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The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethics!

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Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

I don't smoke weed myself. I haven't been a pot head since high school. I don't like the way it makes me feel.
But here's some good videos I think you guys will like.

Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

In the process of setting up a new grow room. Had to remove the setup for the holidays/family and hadn't cared or needed to set it back up. Pretty excited to get back into it.
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Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

I could've sworn there was a thread about the war on drugs, but I can't find it quickly, so I'll put this here. It does apply to this thread as well.

Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

I am 100% for legalizing and taxing marijuana. I'm sure somebody has already mentioned this in this thread, but if you are in need of a bit of education on the topic, I highly recommend watching the documentary "The Union". I watched it on Netflix, hopefully it still is on there!
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

JessicaWolf said:
I am 100% for legalizing and taxing marijuana. I'm sure somebody has already mentioned this in this thread, but if you are in need of a bit of education on the topic, I highly recommend watching the documentary "The Union". I watched it on Netflix, hopefully it still is on there!
OMG yes! The Union... how did I forget to recommend that movie as well??? Duh! :woops:
Yes awesome documentary indeed.
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Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Miss_Lollipop said:
I feel like there are more important issues in the world personally... so I just don't invest much time or energy into it.

I don't do it myself... it doesnt offend me when people do it around me.. i get annoyed when people wont shut up about it like their world revolves around it.
I agree that there are more important issues, but while I'm sure your heart is in the right place Lolli, remember - it's harmless or even beneficial in some cases, but if you or someone you know is one of the millions yearly jailed for victimless pot-related offenses you'd see how quickly the issue can become important! :)
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

7 Health Benefits of Hemp

Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant. It is not the same as marijuana, as it does not contain the high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the active ingredient that produces a high. Hemp has many industrial uses, but you can also obtain many health benefits from it by adding the seeds to your diet.

Hemp can provide you with a complete protein, and a balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. It also contains many B vitamins, vitamins A, D and E, calcium, sodium, iron and dietary fiber. Hence, hemp seeds can supply you with all your dietary needs for optimum health.

1. A Healthy Heart
The essential fatty acids contained in hemp can reduce blood cholesterol to prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. Plaque buildup can contribute to atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries and eventually can cause heart attacks and stroke. The fatty acids help to reduce inflammation that can cause poor blood circulation and high blood pressure. Therefore hemp can reduce the workload of the heart, and as a result helps to prevent heart disease and stroke.

2. A Healthy Mind
Your brain contains lot of the same essential fatty acids which are found in hemp. Therefore, hemp can help to improve your memory, and prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Hemp seeds can also help to improve your moods, alleviate symptoms of depression and reduce anxiety and stress levels.

3. Healthy Skin
Hemp oil is often used for cosmetic purposes in products such as soaps, skin lotions and lip balms. This is because the oil helps to penetrate into the layers of the skin to promote new cell growth for a softer and smoother skin. Hemp can also help to clear up skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dry skin.

4. Weight Loss
Hemp is a natural appetite suppressant, and helps you to feel full longer. Adding 4 tablespoons of hemp seeds to your breakfast can help to reduce your food cravings for the rest of the day. On top of that you will have lots of energy for exercise and other activities to help you lose weight.

5. Digestive Disorders
The high amount of fiber that is contained in hemp seeds can help to keep your digestive tract clean and healthy. As a result you can eliminate digestive disorders such as bloating and constipation.

6. Prevent Cancer
A healthy digestive system along with the antioxidants and plant sterols contained in hemp can help to reduce your risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers.

7. Diabetes
Hemp seeds are also essential if you are diabetic, or are at risk for diabetes, as they can help to control your blood sugar levels. This is due to the healthy fats which help the body to absorb the glucose from the bloodstream and turn it into energy. As a result, energy levels will increase and sweet cravings will decrease.

Hemp seeds can be added to your smoothies, sprinkled in cereals, salads and dips, or you can substitute them for nuts in your baking. They are also great for making hemp seed milk, for sprouting or to be ground into a meal.
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

The "War on Drugs" is a complete failure. Not only has it failed to even put a dent in drug use, it's created numerous problems far worse than drug use itself- creation of an entire criminal class, clogging up our courts and prisons, wasting untold Billions of dollars that could be used far more productively for treatment.

