AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Turn Offs - Things models do that cause you to go away.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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BoltEyeAm said:
1) Quite frankly I would rather see you log off without warning, or more specifically saying your leaving then log off. What I have seen happen is a model is having a slow night so they make a statement about how they aren't getting much tokens and they are going to have to leave. Then what tends to happen is she gets a few dollars in tokens and a couple minutes later she says the exact same thing. It is like being poked with a prod over and over again while room is still slow because the same thing is happening and the time of day is the same.

I've often heard people say that they can't stand it when models just go right into private shows without first telling the room "Going private, right back!" Unless I've accidentally hit the space bar and went right into the private show, I always tell the room when I'm going private and that I'll be right back. It would feel pretty rude for me to be enjoying a nice chat with cool people, and then suddenly move to a private show without warning the room.

Same thing for going offline. When you've been on cam for a few hours having a friendly conversation with people in your room (who have enjoyed your room so much that they were there most of the night), it'd be rude to suddenly let out a big yawn and just log off. LOL. I post those :tenmin and :fivemin countdown timer emotes so that people can see how much time is left. And YES, if I'm suddenly being showered with lots of tokens (may be guys trying to tip enough to finally get me naked once and for all) that will often convince me to stay on longer. If the model isn't tired yet, what's wrong with her deciding to stay on a little longer, thanks to some last-minute tokens? Those people tipping are helping out the model's cam score and helping put money in her pocket.
The_Brown_Fox said:
I've often heard people say that they can't stand it when models just go right into private shows without first telling the room "Going private, right back!" Unless I've accidentally hit the space bar and went right into the private show, I always tell the room when I'm going private and that I'll be right back. It would feel pretty rude for me to be enjoying a nice chat with cool people, and then suddenly move to a private show without warning the room.

A model accidentally accepted one of my privates once by doing that. She was not typing when I sent my request but it takes a few seconds to pop up on her side. Have any of the models asked MFC if they would change that so the model has to confirm it by clicking or something instead?
Yikes, I'm getting paranoid over some of these things (but many are very valid points)! :shock:

On the other hand, I am not guilty of many of them so it's okay, I suppose - the only one I break regularly is drinking while on cam (coffee or wine, depending on the time of day and never in excess), but I never eat! That just squicks me out! I've rage-quit once, after some really insulting stuff was said in my chat room (some ethnic/religious slurs and a bunch of "lol that was funny"-type responses), but usually I'm just like "hey, knock off the ______" or "Hey, guys, just lettin' ya know I'm leaving in a little bit!" instead of just being like "Tip me you fuckers!" because I'm not that rude.

So I'll throw in my :twocents-02cents:

1. Models eating on cam. Seriously, I don't know if there's something wrong with me or what but it grosses me out to watch people eat. I mean, licking honey or whipped cream off your fingers during a show is one thing (although any milk-related shows squick me so I probably wouldn't be watching anyhow!), but I'm talking about nomming down a burrito or something. Eek. Just me though.

2. Looking unhappy, whining, general poor-me-ish-ness. It's really unattractive and sends me elsewhere VERY fast.
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Shaun__ said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I've often heard people say that they can't stand it when models just go right into private shows without first telling the room "Going private, right back!" Unless I've accidentally hit the space bar and went right into the private show, I always tell the room when I'm going private and that I'll be right back. It would feel pretty rude for me to be enjoying a nice chat with cool people, and then suddenly move to a private show without warning the room.

A model accidentally accepted one of my privates once by doing that. She was not typing when I sent my request but it takes a few seconds to pop up on her side. Have any of the models asked MFC if they would change that so the model has to confirm it by clicking or something instead?
We do get a private request box pop up to click yes or no, but unfortunately the space bar accepts it as well.
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Evvie said:
The only models I have come across that I can't stand purposely play up the "I'm a little girl, tee-hee!" vibe. I saw one model wrapped up in pink and hello kitty items with a clearly faked high-pitched voice. She was a high pointed model so I guess it worked for her but it was annoying as fuck when I was there.

I sometimes worry that people might wander into my cam room and get the impression that the pink/Hello Kitty/cutesy stuff in my room is meant to suggest that I'm underage, but that's not my intention. This is actually just my personality and the aesthetic I have always appreciated in my real life. I do not do daddy/underage roleplay because it would make me really uncomfortable, and I make it very clear that I am a 23 year old woman. Anyway, I just wanted to point out that having a penchant for cute things is not always intended to evoke pedophilia imagery, although I understand that it's probably a turn off for some. But sometimes a Hello Kitty is just a cat :)
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Shaun__ said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I've often heard people say that they can't stand it when models just go right into private shows without first telling the room "Going private, right back!" Unless I've accidentally hit the space bar and went right into the private show, I always tell the room when I'm going private and that I'll be right back. It would feel pretty rude for me to be enjoying a nice chat with cool people, and then suddenly move to a private show without warning the room.

