AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Tips for premium MFC members (how to be great!)

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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are you horny? are you wet? come on get horny!

Do you have a boyfriend? WHAT? How could you NOT have a boyfriend?

Watch my cam bb? *tell him the amt to watch* ***leaves****

Yes we do get horny.. when there's a good flow in the room and tips are happening. DONT make us feel like we're obligated to be horny... We need to feel relaxed too you know to be in that state...

I will never reveal if i have a boyfriend or husband... thats super personal.

Asking us to watch your cam for free.. is not a happening thing. Now if you asked in a TIP, "watch my cam" then we'll reconsider... OR you pay the amount we ask to view your cam
I guess most blokes think that 'cos models are in the 'public realm' they can ask allsorts of personal questions, I'm not sure why they think they'd get a reply, unless it was in a tip note :evil3:
Username? said:
I guess most blokes think that 'cos models are in the 'public realm' they can ask allsorts of personal questions, I'm not sure why they think they'd get a reply, unless it was in a tip note :evil3:
Unless it's a request and the model offers those...

If it's inappropriate to ask in the chat, it's inappropriate to ask in a tip note. A personal question is a personal question, putting it in a tip note just adds a "bully with tokens" affect to it that IMO is even worse.

Tokens don't make it OK to be rude.
I get irritated quickly with Premiums that PM "Where u at bb?" or "Watch my cam". I'm on Earth, and I will watch your cam for 5 mins at X token amount because it takes time away from the others who also want my attention. " Oh. "

I also hate "I don't pay for anything, and I'm not going to pay." "if you show me how hard you can make me, I will take you private - with NO intent of going private, just trying to get a good typed out jerkoff session for free" , "Skype now" , and the ones that request everything for free constantly, and the token count is at 0.

It's been a dry few days, and I think sometimes Premium members forget that we really aren't there for a free show, I can't pay bills or take care of my priorities on my cup size alone.
For my room, I have a few rules that I try to enforce, but I try to allow people to be themselves.

I try to encourage Premiums to talk. Not to try to put them on the spot, but I wanna get to know all the people in there. Because yeah, this is a job, but it's also fun for me. I can engage with so many people around the world, and not getting to know people makes me feel disconnected.
One thing I have banned is body shaming any type of person. Man or woman.
I also try to avoid "war" debates. (Not about actual war, but things like, "360 is better than PS3" "DBZ is better!" I will accept "Batman is better than Superman", however. :p).

Also, I don't mind talking to anyone if they're having a rough day, but I'm gonna be frank with everyone, when I'm camming, I'm trying to stay my bubblegummy self :D Sometimes if I'm not as empathetic during cam, don't think I'm not caring, cut me a break :3
I am with most of you here, just about politeness and respect. I don't feel its too much to ask and I am well aware every model runs her room differently. I, too, like to get to know my viewers. I appreciate talking, or even a simple hello. I don't feel that's asking too much. Some premiums who frequent my room know this as Ive given speeches on it before. Yes, tipping is much appreciated, and the aim essentially,but I am also there to have fun and talk to people. Even if there ate no tokens you plan to spend in my room, if you plan to sit there... Just say hello! I won't ram it down your throat,I am very good about welcoming people to talk and participate in that way. I even have a few who sit often and only give a simple hello upon entering then go silent the rest of the time. It male's me laugh but I am very appreciative of them being mindful of my request. Also, I view it as rude to ask a bunch of personal or sexual type questions in public chat,especially without even starting with a hello. Maybe this seems silly as we ate obviously in a sexually charged place,but call me old fashioned(as old fashioned as a naked girl on the internet can be haha) but I feel things of this nature are better between myself and the person asking. I am more than happy to discuss such things if they would tip the tiny amount for my friends list and pm me about it.. anyway... Rant over. All are different in detail.. but I think what most of it comes down to for each girl is respect in óme way or another. If premiums don't want to be viewed aa walking wallets then try to see us as people as well.. and with that we can hold hands and skip along the sidewalk singing.. hahaha... Doll. Out.
One tip that I'm kinda baffled to not have seen in this thread yet:

Remember that the shortest route to connect with a stranger is humor. Humor lightens the mood and as such decreases the chances of the model (and room) becoming irritable, which can ruin any show.

