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Wacky & Weird News Thread

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I did bad things, privileges revoked!
In the Dog House
Mar 26, 2010
Usually somewhere between flippant and glib.
A Turkish man is attempting to kick his 26-year smoking habit by wearing a locked wire cage over his head.

Ibrahim Yücel straps on his head cage every day and hands the keys to his wife or 14-year-old daughter before heading to work, Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News reports.

The 42-year-old, who lost his father to lung cancer, was apparently inspired by the safety helmets worn by motorbike riders. ... _hp_ref=uk
Weiner Jailed For Stealing a Vagina

FARGO – A Fargo man was arrested Tuesday for shoplifting an artificial vagina from downtown Fargo’s adult bookstore after he told police he became embarrassed by his interest in the object when a woman came into the store.

The man, 26-year-old Christopher Wiener of Fargo, was charged Tuesday in Cass County District Court with possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of methamphetamine, both Class C felonies.

According to a police report filed in the case, Fargo Police Officer Brent Malone was clearing a disturbance call Tuesday about 12:25 a.m. at the Romantix bookstore at 417 NP Ave. downtown when an employee of the store told him a man leaving the store had stolen an artificial vagina.

When Malone stopped the man in the 100 block of Fourth Street North, he asked the man where the box containing the merchandise had come from.

The man, who identified himself as Christopher Wiener, told the police he had bought the item from Romantix. ... ald.49989/
Stickied this thread so it can be the main collection point for this subject matter as opposed to making new threads for random news articles.

:thumbleft: :thumbleft: :thumbleft:
AmberCutie said:
Stickied this thread so it can be the main collection point for this subject matter as opposed to making new threads for random news articles.

:thumbleft: :thumbleft: :thumbleft:
Excellent idea in my humble, yet self important, opinion. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Shaun__ said:
Florida may have accidentally banned all computers and smartphones in the state. Link
Even without the error, banning all internet cafes was idiotic. Governor Skeletor (Rick Scott) is a criminal himself, you'd think he'd be happy to allow illicit gambling. :)
By SYDNEY LUPKIN (@slupkin)

July 9, 2013

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list. :eek:

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care." ... dxeAVKYDHc
Post office shut down by package leaking K-Y gel

A Guntersville, Alabama post office was evacuated this week for a "chemical spill" after an unknown substance was discovered on several packages.

The Hazmat team found 12-15 packages covered in the substance. Three employees were treated after coming into contact with the unknown chemical, which was originally believed to contain methanol.

Investigators later discovered the source of the ooze was a bottle of K-Y Intense Arousal gel, which spokesman Tony Robinson said contains ingredients used "to intensify sensation."

Postal officials didn't say exactly where the package of personal lubricant was headed, but said it was sent to someone "in the entertainment industry."

Robinson said that they will follow their usual policy and contact the sender with friendly advice on how to better secure their packages to prevent future incidents.

:lol: ... play-porn/

This guy is suing Apple for not having a built in porn filter installed on their devices. He claims he accidentally typed in instead of and it ruined his marriage. :woops:


"A married Nashville lawyer and amateur model is suing Apple claiming the tech giant should have blocked him from accessing porn when he, apparently by accident, typed 'F*** instead of Facebook into Google.

Chris Sevier, 36, filed a 50-page complaint in federal court last month claiming the supposedly innocent spelling mistake resulted in him viewing a plethora of pornographic images that 'appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male and lead to an unwanted addiction,' which then 'poisoned his life' and ruined his marriage.
Sevier, an army veteran who on a Model Mayhem profile lists his age as 26, states in the suit that Apple should sell all products with an installed porn-filter. He is seeking damages from the company.

'The Plaintiff is a victim of Apple's product that was sold to him without any warning of the damage the pornography causes,' the suit reads.

'In using safari, the Plaintiff accidentally misspelled "" which lead him to "f***" and a host of web sites that caused him to see pornographic images that appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male and lead to an unwanted addiction with adverse consequences.'

He added: 'But for the Plaintiff's use of the Apple product, the quality of the Plaintiff's life would have been much better and injury would have been avoided.'

Servier goes on in the complaint to allege 'unfair competition' between the porn stars and his wife, brought about by his use of the Apple product, and thus 'interference of the marital contract.' "
France: Dildos to stimulate the French economy
The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an iconic landmark for many tourists around the world, and now also the inspiration for brand new sex toys, in the form of dildos. Its renowned phallic shape has been used to add a French twist for the company Plaisir de France, which has just launched a range of erotic toys called La Tour est Folle, meaning 'the tower is crazy', in a bid to compete with the Chinese, American and German brands.