A model accidentally accepted one of my privates once by doing that. She was not typing when I sent my request but it takes a few seconds to pop up on her side. Have any of the models asked MFC if they would change that so the model has to confirm it by clicking or something instead?

I asked them about it once. They explained that they can't do anything about it, because it's actually an operating system thing. Course, this was back when it was just the software, and the browser hadn't been tested yet. And they actually used to always get back to me really quick, but possibly because I was always polite and such.

Anyway, they explained that Windows has it set to when a new popup comes up, it automatically brings that into focus, and enter or space will select the highlighted button. Which in this case is "accpet". It happens with any windows software, as soon as a new window is up, you can use space or enter to select the highlighted button.

I do not know what their excuse is with the browser version, other than it's possible that also has to do with how the browser is set up, and not something they can code on their end without making an entire new browser.
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LadyLuna said:
Shaun__ said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I've often heard people say that they can't stand it when models just go right into private shows without first telling the room "Going private, right back!" Unless I've accidentally hit the space bar and went right into the private show, I always tell the room when I'm going private and that I'll be right back. It would feel pretty rude for me to be enjoying a nice chat with cool people, and then suddenly move to a private show without warning the room.

A model accidentally accepted one of my privates once by doing that. She was not typing when I sent my request but it takes a few seconds to pop up on her side. Have any of the models asked MFC if they would change that so the model has to confirm it by clicking or something instead?

I asked them about it once. They explained that they can't do anything about it, because it's actually an operating system thing. Course, this was back when it was just the software, and the browser hadn't been tested yet. And they actually used to always get back to me really quick, but possibly because I was always polite and such.

Anyway, they explained that Windows has it set to when a new popup comes up, it automatically brings that into focus, and enter or space will select the highlighted button. Which in this case is "accpet". It happens with any windows software, as soon as a new window is up, you can use space or enter to select the highlighted button.

I do not know what their excuse is with the browser version, other than it's possible that also has to do with how the browser is set up, and not something they can code on their end without making an entire new browser.

They're blaming it on the OS it runs on? Here's a simple solution for them: don't make it an automatic popup. I wish these administrators would understand how ridiculous they are at times.
They WANT you to accept privates, all privates, any privates because doing so makes them money. "You shouldn't be typing in the first place, you should be being sexy, doing sexy." they says.
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That's one of the things where they fail. They fail to account for the fact that the more popular girls are making more to not be in a private show with random requests (especially that 3 minute private show guy). This comparative 'more' isn't a negligible sum either - sometimes its to a 3fold. Granted, it's applicable to only a small number of models, but these are the big-guns who account for some 80% of the income (80/20 rule).

Bah, I still maintain that taking privates should remain a choice. It's supposed to be where MFC supersedes LJ, and other similar sites - but apparently they're unwilling to change this basic function.
hornygods said:
That's one of the things where they fail. They fail to account for the fact that the more popular girls are making more to not be in a private show with random requests (especially that 3 minute private show guy). This comparative 'more' isn't a negligible sum either - sometimes its to a 3fold. Granted, it's applicable to only a small number of models, but these are the big-guns who account for some 80% of the income (80/20 rule).

Bah, I still maintain that taking privates should remain a choice. It's supposed to be where MFC supersedes LJ, and other similar sites - but apparently they're unwilling to change this basic function.

I mean, I would not consider myself a "more popular" model BUT I absolutely agree. Looking at my stats, I make the most money in public (without doing public nude cum shows - well, 99% of the time hahaah) or group if I'm in the mood. I mean, as much as it might be a good time fucking myself all day for guys ive never met or spoken to (sarcassim - see what i did there), i prefer my cum shows to be real not just "uhhh uhhh oh yeah bb ohhhhhhh uhhhhhh."

and if i can hold a room, and hang out and engage/enjoy 400 people nude or clothed - i prefer nude but it tends to be clothed more lately - and be tipped by any of them, id much rather do that. and i make more money for the site and i do better for myself (while enjoying myself more). i HATE that if i get requested private if im typing its an auto-yes. its a let down for whoever randomly requested it, and as much as my room knows im not a "pvt request & dip without warning" model, they still havea momentary freak out, andddd its not hard to lose half of your room within seconds of disappearing.

it annoys me cause i dont want to waste the members money or time, orrrr be sneaky, or waste my own time. its not usually hard to catch before theyve hit their 30 seconds, but still. its a messed up situation for everyone.

said too much, again. sorry.