Of course there's a time and place and it's important not to completely derail any ongoing discussion, but if you use it correctly, you're a welcome addition to any room I'm in :)
Leon_Omega said:
One tip that I'm kinda baffled to not have seen in this thread yet:

Remember that the shortest route to connect with a stranger is humor. Humor lightens the mood and as such decreases the chances of the model (and room) becoming irritable, which can ruin any show.

Of course there's a time and place and it's important not to completely derail any ongoing discussion, but if you use it correctly, you're a welcome addition to any room I'm in :)
:text-yeahthat: :text-goodpost:
My tip: Be polite, open and honest.
For tokens/ spending intent: Unless you are planning something surprising, got tokens to spend, show those that you are open to spending. If you are not intending to spend or are unsure, leave them hidden/ hide them.
It takes little effort to hide or unhide them, even during an active pvt (Can be a nice thankyou to add extra time pvt too).
Jessi said:
think its better to get to know model in public chat. It save you time rather than having to spend a few minutes reading a profile. We are not to here to read lol. We can do that elsewhere!

Eeeeugh :? I tried really hard to make a concise profile specifically because I'm sick of answering the same 50 damn questions every few minutes. If a model put a lot of effort into her profile, it makes you look really respectful. When a guy comes into my chatroom and references something I wrote on there as a conversation starter, it always really makes him stand out to me. Thats a great foundation, if he's more concerned with saving himself a few minutes than being polite to me, Im going to get a bad taste in my mouth.

I agree. I doesn't take so long to skim a profile. One CamGirl had under Favorite Books "Ask me," so I did, she said nobody had ever done that in her 2 years of camming. I replied that it was right there in her profile, and she just started laughing. I guess us profile readers are in the vast minority.
Here's my advice: Don't be that douchebag that takes advantage of the new cam girl. This means:

>No matter how friendly you are with her, don't demand anything for free.
>Don't ask about meeting up, or even worse, demanding it after the cam girls rejects you several times.
>Don't get all butt-hurt when she's doing a show and she takes a while to reply to your PM.
>Be talkative in the room as much as you can, and if possible, converse with other people of the room.

Last but not least, the most helpful thing you could EVER do:

>If there's even a slightest chance you find a model's personal facebook, or any other personal information, DO NOT ADD HER. If you truly respect the girl, tell her how you discovered this information so she can take care of it immediately. You really don't know how much it would help her out.
1) Cam girls don't like to be asked questions that are answered on their profiles. But since I always read profiles, I know that they aren't always up-to-date. So before asking any other questions, I would suggest asking first, "Is everything on your profile up-to-date?"

2) A cam girl's public show is not the place to propose marriage. Neither is it the place to hit on her over, and over, and over again. The same goes for private messages (PMs) during a public show. Flirting is one thing. But if every word that comes out of your mouth is designed to convince a cam girl that you'd be the perfect husband or boyfriend for her, then you need to log out of MFC and run to the nearest therapist. I'm amazed how many premiums behave as if a public show is a private date between them and their favorite cam girl.

3) Regardless of how much money you tip, don't act like a jealous douche bag. If you enjoy seeing your favorite lady online, then you should be happy every time she gains a new admirer, because it will increase her income, allow her to be online longer, and also allow her to work more days. Everybody wins. Chasing away her new regulars by being rude to them hurts everyone.

That's all I can think of for now.
Azhrarn said:
3) Regardless of how much money you tip, don't act like a jealous douche bag. If you enjoy seeing your favorite lady online, then you should be happy every time she gains a new admirer, because it will increase her income, allow her to be online longer, and also allow her to work more days. Everybody wins. Chasing away her new regulars by being rude to them hurts everyone.
OMG ^^This^^ a thousand times over!!! Thank you for being a premium who knows this.
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Poker_Babe said:
Things that us girls see often when it comes to stuff that premiums don't always know...
Girls please add any that you can think of. Make this the "Premium's How To guide to MFC Models".

Before introducing yourself to a model, and especially before asking her anything... READ HER PROFILE FIRST!
(Do I really have to explain why this is a must?)


> Say please and thank you! Remember that cam models are people too with real feelings.
> Tip if you have a request.
> Contribute to the conversation in public chat as much as possible.

