Also, not everyone can just "go get a different job", I know I can't because I wouldn't be able to actually work standing up or sitting down for 8 or more hours a day because of my chronic pain.

Just don't ti[ models you don't want to and tip those that you do. Easy
Recently I had to take my dog to the vet for his checkup - he's getting older and, after the tests, bloodwork, and his vaccinations he's eaten up quite a hefty chunk of cash. I'll shell it out because I love my dog (and I doubt they'd like if I skipped paying the bill and just bolted for the door), and I talk about it when people ask me how my day off was (spent at the vet's office). I won't say "tip me, my dog just ate my paycheck", but on the other hand I'm not going to pretend that I have no expenses, either. Everyone does. I will say "tip for requests", though ;)
I have mentioned before that this is my job and I have a child to support
and that is totally cool finley (hey by the way, long time no see :)) i'm fine with people saying that they have kids and such, and i get that people have to provide for there family.
my problem just comes in when they tell you to tip towards that, and not there professional stuff, because that in my eyes removes the focus from what they do, over to a sob story.
i will also say i sit really easy it in it with little expenses and stuff, and that is also why i made this post to see if i where the only one thinking this way.
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I understand the complaint and think it's vaild, because it kills the fantasy a bit. There are members that like to contribute for models just to get stuff or do things, or even be a bit white knighty. There are others that want to keep the fantasy of the lady down the hall that can't wait to show off on the internet. It's tricky.

I don't think there's anything wrong with reminding people to contribute, and people do like to hear about your day to day life, but I agree some people go overboard. Then it's like you're no longer interested in making someone else's day, just a bill payment. I guess sometimes it works though and is true so that becomes some models' way. That's their hustle or whatever

I can see how it all gets boring real quick as a member though.
I haven't run across this yet. I think I'm still relatively new (not a year yet) so maybe in the future. I've contributed towards less important things than the health of children or animals --"my laptop is broken" (kind of a private thing, but kept her from being online) and "It's my Birthday". Lolll. I would be a total mensch if a kid or animal was in need (and that is my issue with being human on a site with other humans). :)
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This is something I've actually come across a lot as a dancer. It's more than just kids that they do this with regularly though. There's the "tip me because I can't afford my rent and it's due tomorrow" and "tip me so I can feed my kids" that usually gets under my skin. Especially because these girls can usually make that much money if they worked more often and put effort into interacting with customers. I can imagine it is similar in the cam world. While I definitely agree that some guys need the reality check especially when it comes to getting free stuff. There's a difference between mentioning why you do what you do and begging for money at the end of the month because you didn't plan ahead. I have a kid and the rent is always paid and food bought before anything else. I also never tell someone that I have a kid and that's why they should give me more money. Just a personal pet peeve.
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DOH! I must say that my post above: no one ever asked for anything...just to be clear! Sorry Peoples! All I can say is DOH! I didn't mean to derail the topic.Just thinking back on times when I tried to contribute...but, it wasn't the scenario the OP is stating. Sorry!
DOH! I must say that my post above: no one ever asked for anything...just to be clear! Sorry Peoples! All I can say is DOH! I didn't mean to derail the topic.Just thinking back on times when I tried to contribute...but, it wasn't the scenario the OP is stating. Sorry!
op still like's you dont worry hahaha :h:
You know what I'm really sick and tired of?

People complaining about how cam girls hustle.

Watching cams is like watching can change the channel if you don't like what's on. You can even turn the TV off completely if you want! Plus, unlike TV, you can ignore/mute/unfollow in cam land : it's like being able to get rid of all the annoying commercials you hate the most.

I can see how it'd be eye-roll worthy if this sort of thing came up a lot with a model, if there was 0 creativity involved with raising the $, or if it was obviously a made up story. But no one is forcing you to watch those cams. Just like no one is forcing me to watch terrible MTV shows (I still watch them, because sometimes I need a good laugh, but I'm not about to suggest to MTV that they start producing better shows, like who the fuck cares? MTV doesn't).

As everyone else has been saying...Don't like the way a model does something, then you don't have to partake. Simple as that. I doubt any cam model who does what you've referenced would stumble upon this post and think to themselves, "huh...I should really stop doing that thing this guy thinks is annoying! He brings up some great points!" They're likely just going to continue making money to feed their kids/dog/whatever.

We all love a good bitch fest or rant here and there (I guess I'm kind of guilty of going on one now? Lol). But complaining about a cam model's hustle is useless, IMO. They're going to keep doing what they're doing (unless it's illegal - but then that's much different, and of course you report that shit).

There are THOUSANDS of models to watch. Surely you will find at least a couple whose shit you aren't tired of yet. And if not, maybe find something else to watch or do?
You know what I'm really sick and tired of?