:twocents-02cents: x 5000
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In addition to that, I think one of the most important things for a model is enjoyment and comfort. If a model is uncomfortable taking a particular private - then making it an obligation is likely to kill her drive to deliver high-quality shows for the site - which is one of the considerable appeals of MFC.

I consider the spacebar auto-accept as problematic. It's particularly relevant if it clears half the room, as Cassie has previously said. I'm not sure if there's anything that the model could personally do to rectify it - but it really ought to be done by the website maintenance people. Hmmph
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SweepTheLeg said:
They WANT you to accept privates, all privates, any privates because doing so makes them money. "You shouldn't be typing in the first place, you should be being sexy, doing sexy." they says.
Just a thought, but I don't think this is necessarily the case. If MFC actually wanted to funnel members into privates, they would be priced more similarly to other sites. Instead what you currently have on MFC are privates priced well above every other site I've ever been on. I don't think that's a mistake. It seems to me like the pricing is at least partially an attempt to push group/public, or the evolution of public shows on MFC has stemmed any need to lower private prices as private prices fell on other sites.
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Kradek said:
SweepTheLeg said:
They WANT you to accept privates, all privates, any privates because doing so makes them money. "You shouldn't be typing in the first place, you should be being sexy, doing sexy." they says.
Just a thought, but I don't think this is necessarily the case. If MFC actually wanted to funnel members into privates, they would be priced more similarly to other sites. Instead what you currently have on MFC are privates priced well above every other site I've ever been on. I don't think that's a mistake. It seems to me like the pricing is at least partially an attempt to push group/public, or the evolution of public shows on MFC has stemmed any need to lower private prices as private prices fell on other sites.

Privates are only really useful for getting a of video of the model doing something you like.

Also remember that most sites will never have the numbers in a room that MFC has, so the private could be a significant amount of money for a model who's usual room count is 10 or 20, but just an inconvenience for a model with a room count of 300.
Can models have it set to automatically accept privates? One model was just starting a cum show that several guys tipped for and just as she was getting into it, poof... she was gone into private. She was nowhere the keyboard. Needless to say, a lot of guys were upset that she took a private during a paid for show.
Bocefish said:
Can models have it set to automatically accept privates? One model was just starting a cum show that several guys tipped for and just as she was getting into it, poof... she was gone into private. She was nowhere the keyboard. Needless to say, a lot of guys were upset that she took a private during a paid for show.

In the web browser, you cant type if an invite is up on your screen. If you hit space or enter it will accept. Sometimes when trying to type or update a roomtopic, Ill get an invite without noticing and as soon as I try to hit space or enter I'll get sucked into private. They really need to fix that!
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Jessi said:
Bocefish said:
Can models have it set to automatically accept privates? One model was just starting a cum show that several guys tipped for and just as she was getting into it, poof... she was gone into private. She was nowhere the keyboard. Needless to say, a lot of guys were upset that she took a private during a paid for show.

In the web browser, you cant type if an invite is up on your screen. If you hit space or enter it will accept. Sometimes when trying to type or update a roomtopic, Ill get an invite without noticing and as soon as I try to hit space or enter I'll get sucked into private. They really need to fix that!

She was nowhere near the keyboard though while diddling herself.
Jessi said:
In the web browser, you cant type if an invite is up on your screen. If you hit space or enter it will accept. Sometimes when trying to type or update a roomtopic, Ill get an invite without noticing and as soon as I try to hit space or enter I'll get sucked into private. They really need to fix that!
I expect this is primarily because they are being lazy and using javascript's confirm function, which notably defaults to OK and not Cancel. You usually get around it by writing your own dialog.
hornygods said:
That's one of the things where they fail. They fail to account for the fact that the more popular girls are making more to not be in a private show with random requests (especially that 3 minute private show guy). This comparative 'more' isn't a negligible sum either - sometimes its to a 3fold. Granted, it's applicable to only a small number of models, but these are the big-guns who account for some 80% of the income (80/20 rule).

Bah, I still maintain that taking privates should remain a choice. It's supposed to be where MFC supersedes LJ, and other similar sites - but apparently they're unwilling to change this basic function.

For girls where it costs them a lot of money, there IS an option. Turn privates off. If someone tips for the private, it can be changed to on while the model is streaming, so it's not like she'd have to log off to change that setting (on other sites, to change the setting does require cutting streaming)
My statement was clearly said in jest at 5 in the morning right before leaving to work. I like privates for more alone time one on one fun time action to have in my archives that I can relive over and over again but right now a lot less models do privates.

