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SEX = more Body or more Brain?

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What do you preffer:

1. Have sex with a beautiful but not so intelligent partner?


2. Have sex with less beautiful but more intelligent one?


Brain or Body?

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Why not both? Have you talked with any of the models here?
You can have it both ways.

That isn't to say you'd have it with any of the aforementioned models; merely illustrating that you needn't limit your choices.
I like both if I can get it but I prefer intelligent. If you can't even spell "pussy" you're definitely not getting any. :lol: Besides, having a really in depth argument about the apollonian and dionysian merits of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" while fucking can be fun. Seriously, try making a well-thought out point mid-orgasm sometime.
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Neither. If I don't have chemistry with either person then there's zero chance I'd have sex with either of them. :) However, the person I'm currently having sex with regularly has both brains and looks. Lucky me. :thumbleft:
I love intelligent women, but I would be lying if I said I would not sleep with an okay looking women of average intelligence. I can not really be that picky.
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I like a lot of mind fucking along with that act of physical sex. If a hot persons can give it to me like that then wonderful but its not required to get me going. :)
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lordmagellan said:
Why not both? Have you talked with any of the models here?
You can have it both ways.

That isn't to say you'd have it with any of the aforementioned models; merely illustrating that you needn't limit your choices.

Yes, I talked and wathced a few....and some models on MFC do own Body + Brain +....Nice Character!

I'm incapable of finding an idiot attractive. Likewise, my type is hardly what others consider sexy. Let's just put it this way: I'll only fuck someone with books worth borrowing. My "borrowing shelf" also serves as a testament to who I'm currently boinging.
It's all about personality with at least an average intelligence being evident in their online conduct.

There is, of course, a limit to just how bad the person can look. If they can't get out of bed from being so fat (I don't mean curvy, curvy is sexy. I mean so fat they can't move.), then I'd have a problem being turned on by them if we met in person before I got to know them online. Since I've never met such a person in person after getting to know them online, I can't be completely sure I'd be okay with it even after knowing their personality.

That being said... I'm nearsighted as fuck. Remove my glasses and I won't be able to see 90% of you as more than a fuzzy ball of flesh anyway. And I *love* skin on skin contact. (two inches from my nose being my focusing point, it means I get a REALLY nice look at your cock when I'm sucking it. Other than that, it's really easy for me to focus on what I'm feeling instead of anything else. :p )
Nordling said:
I like both, but more than either I like "nice." Intellect inhabiting an evil person is the opposite of "sexy." If a person is thoughtful but of average intelligence, I respect them more than an evil genius. :)

Like always, it is nice to be...nice!!!


PS....So, why not, all 3: body, brain + nice? :) said:
Nordling said:
I like both, but more than either I like "nice." Intellect inhabiting an evil person is the opposite of "sexy." If a person is thoughtful but of average intelligence, I respect them more than an evil genius. :)

Like always, it is nice to be...nice!!!


PS....So, why not, all 3: body, brain + nice? :)
Definitely! But the op only gave us an "or" choice. :lol:
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Megaclit said:
For me, sex is 90% cerebral. It matters a lot to me how my partner thinks and it really helps if he is exceptionally bright. Having said that, though, I wouldn't do well with a skinny 4 inch pecker from MENSA.

Brain does seem...the most erogenous part of the body....

So, MegaClit....I understand that you make a good couple with Mr MegaBrain...

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I need smarts but I don't need a genius. I need looks but he doesn't have to be perfect. What I do need is someone who can make me laugh and be fun to hang out with on a daily basis.
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VeronicaChaos said:
I'm incapable of finding an idiot attractive. Likewise, my type is hardly what others consider sexy. Let's just put it this way: I'll only fuck someone with books worth borrowing. My "borrowing shelf" also serves as a testament to who I'm currently boinging.

I read philosophy (my favorite one is Socrate from the Greeks, and Indian and Chinese ancient philosophers), psychology (Freud, Jung), sexology (Kamasutra, Dao, Tantra), economy, marketing books, communication & negotiation techniques, famous people's biographies, foreign languages study (I speak & write in 6 languages and able to communicate in 2-3 more), etc.

Do we meet for a coffee?


PS. If you come to my house I show you my big......bookshelves...
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Reactions: VeronicaChaos said:
I read philosophy (my favorite one is Socrate from the Greeks, and Indian and Chinese ancient philosophers), psychology (Freud, Jung), sexology (Kamasutra, Dao, Tantra), economy, marketing books, communication & negotiation techniques, famous people's biographies, foreign languages study (I speak & write in 6 languages and able to communicate in 2-3 more), etc.
Watch your mouth, dude! I am trying to suppress a boner after reading this... :-D
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I'm going with brains, for sure. I've never really been with someone just because I thought they were attractive. A lot of my friends are like "Why do you date these guys, why arent you going for hotties!!?" Someone just being attractive isn't enough to really get me going. I need someone who I'm attracted to on a deeper level. said:
VeronicaChaos said:
I'm incapable of finding an idiot attractive. Likewise, my type is hardly what others consider sexy. Let's just put it this way: I'll only fuck someone with books worth borrowing. My "borrowing shelf" also serves as a testament to who I'm currently boinging.

I read philosophy (my favorite one is Socrate from the Greeks, and Indian and Chinese ancient philosophers), psychology (Freud, Jung), sexology (Kamasutra, Dao, Tantra), economy, marketing books, communication & negotiation techniques, famous people's biographies, foreign languages study (I speak & write in 6 languages and able to communicate in 2-3 more), etc.

Do we meet for a coffee?


PS. If you come to my house I show you my big......bookshelves...

If you've got any issues of Swamp Thing or Batman I'm sold! :D

(I'm a whore for comic books. Sue me!) ^^
Chamaeleon said:
I'm so shallow... I'll take the ditsy blond over the librarian.

I prefer to masturbate (alone) than to ...masturbate with a woman, only for her (beautiful) body...I had "numbers", now I search for QUALITY...

Everyones definition of beauty of different. I find myself attracted to geeky guys with a few extra lbs. I don't really go after jock looking guys, i find most of them to be too cocky and boring. Anyone who can hold a conversation, and knows how to lick a mean pussy is a.ok in my books lol.
If I had to pick just one and if I'm basing it off of today's standards of beauty for men, I'd stick with brains. It seems like the hot-but-dumb person always comes off as self-absorbed which equals at least one person not having a good time.

My current boyfriend is not beautiful by normal standards, I happen to find him to be very handsome, but I've always had a weird taste in men. What really attracted me to him was that he was smart and creative. You can tell he's well-read just by the way he talks and I find it to be a huge turn on.

Also, from what I have heard/read, smart people are more adventurous in bed. :dance:
A beautiful person can quickly become ugly if they open their mouth and garbage spews out.

Physical attraction needs to be there but not just any physically attractive person can hold my interest for more than a few seconds.
I demand both physical attraction along with intelligence, I have no problems saying no and masturbating as opposed to fucking a hot moron or an ugly genius. Quality over quantity God damn it.
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GingerOwnsChris said: said:
I read philosophy (my favorite one is Socrate from the Greeks, and Indian and Chinese ancient philosophers), psychology (Freud, Jung), sexology (Kamasutra, Dao, Tantra), economy, marketing books, communication & negotiation techniques, famous people's biographies, foreign languages study (I speak & write in 6 languages and able to communicate in 2-3 more), etc.
Watch your mouth, dude! I am trying to suppress a boner after reading this... :-D

Take me, NOW!!!!!!!


PS...I've added you as friend,'s a good start...:p
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