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Odd Food Modifications

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Cam Model
V.I.P. AmberLander
Mar 6, 2010
The Internet
Is there anything you do differently with your food? Say, do you do something crazy with your coffee?

I do a lot, but one of the things I can think of is that I put peanut butter on both sides of my PB&J.


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AlexLady said:
Is there anything you do differently with your food? Say, do you do something crazy with your coffee?

I do a lot, but one of the things I can think of is that I put peanut butter on both sides of my PB&J.

Some people seem to think ripe banana and cheese is a horrible concept. It's awesome.
I don't make gravy from oxo cubes, I just eat them as they are without adding water.
(Sorry just realised I've totally answered the question wrong, and I can't think of anything now that's on topic, eeek.)
First one that comes to mind is peanut butter on slices of apple. If you haven't tried it you haven't LIVED!!

Nacho cheese on oreos??? Interesting!

I'm sure I'll be back with more weird combos soon, it's early and brain is still waking up.
Peanut butter on both sides is not odd. It's the right way to do it. It protects the bread from getting soggy.
Also, same with apples and peanut butter. It's just the natural order of things.
I thought peanut butter went with everything?

Soaking fine sliced onions in vinegar and salt. Then putting them on SPICY meat dishes (ie curry) mmmmmm!

Mayo and curry powder mixed together is win. Great with fries and knackwurst!
peanut butter does go with anything!

Point: as a kid, in summer camp (girl scouts ftw!) we had tortialls spread with peanut butter and a pepperoni stick sliced up and put on top (not pizza pepperoni). we called it peanut butter and pepperoni pizza. After a day of kayaking, it was GOOD.
Ever tried crunchy peanut butter on a hamburger? Surprisingly delicious.

American or Cheddar cheese slices on apples.

We put a gardenburger patty on top of a regular hamburger patty together on one bun. Yum.

Jawbs likes M&M's in his popcorn and raisins in his cheez-its. ( I am anti-sweet and salty, for the most part.)
Oh! That reminds me of the college friends who introduced me to honey over lightly salted popcorn. Mmmm

They put it over the regular stuff too, but usually I can't handle that much salty in my sweet.
Ranch dressing = on spagetti, or pizza
Peanut butter= on pizza, cheese&pb sandwich not too bad
Honey mustard= on damn near anything but ice love of honey mustard does include messy food play

I have been known to take salty plain chips(munchos yumm) and break up candy bars and mix it in a bowl. My own version of trail mix

Gravy french fries n cheese curds...withdrawal canadian in the states sooo not an option half the freakin time

Ketchup...for some reason I love red foods.. ketchup chips (canadian thing lol) ketchup and ranch on mashed tatoes, ketchup goes with everythin but peanut butter lmao
For sweet and salty, try apples and pork.

Generally craving for savory and sweet things is a nutrient imbalance. You might want to just check what you're eating and making sure your getting all your vitamins.
Keithy said:
For sweet and salty, try apples and pork.

Generally craving for savory and sweet things is a nutrient imbalance. You might want to just check what you're eating and making sure your getting all your vitamins.

Been there, done that. Try stuffing a whole chicken with fresh sage, sea salt, pepper and apple chunks.
Potato or Dorito chips inside of a PBJ sammich?
baba ghanoush on everything!
mixed in with spaghetti is particularly good.
i like weird vegan eats ... i put braggs on everything too...
sunflower seed pate with carrot chips
chocolate chai
avocado on toast instead of butter
avocado in spaghetti
blueberries and sunflowerseed butter
ok this is making me hungry im getting food
oh and i forgot ginger in spaghetti is epic
i really love spaghetti
Oooh, ranch on spaghetti? I'll have to try that. :drool:

My husband is guilty of a honey mustard addiction as well. He's gotten me into it, haha. He also puts cheese and mayo on everything. :shock: Ugh.

I like using yogurt as a dip for spicy chips. Strawberry yogurt and hot cheetos ftw.

For popcorn, I usually mix in taco seasoning.
I dip french fries in chocolate shakes, best with Frosty's from Wendy's or Sonic shakes.
I also put ketchup on my scrambled eggs
I just realized I have a "weird food modification".

Veggie burgers/chik patties fried in real butter with three types of cheese, peppers, onions, fatty mayo, mustard & ketchup. >_> Basically my choice of how to use vegetarian food makes actual vegetarians probably cringe/gag.

Still wanting to try a double cheese burger with veggie burger AND a real burger.
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