Speaking of which here's something to add to the list- Models that will cry about not getting tipped by anyone but when guys want to pay to take her private or group she says no. beggars cant be choosers- goes both ways ladies.
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SweepTheLeg said:
My statement was clearly said in jest at 5 in the morning right before leaving to work. I like privates for more alone time one on one fun time action to have in my archives that I can relive over and over again but right now a lot less models do privates.

Speaking of which here's something to add to the list- Models that will cry about not getting tipped by anyone but when guys want to pay to take her private or group she says no. beggars cant be choosers- goes both ways ladies.

As someone who has left a nearly-halted countdown to go private, I can say it is pretty crappy to be on the receiving end of all the verbal abuse that comes after.
Were those giving the verbal abuse tipping at all to keep you from accepting a private? Because here's something that I've done in the past that was all sorts of laughs- after time had gone by, long enough between tips- I paid quite a large amount for the countdown to be completed and then when everyone celebrated in getting a free show I took her private. My only regret? Not being able to read all the angry things said about me during the private. I had a hardy good laugh when my friends told me about it afterwards.
MadisonLeigh said:
Evvie said:
The only models I have come across that I can't stand purposely play up the "I'm a little girl, tee-hee!" vibe. I saw one model wrapped up in pink and hello kitty items with a clearly faked high-pitched voice. She was a high pointed model so I guess it worked for her but it was annoying as fuck when I was there.

I sometimes worry that people might wander into my cam room and get the impression that the pink/Hello Kitty/cutesy stuff in my room is meant to suggest that I'm underage, but that's not my intention. This is actually just my personality and the aesthetic I have always appreciated in my real life. I do not do daddy/underage roleplay because it would make me really uncomfortable, and I make it very clear that I am a 23 year old woman. Anyway, I just wanted to point out that having a penchant for cute things is not always intended to evoke pedophilia imagery, although I understand that it's probably a turn off for some. But sometimes a Hello Kitty is just a cat :)
It's one thing to enjoy what people call childlike things. Shit, I'm a kid at heart buuuut it's another thing to try and act underage with a high pitched voice and dolls in the background, playing a role that not everyone enjoys. But who's to say that's wrong? If it works for her, it works for her as long as she is clear with people she's of age and just filling a fantasy role.
I sure as shit wouldn't give up the things I loved [hello kitty, zombies, silly things] If I could, and I could have my shows in my room I would decorate it with the things I love. It would not only give the customers something to talk about, but it would show a bit of my personality. Hello Kitty is so universal. You see it marketed to adults, not just children and I don't think there's anything wrong with hello kitty love :3
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Satanie said:
It's one thing to enjoy what people call childlike things. Shit, I'm a kid at heart buuuut it's another thing to try and act underage with a high pitched voice and dolls in the background, playing a role that not everyone enjoys. But who's to say that's wrong? If it works for her, it works for her as long as she is clear with people she's of age and just filling a fantasy role.

Simulated child pornography is illegal in the european union, and there were laws against it previously in the US

Personally I'd much rather pedophiles get their fix from simulations than by reality but the legality of it is a pretty gray area. Are there rules about pretending to be underage in MFC's rules? I imagine the models here know a lot more about it than I do.
Rules for models

Our rules for models are largely determined by laws and potential legal issues. Members should be aware of these rules so that they do not encourage models to violate them, which would lead to the member being banned.

The following things, actual or implied, are absolutely forbidden on camera at any time and for any reason, in both private and public chat. Most of them constitute Zero-Tolerance violations, meaning the model will be banned the first time it happens.

Men on camera for any reason.
Sexual relations with men.
Minors, children, babies; may not be on camera or in the same room.
Unauthorized persons (persons for whom we do not have proper name and ID on file.)
Bestiality, or animals/pets on camera in a sexual or provocative context.
Urination or defecation, "going to the bathroom".
Breastfeeding or lactation.
Menstrual bleeding.
Illegal drugs, or drugs that may be perceived as illegal in other locations. (e.g. Medicinal marijuana)
Excessive consumption of alcohol or other legal or prescribed medicines or narcotics.
Sleeping or "passing out".
Incest (sexual relations involving family members).
Penetration of the vagina or anus with items not meant for sexual stimulation (e.g. bottles, baseball bats).
Illegal or unsafe activity of any kind.
Violence, blood, torture, pain, erotic asphyxiation, or any actions associated with bringing harm to yourself in any way.
Actions that may be deemed obscene in your community.

