AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Sort of an update to my original "Got Banned" thread

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Apr 15, 2023
My original "Got banned" thread Link here

TLDR for people who don't want to read all of that
Met a model on CB, vibed really well together, took privates 3 days in a row, and then got banned on the third day. She said I was "dangerous". Unbanned about a day later.

The update:

So that particular model in my original thread unbanned me and DM'd me asking if I wanted to talk about what happened. I said sure, because I wanted to get clarity on what happened, and if I did something wrong that upset her. Well to my surprise, she apologized, saying what she did wasn't right and she shouldn't have done it. She blamed it on her hormones, saying she was overly emotional because of it, but she was fine now and she realized her mistake and wanted to continue being friends with me. I said cool as long as she doesn't ban me again.

So it's water under the bridge, and I hang out in her room, and we'd continue having the flirty, sexy, sometimes serious conversations. And it was fun and I soon found myself hanging out in her room more often, until it became a daily thing for us. At first I was wary that it was gonna be a love scam of some sort because of the way we started, but I soon started letting my guard down.

Before long I start to feel that I'm slightly starting to catch feelings for this girl, maybe it's the long talks I'm not sure, and I think she was too. She would DM me if I wasn't there or if I was "late" for her slot. She would panic if I was silent for a while (because sometimes I'm working and can't pay full attention so I just leave the site on in another tab while I got some work done), and would ask if I was still there.

We also talk outside of the site on her socials mostly. Not as long as when she was online, but it was the same sexy flirty stuff.

And then I said it, "I love you", I don't know why and I deleted it right away hoping she didn't see. But she saw, and asked me if I was being serious, because this was scaring her. I said "yeah". And she said it back.

After a while she started treating me differently in the room. She would do things for me, that I never saw her do for anyone else, not on CB nor on the other site she was on. She's non-nude, so all the room gets is a tease or a quick nip flash at best. She would give me things like lovense control, which a) nobody tips for and b) I never saw it controlled by anyone else (the room gives notifications when it's being controlled) and so far it only happens when she gives it to me, I don't think she even gives it during her privates with other members, because the room gets notified of that too (at least when we're in private and she gives me control).

I appreciate the gesture immensely, because it's the first time I've experienced that with a model. Usually it's pay before you play which is the norm. I still tip because I do take up most of her time, and it makes me feel like a thief if I don't tip.

So anyway I think she's being genuine with what she says she feels for me (I'm not 100% of course but it feels like that), and that's scary to me. I like her a lot too, but we both know and accept that this thing has a very slim chance of being something more than what's happening now. We even both said that we'll try to keep it going for as long as we can, we're having fun and that's all that matters.

And before anyone asks, I don't think it's a love scam. She hasn't told me a sob story about a grandma, or someone in the hospital or is ill with whatever disease. We haven't talked about money or the lack of it, in fact she refuses my money sometimes. Sometimes I'd invite her for a private and she'd say no it's getting too expensive for you, we'll have more time, and that was weirdly sweet. We haven't talked about how I'd rescue her from cam model hell, and she has made no indication of ever wanting to run away with me or someone else. She does say that it would be awesome if we were to meet IRL, but she's accepted that it might not happen because we're too far apart.

And now every time we spend time together I catch more and more feelings, it's driving me nuts, because I already know this won't go anywhere and I let myself slide in deeper.

Anyway so that's that. I don't even know why I wrote this here, because I know when I click "Post Thread" then the next 10 - 15 replies would be people calling me an idiot for getting into this situation. I'm not even asking for advice, because I already what advice that would be.

I know exactly what I have to do, I just haven't done it.

I guess I'm just putting it out there, because I don't really have anyone to share this with, and I wanted it out there to clear some headspace and maybe hoping for an opinion or a similar experience that isn't "member is an idiot that thinks with his dick" :p

Anyway thanks ACF for giving me a space to rant like this.
Do you have a back? And a tattoo parlour nearby?

