AmberCutie's Forum
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When do you Cam?

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Sep 30, 2010
There are a lot of you girls here on the forum that I would love to visit while you cam, but I never can seem to find you when you are online. My suggestion is to post what times you usually cam from along with your time zone so that forum regulars can more easily find you and visit your room.

*example : I usually cam from 6pm - 11pm Est*

This way we can all get to know one another better, and the forum community can continue to thrive.

Just a suggestion, take my idea and run with it if you like :)
I can never say when I'll be on, coz my sleeping pattern always changes. One week I'll be on from 2am until 6am, and then the next day it'll change and it'll be 2pm until 6pm or 6pm until 10pm. I'm not very good with schedules haha. And then even if I plan to be on at a time and I'm awake, I'm ALWAYS late. Today I was meant to be on at 5pm and got on at gone 6pm, ooops.
i'm not on every day.. only when i really feel like it ;) thats about 3,4 days a week

but when i'm on its always between 4 and 6 pm est time.. and always 3,4 hours long
not sure if i would have been the girl you wanted to see.. but posted anyway hehe
TashaMaddison said:
i'm not on every day.. only when i really feel like it ;) thats about 3,4 days a week

but when i'm on its always between 4 and 6 pm est time.. and always 3,4 hours long
not sure if i would have been the girl you wanted to see.. but posted anyway hehe
Hey this thread is for everyone to find out when they can find you girls online, not just me. :)
Eek yeah sorry if I'm not the girls you wanted eithr, I thought it was a question to everyone in genereal, sorry!
I'm not on much at all until New Years (I'm being sneaky at the parents house! I might be on tonight at like....2am )

But I try to be on from 10PM-3AM just about every night but Sunday. I sometimes take Thursdays off, but I made the mistake of telling my regs it was because Thursdays were slow nights, and now they always try to prove me wrong xD

^Mountain time^
well usually from 11 pm central time on... two and three days in a row before i take a day or so off..... i dont have set days though.... however i have had the opportunity to cam a little earlier sometimes.... so on random days i could be on whenever my ass gets out of bed...

but more than likely it will be 11 pm central most times i cam for about 5 hours... sometimes longer... depends on the night really
This is a great idea as I honestly am trying to meet all the models here if only for the fact that we have this forum in common. Problem with me is I'm useless at working out different time zones but I will try harder to now. If you ever notice me online and you're bored, drop me a pm and I'll be happy to keep you company.
i dont have a set time/date for when I log on. I have kind of not been on in a while. looking to get my groove back soon and start camming more regularly tho
Sevrin said:
jebbaz said:
AngelicTease said:
Eek yeah sorry if I'm not the girls you wanted eithr, I thought it was a question to everyone in genereal, sorry!
it is for everyone.
Except pervs.

Haha but what if some of the models want to know when certain pervs are online? :p
And eek sorry about all my typos I was in a rush haha, I can spell either and general. :p Seee. And I didn't see your reply to Tasha coz I wrote mine the same time incase your like 'ffs I just answered that above GRRR'.
AluraCurvyBBW said:
i dont have a set time/date for when I log on. I have kind of not been on in a while. looking to get my groove back soon and start camming more regularly tho

^ THIS...I have to figure out times when my daughter is asleep or out of the house, the hubby isn't feeling needy AND I don't have to work my regular job...hoping 2011 works out way better. I usually post on newfeed or twitter and times are EST...most commonly 10PM-3AM
this thread reminds me i need a schedule i actually stick to...
i try to be online from 11 p.m central to like 6 a.m or so
sometimes i get on earlier sometimes later. sometimes i stay on til 9 a.m and sometimes i say ill be on but then those people called my friends steal my time damn them lol and i end up passing out on my couch instead of actually getting on cam and feeling like a mean lame-o for not getting on.
but yeah late at night im on... i want to get on at 8p.m but it rarely happens... im sure getting on at 3a.m hinders my token making abilities but alas i am nocturnal.
i have met a few people from the forum though and each time it was an awesome experience and i got dorkily excited about like omg! i know youse!
I have a non-circadian sleep schedule so my sleep time is always shifting around the clock (at different rates though) and thus my online times. But this week it's passing through a phase of 'normalcy', I'm going to bed at midnight-ish, and it should last for at least a few days so expect to find me online from approx. 5 pm until 10-11ish PST.
Gah, I'm so bad at schedules, but I did promise recently I would try so...

