AmberCutie's Forum
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Inactive "Club" Members

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Opinions Needed Please. Not that I have many "crew" Members, but if they are inactive or do not participate in your room at all say over 6 months. Should they be removed ...Same goes for Snapchat . I would just like your thoughts on this subject. Thanks Peeps!
Not to be horribly wishy-washy, but it kind of depends. What are the benefits of your club? Was it sold as lifetime Snapchat?

There was a model I liked who's Snapchat I purchased (lifetime) and then she started camming at a different time so I couldn't get to her room all that often. And then she dropped me from the 'lifetime' Snapchat. I guess I kind of assumed that lifetime was actually lifetime. But, at the same time I'm not going to expend a lot of energy trying to get it back. I just know I won't be trying to hang out in her room again.

And does the club have ongoing perks? Like half off of videos or something like that? If they're not participating I'm assuming they're not taking advantage of those perks. So what do you get out of purging the clubs every so often? Just wondering.

I definitely think if you have that sort of disclaimer on your profile (inactive members will be removed after X months) it's completely fair game, and can understand wanting to get rid of dead weight from your social accounts when the members aren't tipping or hanging out anymore. But on the other side, if you bought something 'lifetime' I'm not sure what ends that.

(Sorry, that was no help at all)
Opinions Needed Please. Not that I have many "crew" Members, but if they are inactive or do not participate in your room at all say over 6 months. Should they be removed ...Same goes for Snapchat . I would just like your thoughts on this subject. Thanks Peeps!
I know some models do club stuff for only a year--which seems fair and I might implement. My club members get access to pretty much all of my content without having to tip most of the time, unless it's my premium video of the month which tends to be longer, more involved, and I charge everyone for it (I give Function and Class members discounts, but they still have to buy it outright). That's more than worth the initial cost of joining the club. So, maybe tell people you're going to start implementing a time-limit? But if your club is lifetime, and they bought lifetime, that... muddies things a little.

I delete people off of SC if they haven't renewed their subscription OR if they break my rules. Otherwise, I keep them around/don't respond to direct messages. If they bought lifetime and haven't participated in room in almost a year, however, I dunno what I'd do.
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No! I appreciate your thoughts coming from a member! Thank You! I did not think of my camming time change! I really don't care about Snap because if they don't want my vids or pics I guess they can delete me! I don't believe in PMing members either just n case they are busy and I wonder if this is a problem, but I figure hey if they want to hang out with me they will come in my far as purging I mean these are member I NEVER see logged on. As far as perks go I SPOIL them with vids and always have deals for them plus skypes .....Maybe I should just make myself clearer moving forward I really appreciate your insight! ;D
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I know some models do club stuff for only a year--which seems fair and I might implement. My club members get access to pretty much all of my content without having to tip most of the time, unless it's my premium video of the month which tends to be longer, more involved, and I charge everyone for it (I give Function and Class members discounts, but they still have to buy it outright). That's more than worth the initial cost of joining the club. So, maybe tell people you're going to start implementing a time-limit? But if your club is lifetime, and they bought lifetime, that... muddies things a little.

I delete people off of SC if they haven't renewed their subscription OR if they break my rules. Otherwise, I keep them around/don't respond to direct messages. If they bought lifetime and haven't participated in room in almost a year, however, I dunno what I'd do.
Thank You ! I think moving forward I will definitely be clearer!
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