Unfortunately, too many people make a lot of money from the "War on Drugs"- politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers, cops, corporations that supply law enforcement. So it will be awfully hard to get end the insane "War on Drugs." Both major political parties support this idiotic "War." Only the Libertarian Party has had the stones to stand up and say "this is wrong! End the War on Drugs now!"
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Anyone ever heard of a radio program called "This American Life"? It seems that Mendocino county's Sheriff was on the program recently. (Mendocino county is just south of Humboldt, and of course one of the three counties considered to be a part of "The emerald triangle". The third county is Trinity....) Take a listen if you like, I am listening now. :-D

Listen: This American Life Talks Mendo's Pot Program

If you missed the latest episode of This American Life, the fantastic, award-winning public radio program broadcast locally on KHSU, then you've yet to hear reporter Mary Cudddehe's take on Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman and his ill-fated attempt to bring sanity to medical marijuana regulation.

As you may recall, Allman came up with Mendocino County's pioneering zip-tie program, which allowed his department to keep tabs on state-law-abiding growers while generating income to fight large-scale, industrial grow ops. The program worked so well that other counties, including Humboldt, were looking to imitate it -- until the feds raided Northstone Organics, a poster child for the endeavor.

The episode is titled "I Was Just Trying to Help," and you can listen to Cuddehe's report below.
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Just Me said:
Sanjay Gupta
Took him long enough but he gets a pass because his name is incredibly fun to say. Cool special tho and awesome seeing how effective it was on the little girl.
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Bumping the weed thread to recommend this.

Thing is awesome. Been using it for almost a month and I'm mad I didn't start using vaporizers exclusively earlier. Might sound weird but it just feels like a much cleaner high, even seems to last longer. Needs to be cleaned and charged daily depending on how much you use it but that is the only annoyance I've had with it.
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

In addition to hemp gaining popularity over cotton for fiber, it was in a position to overcome the timer industry for paper production. Another motivating factor in drug prohibition was extremely racist. Certain parts of the county wanted to reduce the Chinese population for they outlawed opium. The southern states didn't like the Mexicans so they started passing laws restricting marijuana in an attempt to drive the Mexican population back across the border.

Sense Tricky Dick (Pres Richard Nixon) declared a war on drugs in the late 60's, over a TRILLION dollars have been spent on this war. The annual budget for drug enforcement now runs about 52 billion per year. Prisons are overrun with minor drug offenders. Well with all the money and resources dumped into the war there should be some signs that it's working. Drug use is at an all time high in the US. One quick fact I read earlier today was that by the time Jimmy Carter took office, seven years after the war on drugs was declared, cocaine use was up 700%. Didn't our brilliant government learn their lesson with alcohol prohibition? By making alcohol illegal they managed to - Put state of the are breweries out of business as well as countless Americans out of work. This in turn brought about the bootleggers and spawned organized crime. Yes our wonderful elected officials managed to cause the mafia to come into assistance. Oh and since the clean breweries were no longer producing booze, the bootleggers were making alcohol in very unsanitary ways such as lead bathtubs. Back then they quickly realized the experiment wasn't working. The only reason it continued as long as it did was because of crooked politicians accepting bribes from the bootleggers to keep alcohol illegal. With prohibition in force alcohol abuse was up so for the illegal brewing people, business was good. If it was legal, who would buy their product when the good stuff is available now. I can't remember the exact numbers but for many years after the repeal of alcohol prohibition, alcohol abuse declined. Can you believe we actually pay these politicians to mess things up. We pay them quite well to waist over a TRILLION dollars trying to do the same thing they just got done doing in the 1930's but targeting drugs instead. If I screwed up and did something wrong at work that cost the company a lot of money, I would be fired. If I didn't get fired for doing it once, you know damn well I would be let go when I did it the second time. But with our leaders we keep electing them to keep doing the same thing that didn't work.

I want to say a few words about my drug of choice, Marijuana. First of all when I look up the definition of drug, I don't see that pot fall in there anywhere. It would be different if they had a study proving that pot is addictive then ok, I'd call it a drug. But as it sits, no, much less a class 1 addictive narcotic. Really? Methamphetamine is a class 2 controlled substance. As far as drugs go, weed is the most harmless one there is. Alcohol is also a drug but it is legal so they won't do any comparison studies between alcohol and marijuana. I have a friend who died from alcohol poisoning. Yes you can drink alcohol to the point of death. With marijuana, the amount you would have to consume in order to die from it is impossible. Long before you could ingest or smoke enough pot to die, you would get the crazy ass spins and pass out. The argument was made, what if after the person passed out, someone continued to put the weed in them? That would classify it as murder, not an accidental overdose.

I'm just getting warmed up. I could discuss this topic for hours. I'm going to leave it at that for now and smoke a bowl and visit with some lovely camgirls.

Smokey Theone
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Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

PunkInDrublic said:
Bumping the weed thread to recommend this.

Thing is awesome. Been using it for almost a month and I'm mad I didn't start using vaporizers exclusively earlier. Might sound weird but it just feels like a much cleaner high, even seems to last longer. Needs to be cleaned and charged daily depending on how much you use it but that is the only annoyance I've had with it.