Co-founder Sebastien Lecca, says: "Sex, life, love, death are a question - a universal question - and I am an artist and so I love a treat about this universal question as a live animal, what is the meaning of life, and so sex is a very nice question."

French customers and people around the world can now get their hands on rubber sex toys - designed to have what the makers say have few allergic reactions, with no fat, whale oil, screws, GMOs, nails or radioactive materials - manufactured entirely in France. Sebastien adds: "I hope that my Tour Eiffel will stimulate the French economy, yes of course, I hope."
Mid-South Doctor Gives “Ghetto Booty” Diagnosis

(Jackson, TN) A Mid-South woman has filed a complaint with the Tennessee Department of Health after she said the doctor she went to see for back pain gave her an insulting diagnosis.

“He said ‘I know what the problem is. It’s ghetto booty,’” said 55-year-old Terry Ragland about what she was told by Dr. Timothy Sweo in April.

“I think I blacked out after he said ghetto booty. I think my mind was just stuck on the phrase because I couldn’t believe he said that,” said Ragland.

Ragland said this was not her first time at this doctor’s office. She had been there several times before and said her experiences were good. But this is the first time she had seen Dr. Sweo.

“It’s one of those things where my hip seems to slip, like it’s slipping out of place a little bit. It’s painful when you get up to go walk it kind of slips, you know,” said Ragland about her lower back pain.

Ragland said Dr. Sweo sent her for X-rays, then came in and gave his diagnosis. She said she was in shock as she asked what the treatment would be.

“He said there’s no cure for it but I could give you something if you’re having pain,” said Ragland.
Ragland said she told an office manager about what happened. Ragland said the manager apologized and a few weeks later she received a letter from Dr. Sweo himself.

In the letter, Dr. Sweo said, “I was trying to take a technical conversation regarding your lower back and make it less technical.”

“It says to me that he doubts what type of intellect I have, how intelligent I am to be able to understand what he conveys to me in a medical term,” said Ragland.

News Channel 3 reached out to Dr. Sweo for an interview on camera, which he declined.
But he did admit to using the term as he was trying to explain to Ragland that she had “lumbar lordosis,” the medical term for a curve in her spine.

“What I was trying to explain to that patient is that she has lumbar lordosis, which is a fancy name for the curve of the lower spine that makes the buttocks protrude more. In trying to explain that I said that she had ghetto booty and she didn’t like that apparently. That was my attempt to explain why she had the back problem. It wasn’t the whole problem but it was part of it and she got upset about it,” said Sweo by phone. “You cannot cure lumbar lordosis.”

“I think I do understand why her feelings were hurt but I don’t understand what’s offensive about it,” said Sweo.

“It’s not endearing. It’s not loving. It’s not a compliment. It’s wrong in every aspect and it’s very demeaning,” said Ragland.
Ragland has filed a complaint with the state, which will follow up and see if the claim is founded. The information will then be presented to the Board of Medical Examiners officer, who will determine if there will be disciplinary action.

In Sweo’s history in Tennessee, he has not faced any disciplinary action.

“That was probably inappropriate. She certainly felt that way and I won’t do that anymore,” said Sweo.
Ragland is hoping she is the last patient who has this experience.

“The next person might not take it like I do and he might find himself in a very bad, bad situation,” Ragland said. ... diagnosis/
“That was probably inappropriate. She certainly felt that way and I won’t do that anymore,” said Sweo.
Ragland is hoping she is the last patient who has this experience.

“The next person might not take it like I do and he might find himself in a very bad, bad situation,” Ragland said.

He said she obviously didn't like it, she said she did like it but someone else might not... WTF?

Also, he could've worded it better. Like "your spine curves out, giving you that ghetto booty and the back pain". Still possibly offensive, but at least he's not omitting the ACTUAL cause of it. The ghetto booty isn't a cause, it's another symptom of the problem.
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Sometimes I think my booty causes my hip pain. Now that at least one doc has told someone hers was a problem, I believe it even more.
Nordling said:
In Russia, they have strange traffic videos.

It sploded REAL good.

Then it sploded again, and again, and again...then it sploded again and...
Looks like aerosol cans. Reminds me of accidentally putting empty ones from the trash into burn barrels. Even empty they make a nice big boom. These are obviously full of something. Very cool video.
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JerryBoBerry said:
Nordling said:
In Russia, they have strange traffic videos.

It sploded REAL good.

Then it sploded again, and again, and again...then it sploded again and...
Looks like aerosol cans. Reminds me of accidentally putting empty ones from the trash into burn barrels. Even empty they make a nice big boom. These are obviously full of something. Very cool video.
Makes sense. I didn't even think of that. :) I really am getting older.