People complaining about how cam girls hustle.

Watching cams is like watching can change the channel if you don't like what's on. You can even turn the TV off completely if you want! Plus, unlike TV, you can ignore/mute/unfollow in cam land : it's like being able to get rid of all the annoying commercials you hate the most.

I can see how it'd be eye-roll worthy if this sort of thing came up a lot with a model, if there was 0 creativity involved with raising the $, or if it was obviously a made up story. But no one is forcing you to watch those cams. Just like no one is forcing me to watch terrible MTV shows (I still watch them, because sometimes I need a good laugh, but I'm not about to suggest to MTV that they start producing better shows, like who the fuck cares? MTV doesn't).

As everyone else has been saying...Don't like the way a model does something, then you don't have to partake. Simple as that. I doubt any cam model who does what you've referenced would stumble upon this post and think to themselves, "huh...I should really stop doing that thing this guy thinks is annoying! He brings up some great points!" They're likely just going to continue making money to feed their kids/dog/whatever.

We all love a good bitch fest or rant here and there (I guess I'm kind of guilty of going on one now? Lol). But complaining about a cam model's hustle is useless, IMO. They're going to keep doing what they're doing (unless it's illegal - but then that's much different, and of course you report that shit).

There are THOUSANDS of models to watch. Surely you will find at least a couple whose shit you aren't tired of yet. And if not, maybe find something else to watch or do?
okay so i guess i will taggle it heads on, my post where not to "complain" about how some people choice to make there money, but simply asking if other people thought it where okay to, (in my eyes) exploid there kids, and throw all there professionalism out of the window by doing so, im not trying to beat down on cam girls that are trying to make there money because that is totally fair and understandable.

and i'm in No way tired of every camgirl out there, this is like 0.000000000001 procent or something that do this kind of stuff, all im simply doing is trying to raise a debate about it, and seing if other people agree with it, or if i am in the wrong which i could be.
I don't think it is wrong to make it clear to your audience that:

a) you have a family you are caring for
b) that you provide for said family and pay your bills with the money you make from camming

I don't think the above makes a cam model "unprofessional."

As long as you're not actually exploiting your family or children by means of displaying their faces on cam, revealing their identity, or doing anything sexual illegal to or with them - no, I don't think it is wrong.

I don't think it's wrong to sell the idea of "hey, I am a mom who needs to take care of her family...and I'm gonna do that by camming! You can help me do that if you buy X, Y, or Z from me!"

It won't be everyone's cup of tea, of course. But wrong? No.
a) you have a family you are caring for
b) that you provide for said family and pay your bills with the money you make from camming
i dont think its wrong to say you got a family and need to provice for them. what i do find wrong is telling people to tip because the person had a kid to provide for. and there for not tip because of the profisional work you do.
I don't think it's wrong to sell the idea of "hey, I am a mom who needs to take care of her family...and I'm gonna do that by camming! You can help me do that if you buy X, Y, or Z from me!"
i guess what you mean by that is buying video's, and stuff as such, which is completely fine.
I think the issue was not girls mentioning they have kids/pets/bills or them offering XYZ in return for contributing or helping out but girls who just say someone should tip them just because they have kids/pets/bills and not offering anything or looking to work for it on cam. Personally girls just demanding tips for nothing and acting like they deserve them and should get them cause they have a kid is not cool and is not hustle really to me. It's hustling when you're entertaining and it's not entertaining to just expect things cause you squeezed out a baby. Sorry.
I think the issue was not girls mentioning they have kids/pets/bills or them offering XYZ in return for contributing or helping out but girls who just say someone should tip them just because they have kids/pets/bills and not offering anything or looking to work for it on cam. Personally girls just demanding tips for nothing and acting like they deserve them and should get them cause they have a kid is not cool and is not hustle really to me. It's hustling when you're entertaining and it's not entertaining to just expect things cause you squeezed out a baby. Sorry.
You madam deserve a cake! exactly what i'm trying to get at!
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Okay. I think I get it now.

Literally just sitting on cam saying "Tip me because I have a kid and he's going to die if I don't get money to support him"
Doing nothing entertaining, not offering anything for the tips, and just expecting people to tip towards your charity case? Yeah, that's shitty as fuck, unprofessional, and not at all appropriate at all for an adult webcam site.

Can't say I have ever seen it myself, but I suppose (sadly) that it could happen.
That is exactly the scenario that angers me though. Not the "I do have a kid that I need to support so I'm not doing things for free" but the "Give me money while for doing nothing but whining because I'm claiming if you don't my kid will starve". I agree with the OP that this is extorting the kids. The model isn't making money for being a model, she's making money for demanding food for her kids.
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