I usually jam out with my clam out between 11PM to 4AM CST

But this can change from between 10:30PM to 3AM CST

So basically "at night" would be a good time to come find me.

*This is in no way a jab at Jebbaz. I think this thread is great, I just suck at schedules.
I'm a MON, WED, FRI, SAT kinda of girl... Sometimes I'll switch it up a little and change days around or work an extra day but that's the schedule on my profile..
I log in at 7-ish pm, Pacific. I'll stay on cam for about 4 hours... maybe five if it's a rockin' night.
I suck at schedules, so I started a mailing list. Unfortunately, since I'm not on mfc until the new roommate is gone... no point in joining it unless you really want to know for when I get back.

Right now, I'm trying to send out a cute picture every month or so. Should have some done Monday. if you want to be added, just say "add me!" (yes, you have to send it by email to my email, because of where I have the list x.x)
My cam schedule is really important to me, I usually only miss two to three days a month.

Right now, I'm doing 8pm-10pm/midnight EST. I sometimes stay on even later.

Coming Wednesday, I'll have two shifts. 2pm-6pm, and 8pm-Midnight. I plan to put in a lot more hours and have a lot more fun :)

The morning shift is only Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays though. I'm almost never on Tuesdays and Saturdays, they're my day to rest... but if I don't feel like I need rest I'll still cam.
I'm trying to get into a more regular schedule ;-;
Right now, it's often midnight-5AM EST, but it varies. And I'm almost never on Saturdays at midnight.
I try not to stick to a schedule, it makes it feel like a chore.

I'm find myself usually online from 1pm-4pm and 8pm onwards uk time. But sometimes I come on earlier, never earlier than 11am though. And sometimes I won't be on at all! :lol:

Great thread idea BTW
Monday through Friday :)
11:00 AM Cali time (pacific) till usually 2:00. I get off when it is slow , so it is always best to come take your seat within 30 minutes of Show time to make sure you get to see me invade it's slowwwwwwwww.
This may change around dew to my hubs wanting to go work out mon, wens, fri. Bad news; him being in better shape then me. Good news; me on cam at night!

I'll update when I have more info.

Brownnosing jeebz moment: great thread idea!

Btw ignore any horrible wording. In Sacramento with the family and am sneaking on my hubs iPhone.
I typically cam on weekends only, though im logged in to pm every night! i post on my twitter when i decide to cam cuz i wake up different times on weekends.. i just recently started the twitter thing, so its still budding...

but usually afternoon-eveningish pst :)
jebbaz said:
TashaMaddison said:
i'm not on every day.. only when i really feel like it ;) thats about 3,4 days a week

but when i'm on its always between 4 and 6 pm est time.. and always 3,4 hours long
not sure if i would have been the girl you wanted to see.. but posted anyway hehe
Hey this thread is for everyone to find out when they can find you girls online, not just me. :)

lol was just hoping you would say.. ofcourse i wanna know :cry:
nah just kidding.. i like honest people
I'm never online Wednesdays or Thursdays, sometimes on Tuesdays and I always work evenings & nights. I do have a day job so I start around 8ish in the evening and stay for about 3 of 4 hours. I also post on the newsfeed regularly as to whether I will be logging on that evening or not and if I know in advance that I won't be on the following day I will also post on the newsfeed.
Cassidy Nicole said:
right now: tuesday-thursday from 9am-4pm est. sometimes different!
follow my twitter for more info: :)
that explains why I can never find you online... I perv at night usually :(
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