In Private Shows and Group Shows, models can do anything they like as long as it does not violate the rules above. Sexually-explicit conduct is allowed.

In Public Chat, sexually-explicit conduct is NOT allowed. It is impossible to define this term with perfect accuracy, but here are some examples of conduct that would not be allowed: using sex toys, genital penetration of any kind, masturbation, using the camera to "zoom" into genitalia, and other things of this sort.

I think that falls under "implied minors" on camera. But that would probably be a gray area on MFC.
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Yeah, they sure do a good job of enforcing this part:

In Public Chat, sexually-explicit conduct is NOT allowed. It is impossible to define this term with perfect accuracy, but here are some examples of conduct that would not be allowed: using sex toys, genital penetration of any kind, masturbation, using the camera to "zoom" into genitalia, and other things of this sort.


It's depressing how much of it is just lip-service so they can say "we're not a pr0nz site." And a way to psychologically control models, for the members who are inclined to use threats of "I'll just report you for X if you don't Y" on girls who may or may not know better.
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SweepTheLeg said:
Were those giving the verbal abuse tipping at all to keep you from accepting a private? Because here's something that I've done in the past that was all sorts of laughs- after time had gone by, long enough between tips- I paid quite a large amount for the countdown to be completed and then when everyone celebrated in getting a free show I took her private. My only regret? Not being able to read all the angry things said about me during the private. I had a hardy good laugh when my friends told me about it afterwards.

LOL Sweep.... :eek:ccasion5: I have done the exact same thing... I will have a second browser open tho guesting purely so I can see the butthurt crybabies. Its even worse if you pull her in true. Then you get the 'shit, we can't spy' stuff as well... I love being an asshole to beggars and the plethora of unemployed porn directors.... :laughing6: :evil: :laughing6:
SoTxBob said:
SweepTheLeg said:
Were those giving the verbal abuse tipping at all to keep you from accepting a private? Because here's something that I've done in the past that was all sorts of laughs- after time had gone by, long enough between tips- I paid quite a large amount for the countdown to be completed and then when everyone celebrated in getting a free show I took her private. My only regret? Not being able to read all the angry things said about me during the private. I had a hardy good laugh when my friends told me about it afterwards.

LOL Sweep.... :eek:ccasion5: I have done the exact same thing... I will have a second browser open tho guesting purely so I can see the butthurt crybabies. Its even worse if you pull her in true. Then you get the 'shit, we can't spy' stuff as well... I love being an asshole to beggars and the plethora of unemployed porn directors.... :laughing6: :evil: :laughing6:

I think I love you both for this. The next time I fill up our premium account I'm so doing this to someone. :p I hate when I drop a ton of tokens on someone trying to get the tips going and then everyone turns around and goes "Hey, tip her. We're only X from our goal." I hate to say it, I usually just leave the room because I get so annoyed at them that I can't enjoy the girl. I'll totally be trying this though. Then I'll do the troll dance. :dance:
I'm giggling at the thought of someone tipping the whole countdown, waiting a minute while all the non-tippers celebrate with glee, and then taking the model private. Hahaha. So cruel and so great!

Things that make me leave a model's room, never to return? Really bad lighting/fuzzy cam. Looking insanely bored. Completely ignoring the chat. And number one? CONTINUOUS POUTING OF LIPS. A couple models I've seen do it, but one does it really, really badly. They push their lips out as far as they can go, for some reason they appear to think it looks good. But then they speak, and when they close their mouths, their lips are normal. Then a few seconds later the lips get pushed back out. The one model who does it really badly continuously forgets and remembers to puff out her lips. So she's constantly pursing them and then relaxing, then pursing and relaxing, and it looks ridiculous. Which is a shame, because she's super duper hot. Sadface.
I try to have as much fun with my tokens as I can because I don't make requests with them because in my eyes the girl already worked for them and I don't like to tip just for the countdown- that's boring. the "why tip if it doesn't lead to something bigger" mentality is stupid.

Here's one and it's a goody so may it be a lesson to you chicky babes out there! When I go into the room and I can clearly tell that the picture used on the homepage is not you I will not stay around a second longer than I have to. What's the point of tricking me if it only gets rid of me quicker? BAH!

I also completely agree with you on the unnatural pouty lips, I may know who you're talking about it but then again so many girls do it so I may not. She'll talk and once she stops her lips are in her natural state for a second only to forced out into duck-face again it just troubles me. What magazine? What genius told the ladies that the duck face is attractive and alluring? It makes me want to throw pieces of bread at you, instead of tokens.
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