Avoid like the Plague...

> Calling a model "bb"
> Over using the privilege to PM.
When I think of more, I'll post them.

I have more or less done this from the start of using MFC, it's quite strange how people's manners seem to go out of the window when they are behind the internet and a username.

There have been quite a few times i've seen people come into a model's room and before saying 'Hi' or 'Hello' or just asking how they are, something simple to start off a conversation they ask something like 'Do you shove this up your arse 'bb'?' it's like woow....slow down there, back it up a bit.

I've never heard of the shorthand 'bb' before until I started using MFC, i'm assuming it's short for baby, and is possibly the worst thing to call a model. I sometimes use 'bb' but in a incredibly sarcastic manner. If a model has new juggling balls for example I might say 'show balls 'bb', intending to be funny and a bit stupid.

Usually if I see a new model, I first read her profile, see what sort of infomation is already there, join her room, maybe tip a small amount, with a tipnote hidden perhaps saying 'hi I'm new, it's nice to meet you' or something along those lines. Then often I will be a little quiet for a bit, I just watch her chat room, see what sort of things are being talked about, music, movies or whatever, it's amazing how much info can be grabbed just by seeing what her regular people are chatting about, and then try and join in if I can, and perhaps tipping for anything that might be going on in her chatroom, song request, a game turn etc.

It's not that difficult. Treat the models how you would like to be treated. :)
Hello All,

Actually getting a chance to read more on these forums on this thread actually has several topics I am interested in commenting on / discussing and it's actually still open for replies! Yay! I apologize in advance. I think this is going to be along post (because I am wordy!) Hopefully some can gain some insight into how maybe some other members feel. By the way - all of my experience with cam viewing is 3-4 weeks on MFC.

Anonymous Tips
  • Interesting comments on anonymous tips
  • Not sure if the ability to indirectly verify anonymous tippers still exists (posts on this were from 2012 time frame?)
  • Never really considered models getting upset over this (kinda figured tips are good regardless where they come from - but that is a bit callous to say)
I've recently been tipping anonymously for several reasons:

  • I use it as a way for me to check out new rooms and models without being known. It just does not feel right for me to be in a room and not tipping, so I want to tip for time spent in the room (I usually like to tip upon entering, kind of like an entrance fee). The more time I spend in the room, the more I feel obligated to tip. If I decide the room is not for me, I do not want to make a "splash" with my account name with those tips for various reasons (being "token stalked" for one)
  • I actually get some "thrill" / enjoyment out of creating a little bit of mystery. I suppose it becomes a bit of a game for me.
  • Causing potential awkwardness with other members noticing me deviating from being in my "main" room ("I saw member 'X' in Room 'Y' tipping...." to the "main" room). I understand that this reason is probably not too valid and actually a bit silly.
  • I tend to have a binge type personality. I am having loads of fun, but don't think I can sustain this level of activity for too long. I am already feeling guilty for not being able to support rooms as much as I would like. Tipping anonymously gives me a little more sense of comfort knowing that I can bail on a room. This actually sounds horrible as I type it out because it means I am embarrassed about being cowardly.
Tips for New Premiums (the actual topic of this thread!)
I saw 4 common themes:
  1. Tip - I think I have this one down.
  2. Read Profile - I do this mostly, but usually when I view a model for the first time. I have not made it a habit to check profile often for same model.
  3. Talk / Chat - I actually struggle with this. Brace yourself. Another long one. I really have a hard time starting / carrying conversations. I saw comments about not asking anything personal. In the "real world" I make small talk with people by asking personal questions like "What are you going to school for? What do you do for a living (if not a full time model)?" Generally questions to get me to know more about the person. Obviously some questions I think are off limits like location & marital status. Also, I can only fit 140 characters in the tip note field. :)
  4. "Sexy" Talk - This is also a tough one for me. The "nice ass, boobs" comments are not my style and I do find them a bit rude, but I think they have their places (i.e. dirty talk). I may do the standard "Beautiful eyes" type stuff, but it seems some models find that too sappy. I guess the only thing that I would ask here is that if I make a mistake for the first time in your room, please let me know "gently" (I was going to use the word politely), so that I have an opportunity to learn from the mistake. I do also understand that no one owes me anything, so if one chooses to give me hell, that's one's prerogative.
  5. Say Please and Thank you - I say please and thank you all the time in real life, but think I can do a better job on MFC. I almost never make any requests (seems bossy to me). I generally tip to make a silly comment (if you cannot already tell, my psych profile says that I tip for the attention :) ). There are times that I may tip an amount in the topic without a tip note. I don't actually ask for the topic item. My rational is that it may be assumed to do the topic item and great if it happens, but if the model does not do the topic, I am ok with that. Usually the "thank you" to me is gratifying enough. I sometimes say Thank you, but I think I need to say it more often. I am usually too busy trying to come up with a silly or witty tip comment with a cool emote.
Most of the related comments here were directed at how to be a good member for the model and community. I would like to slightly re-direct and ask what members can do to make their MFC lives more enjoyable. Obviously being a good member of society ends up helping that member in the long run (I saw that response coming :) ) I am going to use some of my experiences as examples for possible further discussion and suggestions.
  1. The somewhat "overbearing model" - there is a model that I enjoy spending time with most of the time, but I notice that as soon as she comes online, I'll get pinged to support her. I am flattered to get the PM, but I do feel pressured sometimes (like if I am in another room) and I usually cave in to the pressure and spend many tokens :) Usually not an issue when we're having fun, but sometimes I get feelings of resentment when I feel I was "guilted" into something (I also seem to have the "rescuer" psych profile). I believe the answer is that I control what I do and it's on me. No one can force me to do anything. Got that point, but maybe some pointers on how to politely explain this to the model in the most respectful way from the model's perspective?
  2. What is the general consensus on models and their "regulars" appearance and tipping schedules? I've been regularly showing up in multiple rooms and tipping well (in my opinion - geez sounds like am tooting my own horn). The models seem to remember my name. I am finding out that I simply cannot sustain this level of activity (yes, sounds like I have developed an addiction). Do I cut down the number of rooms I frequent so that I can still tip similar amounts in the fewer remaining rooms? Or, do I cut down on the tips for each room I frequent? Or do I ask my boss for a raise? :)
  3. Along the lines of item 2 above, how would you feel if I frequented your room much less? Would you want me to be up front with you and tell you the reason beforehand? Or should I just quietly disappear, relatively drama free? I see pros and cons for either case.
I typed a lot. Again, I apologize for the wall of text. If you actually made it through my post, my thanks and gratitude!

  1. The somewhat "overbearing model" - there is a model that I enjoy spending time with most of the time, but I notice that as soon as she comes online, I'll get pinged to support her. I am flattered to get the PM, but I do feel pressured sometimes (like if I am in another room) and I usually cave in to the pressure and spend many tokens
    Usually not an issue when we're having fun, but sometimes I get feelings of resentment when I feel I was "guilted" into something (I also seem to have the "rescuer" psych profile). I believe the answer is that I control what I do and it's on me. No one can force me to do anything. Got that point, but maybe some pointers on how to politely explain this to the model in the most respectful way from the model's perspective?
First of all, thank you for your thoughtful, somewhat wordy post. I'm a reader. Enjoyed it.

Now I'm sure some models are going to explain to you how to be a good boy right and proper, but in the meantime I pray you will suffer through a fellow members perspective. “Overbearing” may vary from person to person, so I will instead just address several instances where you might be pm'ed by a model. I leave the determination of “overbearing or not” up to you.

Scenario 1: The model pwns your ass. You know that when she mentions she is going shopping later that day, it means you are expected to be waiting for selfies from the dressing room to start showing up so you can offer bluntly honest opinions about how different outfits look. This one says “Hi”, you drop what the f*ck you are doing and come running. And you sit there until you are told you may leave.

Scenario 2: The model is one of those pathetic, young, studio futon-loungers who spends far too much of her night lying there ignored, unwanted, unloved, and untipped. She caught your attention, you made the mistake of letting your presence be known with a tip, and now she is going to pm you until the day she quits the biz.

If she says hi, spend a minute or so with her in that pm window; tell her you're sorry but you don't have time or tokens to play right now. Tell her how pretty she looks that day, and how much you are looking forward to playing with her again. Then give her a small tip. But you need a backup account you can jump on to hide from this girl...don't let her see you stay online for hours on end after this.