You're going to need a thick skin to deal with the responses that are coming your way. Don't fall in love. It's not going anywhere and you will tear yourself apart.
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Hmm... Enjoy it while it lasts - it will end one way or another, sooner or later. Maybe already start doing some research on how to heal a broken heart (and an empty bank account.)
An empty bank account is fine if he's getting some action in return. If he's paying for her dogs third vasectomy in a month or for her grannies umpteenth wooden leg then that's bad.
Stubborn AF

There's an expression here that could be roughly translated to "This is what lacking dishes to do does to a person" and it's what I think of every time I read these things

Get a job, go clean up your house, visit your family, you know...
Sometimes I'd invite her for a private and she'd say no it's getting too expensive for you, we'll have more time, and that was weirdly sweet. We haven't talked about how I'd rescue her from cam model hell, and she has made no indication of ever wanting to run away with me or someone else. She does say that it would be awesome if we were to meet IRL, but she's accepted that it might not happen because we're too far apart.
To echo what @inertvolcano has said, this line is the clincher.

If you are taking her for multiple 45 minute privates in a week, then refusing a further 45 minute private isn't really kindness. It's attempting to make it seem like she's concerned with your finances. It's easy to do that when she's already had a few hundred dollars off you already that week.

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with being close with a model, sharing things about your life, communicating offline etc. There's also nothing wrong with spending money on a model for services provided. That's all completely normal. Many of us do this.

The problem is thinking that it's love. It's not. The more that you think it's love, the less rational your thought process will become. It's possible to be friends and still be a customer. The two things aren't mutually exclusive. Don't cross the beams. The guys who mix friendship up with love always end up driven crazy on here.
Idle hands are the Devil's playground.

I've met platonic people from online forums before and all I can say is you learn really quickly that we all compartmentalize and project the image we want people to see and it's really easy to hide the stuff we don't. I have never remained friends or kept in touch with anyone I have met in person and couldn't wait to get away from them when I did finally meet them.
Idle hands are the Devil's playground.

I've met platonic people from online forums before and all I can say is you learn really quickly that we all compartmentalize and project the image we want people to see and it's really easy to hide the stuff we don't. I have never remained friends or kept in touch with anyone I have met in person and couldn't wait to get away from them when I did finally meet them.
That's such a shame!! I have met so many people from my online activities and remain friends with so many of them, true there are the outliers who have been SO far from what they portray themselves as, but some really great people in the mix there.. sorry that none of them had been actually upfront with you.
That's such a shame!! I have met so many people from my online activities and remain friends with so many of them, true there are the outliers who have been SO far from what they portray themselves as, but some really great people in the mix there.. sorry that none of them had been actually upfront with you.
I'm sure I wasn't who they thought they were getting, either. For instance, I cuss like a sailor in port and that's something I can hold back when I'm online. I find toilet humor to be the lowest form of humor but they thought fart jokes were hilarious. Or wanted to watch South Park constantly...things that never came up organically in conversation.

If we were meeting up for a concert or another planned/organized event, it may have played differently but they were in my home and annoyed the fuck out of me.
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I started a new job during covid and only met up with my colleagues after lockdown ended, one year of speaking to them online every day.

Couldn’t stand most of them.
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I started a new job during covid and only met up with my colleagues after lockdown ended, one year of speaking to them online every day.

Couldn’t stand most of them.
Jennifer Aniston Reaction GIF

It sucked. I didn't want it to be that way but it was. I noticed my phone didn't ring, either. ;)
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Jennifer Aniston Reaction GIF

It sucked. I didn't want it to be that way but it was. I noticed my phone didn't ring, either. ;)
Yessss exactly
Everybody minded their own business and you know what, it was for the best because I learned to care only for those who are indeed important

I changed phone numbers, moved to another town and discovered what it's like to live in peace lol now I'm not going back
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I don't even have a working cell phone as I have told Lilly before...leave me alone!!! But I'll happily answer any email. :D
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Have met people I know from online communities in person, made some good connections - on the whole absolutely fine, beneficial and very supportive.
Have met people I know from online communities in person, made some good connections - on the whole absolutely fine, beneficial and very supportive.
Yeah, likewise. I've never found the defining factor in whether someone is an asshole to be related to where I met them. Usually the defining factor in whether they are an asshole is their general assholeness.
Yessss exactly
Everybody minded their own business and you know what, it was for the best because I learned to care only for those who are indeed important

I changed phone numbers, moved to another town and discovered what it's like to live in peace lol now I'm not going back
The best thing about Covid was the absence of fuckers turning up at your door uninvited. I could go back to that any day of the week.
"And then I said it, "I love you", I don't know why and I deleted it right away hoping she didn't see. But she saw, and asked me if I was being serious, because this was scaring her. I said "yeah". And she said it back."

Have you tried saying 'I love you' to other models? Pretty good chance they will return the same words as well. It's just words on a screen.
I can do it for you right now too: I love you 😍

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