The Satanic Temple, a burgeoning community of worship devoted to the Dark Lord, has performed a “Pink Mass” over the grave of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps Jr.’s mother. The Pink Mass is a Satanic ritual performed after death that turns the deceased's straight spirit into a homo one—it’s not unlike the Mormon practice of baptizing the dead, only much gayer.

On Sunday the Satanic Temple, which first came into the national spotlight last January when the organization announced its support for Florida Governor Rick Scott, went to the Phelps family graveyard in Mississippi to perform the ritual. (Two Pink Masses were performed, one with a female couple and another with men.) I contacted Lucien Greaves, the Temple’s spokesperson and officiator of the ceremony, to find out what exactly the Pink Mass entials. While he didn't get into specifics, he told told me via email that "there were, in fact, scriptures recited, candles lit, and a ceremonial proceeding that we may eventually post the details of at our website, That is, if the Pink Mass generates sufficient interest to the point that other responsible parties, respectful of the graveyard, wish to perform their own."

The idea for the mass came about in April, when the WBC announced their intention to protest the funerals of the Boston Bombing victims. The church never showed up, but later issued a statement saying they were there “in spirit.” As is always the case when WBC does or says anything, both the initial plans and the subsequent statement pissed off everyone in the world, including Satanists. And so, according to a press release, the Satanic Temple decided that a ceremony celebrating same-sex couples "at the gravesite of Fred Phelps’ mother was an appropriate way to meet the Westboro Baptists, ‘in spirit,’ but this time on our terms.”

Now the spirit of Catherine Idalette Johnston is officially into other chicks, meaning her gravesite is a viable target for one of her son’s “God hates fags” protests. Lucien told me, "We believe that Fred Phelps is obligated to believe that his mother is now gay in the afterlife. Further, if beliefs are inviolable rights, nobody has the right to challenge our right to believe that Fred Phelps believes that his mother is now gay."

When I asked Lucien if the Temple has plans to perform Pink Masses on any other deceased members of the Phelps family, he said, "We haven’t gayed Fred’s father yet, or his great-aunt, Irene Jordan, who raised him after his mother died. We will perform Pink Masses for each of them, and more descendants of the Phelps, each time they picket funerals or applaud horrific terrorist actions, as they are known to do. Fred himself is getting pretty long in the tooth, and I hope to be presiding over his Pink Mass before long."

The Temple is encouraging other gay couples to make the trek to Magnolia cemetery in Mississippi and suck each others' faces at the grave. They say that every time a same-sex couple makes out over the grave of a Pink Mass recipient, the spirit of the deceased “is pleasured in the afterlife,” presumably with spooky ghost orgasms.

And for couples interested in performing an official Pink Mass of their own, Lucien told me, "I would encourage them to try to arrange such a thing with us, so that we might have a High Priest formally officiate."

In addition to supporting Republican politicians and turning ghosts gay, the Satanic Temple has launched a bid to adopt a highway in New York City. They are hoping that their Pink Masses will raise awareness for their highway campaign, which is lacking in public support. You can watch a video about the project above, and they’ve set up an Indiegogo page where you can donate money and help the Temple achieve their dream of contributing to the betterment of society by keeping our highways clean and litter-free.

In conclusion, your mom likes to scissor now, Fred.

from ... hs-mom-gay ... socialflow

For the second time this month, a drone (this one presumed to be a QF 4) has come spiraling out of the sky. The crash and subsequent explosion happened next to US 98 near Tyndall Air Force Base in—oh what a surprise—Florida.

Blocking off all traffic on the highway, the crash landing sent up a major cloud of black smoke, leading to a barrage of 911 calls claiming to have seen a plane spark and catch fire. Tyndall has explicitly confirmed it to be a QF-4 drone, which are modified F-4 Phantoms (pictured below) meant to be used as a target for test weapons. So essentially, this is what we're dealing with:


Whereas as the earlier drone explosion was a "routine operation," that's decidedly not the case here. According to Tyndall, the crash happened during take off and, fortunately, no personnel have been injured. Below is the full statement from Tyndall Air Force Base:

Base and local police and safety officials have closed Highway 98 and are anticipating that it will remain closed for up to 24 hours. This closure is being done strictly as a precautionary measure due to fires resulting from the crash and a small self-destruct charge carried on board the drone. The status of this device is unknown however, it is powered by a short-life battery which will be fully depleted in 24 hours. The charge is used to destroy the drone if it leaves its pre-approved flight plan.

Tyndall certainly has experience when it comes to rogue aircrafts falling out from the sky. Their most recent drone crash happened just last week over the gulf of Mexico, and they're the same base that saw an F-22 Raptor hit the ground last year near the very same highway. Unlike the Raptor crash though, this most recent one was thankfully unmanned.