Scenario 3: The model is one you kinda-sorta like, but you are not really nuts about yet. A polite greeting is in order here, followed by an also-polite “I'm a little busy right now”. If she is a professional, she will take the hint. If she is not, you need to make sure the boundaries are clear. Here is how that might play out...

Model: Hi bb
PwhipdMemb: Hey gurl
Model: I'm on cam now if you want to come.
PwhipdMemb: Cool. Maybe I'll stop by later. Little busy atm.
Model: Watching somebody else? ;p
PwhipdMemb: lol. Yeah.
Model: ok then. just wanted to say hi. I will go ahead and unfriend you if you want
PwhipdMemb: omg. you got a perv acct? JJ been spanking her own ass for 25 min straight. you gotta come see this. holy shit. unreal.

Scenario 4: The model is a manipulative, scheming, unscrupulous token-beggar from hell who you have only tolerated for so long because she is possibly the hottest woman who ever walked the planet and she hasn't outright scammed you yet. But now her hounding ways have gotten on your last damned nerve. Toss her in the iggy bin, slam the lid shut, and never give her another thought.

Just a few examples, I am sure there are countless more. But the important thing to remember here is this: they are the ones selling the service; you are the one with the purchasing power. The marketplace is competitive, and you can afford to be picky here. And you certainly don't have to let yourself get pressured (unless, ofc, that is what you are looking for).

  • 2. What is the general consensus on models and their "regulars" appearance and tipping schedules? I've been regularly showing up in multiple rooms and tipping well (in my opinion - geez sounds like am tooting my own horn). The models seem to remember my name. I am finding out that I simply cannot sustain this level of activity (yes, sounds like I have developed an addiction). Do I cut down the number of rooms I frequent so that I can still tip similar amounts in the fewer remaining rooms? Or, do I cut down on the tips for each room I frequent? Or do I ask my boss for a raise?
Tipping schedule? When the Spirit moves, you give. All else is vanity.

Now here is how I personally approach the distribution of my disposable income. Maybe it will help you formulate your own plan.

#1 Model. I have carefully hand selected this one based on her personality and the fact that she is the hottest woman to ever walk the planet. She gets all of my disposable income, plus the proceeds of whatever I am able to sell. Additionally, I have been known to borrow for her on occasion. I am also considering becoming a copper thief.

She gets the bulk of my time. I would love to be available for her as close to 24-7 as possible (at her discretion), but passing out from sheer exhaustion sometimes makes this difficult. There is no greater agony for me than waking up to realize I missed a call or message from her.

#2 Model. A real gem. Undoubtedly the hottest woman to ever walk the planet. I have managed to maintain a preferred customer status with her simply by combining what I am willing to give up out of my grocery budget with copious displays of wit and charm. I am doing ok here, but she deserves a lot better. Every now and again, I try to do a bit more for her, but fainting from hunger sometimes makes this difficult. I do not remember what meat tastes like.

#3 and #4 Models. Ok, the #3 is the sexiest little doll I have ever set eyes on, but she is such a baby. Ditto for #4, except she is not a baby, but a snotty little brat (which I love). My interest in these two revolves less around wanting to f*ck them than wanting to adopt them. And that is saying a lot, because I would dearly love to f*ck the both of them.

Anyhoo, they get whatever stray tokens manage to slip past the #1 and the #2, on a first come-first serve basis. More often than not, I find myself hiding from them after a brief pm exchange.

So as you can see, I have opted for a four girl rotation. If something happens to one (I get bored, pissed, she quits, she bans me, etc...), everyone below her gets moved up in the rankings. And of course, if something better comes along, I insert her into the line-up wherever I feel appropriate, and everybody below gets moved down a spot (the #4 gets dropped).

This is just what works for me.
  1. The somewhat "overbearing model" - there is a model that I enjoy spending time with most of the time, but I notice that as soon as she comes online, I'll get pinged to support her. I am flattered to get the PM, but I do feel pressured sometimes (like if I am in another room) and I usually cave in to the pressure and spend many tokens :) Usually not an issue when we're having fun, but sometimes I get feelings of resentment when I feel I was "guilted" into something (I also seem to have the "rescuer" psych profile). I believe the answer is that I control what I do and it's on me. No one can force me to do anything. Got that point, but maybe some pointers on how to politely explain this to the model in the most respectful way from the model's perspective?