That's cool, but it's also part of the reasoning why dipshit politicians are passing laws against nicotine vape users in public places.
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Yeah? Well politicians are always gonna find a way to waste time and money on removing peoples freedoms while ignoring real issues.

Obama recently said "Marijuana no more dangerous than alcohol". lol no shit obama. So the drug that rarely harms anyone is no more dangerous than a drug that kills people everyday?
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Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

PunkInDrublic said:
Yeah? Well politicians are always gonna find a way to waste time and money on removing peoples freedoms while ignoring real issues.

Can't argue with that.

PunkInDrublic said:
Obama recently said "Marijuana no more dangerous than alcohol". lol no shit obama. So the drug that rarely harms anyone is no more dangerous than a drug that kills people everyday?

Another dipshit politician's statement.

Drugs affect everyone differently.
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Just got one of these.

Still getting use to it but it seems pretty cool. Haven't tried filling up the bags yet, just hitting it from the hose.
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Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

PunkInDrublic said:
Yeah? Well politicians are always gonna find a way to waste time and money on removing peoples freedoms while ignoring real issues.

Obama recently said "Marijuana no more dangerous than alcohol". lol no shit obama. So the drug that rarely harms anyone is no more dangerous than a drug that kills people everyday?

I know it's a super-obvious statement, and has been in the realm of common-sense for many years now, I suppose what's significant is FINALLY a president of the country running the prohibition gig worldwide, has admitted what we ALL knew. Him admitting stuff like that is very helpful when dealing with an intransigent, entrenched, moneyed, self-interested bunch of assholes like the DEA, FDA, NIDA and all the other alphabet agencies whose salaries and budgets are paid in part by locking up potheads and stealing their assets.
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Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Boce I gotta ask, and I haven't read this thread, from the tone of your last post do you disagree with decrim/legalization?

If so, how does that, and conservative drug policy in general, fit with beliefs of hands-off government, personal liberty, etc - as Terrence McKenna said,
"If the words 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the
Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on."
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Jupiter551 said:
Boce I gotta ask, and I haven't read this thread, from the tone of your last post do you disagree with decrim/legalization?

As far as I'm concerned, it should have been legalized a long time ago along with prostitution on a trial basis and replace the war on drugs with a system of treatment for problem users and addicts. If it turns out to be totally fucked up decision, we can always adjust the laws accordingly.
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Bocefish said:
Jupiter551 said:
Boce I gotta ask, and I haven't read this thread, from the tone of your last post do you disagree with decrim/legalization?

As far as I'm concerned, it should have been legalized a long time ago along with prostitution on a trial basis and replace the war on drugs with a system of treatment for problem users and addicts. If it turns out to be totally fucked up decision, we can always adjust the laws accordingly.

I agree. Based on evidence from decades in portugal, netherlands etc not only crime goes down with legalization, but DRUG USE rates decline - at the same time as them increasing at a far greater rate in prohibited areas.
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Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

if i smoke oil i can draw really great pictures of cats juxtaposed over sunsets. i usually get really painful menstrual cramps and if i smoke a bowl or eat pot food, it kills the pain and eases the nausea better than ibuprofen or cramp bark. i think one of the most wonderful things in the world is drinking fresh coffee and smoking a spliff on a porch or hillside in the morning just when the sun starts to come up. i just don't want anyone to take that away from me. it's not a violent drug.
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

PunkInDrublic said:
Bumping the weed thread to recommend this.

Thing is awesome. Been using it for almost a month and I'm mad I didn't start using vaporizers exclusively earlier. Might sound weird but it just feels like a much cleaner high, even seems to last longer. Needs to be cleaned and charged daily depending on how much you use it but that is the only annoyance I've had with it.
Late but yeah I've had one of these for a few months too, it's good, much better than magic flight launchbox in my experience. Volcano is better again but it's like twice the price and plugs in so yeah...
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

Jupiter551 said:
Volcano is better again but it's like twice the price and plugs in so yeah...
That Vapair One needs to be plugged in too, kind of a hassle tbh. I've been hitting the pax and blowing the vape into the bags that came with the vapair. Good times.
Re: The 4/20 Thread: Weed, Counterculture, Politics and Ethi

PunkInDrublic said:
Jupiter551 said:
Volcano is better again but it's like twice the price and plugs in so yeah...
That Vapair One needs to be plugged in too, kind of a hassle tbh. I've been hitting the pax and blowing the vape into the bags that came with the vapair. Good times.
Good idea lol
My friend swears by a european one, minivap

90% of the time I want to smoke I'm at home so the plug is better than the battery, but with the pax I also found myself learning to place it back on the charger between draws if I was anywhere near the base.
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