Flesh-Eating Worms Invade Woman's Ear

Warning: Image may freak some out at the bottom of story...

Vid found here: ... ostpopular

By: By Marc Lallanilla, Assistant Editor
Published: 07/17/2013 08:38 AM EDT on LiveScience

The scratching sound that Rochelle Harris kept hearing was all in her head -- literally.

After the British tourist returned from a vacation in Peru earlier this year, she started experiencing headaches, shooting pains down the side of her face and an unexplained discharge from one ear.

Those symptoms, plus the bizarre scratching sounds she continued hearing, prompted Harris to visit a doctor soon after her return to England.

Though doctors at first dismissed the symptoms as nothing more than an ear infection, specialists soon made a startling discovery: Harris' ear was filled with flesh-eating worms, according to the Daily Mail.

The worms that Harris, 27, was hosting were the larvae of the New World screwworm fly (Cochliomyia hominivorax). The fly is a notorious livestock pest that also seeks out pets, zoo animals and occasionally humans as hosts.

A pregnant female screwworm fly seeks an open wound on the skin of a warm-blooded animal to lay her eggs. Within 24 hours, the eggs hatch into tiny larvae that feed on living tissue and bodily fluids, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The screwworm fly was, after many years of eradication efforts, eliminated from the United States in 1959 by a program that introduced sterile males into the population. The fly, however, continues to plague livestock in parts of Central and South America.

A close relative, the secondary screwworm fly (Cochliomyia macellaria), feeds on dead or diseased flesh. The larvae of this fly have been used successfully in "maggot therapy" to clean infected wounds and promote healing after surgery.

Harris was apparently infected after a swarm of flies pestered her while hiking in Peru; one flew into her ear, but after she shooed the insect away, she thought nothing more of it.

Surgeons succeeded in removing what they called a "writhing mass of maggots" from Harris' ear, the Daily Mail reports. Though a tiny hole had been chewed into her ear canal, Harris suffered no serious damage from her ordeal.

In fact, there may be one positive development from her infection: "I'm no longer as squeamish as I was about bugs," Harris told the Daily Mail. "How can you be when they've been inside your head?"

Bocefish said:
Flesh-Eating Worms Invade Woman's Ear

This should have been in a thread titled 'Things that give me the freaking Heebie Jeebies!'
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Police: Man throws bodily fluid on woman in Wal-Mart
Frank J. Short Jr. was charged with offensive touching with bodily fluid, harassment, lewdness and disorderly conduct. / Delaware State Police
A 22-year-old New Castle man was jailed Tuesday after he allegedly threw semen on a female customer’s leg inside the Walmart store near New Castle, police said. The incident occurred about 3:30 p.m. at the store at 117 Wilton Blvd. where troopers were sent to investigate a “sexual assault,” according to court records.

The 20-year-old woman reported that as she was standing in an aisle texting on her cellphone when a man walked by her, “said excuse me” and then “she suddenly felt something wet on her buttocks, thigh and leg,” police said in court records. At first, the victim thought she had been spat upon, but when when she looked down, she saw “a ‘glob’ of semen on her leg, just below her knee,” police said.

The woman stood in the aisle awhile shocked at what happened, before walking down the aisle to find an employee to help her.

The suspect, meanwhile, later identified as Frank J. Short Jr., continued to follow her down every aisle while watching her, until the victim slipped into the “Employees Only” area of the store near the electronics section and told them she was being followed, police said in court records. Two employees escorted the victim to the security office in the front of the store and called police.

Arriving troopers arrested Short, who was charged with offensive touching with bodily fluid, harassment, lewdness and disorderly conduct, Cpl. John Day said. Preliminary testing of the substance on the woman’s clothing was “indicative of semen,” police said.

Short, meanwhile, was questioned by detectives and initially said the “he sneezed into his hands, then shook his hands off,” and told the detective that “some of his mucus may have flung on to her,” according to court records. He later changed his story several times, saying it was spit that he threw, then saliva.

When confronted with the preliminary evidence, Short acknowledged that “he performs both the fake spanking and the throwing of the substance because he notices the female and feels they are attractive and gets off on the act.” Short was committed to Young Correctional Institution in lieu of $2,500 cash and $4,000 secured bail.

Anyone who has information on this case or may have been a victim of a similar act, are asked to call Troop 2 detectives at 834-2620, ext.571 or Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333. ... n-Wal-Mart

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Bocefish said:
Chick fight at Chucky Cheese... I love how one of the women comes back in to get the child they apparently forgot while stealing a purse, but has to get a few more girly swipes in first. :lol:

More info: ... id=9173535

They were throwing punches while still holding their kids. :shock:

"Hold my earrings!" "What about your baby?" "Nah, I got him"...... :eek: :? :shock:
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