  1. Imo it's probably equally annoying when cam girls keep PM:ing members entering the room, as vice versa. Don't forget that it's both about giving and taking, the model shall treat you right as well.

    [*]What is the general consensus on models and their "regulars" appearance and tipping schedules? I've been regularly showing up in multiple rooms and tipping well (in my opinion - geez sounds like am tooting my own horn). The models seem to remember my name. I am finding out that I simply cannot sustain this level of activity (yes, sounds like I have developed an addiction). Do I cut down the number of rooms I frequent so that I can still tip similar amounts in the fewer remaining rooms? Or, do I cut down on the tips for each room I frequent? Or do I ask my boss for a raise? :)

    I think this is a very interesting point you're bringing up. If you become a regular in a room and usually tip alot I think that after awhile, either the model "expects" you to keep tipping much, or you feel yourself that you need to keep it up because that's what the model expects from you.

    Somewhat related I think it's interesting to watch and see how the models behaviour towards you changes if you, as a regular, stop tipping for awhile. If she continues to treat you the same way as when you were tipping, you know that you've find a good model.
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Well hey! I might as well throw my hat in here on a few of the above questions. It's very likely my thoughts today vary from previous thoughts, cuz growth mothah fuckah! :D

I love anonymous tips and the mystery involved, they actually drive me CRAZY especially when larger amounts but in a curiosity crazy that gives me a raging clue way, ya know? The mystery drives me so bonkers that a bunch of my frands will start tipping anon with really confusing notes to make it even harder, everyone has a great laugh and by the end, my face hurts from laughing so hard. Good times for all and a very respectable way to appreciate a room while laying low IMO. If the tips were enough to get something special, I'll usually ask that they MFC mail me a copy/pasta of the tips notes so they can claim it. Because no, unfortunately our work around anon tip verify doesn't work anymore :( poo.

Conversing in a room as a new member is great, but even greater when you sit back and just observe and learn for a little while how the model operates and interacts first. It can be really awkward when all the room regs are having a blast chatting and laughing, and that one guy keeps going way off course. Jumping into an existing conversation is also the easiest way the mingle too, I would think.

I'm a firm believer in just telling people when they do something that makes you uncomfortable nicely and moving forward. That doesn't mean I hate that person, it means I want to avoid hating that person and if that person can't deal with that then that's on them. I would absolutely follow this same guideline with models who pm and make me feel uncomfortable. "hey pretty lady, no offense but I don't really like the PMs unless I'm in your room, I'm sure you understand. See ya soon!" or whatevz.

Ok... I think that was all I was gonna add. Mayyyyybe ;) Might be back.
This makes being a member feel like a job!
These are suggestions to improve the experience for all parties involved. The cam model experience is a service that is its own beast in the world of sex work - the lewdness of stripping, the conversation of escorts, the convenience of pornography, yet is absolutely none of those in any way. Its popularity has risen in the new era, and so as an industry, both the server and customer are trying to find things that make it the best experience for all.

If you think this seems like work, well, because it kind of is. This thread is about stepping back from the base enjoyment of your cam viewing experience, and taking a moment to think about it. You are not required to go into any internal discussion or dialogue, but since one thing viewing cam modeling is - building some sort of relationship with one other person - thinking about it is something that is bound to happen on some level.


You do you, man.
I don't think it is that deep. I'm not a douche, I don't care to know cam models on a personal level, I don't make demands, I treat them with the same respect as any other stranger--- I don't really know if I need to care beyond common courtesy. Sure there's a bit of specification because of the environment and the dynamic at play but I'm not interested in any universal best practices beyond my own discernment of how to navigate the MFC ecosystem and the myriad of model personalities I come across.
Re: This that all premiums should know

Something that has been on my mind for a while now... so I turned the thoughts in to a YouTube vid. :) Just a few helpful tips for people while perving cams (with my own nerdy spin on it). Note: All of my YouTube vids are done out of fun and good humor.

Great video
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